Title: Ross McWilliam B'A' Hons, M'Sc', P'G'C'E' Managing Director
1Ross McWilliam B.A. (Hons), M.Sc.,
P.G.C.E. Managing Director
Deborah Jepson B.Ed (Hons)Assistant Director
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7Ross McWilliam B.A. (Hons), M.Sc.,
P.G.C.E. Managing Director
Deborah Jepson B.Ed (Hons)Assistant Director
8In good company
9Meet the team
- 7 years event project management
- Portfolio of quality entertainers and venues
- Plugged into the local corporate circles
- Unique marketing ability to promote events
andyour business over time
10The business angle
Why an Event?
Over 70 of businesses which use quality face to
face corporate hospitality secure new and repeat
business. Financial Times
A corporate event will significantly raise your
PR, promote your company and keep your company in
the minds of your clients for up to 6
months. Ian Smith,CEO - Data Captain Ltd
The hosting of a professional event is more cost
and time effective in securing new clients than
cold calling and even many mailshots. European
Journal of Marketing 2004
11The business angle
Why an Event?
- To promote your company to a wider audience
- To attract new business and retain existing
business - To reward staff and publicise new company
development - To raise money for charity
- To celebrate an anniversary
12What we do
We provide event consultation, partial
organisation and co-hosting of eventsor fully
organised events on behalf of the client
- Company balls
- Awards evenings
- Corporate sports days / team building
- Formal dinners
- Company and private parties
13Range of services provided
- Tried and tested entertainers / VIPs
- Master of ceremonies / hosting
- Media promotion (radio / press / magazine)
- Sales strategies
- Voiceovers
- Event concept and development
- Multi-media packages (photos / film on DVD)
- Provision of auction and raffle items
- Venue selection with discounts
- Room décor
- Smart marketing (email / ticket invitations)
14Smart marketing
A combination of professional event delivery
linked to Smart Marketing will ensure success
- Contact strategy
- Email graphic invites
- Email Newsletters
- Micro sites
- Ticket design print
- Poster and Ad campaign
- Target guests
- Multimedia presentations
15You want more
Make your event even more unique
- Limo pickup for VIPs
- Celebrity voiceovers
- Celebrity look-a-likes
- Paparazzi effect
- Big Brother chair
- Event Photo CD x 20
- Cartoon artists
- Themed rooms
16Controlled costs
- Defined budget
- By selecting from our menu of services, you have
the option to customise your ideal event and work
within your budget - Your event can be as simple or extravagant as
you like it
17The Simply Events Advantage
Why use us?
- Can you afford the time away from your business?
- Can you do it as cost effectively?
- Do you have the expertise?
The Simply Events Company has the knowledge and
experience to deliver a totally professional
18Ross McWilliam B.A. (Hons), M.Sc.,
P.G.C.E. Managing Director
Deborah Jepson Assistant Director
The House of Hair Ball
Hellewell MenswearCentenary Charity Dinner Dance
The BBC at the Marriott
Andy Green World of Illusion
Terry Webster
Tony Martin
Dr. Kevin Jones
22The House of Hair Ball
23Hellewell MenswearCentenary Charity Dinner Dance
24The BBC at the Marriott Hotel
25Andy Green World of Illusion
26Terry Webster
27Tony Martin
28Dr Kevin Jones
29Ross McWilliam B.A. (Hons), M.Sc.,
P.G.C.E. Managing Director
Deborah Jepson Assistant Director