Title: HTML - V22.0004
1HTML - V22.0004
2Introduction to Hypertext
- HTML Hypertext Markup Language
- Hypertext
- links within and amongWeb documents
- connect one document to another
- Although this seems rather mundane today, this is
a radical departure from the structure of books
since the invention of the printing press
3Origins of HTML
- HTML is based on SGML (Standardized General
Markup Language) - A philosophical rule was that HTML should convey
the structure of a hypertext document, but not
the details of its presentation. - Since then, HTML has evolved into a presentation
4What is HTML?
- HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
- HTML standards are developed under the authority
of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), headed by
Tim Lee - http//www.w3c.org
- HTML is the set of "markup" symbols or codes
inserted in a file intended for display on a
World Wide Web browser. - The markup tells the Web browser how to display a
Web page's text, images, sound and video files
for the user. - The individual markup codes are referred to as
elements (but many people also refer to them as
- HTML is easy to pick up.
- There are many good books as well as resources
on-line - Our goal is to teach you the basics so that you
can pick up the rest on your own.
6HTML Documents
- HTML documents are text documents
- We use simple ASCII text files
- Html file extensions .html or .htm
- You can create html documents using
- Notepad in Windows and TextEdit (MAC OS X)
- You can also use HTML Editors
7HTML Editors
- HTML editors are called WYSIWYG
- What You See Is What You Get!
- Examples of HTML Editors
- Dreamweaver
- Front Page
- Go Live
8HTML Editors
- Cons
- They do not always generate clean HTML
- Add redundant tags
- Add their own tags
- They do not offer good graphic tools to
manipulate images - It can be hard to fix HTML tags since every time
you open a document, code is added.
- Pros
- Good for beginners
- You do not have to know much HTML to use editors
- It is easy to create complex tables, image maps,
and use advanced functions such - as Style Sheets and JavaScript
- Easy for design due to the WYSIWYG interface
9HTML Document Structure
- HTML Document contains
- Text (content of the page)
- HTML uses the following file extensions or
suffix .HTML or .HTM - Embedded tags
- provides instruction for the structure, and
appearance of the content
10HTML Document Structure
- The HTML document is divided into two major
parts - HEAD contains information about the document
- Title of the page (which appears at the top of
the browser window) - Meta tags used to describe the content (used by
Search engines) - JavaScript and Style sheets generally require
statements in the document Head - BODY Contains the actual content of the document
- This is the part that will be displayed in the
browser window
11Sample HTML Document
- ltHTMLgt
- ltHEADgt
- ltTITLEgt My web page lt/TITLEgt
- lt/HEADgt
- ltBODYgt
- Content of the document
- lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
12HTML Tags
- All HTML tags are made up of a tag name and
sometimes they are followed by an optional list
of attributes which all appear between angle
brackets lt gt - Nothing within the brackets will be displayed by
the browser (unless the HTML is incorrectly
written and the browser interprets the tags as
part of the content) - Attributes are properties that extend or refine
the tags functions
13Basic Syntax
- Most (but not all!) HTML tags have a start tag
and an end tag - ltH1gtHello, world!lt/H1gt
- Basic Document Structure
- header information about the page, e.g. the
title. - body the actual content of the page.
- document starts with
- ltHTMLgt and ends with lt/HTMLgt
14HTML Tags
- Standalone tags
- There are a few HTML tags which do not use an end
tag and are used for standalone elements on the
page - ltimggt to display an image
- ltBRgt Line break
- ltHRgt header
15HTML Tags
- Attributes
- ltbody bgcolorkhaki text000000 linkblue
vlinkbrown alinkblack gt - Attributes are added within a tag to extend a
tags action. - You can add multiple attributes within a single
tag. - Attributes belong after the tag name each
attribute should be separated by one or more
spaces. - Most attributes take values, which follow an
equal sign - after the attributes name.
- Values are limited to 1024 characters in length.
16This is Information which the browser will ignore
- Tabs
- multiple spaces will appear as a single space
- Example
Hello, How are
you? The browser will ignore the blanks and
new line Hello, How are you?
17ltPgt v. ltBRgt Tags
- ltBRgt Break
- ltPgt Paragraph tag. Creates more space than a
BR tag. - ltHRgt Creates a Horizontal Rule
18Paragraph Tag ltPgt
- Leaves one empty line after the tag
- Multiple ltPgt tags with no intervening text is
interpreted as redundant by all browsers and will
display a single ltPgt tag
19Line break ltBRgt
- This tag breaks the line and starts text at a new
line. - It will not add an empty line like the paragraph
tag - Multiple ltbrgt tags will display multiple line
20Using blockquotes
- Use ltblockquotegt . lt/blockquotegt to set up a
block of text. Nested blockquotes will further
indent. - For example
- ltblockquotegtTiffany was one of America's most
acclaimed and multitalented artists working in
the late 19th and early 20th centuries. - ltblockquotegtOf all of Tiffany's artistic
endeavors, stained glass brought him the greatest
recognition. lt/blockquotegtlt/blockquotegt - will display as
- Tiffany was one of America's most acclaimed and
multitalented artists - working in the late 19th and early 20th
centuries. - Of all of Tiffany's artistic endeavors, stained
glass brought him the greatest recognition.
21Comments lt!-- --gt
- Browser will NOT display text in between
- lt!-- This is a comment --gt
- lt!-- This is another
- comment
- --gt
- I. E. uses the following tag as a comment
- ltcommentgt this a comment lt/commentgt
22Headings lth1gt .. lth6gt
- You can create Headlines of various sizes on your
page - Headlines appear as bold letters
- An empty line will also follow the headlines.
- Used for titles
- H1 is the largest font and h6 is the smallest
heading - Headings need an end tag lt/h1gt
23Font Tags to specify color, font type and size
- ltBgtThe Curse of Xanadult/Bgt
- lt/FONTgt
- by By Gary Wolf, ltIgtWired Magazinelt/Igt
- lt/FONTgt
- Font tags
- face Arial, Courier, etc.
- size e.g. 3, 6
- color e.g. RED, GREEN, etc.
24Text format tags
- Bold ltbgt some text lt/bgt or ltstronggt
- Italic ltIgt some text lt/Igt or ltemgt
- ltHRgt (Horizontal Rule) Displays horizontal line
in the browser window. The line fills the window
from left to the right margins. Its useful to
separate sections of your document - You can use attributes with lthrgt such as
- lthr width70gt
- Lists are used to organize items in the browser
window - Unordered list Bulleted list (most popular),
list items with no particular order - Ordered list Numbered list
- HTML supports two types of Lists
- Ordered Lists (OL) e.g. 1,2,3
- UnOrdered Lists (UL) e.g. bullets.
- Basic Syntax
- ltULgt ltLIgtItem 1
- ltLIgtItem 2
- lt/ULgt
27Unordered list
- Unordered list Bulleted list (most popular),
lists items with no particular order - Fruit
- ltULgt
- ltLIgt Banana
- ltLIgtGrape
- lt/ULgt
28Ordered list
- Numbered list
- Fruit
- ltolgt
- ltLIgt Banana
- ltLIgtGrape
- lt/OLgt
29Hyperlinks (Anchor Tag)
- Hyperlinks are used for linking
- within the same page (Named tags)
- To another page in your web site (Relative Link
or local link) - To another page outside your web site (Absolute
or remote link) - Email Link
- Hyper Links are highlighted and underlined text.
When you click on it, it takes you to another
page on the web. - ltA commandtargetgthighlighted textlt/Agt
- Absolute Link These are links to another page
outside of your web site. These links specify the
entire URL of the page - ltA HREFhttp//www.nyu.edu/gtNYU Web Sitelt/Agt
- NYU Web Site
- Relative Link These are links to another page in
your site so you do not have to specify the
entire URL. - ltA HREFindex.htmlgtGo back to main pagelt/Agt
- Go back to main page
32Targeted Links
- A tag includes a target attribute. If you
specify target_blank, a new browser window
will be opened. - ltA HREFhttp//www.nyu.edu target"_blankgt
NYUlt/Agt - More on this when we get to frames...
33Email Link
- You can someone at
- lta hrefmailtojj1_at_nyu.edugtSend email to
34HTML Tables
- Tables represent a simple mechanism for creating
rows and columns of data. - This is a great tool for laying out the content
of any web page, especially when you omit the
border by using - border 0
- Tables are very widely used and supported by all
common browsers. - Tables use a very simple tag structure.
- Use lt body bgcolor gt for a background
color with a hex version of a web-safe color - ltbody bgcolor ccffffgt
- For a tiled background using an image file
- ltBODY background"backgroundPicture.gif"gt
36HTML - Tables
- Tables tags starts with
- ltTABLEgt tag, then
- ltTRgt defines table rows.
- Each ltTRgt represents one row in the table.
- The number of rows is determined by the number of
ltTRgt - ltTDgt Table data or ltTHgt Table Header can follow
the ltTRgt tag - The number of cells in each row is determined by
the number of ltTHgt (Table Header) and/or ltTDgt
(Table data) tags contained within that row. - ltTHgt text will be in bold, and centered
- lttablegt
- lt/tablegt
lttrgt lttdgt cell 1 ltthgt cell 2 ltthgt cell 3 lt/trgt
lttrgt lttdgt cell 4 lttdgt cell 5 lttdgt cell 6 lt/trgt
lttrgt lttdgt cell 7 lttdgt cell 8 lttdgt cell 9 lt/trgt
37Basic Tag Structure
- ltTABLEgt
- ltTR gt
- ltTHgtTickerlt/THgt
- ltTHgtPricelt/THgt
- lt/TRgt
- ltTRgt
- ltTDgtMSFTlt/TDgt
- ltTDgt71 1/16lt/TDgt
- lt/TRgt
- ltTRgt
- ltTDgtKOlt/TDgt
- ltTDgt46 15/16lt/TDgt
- lt/TRgt
- lt/TABLEgt
TR Table Row
TH Table Heading
TD Table Data
Every ltTDgt must have a matching lt/TDgt. Every
ltTRgt must have a matching lt/TRgt.
38Table Attributes
width600 cellpadding0 cellspacing0gt - Align "left", "center" or "right - "left" is
the default - Border thickness of the border in pixels - 0
for no borders - Bgcolor is background color in HEX or as a name
color - Backgroundurl (works with IE only)
- Cellpadingn (n is number of pixels (space)
between cell content and its border - Cellspacingn (n is number of pixels (space)
between cells) - Heightn (height of table in pixels or
percentages 100) - Widthn (Width of table in pixels or percentages
39Scrolling text using the ltmarqueegt tag
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgtlttitlegt scrolling textlt/titlegtlt/headgt
- ltmarqueegtltfont facesand"gtWelcome to my website!
Be sure to visit again!lt/marqueegt - lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
40HTML and Multimedia
- ltimg src "logoblue.gif" width"153" height"31"
border"0" alt"W I R E D"gt - Image Attributes
- src URL or filename for the image
- width/height not required
- border not required.
- alt recommended for users running a text
42Adding multimedia files
- lta hreffilename.extensiongt listen to sound file
lt/agt - lta hrefsound1.wavgt listen to sound file lt/agt
- lta hrefmovie1.movgt view movie clip lt/agt
43Multimedia Filetypes
- File Type Extention/Mime type
- plain text .txt
- HTML document .html
- GIF image .gif or .jpg or .png
- Acrobat file .pdf
- AIFF sound file .aiff .au . wav
- MP3 .mp3
- QuickTime movie .mov
- MPEG movie .mpeg or .mpg