Title: How 4-H Changes Lives
1How 4-H Changes Lives
- Cathann A. Kress
- Director, Youth Development
- National 4-H Headquarters, CSREES, USDA
2- In 1900, Liberty Hyde Bailey
- dreamed of a world in which
- learning about the world
- we live in was valued and
- that learning extended beyond
- the classroom walls.
3- In 1901, Will B. Otwell
- dreamed that young
- people could change
- the world through
- their eagerness to try
- something new and
- inspire others.
4- In 1902, A.B. Graham and O.J.Kern
- shared a dream that young people
- could become excited about
- practical science which would
- allow them to better understand
- their world and to dignify the lives
- of the common people.
5- In 1909, O.H. Benson boldly
- changed schools to meet
- the everyday needs
- of the people in his community
- When children welcomed him with the symbol of
good luck, he struck on the image that has become
our 4-H emblem.
6- In 1910, Gertrude Warren dreamed that youth could
be engaged in more than just activities- but
should be encouraged in programs which would
inspire them to be lifelong learners of science,
of beauty, and of service.
7Our role today
- Keepers of the Dreams of our pioneers
- Stewards of a dynamic program that belongs to our
youngest citizens.
8Learning By Doing
- 1912, Marius Malgren, Hickory, VA
9Canning Clubs
Food Preservation
10Leading Community Change
Average adult yield was 17 bushels per acre 4-H
youth grew an average of 65 bushels per acre with
many growing between 150-220 bushels per acre
Led to gardening practices that increased the
variety and quality of the American diet. Led to
food safety techniques becoming standard practice.
114-H Alert, Evacuate, and Shelter
Robi Gray, Georgia 4-H Agent, and 4-H GIS teens.
Calling themselves the Pirates of Evacuation
Mapping, they taught other 4-H GIS members how
to get involved in emergency preparedness in
their communities, including a session at the
2006 National 4-H Technology Leadership
Conference. This led to the new national 4-H
Alert, Evacuate and Shelter program.
12GIS-GPs Leadership Team 2006
4-H Youth and adults from 14 states at the ESRI
International GIS Conference. The team gave a
presentation on the 4-H GIS Community Mapping
program at the opening session to nearly 13,000
GIS educators and professionals from over 120
countries. 4-H received an award from ESRI for
outstanding achievement in youth GIS education.
13Some things cannot be taught, but must be
- Children and youth learn best when they can do
Experiential Education - Leading by Example Youth are early adopters and
will change their communities.
14What is 4-H?
- Programmatic outreach of the Land Grant
University through CES to our youngest citizens
in their communities. - The Land Grant Idea taken to youth.
15Two Types of Leadership
Essential Elements Mission Mandates Program
16Program Leadership in 4-H Content/Context
Belonging Mastery Independence Generosity
17Content/Context Delivery Methods within 4-H
Belonging Mastery Independence Generosity
School Enrichment
184-H Program Delivery Modes
- 4-H Clubs
- 90,000 local clubs
- 4-H Camps
- 17,000 locations
- 4-H Afterschool
- 9,000 programs
- 4-H School Enrichment
- 145,000 programs
19Content/Context in 4-H
Belonging Mastery Independence Generosity
School Enrichment
High Content High Content
High Context Low Context
High Context Low Content
Developed by Cathann A. Kress, National 4-H
Headquarters, CSREES, USDA
20Content/Context and Life Skills
Life Skills
Belonging Mastery Independence Generosity
School Enrichment
High Content High Content
High Context Low Context
High Context Low Content
Developed by Cathann A. Kress, National 4-H
Headquarters, CSREES, USDA
21Content/Context and the Numbers
Belonging Mastery Independence Generosity
School Enrichment
3.5 million
Developed by Cathann A. Kress, National 4-H
Headquarters, CSREES, USDA
22Content/Context and the Numbers
Belonging Mastery Independence Generosity
School Enrichment
3.5 million
Developed by Cathann A. Kress, National 4-H
Headquarters, CSREES, USDA
23Content/Context and the Numbers
1.7 million
Belonging Mastery Independence Generosity
School Enrichment
3.5 million
Developed by Cathann A. Kress, National 4-H
Headquarters, CSREES, USDA
24Content/Context and Impact
Life Skills
1.7 million
3.5 million
Developed by Cathann A. Kress, National 4-H
Headquarters, CSREES, USDA
25The Good News in 4-H
- More clearly articulating What is 4-H? tied to
relevant knowledge bases - Essential Elements
- Youth Development Research Base
- Belonging, Mastery, Independence, Generosity
- Mission Areas
- CES and LGU Knowledge Base
- Science, Engineering, Technology Healthy
Lifestyles and Citizenship
26Comparative Reach Among National Youth
Development Programs
Source Organizations website and Annual Report
27The Good News in 4-H
- Increased visibility for 4-H
- Across youth development field
- Across other federal agencies
28The Good News in 4-H
- Clearer Roles and Strong Partnerships
- Rebuilding and enhancing national systems
(ES-237, Curriculum System, Evaluation,
Professional Development, Programs of
Distinction) - Clarifying policies, guidelines and the
chartering process - Who does 4-H work?
29Important Tasks
- Effectively and efficiently function as an
organizational system - Build the unique character of 4-H and strengthen
its identity and - Strengthen the value relationship between 4-H and
its Land Grant Universities
304-H must be an effective youth development
program of the Cooperative Extension System
tied to its Land Grant University
31What does it take to assist young people to
become healthy, problem-solving, constructive
- Youth must
- Find a valued place in a constructive group
- Learn how to form close, durable human
relationships - Earn a sense of worth as a person
- Achieve a reliable basis for making informed
choices - Express constructive curiosity and exploratory
behavior - Find ways of being useful to others
- Believe in a promising future with real
opportunities - Cultivate the inquiring and problem-solving
habits of the mind - Learn to respect democratic values and
responsible citizenship - Build a healthy lifestyle
- Great Transitions Preparing Adolescents for a
New Century - Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development
32If you were to design a youth development program
intended to assist young people to become
healthy, problem-solving constructive adults
what would it look like?
33What would it look like?
- It would offer opportunities for youth to
experience belonging - It would offer opportunities for youth to
experience a hands-on laboratory which connects
them to research-based knowledge -
- It would offer opportunities for young people to
choose - It would offer opportunities to experience what
it means to be a citizen
34It would look a lot like 4-H.
thann KressDirector, Youth DevelopmentNational
4-H HeadquartersCSREES, USDA