Title: 3. Scale needed for numerical accuracy
1The Connection Between Conceptual Model Errors
and the Capabilities of Numerical Ground-Water
Flow ModelsMARY C. HILL1 and STEFFEN
A CHANGING WORLD New field data methods, like
tomography, reveal unprecedented subsurface
detail that can support smaller scale
conceptualizations. More powerful computers and
software make simulating these smaller scales
feasible. Are ground-water model CAPABILITIES
adequate to take advantage of these
opportunities? Here Do ERRORS and LIMITATIONS
in present model capabilities hold us back? Many
useful analyses have been done. Here we present
some we conducted using the popular and
relatively mature MODFLOW ground-water model.
Results are expected to apply to any discretized
modeling method unless noted. 2. Scale of
system features Hydraulic-conductivity field
Heterogeneity Example from Mehl and Hill
(2002a) Local features variation
changes shape of flow lines, but some bulk flow
and transport characteristics mimic those of a
simpler model. Persistent features can be very
important to transport. Need to consider data,
importance to predictions, and execution time to
determine what heterogeneity to explicitly
represent Model features can affect
conceptualization. MODFLOWs Hydrogeologic-Unit
Flow Package allows hydrogeologic units and
parameters to be defined separately from model
layers. Vertical grid refinement can be
implemented as warranted by observations and
predictions. Hydraulic-conductivity field
Anisotropy Many ground-water models are limited
in their ability to represent spatially variable
anisotropy. An analysis by Anderman and others
(in press) using a simple 2D problem developed
by John Wilson (NM Inst. of Tech.)
shows Implications up to 30
errors in local flows. With the new LVDA
Capability, horizontal and vertical anisotropy
now supported by MODFLOW, so this limitation
largely resolved for this model. Finite-element
models FEMWATER, SUTRA3D, FEHM, etc have even
greater flexibility. Important, for example, to
simulate a syncline.
- 3. Scale needed for numerical accuracy
- Even if the grid can closely reproduce features,
accurate solution can require further refinement.
Generally achievable by making the entire grid
finer, but often this is not computationally
feasible, or it may not be convenient if detail
is needed in only a small part of a previously
existing model application. Two basic approaches
exist - Gradual grid refinement
- Grid size refined gradually
- Advantage Numerically accurate.
- Disadvantage Inflexible.
- Local grid refinement
- Grid size refined abruptly.
- Advantage Flexible. Easy to refine
- part of an existing model.
- Disadvantage Numerical accuracy
- problematic for all model types, but
- new local grid refinement methods are
- improving the accuracy. The analysis
- below is for local grid refinement
- Conceptual Models
- Define characteristics and processes thought to
be important to predictions of interest. - Provide blueprints for model development
- Influenced by the capabilities, errors, and
limitations of the mathematical model used? - APPROACH
- Reasons
- 3-D important in all but very simple systems.
Generally doable now or will be soon given modern
computer capabilities. No need to compromise. - SCALE issues that are spatial are important, as
shown below. For numerical models, spatial scale
and grid scale are interrelated. - How do these issues fit into the larger picture?
- Red Issues considered here.
- Blue Math model abilities influence
conceptual model - Interpretation(s) of system features
- Scale of system features
- Commonly consider scales that can be simulated
- Consider scales important to purpose of model,
but this can change as the model is used.
Commonly subsequent analysis limited to features
represented in the originally constructed model.
- Rivers and streams
- For stream-groundwater interactions, the
sinuosity and width of a river - relative to the grid size is key to what a model
can represent.
Streamflow gains and losses simulated using the
405?405?9 grid. Streambed K Aquifer
Kv C(KvAriv)/M CStreambed conductance, Ariv
Area of the river in a cell, Mdepth to
block-centered finite-difference-cell node
Gradual grid refinement using triangular finite
Observation locations and head contours (s2Ln(K)
Flow lines, vector field, and head contours
(s2Ln(K) 3.6)
MODFLOW grid refined locally using shared nodes
of Mehl and Hill (2002a)
- DISCUSSION How do the errors and discrepancies
presented here relate to other types of error? - Consider the method of evaluating model misfit of
Hill (1998). - Differences between observations and simulated
values reflect - many types of errors, including
- Errors in measurements used to obtain the
observations - Conceptual model errors (including
parameterization errors) - Numerical model errors
- Parameter value errors (often accommodate errors
1 to 3) - Etc.
- If observation weights are assigned based on an
analysis of measurement errors (1) and the model
fit is consistent with these errors, the standard
error of regression equals 1 that is, s1. - Commonly, sgt1, often 3 to 5, suggesting that the
other types of error contribute about 2 to 4
times more than measurement error to model
misfit. - So how big are measurement errors? Most of the
errors cited in this poster relate to flows. For
common flow measurements, errors are about 5-30.
2 to 4 times more results in all other errors
contributing 10- 120.
- Existing capabilities are impressive, but
enduring errors and limitations of mathematical
ground-water models are significant and can
affect conceptual models. The difficulties - and limitations need to be understood,
quantified, and, if possible, fixed. - REFERENCES
- Anderman, E.R., K.L. Kipp, M.C. Hill, Johan
Valstar, and R.M. Neupauer, in press,
MODFLOW-2000, the U.S. Geological Survey modular
ground-water model Documentation of the
model-Layer Variable-Direction horizontal
Anisotropy (LVDA) capability of the
Hydrogeologic-Unit Flow (HUF) Package U.S.
Geological Survey Open-File Report. - Leake, S.A., and D.V. Claar, 1999, Procedures and
computer programs for telescopic mesh refinement
using MODFLOW, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File
Report 99-238. - Mehl, S.W. and M.C. Hill, 2002a, Development and
evaluation of a local grid refinement method for
block-centered finite-difference groundwater
models using shared nodes Advances in Water
Resources, v. 25, p. 497-511. - Mehl, S.W. and M.C. Hill, 2002b, Evaluation of a
local grid refinement method for steady-state
block-centered finite-difference groundwater
models eds. M. Hassanizadeh, proceedings of the
Computer Methods in Water Resources Conference,
June, 2002, Delft, the Netherlands.