Title: Causality Violation in Non-local QFT
1Causality Violation in Non-local QFT
- S.D. Joglekar
- I.I.T. Kanpur
Talk given at 100 Years After Einsteins
Revolution A National Conference to celebrate
the World Year of Physics 2005 held at IIT
Kanpur from 4-6 November 2005
2Causality Violation in Non-local QFT
- 1. Why non-local QFTs ?
- 2. Causality violation classical and quantum
- 3. Formulation of causality violation using BS
criterion - 4. One-loop Calculations
- 5. Infrared and analyticity properties of
causality violating amplitudes - 6. Some all-order generalizations
- 7. Interpretation and Conclusions
- References
- Ambar Jain and S.D. Joglekar, Int. Jour. Mod.
Phys. A 19, 3409 (2004) i.e.-hep-th/0307208 - Basic works
- G. Kleppe, and R. P. Woodard, Nucl. Phys. B 388,
81 (1992). - G. Kleppe, and R. P. Woodard, Annals Phys. 221,
106-164 (1993). - N. N. Bogoliubov, and D. V. Shirkov, Introduction
to the theory of quantized fields (John Wiley,
New York, 1980).
3Why non-local QFTs?
- Non-local QFT is a QFT that incorporates
non-local interaction - e.g. ?d4xd4y d4 zd4w f(x,y,z,w) f(x) f(y) f(z)
f(w) - Interest in non-local QFTs is very old, dating
from 1950s e.g. - Pais and Uhlenbleck (1950),
- Effimov and coworkers (1970-onwards)
- Moffat, Woodard and coworkers (1990--)
- The interest was motivated by the infinities in
local QFTs. These are correlated to the local
nature of interaction. - The basic idea was to try to avoid infinities
by assuming a non-local interaction and thus
providing a natural cut-off. - Also, the non-commutative QFTs, currently being
studied, and are a special case of a non-local
QFT The equivalent star product formulation is a
non-local interaction. - We shall focus on the last type of non-local
theories. These are more desirable compared to
the earlier attempts in many ways, to be spelt
out later.
4Causality violation (CV) Classical quantum
- Interaction Lagrangian is non-local At a given
instant, interaction may take place over a finite
region of space i.e. at points spatially
separated. May introduce CV. - Classical violation of causality For example
action-at-a- distance. Such a classical violation
of causality is undesirable from the point of
view of experience. - For example, consider a system of stationary
particles interacting via an action-at-a-distance
of range R. These are placed at a distance R each -
- A signal can instantaneously be communicated to
any distance. - Can be observed at relatively larger distances
- Quantum violations, (as we shall see) on the
other hand are suppressed g2/16p2 per loop - Smaller in magnitude
- Smaller in range
- As we shall see, they are pronounced at larger
energies - It is desirable that lowest order does not show
CV This is arranged if the tree order S-matrix
is the same as local one.
5Non-local QFTs of Kleppe-Woodard type (contd)
- There is a systematic procedure to construct a
non-local action, given a local action. It
involves a regulator function - exp(?2 m2)/2L2
- When the action is constructed, it is an infinite
series. We reproduce a first few terms for the
lf4 theory
6Non-local QFTs of Kleppe-Woodard type
- To state briefly, the non-local version of the
scalar f4 theory is given in terms of the Feynman
- -------------
- ------------
There is only one basic vertex, but external
lines can be of either variety. X Do not take
loops having all shadows lines.
7Non-local QFTs of Kleppe-Woodard type Special
- Unlike higher derivative theories and many
non-local theories, the asymptotic equation
(interaction switched off) is identical to free
theory. - No ghosts and no spurious extra solutions These
spoil meaning of quantization, and come in the
way of unitarity. - S-matrix same in the lowest order as the free
theory No classical violation of causality - Theory unitary for any finite L. Can be
interpreted as a bona-fide physical theory with a
space-time/mass scale L(KW91) . - The theory has an equivalent non-local form of
any of the local symmetries. - The theory has a quantum violation of causality
(KW91) .
8Interpretation of non-local QFT
- Another interpretation has also been suggested
SDJIJMPA(01) Suppose that standard model
arises from a theory of finer constituents as a
low energy effective theory. Suppose that the
compositeness scale is L. Then, the low energy
theory would exhibit nonlocal interactions (via
form-factors) of length-scale 1/L. We thus
expect the low energy effective theory to be - non-local,
- unitary in the energy range of its validity, and
- possessing equivalent of underlying residual
symmetries. - On account of composite nature of particles, we
expect the symmetries also to involve a
non-locality of O1/L. - The non-local theories under consideration
fulfill these criteria. - It is an independent valid question, that
starting from a fundamental theory that is
causality preserving, whether the low energy
condensed theory must also be
causality-preserving. - Renormalization can be understood in a
mathematically rigorous manner in this framework
SDJ J. Phy. A (01).
9A formulation of causality by Bogoliubov and
- Bogoliubov and Shirkov formulated a condition
that S-matrix is causal - (Ref Quantum field theory Bogoliubov and
Shirkov) - The formulation rests on extremely general
principles and does not refer to any particular
field theoretic formulation - The interaction strength g(x) is a variable
in the intermediate state of formulation - S(g(x) ) Is an operator acting on the states of
the physical system - S(g(x) ) is unitary for a general g(x)
- Causality is preserved only if a disturbance in
g(z) at z does not affect evolution of state
at any point not in the forward light-cone. - Comments on the basic ingredients
- In a QFT, with a Hermitian Interaction
Hamiltonian, S-matrix is unitary. This is not
altered by a variable g(x) . - In a gauge theory, it is easy to construct a BRS
invariant action with a variable g(x). - The input regarding the causality is a very
general and basic one. -
10A Diagrammatic derivation
- S takes a state from 1 to 1 . S takes
a state from 1 to - 1 - -1 -----------------------------------------------
--?----------------------1 S - -1 -----------------------------------------------
?------------------------ 1 S - -1 ---------------------------x-------------------
---?--------------------1 S - -1 ---------------------------x-------------------
-?----------------------- 1 S - -1 ---------------------------------------------?-
----------------------- 1 S - -1 ------------------------------?-----y----------
-------------------------1 S - -1 --------------------------x-------------------?
------------------------ 1 S - -1 --------------------------x----?-----y---------
-------------------------1 S
11A formulation of causality by Bogoliubov and
Shirkov (contd.)
- B-S obtained the causality condition
- This is a necessary condition for causality to
be preserved. Any violation of this condition
necessarily implies causality violation (CV) in
the QFT. - The above equation can be given a perturbative
expression using the unitarity condition along
with the perturbative expansion
We do not, of course, observe directly Sn(x1,
x2,.., xn ). We observe the integrated versions
of these
12A formulation of causality violation based on
Bogoliubov-Shirkov criterion
We take the O(1) and O(g) coefficients from (I)
above to find
- Causality condition (I) necessarily implies in
particular - H1(x,y) 0 xlty, H 2(x,y,z) 0 xlty, z
- Thus, CV can be formulated in terms of H1(x,y),
H 2(x,y,z), .etc which contain perturbative
expansion terms of the S-matrix. We can convert
these in terms of observable quantities Sn s
13Construction of CV signals
- Want to construct quantities that can, in
principle, be observed. These must be in terms of
Definition of H1 involves coincident points and
hence their definition is ambiguous upto a
constant counterterm.
14Feynman rules
- -------------
- ------------
15Contributing diagrams
- 2?2 process
- ltH1gt G0 s G0t G0u an unknown constant
counter-term that vanishes as L ? 8 with
Small s expand upto s2 and use stu 4m2
- Vanishes as L ?8
- Smaller by an order in (energy2/L2 ) Holds to
all orders - Has no infrared or mass-singularity as m? 0. No
log (m) dependence. Holds to all orders. - Amplitude is real. Holds to all orders.
- There are no physical intermediate states in the
17Results (contd.)
- On the other hand, for s L2 , G0t and
G0u die off rapidly while G0 s increases
very rapidly like an exponential. - Thus, CV begins to grow rapidly as energy
approaches the scale L of the theory.
18Results (contd.)
- 2?4 process
- Low s ltlt L2
- expected from power counting
- For s L2 , again an exponential-like rise.
19Generalization of 1-loop results
- Many of the above 1-loop results can be
generalized to all orders. - These are
- Absence of infrared divergences in CV amplitude
even as m ? 0. - Finiteness of CV amplitude
- Suppression for 2?2 process at low energies
- Lack of physical intermediate states in cuts.
- As far as the structure of the CV for the 4-point
function at low energies is concerned, the
essential property necessary is the ability to
expand G(s,t,u) as a Taylor expansion at least
upto O(s,t). This requires that singularities
that can lead to s lns, s ln t, and t lnt terms
are absent. - An analysis of the singularities that arise from
intermediate states and of the nature of
mass-singularities of diagrams is needed.
Now, consider For a local variation of g(x)?
g(x)dg(x). Local variation cannot affect
infra-red properties. Hence
20Generalization of 1-loop results
Matrix elements of
have a smooth limit as m?0, i.e. no mass
singularities. Now, the Hn are constructed by
real operations from O
And hence do not have mass singularities. Some of
the required analyticity properties are obtained
by noting that O(y) above is a hermitian operator
And hence does not develop imaginary part from
any physical intermediate states.
21Interpretation of Results
- An estimate/bound of L can be had from precision
tests of standard model. Thus, it is not a free
parameter it has to be chosen consistent with
data. - Non-local theories with a finite L have been
proposed as physically valid theories. - They have (at least) two possible
interpretations - I 1/ L represents scale of non-locality that
determines granularity of space-time. Then 1/L
is a fixed property of space-time for any theory - II The non-local theory represents an effective
field theory and the scale L represents the
scale at which the theory has to be replaced by a
more fundamental theory. - We can interpret the result in both frameworks,
but the meaning attached to it is different.
22Interpretation of Results
- Option I necessarily requires a relatively large
causality violation at s L2 . An observation
of causality violation at these energies will
bolster an interpretation of these theories as a
physical theory with first interpretation. - In this picture, for low energies, the De Broglie
wavelengh l ltlt the space-time scale of
non-locality, and causality violation would go
unobserved. On the other hand, for energies L, - l h/L, the scale of non-locality. So it is not
surprising if CV becomes significant. - As a side remark, we note that in the classical
limit, h ? 0, l ? 0 even for small momenta. CV is
observed even for small KE. - Option II leaves the possibility that as s L2 ,
the non-local theory becomes less and less valid
because then we should have to use the underlying
theory to calculate quantities. In this case, the
large CV obtained by calculation would be an
artifact of approximation that replaces the more
fundamental theory by an effective non-local
23(No Transcript)
24Appendix Exponential-like growth
25Action for NLQFT