Title: Web Services for Java Developers
1Web Services for Java Developers
- SOAP which leaves you smelling all service-like
2Who are you?
- Dan Diephouse (dan_at_netzooid.com)
- Day job consists of running a logistics software
business and consulting - Pet WS Project XFire SOAP toolkit
3Questions, questions, questions
- Why web services?
- How do I implement and design web services?
- What are all these different web services
technologies? - How do I build better web services?
- How do I integrate my services?
- Answer the questions on the previous slides
- Give a good mix of practical hands on knowledge
with higher level design issues
- Introduction to web services
- Web service design and best practices
- Toolkit Review
- Debugging, testing, and performance
- WS-
- Service Design Process
- Integration (SOA ESBs)
6Code for this presentation
- Download the code
- http//netzooid.com/jia/code.zip
- http//netzooid.com/jia/jia.ppt
7Introduction to Web Services
- Why oh why?
- XML Schema
8Why Web Services? (Technical)
- XML is the universal language
- RMI cant really talk to .NET
- Interoperability
- More agile development
9Why Web Services? (Business)
- Create tight integration between consumers and
your service - You create convenience for your consumer
- Tight integration may make it hard for them to
switch - Consumers may find uses for your service that
you - Dont have time to explore
- Didnt think to explore
- Example 40 of EBays sales happen over its API
10Why SOAP services?
- Sophisticated tools to consume these services in
every language - Well see an example later on
- With large APIs, REST/HTTP services become hard
to consume (IMHO!) - SOAP works over any transport, not just HTTP
11SOAP Basics
- XML Schema describes the messages
- WSDL describes the services operations
- SOAP provides the packaging to send messages
- Well cover the basics of each before exploring
service creation and design
12XML Schema
- Way to express XML structure
- A valid document conforms to a particular schema
ltxsdschema xmlnsxsdhttp//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSc
hema targetNamespacehttp//acme.com/foogt
13Simple Types
- XML Schema includes several simple types
- xsdouble
- xsint
- xsdecimal
- xsGMonth
- Etc
- You can extend and redefine these, as well as
create your own
14Simple Type Examples
ltCountgt5lt/Countgt ltMonthgt10lt/Countgt ltDepartureDategt
ltxsdschema xmlnsxsdhttp//www.w3.org/2001/XMLS
chema targetNamespacehttp//acme.com/foo
elementFormDefaultunqalifiedgt ltxsdelement
nameSize typexsdint/gt ltxsdelement
nameMonth typexsdGMonth/gt ltxsdelement
typexsddate/gt lt/xsdschemagt
15Complex Types
ltdeveloper countryUSgt ltnamegtDan
Diephouselt/namegt ltrolegtCode Monkeylt/rolegt lt/deve
ltxsdelement namedevelopergt
ltxsdcomplexTypegt ltxsdsequencegt
ltxsdelement namename typexsdstring/gt
ltxsdelement namerole typexsdstring/gt
lt/xsdsequencegt ltxsdattribute namecountry
typexsdstring/gt lt/xsdcomplexTypegt lt/xsdelem
16Abstract Complex Types
- Allows a measure of reuse
ltxsdschema gt ltxsdelement namedeveloper
typedeveloperTypegt ltxsdcomplexType
namedeveloperTypegt ltxsdsequencegt
ltxsdelement namename typexsdstring/gt
ltxsdelement namerole typexsdstring/gt
lt/xsdsequencegt lt/xsdcomplexTypegt lt/xsdschemagt
ltxsdattribute namecountrygt ltxsdsimpleTypegt
ltxsdrestriction basexsdstringgt
ltxsdenumeration valueUnited States/gt
ltxsdenumeration valueCanadia/gt
lt/xsdsimpleTypegt lt/xsdelementgt
18What is SOAP?
ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//www.w3.org/2003/05
/soap-envelope"gt ltenvHeadergt ltnalertcontrol
ltnprioritygt1lt/nprioritygt ltnexpiresgt2001-06-2
2T140000-0500lt/nexpiresgt lt/nalertcontrolgt
lt/envHeadergt ltenvBodygt ltmalert
ltmmsggtPick up Mary at school at 2pmlt/mmsggt
lt/malertgt lt/envBodygt lt/envEnvelopegt
19SOAP Properties
- Its just XML (kinda)
- It cant contain PIs or DTDs
- Body Contains a message to the SOAP endpoint
(ultimate recipient)
- Extensible location. Often used for
- Authentication Tokens
- Transactions
- Metadata about where the message is going to
- MustUnderstand attribute - if receiver does not
understand the header, then it must throw a
fault. - Role attribute Says which intermediary the
Header is destined for
21SOAP Properties
- Transport Neutral.
- Runs over things named with capital letters
22Its not my fault
ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//www.w3.org/2003/05
/soap-envelope"gt ltenvBodygt ltenvFaultgt
ltfaultstringgtHeader was not understoodlt/faultstrin
ggt lt/envFaultgt lt/envEnvelopegt
- Contain fault code, message, role, and detail
elements - Fault code A general fault code Server,
MustUnderstand, Version mismatch, etc. - SOAP 1.2 includes an additional SubCode field
which can be used for application specific error
codes. - Detail place for arbitrary XML which can contain
application specific error codes
24RPC Encoding
- Portion of the SOAP specs which specify an xml
encoding - Written because
- XML Schema spec wasnt finished at the time
- Needed a way to allow circular object graphs
- Ambiguous part of the spec that caused a lot of
interoperability problems - Just dont use it (more on this later)
25RPC-Encoding Example
lteBookgt   lttitlegtMy Life and Worklt/titlegt   ltau
thor href"Person-1"/gtlt/eBookgtltePerson id"Pe
rson-1"gt   ltnamegtHenry Fordlt/namegt   ltaddress hr
ef"Address-2"/gtlt/ePersongtlteAddress id"Addre
ss-2"gt   ltemailgtmailtohenryford_at_hotmail.comlt/ema
ilgt   ltwebgthttp//www.henryford.comlt/webgtlt/eAdd
26SOAP Versions
- 1.1
- Everyone uses and supports it
- 1.2
- Being used more and more
- RPC-encoding is no longer required to be
compliant - Fault code is a QName
- Allows fault subcodes
- More...
- Web Service Description Language
- Describes your service, its location and its
operations - Two flavors
- 1.1 Widely used
- 2.0 In process, much clearer application of
28Components in WSDL 1.1
- Types holds the XML Schema
- Messages Messages which are sent as part of
operations - Port Type the service interface
- Specifies operations
- Binding Binds a port type to a particular
transport - Service Describes the location of a binding
29Component XML pieces
ltwsdlgt lttypes/gt? ltmessage/gt ltportType/gt
ltbinding/gt ltservice/gt lt/wsdlgt
30Walkthrough Book Service
- Well write a service description to gain an
understanding of the concepts - Book price service
- One operation getPrice - which returns the
price for an ISBN
31PortType Your Interface
ltportType name"BookPrice"gt ltoperation
name"getBookPrice"gt ltinput name"isbn
ltoutput name"price
lt/operationgt lt/portTypegt
ltmessage name"GetBookPriceRequest"gt ltpart
name"isbn" type"xsstring" /gt lt/messagegt ltmessa
ge name"GetBookPriceResponse"gt ltpart
name"price" element"aBook"/gt lt/messagegt
33XML Schema Types
lttypesgt ltxsschema targetNamespace"http//www.a
cme.com/BookQuote"gt ltxselement name"Book"gt
ltxscomplexTypegt ltxssequencegt
ltxselement name"Title" type"xsstring"/gt
ltxselement name"Author"
type"xsstring"/gt ltxselement
namePrice typexsdecimal/gt
lt/xssequencegt lt/xscomplexTypegt
lt/xselementgt lt/xsschemagt lt/typesgt
34Binding Concrete Implementation
ltbinding name"BookPriceBinding"
type"aBookQuote"gt ltsoapbinding
style"document" transport"http//schemas.xm
lsoap.org/soap/http"/gt ltoperation
name"getBookPrice"gt ltsoapoperation
soapAction""/gt ltinputgt ltsoapbindbody
use"literal" namespace"http//www.acme
.com/BookQuote"/gt lt/inputgt ltoutputgt
ltsoapbindbody use"literal"
lt/outputgt lt/operationgt lt/bindinggt
35Sidenote Encoding and Style
- How many ways are there to send an XML message?
- 4ish
- Encoding literal vs. encoded (covered earlier)
- Style document, rpc, wrapped
- RPC ltoperationgt element is implied, the toolkit
needs to create it even though its not in the
schema - Document Follow the schema exactly.
- Wrapped A type of document style which puts the
operation name in the schema - Microsoft pioneered this style which is a simple
convenience for the developer
37Wrapped Schema Example
ltxselement namegetBookPrice"gt
ltxscomplexTypegt ltxssequencegt
ltxselement nameisbn typexsstring/gt
lt/xssequencegt lt/xscomplexTypegt lt/xselementgt lt
xselement namegetBookPriceResponse"gt
ltxscomplexTypegt ltxssequencegt
ltxselement reftnsBook"/gt lt/xssequencegt
lt/xscomplexTypegt lt/xselementgt
38Which Operation??
- Document/Wrapped Operations are inferred from
the XML types and the number of elements in the
Body - RPC ltgetFoogt is translated into getFoo
operation - WS-Addressing can also be used (more later)
ltservice name"BookPriceService"gt ltport
name"BookPrice_Port" binding"aBookPric
eBinding"gt ltsoapaddress
lt/portgt lt/servicegt
40Service in Action Request
ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//schemas.xmlsoap.or
g/soap/envelope/"gt ltenvBody xmlnsa"http//www.
acme.com/BookQuote"gt ltaisbngt0123456789lt/aisbngt
lt/envBodygt lt/envEnvelopegt
41Service in Action Response
ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//schemas.xmlsoap.
org/soap/envelope/"gt ltenvBody
ltaBookgt ltaTitlegtWeb Services for Java
Developerslt/aTitlegt ltaAuthorgtDan
Diephouselt/aAuthorgt ltaPricegt19.95lt/aPricegt
lt/aBookgt lt/envBodygt lt/envEnvelopegt
42Wrapped Example Request
ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//schemas.xmlsoap.
org/soap/envelope/"gt ltenvBody
ltagetBookPricegt ltaisbngt0123456789lt/aisbngt
lt/agetBookPricegt lt/envBodygt lt/envEnvelopegt
43Wrapped Example Response
ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//schemas.xmlsoap.or
g/soap/envelope/"gt ltenvBody xmlnsa"http//www
.acme.com/BookQuote"gt ltagetBookPriceResponsegt
ltaBookgt ltaTitlegtWeb Services for
Java Developerslt/aTitlegt
ltaAuthorgtDan Diephouselt/aAuthorgt
ltaPricegt19.95lt/aPricegt lt/aBookgt
lt/agetBookPriceResponsegt lt/envBodygt lt/envEnve
44WSDL and Faults
- Just like you can declare exceptions with Java
you can declare Faults with WSDL - Custom faults declare one element in the schema
that will provide more information to the
consumer - Lets retrofit our book service to throw an
InvalidISBN fault
ltportType name"BookPrice"gt ltoperation
name"getBookPrice"gt ltinput name"isbn"
message"aGetBookPriceRequest"/gt ltoutput
name"price" message"aGetBookPriceR
esponse"/gt ltfault name"InvalidISBNFault"
lt/operationgt lt/portTypegt
ltmessage name"GetBookPriceRequest"gt ltpart
name"isbn" type"xsstring" /gt lt/messagegt
ltmessage name"GetBookPriceResponse"gt ltpart
name"price" element "aBook"/gt lt/messagegt ltmess
age name"InvalidISBNFault"gt ltpart
name"InvalidISBNFaultDetail" e
element"aInvalidISBNFaultDetail"/gt lt/messagegt
47XML Schema
ltxselement name"InvalidISBNFaultDetail"gt
ltxscomplexTypegt ltxssequencegt
ltxselement name"invalid-isbn"
type"xsstring"/gt lt/xssequencegt
lt/xscomplexTypegt lt/xselementgt
ltbinding name"BookPriceBinding"
type"aBookQuote"gt ltsoapbinding
style"document" transport"http//schemas.xmlsoap
.org/soap/http"/gt ltoperation name"getBookPrice"
gt ltsoapoperation soapAction""/gt
ltfault name"InvalidISBNFault"gt ltsoapfault
use"literal"/gt lt/faultgt lt/operationgt lt/bind
49Fault Example
ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//schemas.xmlsoap.or
g/soap/envelope/"gt ltenvBody xmlnsa"http//www.
acme.com/BookQuote"gt ltenvFaultgt
ltfaultstringgt "" is an invalid ISBN
character lt/faultstringgt ltdetailgt
lt/aInvalidISBNFaultDetailgt lt/detailgt
lt/envFaultgt lt/envBodygt lt/envEnvelopegt
50WSDL 1.1 vs 2.0
- portType renamed interface
- 2.0 has better MEP support
- 2.0 is not widely supported yet
- If you dont know why you should be using it,
then you shouldnt be (yet)
51Basic Profile
- Basic Profile http//ws-i.org
- Tries to make ambiguous parts of the WSDL/SOAP
specs unambiguous. - Versions 1.0/1.1
- Well talk about portions as we move through the
52Designing Services
- So much XML! Wheres the Java???
53Design Services Breakdown
- Coding services
- POJOs and JSR 181
- XMLBeans (Schema)
- WSDL-gtService
- Interop issues will be interspersed
- Schema Design
- Extensibility
- Break
- Versioning
54Your First Service POJOs and JSR 181
- POJOs are the language of a Java Developer
- The idea use POJOs as Data Transfer Objects
(DTO). Bind them to XML and generate an XML
schema automatically - JSR 181 provides annotations for web services
(more in a minute)
55A Birds Eye View
The Toolkit Generates XSD WSDL, binds XML
Service and DTOs Converts back and forth between
your internal API and the web service.
Your API Business Logic
56Why Not This?
The Toolkit Generates XSD WSDL, binds XML
Your API Business Logic
57Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)
- Exposing your core business classes is bad
- Often contains things irrelevant to end user
- Often contains things you dont want the end user
to have access to - If you change your internal API, your external
API (the web service) changes too. Bad for
backward compatability - DTOs are used as a wrapper around your core logic
- Used to expose functionality to the consumer
58Our Service
- Were going to create a Purchase Order service
- We want to
- Receive purchase orders
- Retreive purchase orders
- Get a list of recent purchase orders
59Step 1 Create our service class
60public interface OrderService _at_WebMethod
_at_WebResult(name "purchaseOrderId") long
receiveOrder( _at_WebParam(name
"purchaseOrder") PurchaseOrder
order) throws XFireFault
_at_WebResult(name "purchaseOrder")
PurchaseOrder getPurchaseOrder(
_at_WebParam(name "purchaseOrderId")
long id) throws XFireFault _at_WebResult(name
"purchaseOrders") CollectionltPurchaseOrdergt
getRecentOrders() throws XFireFault
61Whats in a service class..
- One method for each operation
- Exceptions Instead of just throwing
NoSuchOrderException, well catch our internal
exceptions and create the appropriate fault info. - Annotations
62JSR 181 Annotations
- Annotate classes with web service specific data
- _at_WebMethod
- _at_WebParam
- Java doesnt store the name of method parameters,
so we need to provide it _at_WebParam(namefoo) - _at_WebResult like _at_WebParam, but for results
63Step 2 Create the implementation
Service") public class OrderServiceImpl
implements OrderService
- _at_WebService demarcates a class as a web service
- endpointInterface specifies the interface to
generate the port type against
64Step 3 Create Your DTOs
public class PurchaseOrder private Address
shipTo private Address billTo private
String comment private ListltItemgt items
private long purchaseOrderId . .
65Step 4 Deploy!
- Deploying is different with every toolkit
- Typically with HTTP you register a servlet and
there is a configuration mechanism - To the web browser.
66Step 5 Create a client
- Users can use the WSDL to
- Generate classes to access your service
- Dynamically access your service
- Lets take a look at using .NET
67Accessing with .NET
- And were off to Visual Studio momentarily
68TCPMon Watching your Service
- TCPMon allows you to see your messages going
across the wire - java cp axis.jar org.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon
69Our Request Part 1
ltsoapEnvelope xmlnssoap"http//schemas.xmlsoap.
org/soap/envelope/" xmlnsxsi"http//www.w3.org/2
001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlnsxsd"http//www.w3.o
rg/2001/XMLSchema"gt ltsoapBodygt
ltreceiveOrder xmlns"http//code.acme.com"gt
ltpurchaseOrdergt ltbillTogt
ltcitygtGrand Rapidslt/citygt
ltnamegtDan Diephouselt/namegt
ltstreetgt2032 Lake Drlt/streetgt
ltzipgt49506lt/zipgt lt/billTogt
70Our Request Part 2
ltcomment xsinil"true" /gt
ltitemsgt ltItemgt
ltcomment xsinil"true" /gt
ltproductNamegtGood smelling SOAPlt/productNamegt
egt lt/Itemgt
lt/itemsgt ltpurchaseOrderIdgt0lt/purcha
seOrderIdgt lt/purchaseOrdergt
lt/receiveOrdergt lt/soapBodygt
71Our Response
ltsoapEnvelope xmlnssoap"http//schemas.xmlso
ap.org/soap/envelope/"gt ltsoapBodygt
ltreceiveOrderResponse xmlns"http//code.acme.com"
gt ltpurchaseOrderIdgt5lt/purchaseO
rderIdgt lt/receiveOrderResponsegt
lt/soapBodygt lt/soapEnvelopegt
72BP - Interopability nillable
- Example Schema
- ltelement nameDate nillabletrue
typedateTime/gt - Example XML
- ltDate xsiniltrue/gt
- What happens .NET or Java will barf if the the
element is a value type
73BP - Interoperability nillable
- Value types (int/long/etc) cannot be null
- Value types differ from language to language
- DateTime is a value type in .NET, but Date is not
in Java - Some toolkits (.NET 2.0, XMLBeans, etc) can
handle this. - Others (Axis 1.x, .NET 1.0) cannot
74BP - Interopability nillable
- Be aware of what your toolkit is outputting in
the schema - Nillable will break on any sort of value type in
any language - BE AWARE that XML ! Java
75BP - Style and Encoding
- If you have any doubt use literal encoding always
- Encoded use is kind of against the basic profile
- The wording is ambiguous
- Wrapped vs Document style its up to you.
- Document style has the connotations message
passing which is what SOAP is all about
76BP Faults
- Declare a fault in the WSDL for specific errors
that you feel your consumers need to deal with - Faults have faultcode, faultstring and faultactor
fields. USE THEM
- JSR 181
- Axis Beehive WSM http//ws.apache.org/axis
- XFire http//xfire.codehaus.org
- Suns JAX-WS?
- POJO/XML Bindings
- Axiss internal type system - http//ws.apache.org
/axis - JAXB 1.1 2.0
- JiBX http//jibx.sourceforge.net
- XFires Aegis Binding http//xfire.codehaus.org
78Service 2 Schema and XMLBeans
- Steps are basically the same as Service 1
- Instead of POJOs well use XMLBeans
- XMLBeans are classes generated from XML Schema
79Step 1 Design the Schema
80Step 2 Compile XMLBeans
ltjava classname"org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.
SchemaCompiler" classpathref"xmlbeans.path"
fork"true"gt ltarg value"-d" /gt ltarg
valueoutputdir" /gt ltarg value"basedir/src/
schema" /gt lt/javagt
81Step 3 Write the Service Class
public interface OrderService
PurchaseOrderIdDocument receiveOrder(
PurchaseOrderDocument purchaseOrder)
throws XFireFault PurchaseOrderDocument
getPurchaseOrder( PurchaseOrderIdDocum
ent id) throws XFireFault
getRecentOrders() throws XFireFault
82Step 3 Write the Service Class
public PurchaseOrderIdDocument receiveOrder(
PurchaseOrderDocument purchaseOrder)
throws XFireFault PurchaseOrderType
order purchaseOrder.getPurchaseOrder()
PurchaseOrderIdDocument pid
derId()) return pid
83Step 4 Deploy
84Step 5 Write the client
85Some things to note
- Writing a schema really wasnt that hard
- You gained control and coherency at the expense
of some up front thought and design time - Reusability
- Our PurchaseOrderId type is reused for a more
coherent and elegant schema - XMLBeans is very XMLish, while retaining some
sense of javaness
86More on XMLBeans
- Can access the document at any time
- xmlBean.getDomNode()
- xmlBean.newXMLStreamReader()
- Etc
- Can modify the xml and have changes reflected in
the bean and vise a versa
87Schema-gtJava Toolkits
- Any JAX-RPC toolkit (i.e. Axis 1.x)
- Castor
- JiBX
- JAXB 1.1 2.0
- Systinet
- XMLBeans
88Code first vs. schema first
- Schema first gives you a much more well defined
contract - Forces you to think in terms of XML and messages
instead of objects, which is a Good Thing - Not too much extra work
89Service 3 WSDL-gtService
- Most toolkits actually require more than just a
Schema the full WSDL - Well look at using Axiss WSDL2Java tool to
build a service
90Step 1 Write the WSDL
- Use WSCF to create our WSDL via our schema
- Constructs WSDL an operation at a time
- Forces you to think about whats coming in and
what is going out - The WSDL is a CONTRACT. It must not break!
91Step 2 Build service stubs
- WSDL2Java tool builds us our DTOs and a service
stub which we can fill in - java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java foo.wsdl
92Joys of JAX-RPC
- OrderServiceInterface Service Interface
- OrderServiceImpl Our implementation
- DTOs are also generated
- Address
- PurchaseOrder
- etc
93Step 3 Service Implementation
public class OrderServiceImpl implements
public com.acme.purchase_order._2005._08.Purch
aseOrderType getPurchaseOrder(long
purchaseOrderId) throws java.rmi.RemoteException
return null . .
94Step 4 Deploy
- Axis uses a WSDD configuration syntax
ltdeployment xmlns"http//xml.apache.org/axis/w
sdd/" xmlnsjava"http//xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd
/providers/java"gt ltservice nameOrderService"
provider"javaRPC"gt ltparameter
name"className" valuecom.acme.OrderSer
vice"/gt ltparameter name"allowedMethods"
value""/gt lt/servicegt lt/deploymentgt
95Schema Design
- No, you cant write web services just in Java.
96The XML/Java Mismatch
- There is not an equivalent Java type for every
XML type. Examples - GMonth
- A Regex restriction
- PositiveInteger
- This applies to ALL Languages
- You need to be aware of your consumers
- Toolkits such as XMLBeans/JAXB 2.0/.NET 2.0 make
great strides in this area
97Think in Messages
- SOAP is asynchronous message passing
- SOAP is NOT serialized objects
- Exceptions are NOT Faults
- Thinking otherwise will result in performance and
design problems
- Sometimes I want a whole message
- Sometimes I want part of a message
- If I always send the whole message it results in
latency and performance issues
99Parameter Driven Messages
- Effective way to combat bandwith and latency
issues - Often messages contain many different chunks
- Specify parameters which tell the service whether
or not the client needs the chunk - Creates smaller messages, lower processing time,
lower latency
100Request 1
ltgetPurchaseOrdergt ltPurchaseOrderIdgt100lt/Purchas
eOrderIdgt ltRetrieveItemsgttruelt/RetrieveItemsgt lt/
101Response 1
ltaPurchaseOrder xmlnsa"http//acme.com/purchase
Order/2005/08"gt ltaShipTogt...lt/aShipTogt
ltaBillTogt...lt/aBillTogt ltaItemsgt
ltaItemgt ltaProductNamegtACME
ltaPartNumgtlt/aPartNumgt ltaUSPricegt999.99lt/a
USPricegt ltaShipDategt2005-08-13T102224.33
5-0400lt/aShipDategt lt/aItemgt
lt/aItemsgt lt/aPurchaseOrdergt
102Request 2
ltgetPurchaseOrdergt ltPurchaseOrderIdgt100lt/Purchas
eOrderIdgt ltRetrieveItemsgtfalselt/RetrieveItemsgt lt
103Response 1
ltaPurchaseOrder xmlnsa"http//acme.com/purchase
Order/2005/08"gt ltaShipTogt...lt/aShipTogt
ltaBillTogt...lt/aBillTogt lt/aPurchaseOrdergt
104Flattened Your Schema
- Dont reproduce fragments over and over
- Advantages
- Better structure
- Much more friendly to your end user
- Decreased bandwidth
105Bad Example
ltProjectsgt ltProjectgt ltNamegtOperation
Foolt/Namegt ltEmployeegt ltNamegtDan
Diephouselt/Namegt ltTitlegtWeb Services
Developerlt/Titlegt lt/Employeegt ltEmployeegt
ltNamegtJames Bondlt/Namegt ltTitlegtSecret
Agentlt/Titlegt lt/Employeegt lt/Projectgt
ltProjectgt ltNamegtOperation Barlt/Namegt
ltEmployeegt ltNamegtJames Bondlt/Namegt
ltTitlegtSecret Agentlt/Titlegt lt/Employeegt
lt/Projectgt lt/Projectsgt
106Good Example
ltProjectInfogt ltProjectgt ltNamegtOperation
Foolt/Namegt ltEmployee id"1"/gt ltEmployee
id"2"/gt lt/Projectgt ltProjectgt
ltNamegtOperation Barlt/Namegt ltEmployee
id"2"/gt lt/Projectgt ltEmployee id1gt
ltNamegtDan Diephouselt/Namegt ltTitlegtWeb
Services Developerlt/Titlegt lt/Employeegt
ltEmployee id2gt ltNamegtJames Bondlt/Namegt
ltTitlegtSecret Agentlt/Titlegt lt/Employeegt lt/Projec
107Namespace Versioning
- How do I determine which version an XML document
is? - Anytime you make a change to your schema which
isnt backward compatible, change your namespace
108Namespace Versioning
- Examples
- http//acme.com/purchase-order/2005/08
- http//acme.com/purchase-order/2005/11
- urnacme-compurchase-order200508
109Namespace Versioning
public interface OrderService _at_WebMethod
_at_WebResult(name "purchaseOrderId") long
receiveOrder( _at_WebParam(name
"purchaseOrder") PurchaseOrder
order) throws XFireFault
_at_WebResult(name "purchaseOrder")
PurchaseOrder getPurchaseOrder(
_at_WebParam(name "purchaseOrderId")
long id) throws XFireFault _at_WebResult(name
"purchaseOrders") CollectionltPurchaseOrdergt
getRecentOrders() throws XFireFault
110Making your schema Extensible
- What happens if you want to add an element or
attribute later? - ltxsdsequencegt only allows declared elements
- Future documents would no longer be valid
- Need wildcard to allow anything
111Extensibility and Enums
- No equivalent of xsanyType with enumerations
- Therefore, if you add things to a schema enum, it
must be a new version
112Schema Code Conventions
- complexTypes are often named FooType instead of
Foo - Be nice to your consumers and use documentation
113Handling binary data inline it
- xsdbyte
- Base64 encodes data
- 30 increase in size
- Easy to use
- Doesnt work if you cant fit data from all
requests in memory
114Handling binary data Attachments
- Soap w/ Attachments outlines way to attach binary
data via MIME attachments - Must be Base 64 encoded
115Handling binary data MTOM
- An optimized way of handling binary attachments
- SOAP envelope is MIME root
- Each attachment is another MIME element
- Doesnt require you to base64 encode
116Handling binary data Dont send it
- Send a URL which specifies where to get the
resources - This is used by Amazon and other
- Example album clip art
- ltImageURLgthttp//amazon.com/../foo.jpglt/ImageURLgt
117Using Relax NG
- Relax NG is an XML Schema alternative that many
find more intuitive - You can develop in RNG and convert to XML Schema
118Break sponsored by
119Versioning Tactics
120Why Versioning is an Issue
- Obviously, you need to be able to update and
change your API - Causes problems
- Maintenance increases for each version
- Code bloat
- No good way to map multiple sets of XML to a
single set of objects
121Sidenote Schema Maintenance
- If every division has their own schema, your
maintenance costs are going to grow exponentially
(n2) - Itll be worth the effort to get different
divisions to agree on a schema and maintain them
centrally - If youre exposing your services outside your
organization, this isnt as big of an issue
122Unified DTO pattern
- Maps arbitrary XML forms to the same set of
objects - Very few toolkits support this
- JiBX http//jibx.sf.net
- Impossible with Annotations
123Multiple DTO pattern
- DTO layer between your service and the world
DTO v1
Your API
Service Router
DTO v2
124Service Routing
- Youll need a way to determine which service you
want to invoke - Methods
- Endpoint
- Header
- Namespace
125Routing Endpoint
- Create different endpoints for each service
version - http//localhost/OrderService/v1
- http//localhost/OrderService/v2
126Routing Header
- Version Header (EBay does this)
- ltVersiongt341lt/Versiongt
- You can create interceptors which route the
message to the appropriate service based on this
127Routing Namespace
- Create a Map between namespace versions and the
appropriate service to invoke - Namespace urnpurchase-order200508 goes to
implementation 1 - Use an interceptor to handle this routing
- Keep one service which is the current version
- Use XSLT to transform messages between different
versions - Can get complicated depending on how many service
versions you have and your XSLT experience
129Deployment Versioning
- Database becomes ultimate authority
- New endpoint for each version
- If your database changes singificantly, this
Application 1.0
Application 2.0
130Web Service Toolkits
131Choosing a databinding API
- Your application requirements will help determine
the databinding or lack there of - XML APIs
- Databinding
- JAXB, XMLBeans, JAX-RPC 1.1, JiBX, Castor
- Depends on your versioning, performance and time
- Why
- Low memory
- Fast
- When
- You have very contstrained memory requirements
- You are writing your own databinding
133StAX Example
int event reader.getEventType() while (
reader.hasNext() ) switch( event )
case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT
QName name reader.getName() case
XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT case
XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS // can
read characters as stream or string default
break event
- Why Easy API to work with XML
- When
- You want random access to the document you are
receiving - WS-Security (and other specs) requires DOM model
- Memory isnt a big issue
135XML Which DOM?
- Pros in every JDK
- Cons Bad API, Crapshoot as to how it will work
on different JDKs - XOM Great API, fast, low memory for DOM, LGPL
- DOM4J OK API, moderately fast, ASL
- JDOM OK API, moderately fast
- Medium performance
- New set of DTOs for each version
- When
- You want to bind your XML to a very POJO like
structure - Youre using JAX-WS
- Medium performance
- New set of DTOs for each version
- When You want a very XMLish API. Can access DOM
at any time
- Fastest databinding that I know of
- Unified DTO multiple DTO versions available
- When You want a very fast, Javaish databinding
- The Sun Way JAX-RPC 1.1, JAX-WS
- Alternative Axis, GLUE, WASP, XFire
- Roll-your-own Listen on HTTP, process
140The Truth about Toolkits
- It matters, but
- More important is
- Good design principles
- Using the correct databinding API
- Good web services are hard period (but getting
- JAX-RPC 1.1 is just BAD
- Very RPC oriented
- Developer unfriendly
- W3C DOM based
- Looking good, but not out yet
- Handler concept from JAX-RPC
- Based on much more WSDLish concepts, and less
RPCish concepts
143Axis 1.X
- Open source
- Very interoperable
- Supports RPC-Encoding if you need it
- SLOW Memory intensive
- Hard to use
- SAX/DOM based
- Databinding JAX-RPC style, XMLBeans
144Axis 2
- Rework of Axis 1 based on StAX
- Still in progress 0.9x release
- Databinding
- AXIOM is a StAX based parser that can cache nodes
in a tree if need be - Will (soon?) support JiBX/XMLBeans in addition
- Very interoperable
- Easy to use
- Databinding based on Electric XML (DOM)
- Very good toolkit
- Cost is of revenue (hard to determine)
- Databinding its very own
- Fast
- Embeddable
- Easy to use
- Open Source
- Low on the WS- support
- Databinding JAXB, JiBX (soon), XMLBeans, XOM and
Aegis bindings
148The Real Reason to use XFire
- Hani Suleiman uses it
- (and hasnt biled it)
- (yet)
149Roll Your Own
- Just dont
- Spec is big, all sorts of minor issues which
could come up
150Testing and Debugging
- We saw this in action earlier
- Very easy to use and free (http//ws.apache.org/ax
is) - Doesnt tell you what went wrong, you still need
to figure it out
152Mindreefs SOAP Scope
- The BEST tool for debugging everything to do with
web services - Will tell you whats wrong with your WSDL, schema
or messages
153Unit Testing
- You test your code, you should test your services
as well - How do you test against .NET without complicated
set up? - Answer Capture messages and resend in your unit
154Unit Test example from XFire
- Send the document
- If there is a response, run XPath assertions to
test for the correct results. - What you should test
- Response values and structure
- Faults are sent in appropriate cases (i.e. Bad
155Unit Test example from XFire
Document response invokeService("Test",
addNamespace("test", "urnTest")
assertInvalid("//sFault") assertValid("//test
Response", response) assertValid("//testRespons
etext()'howdy'", response)
- Web services have high latency and high bandwidth
due to XML - Large documents may not fit in memory
- Why reconstruct the purchase order document for
every request? - Create an interceptor which stores the document
- If the incoming request meets certain
requirements, resend stored request
- StAX and SAX allow you to parse documents
incrementally - StAX Streaming API for XML. Allows you to work
with documents in a pull fashion - Axis 2 and XFire are both built on this model
160Working with large documents
- Possible to work with objects in low memory
- JiBX allows you to do this easily by iterating
over document portions
ctx.parsePastStartTag("element namespace",
"element name") while (!ctx.isEnd()) Object
obj ctx.unmarshalElement() // do whatever
you want with the unmarshalled element ctx.parse
- The biggest problem with XML is latency since
parsing text takes time - Reduce document size as much as possible
- Remember parameter driven design?
- Reduce the number of messages that need to be
sent - Make sure you use a StAX toolkit
- Doesnt require a double transformation from
InputStream to DOM to Objects - You could use Binary XML
- Good architecture and planning can help anything
scale - Some very very large corporations are running on
Axis 1.x - You will just need more hardware
163Binary XML
- About 4-5 times faster than just regular XML
- Many different flavors
- Fast Infoset StAX driver available
(http//fi.dev.java.net) - Question If you control both endpoints why are
you using XML? - Make sense in an intermediary situation
- Or interdepartment communication where everyone
agrees on a standard schema
- Term which refers to the proliferation of web
service specifications - Which ones are important?
- Which ones can I use?
- Answer it depends
- In protocols without URIs, how do we adress
things? - How do we do addressing in intermediary
scenarios? - How do we specify the action/operation we want to
167WS-Addressing Example
ltSHeader xmlnsS"http//www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-
envelope" xmlnswsa"http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/
ws/2004/08/addressing" xmlnsfabrikam"http//ww
w.fabrikam123.com/svc53"gt ltwsaMessageIDgtlt/wsa
MessageIDgt ltwsaRelatesTogtlt/wsaRelatesTogt
gt ltwsaActiongthttp//fabrikam123.com/mail/Delete
Acklt/wsaActiongt ltwsaReplyTogt
saAddressgt lt/wsaReplyTogt lt/SHeadergt
- Used to encrypt and verify messages or portions
of messages - Standard authentication tokens
- Why not encrypt at transport?
- SOAP messages may go through intermediaries
- Kind of hard to integrate
- Not supported by all clients
- .NET people can use Microsofts Web Services
Extensions - Axis people can use WSS4J
- WASP/GLUE have libraries they can use
- Greatly slows things down
- Use transport level encryption if possible
170Reliability and Web Services
- How do you guarantee message delivery?
- (Shhhh HTTP isnt reliable!)
- WS-Reliability specifies a way to guarantee via a
set of soap messages - CreateSequence, Acknowledge messages
- Reality Its slow, high latency
172SOAP over JMS
- Instead of WS-RX, use SOAP over JMS whenever
possible - JMS is crazy fast and very reliable
- Easy to configure and use
- When using with .NET or other platforms
- Create a JMS proxy in Java
- Use your JMS provider via IKVM
173Service Design Process
174Steps to a successful service
- Establish the scope of the service
- Identify consumers
- Determine anticipated usage
- Model the service
- Identify interaction scenarios
- Design the message structure
175Establish Service Scope
- What is this service trying to accomplish
- Questions such as
- Are we providing read access? Write access?
176Identify consumers
- Will this service be used internally, externally
or both? - What type of security do we need?
- Are the consumers competent in WS-?
- Do we anticipate future usage of this service by
people outside the original target audience?
177Determine anticipated usage
- Obviously you want to be able to handle the load
- Use appropriate technologies to achieve desired
performance - Determine hardware processing requirements
- What kind of latency will be appropriate?
178Model the service
- Map out which operations your consumers will be
performing - Determine authentication mechanism
179Identify interaction scenarios
- Dont try to be too flexible
- Identify what operations your users actually need
- Will users always need all the data from an
operation? - Will the never need all the data?
- Will different users need different Data?
- How will the service interact with your other
180Design the message structure
- You should now have enough information to design
your XML schemas
181Purchase Order Example
- Our examples earlier were a bit contrived
- Lets go through and achieve a much better design
182Establish Service Scope
- Were a provider of ACME Scented Soaps.
- We want our customers to be able to submit orders
for our goods - We should provide some kind of account history so
they can view their transactions - Well allow them to cancel order, but not revise
183Identify Consumers
- Off site customers, familiar with web services
- Customers are only in the US (for now)
- Use Java and .NET primarily
- Well need encryption HTTPS will suffice as
there are no intermidiaries
184Model the Service
- long pid submitOrder(PurchaseOrder order)
- void cancelOrder (long pid)
- ListltPurchaseOrdergt getOrders(Date start, Date
185Identify Interaction Scenarios
- getOrders Do consumers really need all the data
in the PurchaseOrder? - We may want to add a ltRetrieveItemsgt parameter
here - We have no other services to worry about here
- If we add more later on itd be nice to have an
authentication mechanism that worked for all of
186Design the Message Structure
- PurchaseOrder
- ShipTo
- BillTo
- Items
- BillTo/ShipTo Only need to handle US Adresses
187Integration SOA ESBs
188What is SOA?
- SOA Service oriented architecture
- Traditional Design an application, tack on a web
service - SOA Design application as a service
- Youve already learned the basics
- Design good schemas
- Design good WSDLs
- Theyre your service CONTRACT
190What is ESB?
- Depends on who you ask
- A message broker between a collection of services
- Provides routing, caching, security, reliability
191What is JBI?
- The Java SOAESB Buzzword Compliant JSR
- Normalized Message Router
- JBI is a way to connect everything
- WSDL like
- Or for the cynical glorified SOAP over JMS
192JBI the Acronym Collector
193JBI Implementations
- ServiceMix http//servicemix.org
- Sun http//java.sun.com/integration
194Audience Response