Introduction to International ServiceLearning: Engaging Students with the World - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to International ServiceLearning: Engaging Students with the World


Imparts a deep appreciation for the assets of the surrounding community ... Growing appreciation of the value of diverse viewpoints ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to International ServiceLearning: Engaging Students with the World

Introduction to International Service-Learning
Engaging Students with the World
  • American Democracy Project National Meeting
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • June 7, 2007

Nevin C. Brown
  • President, International Partnership for
    Service-Learning and Leadership (IPSL)

IPSL Definition of Service-Learning
  • Handout Declaration of Principles
  • Academic study for credit, linked to volunteer
    service in a community-based agency/NGO
  • Study informs the service, service informs the

IPSL Definition (contd)
  • Many academic disciplines liberal arts,
    humanities and environmental sciences, but also
    professional fields such as social work,
    engineering, business, pre-med and pre-law
  • AAHE monograph series Now available through
    Stylus Publishing, http//

IPSL Definition (contd)
  • International service-learning differs from
    volunteering through the focus on credit-bearing
    courses and structured reflection
  • International service-learning differs from
    internships/field study/practica in the focus on
    service rather than observation or career
  • But these differences are not absolute

International Service-LearningIPSL Principles
of Good Practice
  • Learning is rigorous, appropriate to academic
    level of students, and offers wide range of
    points of view, theories and ideas.
  • There is a clear connection between academic
    studies and the service.
  • Students have structured opportunities for

IPSL Principles of Good Practice (contd.)
  • Students are encouraged to develop and
    demonstrate leadership skills.
  • Students are well-oriented before engaging in
    service-learning, are well-supported during the
    experience, and are provided support for
    re-entry at the conclusion of their experience.

IPSL Principles of Good Practice (contd.)
  • The service is truly useful to the
  • The service can be performed in a wide range of
    contexts and settings.
  • There is genuine reciprocity between the
    community served and the college or university,
    with a relationship built on mutual trust.

Service Learning
Robert G. Bringle, Director Julie Hatcher,
Associate Director Center for Service and
Learning Indiana University-Purdue University

Service learning is a course-based,
credit-bearing educational experience in which
students a) participate in an organized service
activity that meets identified community needs,
and b) reflect on the service activity in such
a way as to gain further understanding of course
content, a broader appreciation of the
discipline, and an enhanced sense of personal
values and civic responsibility.
Key Elements of Service Learning
  • Reflection
  • Perplexity
  • Activities to structure learning from the service
  • Reciprocity
  • Partnerships
  • Dialogue to structure the service experience

Why Service Learning in Higher Education?
  • Powerful Pedagogy
  • Involves Faculty Expertise
  • Involves Structured Service
  • Develops Civic Responsibility
  • Enhances Student Development
  • Student Persistence and Retention
  • Supports an Expanding Role of Higher Education
  • Addresses Community Issues

Key Principles
  • Academic credit is for learning, not service.
  • Set learning goals for students.
  • Establish criteria for the selection of community
    service placements.
  • Be prepared for uncertainty and variation in
    student learning outcomes.
  • Maximize the community responsibility for
    orientation of the course.
  • Do not compromise academic rigor.

Service Learning Outcomes
  • Academic Development
  • Persistence and retention
  • Achievement and aspirations
  • Life Skills
  • Racial tolerance
  • Cultural understanding
  • Civic Responsibility
  • Commitment to community
  • Aspirations to volunteer
  • (See

International Service Learning
International service learning is a course-based,
credit-bearing educational experience in which
students are supported to a) participate in an
organized service activity that meets identified
community needs in a location outside the United
States, and b) reflect on the service activity
in such a way as to gain a deeper understanding
of course content, a broader appreciation of the
host community and cross-cultural issues, and an
enhanced sense of their own global relationships
and responsibilities.
Key Elements of ISL
  • Respect
  • Cultural traditions (of service)
  • Inter-cultural framing
  • Reciprocity
  • Partnerships
  • Dialogue to structure the service experience
  • Reflection
  • Perplexity
  • Activities to structure learning from the service
  • Return
  • Refraction
  • Inter-relatedness, global citizenship

The Key Role of Reflection in International
Reflection as Cognitive Activity
  • Engages students in the intentional consideration
    of their experiences in light of particular
    learning objectives.
  • Reflection is both retrospective and prospective.
  • Educates the students attention.

Guidelines for Reflection
  • Clearly links service experience to learning
  • Is structured in terms of expectations,
    assessment criteria
  • Occurs regularly throughout semester
  • Instructor provides feedback
  • Includes opportunity to explore, clarify, and
    alter values

When Designing Reflection, Consider . . .
  • Structured as an ongoing aspect of the course
  • Offered in multiple forms
  • Included in assessment
  • Modeled by instructor
  • Connected to course content

Examples of Reflection Activities
  • Personal Journals
  • Directed Writings
  • Classroom Assessment Techniques
  • Agency Presentations
  • Ethical Case Studies
  • Student Portfolios
  • On-line Techniques
  • Experiential Research Paper
  • Minute Papers
  • Stand and Declare

Reflection in International Service Learning
  • Pre-service
  • Use class sessions and readings to orient
    students to history, culture, language of host
  • Ask site partner to provide background
  • Have students read/hear reports from previous
  • In-service
  • Seek information from students on a consistent
  • Provide feedback and guidance as appropriate
  • Confer with site supervisor periodically
  • Post-service
  • Gather final assessment from site supervisor and

UNC Local Applications Course
  • Links summer international service-learning
    experience with local realities in North
    Carolina offered in the fall
  • Weekly readings, service-learning applications
    project, writing article/story for publication or
    photographic presentation with narration for
  • Contact Jenny Huq, UNC APPLES Service-Learning
    Program, or

IPSL Reflection Resource
  • Charting a Heros Journey (Linda A. Chisholm)
  • 12-stage guide to service-learning reflection
    using readings from the journeys of others
    followed by suggested questions
  • Available from http//

  • Learning Outcomes
  • The learning outcomes that can be achieved
    through international service learning build on
    but go beyond those for either study abroad or
    domestic service learning.

Service-learning and study abroad learning goals
overlap in some areas.
  • Enhanced learning of subject matter
  • Personal growth and self-understanding
  • Intercultural learning and respect
  • Tolerance for ambiguity
  • Career focus and definition

But each pedagogy also adds new elements that
take the other in new directions.
  • Study abroad involves international learning, in
    settings that take the student far away from the
    known and familiar.
  • Service learning involves working closely with
    individuals in the surrounding community on a
    very personal level.
  • When brought together, they change each other.

How does service learning transform study abroad?
  • Changes the role of student from tourist and
    observer to co-worker and participant
  • Speeds up the process of immersion and
    connection, especially important in short-term
  • Imparts a deep appreciation for the assets of the
    surrounding community
  • Introduces another source of knowledge and
    authority into the course (from the service
  • Fits well with the interests and learning styles
    of non-traditional, professional, or
    pre-professional students
  • Builds in an extra measure of reflection, with
    explicit methodology for doing this

How does service learning transform study abroad
  • Explicitly raises the issue of values and
  • Enhances or introduces a civic engagement
    dimension, including concepts of global
  • Intensifies awareness of relationships between
    home and host country
  • Enhances the experiential learning component of
  • Provides opportunity to practice skills of
    cross-cultural understanding
  • Provides additional opportunities for learning
    connected to the subject matter of the course

How does study abroad transform domestic service
  • Brings cross-cultural issues to the fore, with
    explicit methodology for crossing cultural
    boundaries and developing cross-cultural
  • Throws social and cultural systems into bold
    relief by virtue of the great contrast between
    home and host country
  • Provides opportunities for certain kinds of
    service activities, not obtainable in home
  • Leads students to rethink concepts of community,
    service, and civic engagement by virtue of
    contrast between home and host country
  • Enhances student skills for living and traveling
    beyond their home country

How does study abroad transform domestic service
learning (continued)?
  • Involves constant connection with the local
    community and service site, 24 hours a day
    throughout the duration of the course
  • Expands student sense of citizenship and
    responsibility from local to global
  • Helps American students learn and reflect on the
    role of the United States in international
    affairs at this particular moment
  • Leads students to rethink issues of power and
    wealth in home country, by virtue of comparison
    with host country
  • Increases student abilities to negotiate and
    comprehend cultural difference within home country

Personal growth and self-understanding
  • Development of skills of personal reflection and
  • Enhanced ability to use personal experience for
    academic learning
  • Contribution to personal identity formation and
    self confidence
  • Contribution to focusing and defining career

Deep learning about the host country (and home
country, by comparison)
  • Enhanced knowledge concerning the economic,
    political, ecological, health, demographic, and
    cultural systems of the host country
  • Appreciation for assets of host country, the
    integrity of its way of life, and the manner in
    which it approaches its problems
  • At least some foreign language acquisition
  • Reflection upon home country and how others see
  • Intensified awareness of relationships between
    home and host country
  • Reflection upon issues of power, wealth,
    ethnicity, and class in both host and home

Advances in intercultural competence
  • Growing appreciation of the value of diverse
  • Development of tolerance for ambiguity,
    uncertainty, perplexity
  • Enhanced skills of intercultural communication
    and understanding that can be applied anywhere,
    including home country
  • Stronger grasp of basic theories, principles, and
    concepts for understanding a particular way of
  • Stronger grasp of the economic, political,
    ecological, and cultural dynamics now shaping the
    whole world
  • Eagerness for more international contact
  • Enhanced skills for living and traveling beyond
    home country
  • Enhanced ability to work with people from other
    cultural backgrounds

Evolving Sense of Civic Responsibility
  • Developing aspirations to volunteer and work for
    the public good
  • Deeper understanding of the knowledge base
    necessary for responsible citizenship
  • Expanding commitment to multiple communities,
    including those outside home country
  • Growing sense of the global dimensions of
  • Willingness to impart what was learned to others,
    including other students on campus
  • Greater awareness of the impact of ones actions
    on others, including those outside home country
  • Complex understanding of the formation of values
    and judgments in a multicultural world
  • Rethinking concepts of community, service, and
    civic engagement by virtue of contrast between
    home and host country

  • In sum, service learning opens up discussions of
    international reciprocity and connection in study
    abroad programs, while according local voices an
    important place in the construction of knowledge.
  • In return, study abroad moves the discussion of
    citizenship and engagement that characterizes
    domestic service learning from local to global,
    with major transformations in concepts of
    community and civic responsibility.

What are the different forms that international
service learning can take?
  • Immersion abroad American students overseas
  • Service and learning, both abroad
  • Service abroad, learning in US
  • Learning before and/or after service abroad
  • Learning during service abroad, via web

Different forms (continued)
  • Immersion locally Domestic Site with
    international population(s)
  • Combination (DePaul University Chicago,
    UNC-Chapel Hill APPLES program)
  • State-side language study
  • State-side SL with target group
  • Short-term international SL in country of target

Different forms (continued)
  • Intensive short-term
  • Semester or year-long
  • Faculty-led (from home institution)
  • In partnership with local institutions
  • Fully embedded in host institution
  • With home-stay
  • Without home-stay

A Dilemma Short- vs. Long-Term International
Service-Learning Programs
  • Needs of our students
  • Needs of local agencies and communities
  • Introduction to a culture, or immersion?

Identifying Institutional Support and Stakeholders
  • Role of Institutional Mission
  • Key Stakeholders
  • Faculty
  • Study-abroad/international programs office
  • Financial aid office
  • Registrar
  • Development office

Does It Matter?
  • What do we know about the impact of international
    service-learning on
  • Students
  • Institutions of Higher Education
  • Service Agencies

International Service-LearningImpacts on
  • A more radical educational experience than
    traditional study-abroadtransformative
    intellectual and moral change, pluralistic world
    view, rethinking of career choices.
  • Increase in adaptability, motivation, ability to
    deal with ambiguity, civic commitment.

Impacts on Students (contd.)
  • Development of significant leadership
    abilitiesadaptability and resourcefulness, fresh
    views on old problems, recasting familiar issues
    in light of broader experience.
  • Total engagement with another society and
    culturebut greater difficulty re-entering U.S.

International Service-LearningImpacts on
  • Fosters adoption of service-learning at host
    universities and/or integration of
    service-learning in the regular curriculum.
  • Most successful in universities in developing
    nations and/or with arrival of new leadership
  • Least successful in large established
    universities with strong adherence to traditional
    academic procedures and pedagogies.

Impacts on Colleges/Universities
  • Works best where service-learning is supported by
    creative leadership, accommodating administrative
    structures, faculty buy-in, and alignment with
    institutional mission.

International Service-Learning Impacts on
Service Agencies
  • Service-learning students bring high degree of
    commitment, special skills and experiences,
    cultural diversity.
  • Agencies are effective in monitoring and
    protecting service-learning students and often
    built long-term bonds with them.

Impacts on Service Agencies (contd)
  • Agencies often have a higher regard for the value
    of volunteer help as a result of service-learning
    student participation.
  • Agencies find long-term student assignments most
    helpful but often have great difficulty
    accommodating short-term service-learning
    students and programs.

Impacts on Service Agencies (contd.)
  • Agencies would like to be involved more equally
    in planning service-learning assignments and in
    the academic work of the students.

For further information on impacts
  • Service-Learning Across Cultures Promise and
    Achievement, Humphrey Tonkin (ed.), 2004
  • Available from http//

  • International Partnership for Service-Learning
    and Leadership (IPSL)
  • 815 Second Avenue, Suite 315
  • New York, NY 10017-4594
  • Telephone 1 212 986 0989
  • Fax 1 212 986 5039
  • E-mail
  • Nevin C. Brown, President,

Other Resources
  • IUPUI Center for Service and Learning,
  • IUPUI Office of International Affairs,
  • UNC APPLES Service-Learning Program,
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