Title: Dashboards Showcase 8
1Customizing the Predictive Enterprise Browser
Dallas E. Sinnett Sales Engineer dsinnett_at_spss.com
(858) 613-1291
- Three options for thin-client customization
- Redeploying Predictive Enterprise Browser
- URL queries
- SPSS Tag Library
3Option I Redeploying Predictive Enterprise
- Usage
- Minor modifications to Predictive Enterprise
Browser - Overriding default formatting, styles images
- Considerations
- Allows a single customization per server
- Requires basic HTML skills
- Is safer than manually swapping or editing
deployed files
4Quick Changes to PEB
C\Program Files\SPSSInc\Enterprise
5Or deploy a custom package
/CustomizingPEB.pdf (read the documentation 3
7Option II URL Queries
- Usage
- Placing repository content onto other web pages
- Accessing static objects or dynamic reports
- Considerations
- Easy means for embedding content elsewhere
- Provides control over design parameters
- Allows passing of parameters for dynamic reports
- Requires extra steps to obscure ID/PW values
- Requires basic HTML skills
8Option II URL Queries
9Option III Java Tag Library
- Usage
- Placing repository content onto other web pages
- Enabling interactive reporting web pages
- Define source target variable parameters
- Sources are on-screen controls
- Targets are parameterized report objects
- Considerations
- Most powerful flexible customization option
- Allows passing of parameters for dynamic reports
- Requires intermediate to advanced JSP skills
- Support requires version 3.00.010
10Something more elaborate - JSP
11General Steps
- Create the pieces
- Reports
- Visualizations
- Pictures
- Documents
- Put them in the proper place
- Reports in the repository
- Images accessible to the web application
- Produce the JSP code
- Save to the web application
- View page in the browser
12Setup Web Application Files
- WAR (Web Application aRchive) is a directory
structure for Java web apps that contains XML
files, tag libraries, resources and JSP files - A WAR directory is setup for each web
application. - WAR file structure -
- The static HTML files and JSPs are generally
stored in the top level directory. - The Servlet and related Javatm technology class
files must be stored in the WEB-INF/classes
directory. - Any auxiliary library JAR files must be stored in
the WEB-INF/lib directory. - The deployment descriptor is stored as a file
named web.xml in the WEB-INF directory.
13WAR Directory Notes
- Place all custom JSP pages in war directory
- jsp subdirectory contains system provided example
JSP code - resources subdirectory contain images to be
displayed - WEB-INF directory contains WEB.XML location of
the tag directory. - tlds subdirectory - A tag library is a file
containing a list of custom tags to invoke custom
actions in a JSP page..
14SPSS Tag Library - credential
This tag provides a method for defining both a
data source login credential and a repository
login credential. The credential is referenced
by name for all reports and/or prompts defined on
the page.
15SPSS Tag Library - report
This tag defines a report, DOM location,
activation and the source of any required
parameters (either prompts or other report
objects). The output type may be specified
however this may be overridden when this report
is the source for another reports parameters.
The appropriate rendering engine is chosen based
on the specified report definition and output
type. Tag Nesting This tag may include one
ltsourceLinkReport and/or multiple
ltsourceLinkPrompt tags.
16SPSS Tag Library - report
17SPSS Tag Library - report
18SPSS Tag Library - documentation
- It is in the Predictive Enterprise Services
documentation link on the support site. - or
- http//support.spss.com/Tech/Products/Predictive2
19Processing Flow
20Editing Report JSP HTML Section
Only sections of the JSP page that are usually
required to be edited for a new report are
discussed in the following slides.
21Specifying Credentials (If not Provided, User is
lt!--Begin Custom Edits Here--gt ltreporting-taglib
credential name"demo" provider"Native"
username"demo" password"user"
/gt ltreporting-taglibcredential name"SCSample80"
username"sa" password"password"
/gt ltreporting-taglibreport name"KPIProdProfit"
d0000011703e83ce38173" activate"ONLOAD"
outputType"text/html" repositoryCredentialName"d
emo" location"KPI01"gt lt/reporting-taglibreportgt
ltTABLE width"925" border"0" cellspacing"0"
cellpadding"0"gt ltTRgt ltTDgt ltiframe id"KPI01"
name"KPI01" scrolling"no" frameborder"0"
src"" height"260px" width"310px"gt lt/iframegt lt/T
Dgt lt/TRgt lt/TABLEgt lt!--End Custom Edits Here--gt
- Outline section contains tags from SPSS tag
library. - First credential is for PES logon (parameter in
repositoryCredentialName SPSS tag). Will be
accessed at execution in next section by name
demo - Second credential is for database access
22Referencing PES Object URI for the Report To
lt!--Begin Custom Edits Here--gt ltreporting-taglib
credential name"demo" provider"Native"
username"demo" password"user"
/gt ltreporting-taglibcredential name"SCSample80"
username"sa" password"password"
/gt ltreporting-taglibreport name"KPIProdProfit"
d0000011703e83ce38173" activate"ONLOAD"
outputType"text/html" repositoryCredentialName"d
emo" location"KPI01"gt lt/reporting-taglibreportgt
ltTABLE width"925" border"0" cellspacing"0"
cellpadding"0"gt ltTRgt ltTDgt ltiframe id"KPI01"
name"KPI01" scrolling"no" frameborder"0"
src"" height"260px" width"310px"gt lt/iframegt lt/T
Dgt lt/TRgt lt/TABLEgt lt!--End Custom Edits Here--gt
Outline section uses reporting tags from the SPSS
library. Unique Object URI id must be entered
23Obtaining Object URI
- Logon to PES Content Explorer
- Select Report
- Right Click
- Copy Paste Object URI to JSP page
24Setting up Internal Reference Nameto Link Report
to Page Layout Section
lt!--Begin Custom Edits Here--gt ltreporting-taglib
credential name"demo" provider"Native"
username"demo" password"user"
/gt ltreporting-taglibcredential name"SCSample80"
username"sa" password"password"
/gt ltreporting-taglibreport name"KPIProdProfit"
d0000011703e83ce38173" activate"ONLOAD"
outputType"text/html" repositoryCredentialName"d
emo" location"KPI01"gt lt/reporting-taglibreportgt
ltTABLE width"925" border"0" cellspacing"0"
cellpadding"0"gt ltTRgt ltTDgt ltiframe id"KPI01"
name"KPI01" scrolling"no" frameborder"0"
src"" height"260px" width"310px"gt lt/iframegt lt/T
Dgt lt/TRgt lt/TABLEgt lt!--End Custom Edits Here--gt
Outline section contains reporting tag from SPSS
tag library. KPI01 is an user assigned name to be
used in Table layout section.
25HTML Layout
lt!--Begin Custom Edits Here--gt ltreporting-taglibc
redential name"demo" provider"Native"
username"demo" password"user"
/gt ltreporting-taglibcredential name"SCSample80"
username"sa" password"password"
/gt ltreporting-taglibreport name"KPIProdProfit"
d0000011703e83ce38173" activate"ONLOAD"
outputType"text/html" repositoryCredentialName"d
emo" location"KPI01"gt lt/reporting-taglibreportgt
ltTABLE width"925" border"0" cellspacing"0"
cellpadding"0"gt ltTRgt ltTDgt ltiframe id"KPI01"
name"KPI01" scrolling"no" frameborder"0"
src"" height"260px" width"310px"gt lt/iframegt lt/T
Dgt lt/TRgt lt/TABLEgt lt!--End Custom Edits Here--gt
This section is used to place report output on a
page. For this report, Table HTML tag is used to
allow multiple report graphs to place on a page
(only one report is created in this example)
26For Example
27Link Reports Tags Passing Values to Another
28SPSS Tag Library - sourceLinkReport
This tag will identify the source report and
variables that will be used to satisfy this
reports defined parameters. Tag Nesting This tag
will contain 1..n ltsourceLinkVariable tags that
will identify the source column and the target
parameter names.
29SPSS Tag Library - sourceLinkReport
30SPSS Tag Library - sourceLinkVariable
This tag will define the source column and the
target parameter.
31Example sourceLinkReport, sourceLinkVariable
ltreporting-taglibreport name"QTD Sales Rep
Summary" reportDefinitionURI"spsscr///?id7f00
activate"ONDEMAND" outputType"text/html"
sourceReportName"QTD Sales Summary Chart" gt
lt/reporting-taglibsourceLinkReportgt lt/reporti
32Summary Steps for Creating Interactive Reports
- Create a new Web application if needed.
- Save any new images into resource subdirectories.
- Create Reports/queries and publish to PES.
- Embedded HTML
- Update any references to images
- Update on-click Query URIs
- Create JSP file and save to Web application
- Edit userids / passwords if needed.
- Edit each dashboard report URI.
- Edit HTML for layout changes if necessary.
SPSS Inc. 233 S. Wacker Dr. Chicago, IL
60606 (312) 651-3000 (800) 543-2185
Dallas E. Sinnett Sales Engineer dsinnett_at_spss.com
(858) 613-1291