Title: Indicator
1Indicator 7 Measuring Preschool Outcomes
- Pat Cameron, Department of Early Education Care
- Donna Traynham, Department of Elementary and
Secondary Education -
October 2008
2What We Will Cover
- Why collect outcomes data?
- Understanding the child outcomes
- Assessing the accomplishment of the 3 child
outcomes - Introduction to the Child Outcomes Summary Form
(COSF) - Collecting and reporting data using the COSF
3Essential Knowledge for Completing the COSF
- Team members know about
- The childs functioning across settings and
situations - Age-expected child development
- Content of the 3 outcomes
- How to use the rating scale
4- Why Collect Outcomes Data?
5Public Policy Context
- Age of accountability
- Accountability increasingly means looking at
results not just process - Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) is
under increasing pressure to produce outcomes
data on children participating in early
intervention and early childhood special
education programs
6OSEP Response
- Required states to submit outcomes targets and
data in their State Performance Plans and Annual
Performance Reports (SPP/APRs) - Funded the Early Childhood Outcomes Center to
make recommendations, and to assist states in
collecting, reporting and USING outcome data
7OSEP Reporting Requirements Child Outcomes
- Positive social emotional skills (including
positive social relationships) - Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills
(including early language/ communication and
early literacy) - Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs
8OSEP Reporting Categories
- Percentage of children who
- -Did not improve functioning
- -Improved functioning, but not sufficient to move
nearer to functioning comparable to same-aged
peers - -Improved functioning to a level nearer to
same-aged peers but did not reach it - -Improved functioning to reach a level comparable
to same-aged peers or - -Maintained functioning at a level comparable to
same-aged peers
9Schedule for State reporting to OSEP
- Entry/baseline data on 1,700 preschool children
with disabilities in Year 1 Cohort were reported
to OSEP in February, 2007 - Progress data on nearly 900 preschool children
exiting ECSE from Year 1 Cohort along with
entry/baseline data on 1,624 children from Year 2
Cohort was reported to OSEP in February, 2008 - Progress data on Year 1 and 2 Cohorts of children
exiting ECSE and entry/baseline data on Year 3
Cohort will be reported to OSEP in February, 2009 - Progress data are based on the difference between
each childs status at entry and childs status
at exit
10MA Baseline Data reported to OSEP on February 1,
2007 for Year 1 Cohort
11Progress Data of Year 1 Cohort
12MA Baseline Data reported to OSEP on February 1,
2008 for Year 2 Cohort
13Why Collect Outcomes Data?
- Federal government is the driving force behind
the move to collect outcomes data - However, providing data for the federal
government is not the only reason to collect
outcomes data
14Why Collect Outcomes Data?
- Data on outcomes are important for state and
local purposes - To document program effectiveness
- Support continued or increased funding
- To improve programs
- Identify strengths and weaknesses
- Determine technical assistance and/or staff
development needs
15State Design
- All states are required to measure child outcomes
for early childhood programs. However, the
strategies chosen are based on the values held by
the state about assessing young children.
16MA Model for Indicator 7
- Cohort Model 4 cohorts with 70-90 districts
each year, doubling up in year 3 - Random Sample of 40 preschool students with
disabilities - Baseline/entry data collection November (due to
the Department in December) - Progress/exit data collection in May (due to the
Department in June) - Subsequent progress /exit data collection in May
2010 and May 2011
17- Understanding
- the 3 Child Outcomes
183 Child Outcomes Assumptions
- Children have positive social-emotional skills
(including social relationships) - Children acquire and use knowledge and skills
(including early language/ communication and
early literacy) - Children use appropriate behaviors to meet their
19Outcomes are Functional
- Functional refers to things that are meaningful
to the child in the context of everyday living - Refers to an integrated series of behaviors or
skills that allow the child to achieve the
outcomes - They are not
- a single behavior, nor are they
- the sum of a series of discrete behaviors
20Outcomes are Functional
- They cross domains do not separate child
development into discrete areas (communication,
gross motor, etc.) - Emphasis is on how the child is able to carry out
meaningful behaviors in a meaningful context
21Children Have Positive Social Relationships
- Involves
- Relating with adults
- Relating with other children
- For older children- following rules related to
groups or interacting with others - Includes areas like
- Attachment/separation/ autonomy
- Expressing emotions and feelings
- Learning rules and expectations
- Social interactions and play
22Children Acquire and Use Knowledge and Skills
- Involves
- Thinking, reasoning, remembering, problem-solving
- Using symbols and language
- Understanding physical and social
- worlds
- Includes
- Early concepts symbols, pictures, numbers,
classification, spatial relationships - Imitation
- Object permanence
- Expressive language and communication
- Early literacy
23Children Take Appropriate Action to Meet Their
- Involves
- Taking care of basic needs
- Getting from place to place
- Using tools
- In older children, contributing to their own
health and safety - Includes
- Integrating motor skills to complete tasks
- Self-help skills (e.g., dressing, feeding,
grooming, toileting, household responsibility) - Acting on the world to get what one wants
24Elaboration of the ECO Outcomes
To be active and successful participants now and
in the future in a variety of settings
- Assessing the Accomplishments
- of the 3 Outcomes
26What is Assessment?
- Early childhood assessment is a flexible,
collaborative decision-making process in which
teams of parents and professionals repeatedly
revise their judgments and reach consensus about
the changing developmental, educational, medical,
and mental health services needs of young
children and their families. - Bagnato and Neisworth, 1991
- Quoted in DEC Recommended Practices, 2005
27DEC Recommended Practices for Assessment
- Involves multiple sources (e.g., families,
professional team members, service providers,
caregivers) - Involves multiple measures (e.g., observations,
criterion-curriculum-based instruments,
interviews, informed clinical opinion)
28Assessment Instruments
- Potential Assessment tools can inform us about
childrens functioning in each of the 3 outcome
areas - Challenge There is no assessment tool that
assesses the 3 outcomes directly
29The Assessment Tool Lens
- Each assessment tool carries its own organizing
framework - Many are organized around domains
- But what is covered in the domains isnt always
the same, even if the names are the same
30Currently Available Assessment Tools
- There are not right or wrong assessment tools
- Key question to ask about any assessment tool
- How much and what information will the tool
provide about the attainment of the 3 functional
child outcomes?
31Using Data Collected from Assessment Tools
- ECO has crosswalked assessment tools to the
outcomes - Crosswalks show which sections of assessment are
related to each outcome - The number of items addressing an outcome does
not necessarily mean that the assessment captures
functioning across settings
32(No Transcript)
33Making Use of Information from Assessment Tools
- Information from formal or published assessment
tools can be very useful, as long as it is used
in the context of achievement of the three
functional outcomes - The information almost always needs to be
supplemented with additional information
34MA Direction and Decisions
- Using the Child Outcome Summary Form (COSF)
- Rating children annually in the fall and spring
- Using information from assessment tools currently
in use in local districts - Gathering data from multiple sources
- Using the Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF)
36Thinking About the Achievement of Each
Child Outcome
37Helping Children Move Toward Age-expected
- Assumption Children can be described with
regard to how close they are to age-expected
behavior in each of the 3 outcomes - By definition, most children in the general
population demonstrate the outcome in an
age-expected way - By providing services and supports, ECSE is
trying to move children closer to age expected
38Measuring Functioning Compared to Age-Expectations
- Documenting childrens movement toward
age-expected development is one type of evidence
that program services are effective - The Child Outcome Summary Form was designed to
measure this type of progress
39Essential Knowledge for Completing the COSF
- Team members need to know
- The childs functioning across settings and
situations - Age-expected child development
- Content of the 3 outcome areas
- How to use the rating scale
40Child Outcomes Summary Form
41Summary Ratings are Based on
- Types of Evidence
- Curriculum-based assessments (e.g., Creative
Curriculum) - Norm-referenced assessments (e.g.,BDI-2)
- Developmental screenings (e.g., Ages and Stages)
- Parent and professional observation and report
- Sources of Evidence
- Parents and family members
- Service providers
- Therapists
- Physicians
- Child care providers
- Teachers
- People familiar with the child in all the
settings and situations that he/she is in
42Group Sharing
- Questions? Needed clarifications?
- Comments and reactions?
- What TA and/or other supports will you need?
43Contact Information
- Pat Cameron
- Sr. Policy Specialist, Special Education
- Department of Early Education and Care
- 51 Sleeper Street
- Boston, MA 02210
- 617-988-7812
- patricia.cameron_at_massmail.state.ma.us
- Donna Traynham
- Elementary School Services
- Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
- 350 Main Street
- Malden, MA 02148
- 781-338-6372
- dtraynham_at_doe.mass.edu