Title: Introduction to S6 Admission
Mathematics is the Queen of the Sciences. Carl
Friedrich Gauss, 1777-1855
Mathematics is an intellectual endeavour
through which students can develop their
imagination, initiative, creativity and
flexibility of mind, as well as their ability to
appreciate the beauty of nature.
(CDC HKEAA, 2006)
Mathematics is a powerful means in a
technological-oriented and information-rich
society to help students acquire the ability to
communicate, explore, conjecture, reason
logically and solve problems with a variety of
methods. (CDC HKEAA, 2006)
- Curriculum Structure
- Number and Algebra
- Measures, Shape Space
- Data Handling
- Curriculum Objectives
- Knowledge
- Skills
- Attitude
In my memory, you should be the teacher
that inspire my interest towards math, and now I
use math to solve problems in Engineering.
(Ivan Ho, S7 graduate in
2001 PhD student at Imperial College, UK, 2006)
Junior Form Assessment Methods Regular
classwork, homework, tests, examinations Plus
- Project work
- Learning through reading
Broadening knowledge Developing generic
skills Arousing interest
CE Math Subjects (S4/S5) AL/ASL Math Subjects (S6/S7)
Mathematics Additional Mathematics Pure Mathematics Applied Mathematics Mathematics Statistics
NSSC Math (S4-S6) from 2009 Mathematics -
Compulsory Part - Extended Part
NSSC Mathematics (S4-S6) from 2009 - Compulsory
Part - Extended Part (Module 1 Calculus
Statistics) (Module 2 Algebra Calculus)
(with SBA, 15 of the grade, starting from 2016)
- Remedial work for low-achievers
- Junior form remedial class (pull-out mode)
- Summer remedial class
- External resources
- After-school remedy
- Enrichment for high-achievers gifted students
- School team training
- School-based elite programmes
- Gifted programmes
- (organized by EMB, CUHK, HKUST, HKIS, PLK, )
- Many other opportunities
- (competitions and assessments)
- Other Learning Experience in Mathematics
- Talks
- Competitions
- Activities
- Magazines
- Mathematics Society
Thank you