Chapter 1 Introduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 1 Introduction


Variable: Characteristic of an individual. It can take on different values for different individuals. ... takes on values which are spaced. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 1Introduction
  • Individual objects described by a set of data
    (people, animals, or things)
  • Variable Characteristic of an individual. It
    can take on different values for different
  • Examples age, height, gender, favorite class,
    speed, moisture, etc.

Types of Variables
  • Quantitative numerical values, can be added,
    subtracted, averaged, etc.
  • ________ takes on values which are spaced. That
    is, for two values of a discrete variable that
    are adjacent, there is no value that goes between
  • ________ values are all numbers in a given
    interval. That is, for two values of a
    continuous variable that are adjacent, there is
    another value that can go between the two.
  • Categorical An individual is placed into one of
    several groups or categories. These groups or
    categories are not usually numerical.

Types of Variables
  • Examples
  • Numeric
  • Variable Discrete Continuous Categorical
  • Length
  • Hours Enrolled
  • Major
  • Zip Code

Distribution of a Variable
  • The distribution of a variable tells us the
    possible values for the variable and the
    probability that the variable takes these values.
  • Two ways to describe a distribution
  • Numerically
  • Graphically

Categorical Variables
  • Suppose we poll 46 people on an issue. How can
    we exhibit their response?
  • Numerically
  • Counts
  • Proportions
  • Percentages
  • Graphically
  • Frequency Tables
  • Bar Charts
  • Pie Charts

Categorical Variables
  • Suppose we poll 46 people on an issue. How can
    we exhibit their response?
  • Frequency Tables
  • counts (14 agree)
  • proportions (14/46 .304 agree)
  • percents (30.4 agree)

Categorical Variables
  • Suppose we poll 46 people on an issue. How can
    we exhibit their response?
  • Bar Chart
  • can have counts,
  • percents or
  • proportions on
  • vertical axis

Categorical Variables
  • Suppose we poll 46 people on an issue. How can
    we exhibit their response?
  • Pie Chart

Examining a Distribution
  • To describe a distribution we need 3 items
  • Shape modes, symmetric, skewed
  • Center mean, median
  • Spread range, standard deviation, IQR
  • Look for the overall pattern and for striking
  • Outlier-individual value that falls outside the
    overall pattern

Numeric Variable Distributions
  • Shape
  • Modes Major peaks in the distribution
  • Symmetric The values smaller and larger than
    the midpoint are mirror images of
    each other
  • Skewed to the right Right tail is much longer
    than the left tail
  • Skewed to the left Left tail is much longer
    than the right tail
  • Center
  • Mean The arithmetic average. Add up the
    numbers and divide by the number of
  • Median List the data from smallest to
    largest. If there are an odd number of data
    values, the median is the middle one in the list.
    If there are an even number of data values,
    average the middle two in the list

Numeric Variable Distributions
  • Spread
  • Range The difference in the largest and
    smallest value. (Max Min)
  • Standard Deviation Measures spread by looking
    at how far observations are from their mean.
  • The computational formula for the standard
    deviation is
  • Interquartile Range (IQR) Distance between the
    first quartile (Q1) and the third quartile (Q3).
    IQR Q3 Q1
  • Q1 25 of the observations are less than Q1
    and 75 are greater than Q1.
  • Q3 75 of the observations are less than Q3
    and 25 are greater than Q3.

Numeric Variable Distributions
  • Example 1.5 on page 11 of the book shows how much
    50 consecutive shoppers spent in a store. The
    data appear as follows

3.11 18.30 24.50 36.30 50.30
8.88 18.40 25.10 38.60 52.70
9.26 19.20 26.20 39.10 54.80
10.80 19.50 26.20 41.00 59.00
12.60 19.50 27.60 42.90 61.20
13.70 20.10 28.00 44.00 70.30
15.20 20.50 28.00 44.60 82.70
15.60 22.20 28.30 45.40 85.70
17.00 23.00 32.00 46.60 86.30
17.30 24.40 34.90 48.60 93.30
Numerical Variables
  • How can we describe the distribution of these 50
  • Numerically
  • Center Mean or Median
  • Spread Quartiles, Range, IQR, or Standard
  • Graphically
  • Frequency Table
  • Histogram
  • Boxplot
  • Stem and Leaf
  • Normal Quantile Plot

Descriptive statistics
  • The descriptives box from SPSS gives the mean,
    median, variance, standard deviation, minimum,
    maximum, range, and IQR.

  • 50th percentile is also called the median the
    middle data value if ordered smallest to largest
  • 25th and 75th percentiles are also called the
    quartiles Q1 and Q3 respectively the middle
    data value of each half

Frequency Table
Category Count or Frequency Percent
0 - 10 3 6.00
10 - 20 12 24.00
20 - 30 13 26.00
30 - 40 5 10.00
40 - 50 7 14.00
50 - 60 4 8.00
60 - 70 1 2.00
70 - 80 1 2.00
80 - 90 3 6.00
90 - 100 1 2.00
  • Notice the amount
  • spent is broken into
  • categories or groups
  • Recall, frequency
  • tables can be used for
  • categorical variables
  • as well

  • Breaks the range of values
  • of a variable into intervals
  • (midpoint is displayed here)
  • Displays only the count
  • or percent of the observations
  • that fall into each interval

Box Plot
  • Minimum, Q1, Median, Q3, and Maximum
  • These five numbers
  • are called the
  • ____________________
  • What are these points?

Stem and Leaf Plot
  • Works best for smaller data sets
  • Example 1.4 on pg 10
  • Here are the numbers of homeruns that Babe Ruth
    hit in each of his 15 years with the New York
    Yankees from 1920-1934
  • 54, 59, 35, 41, 46, 25, 47, 60, 54, 46, 49, 46,
    41, 34, 22

Normal Quantile Plot
  • Normal Quantile Plot (This compares the
    distribution of the sample to the Normal
  • the straight line
  • is normal,
  • compare dots
  • to the line
  • If dots fall close to the normal
  • line then the data comes
  • from a normal distribution.

Describing Numeric Variable Distributions
  • Now, we examine the appearance of other data
  • Modes are major peaks in the distribution
  • The histogram below The histogram below has one
  • has two modes-bimodal mode-unimodal

Describing Numeric Variable Distributions
  • Now, we examine the appearance of other data
  • This example is called right This is an example
    of a boxplot skewed since the distribution
    has that is skewed to the _______.
  • a long right tail.

Describing Numeric Variable Distributions
  • ________ observations that are unusually far
    from the bulk of the data.
  • What are some possible explanations for outliers?
  • The data point was recorded wrong.
  • The data point wasnt actually a member of the
    population we were trying to sample.
  • We just happened to get an extreme value in our
  • The 1.5 x IQR Criterion for Outliers Designate
    an observation a suspected outlier if it falls
    more than 1.5 x IQR below the first quartile or
    above the third quartile.

1.5IQR Criterion Example
  • Suppose you had the following data set
  • -2, 15, 3, 7, 10, 21, 1, 5, 12, 8, 1, 35, 10
  • List data from smallest to largest
  • Find Q1, Median, Q3, Min, and Max
  • IQR Q3 Q1 ______
  • 1.5IQR _______
  • Q1 1.5IQR ________If less than this number,
    then outlier
  • Q3 1.5IQR ________If more than this number,
    then outlier
  • Are there any outliers in this data set?

Describing Numeric Variable Distributions
  • Symmetry versus Skewness

Mean versus Median
  • For a skewed distribution, the mean is farther
    out in the longer tail than is the median.

Right Skewed
Left Skewed
Strategy for Exploring Data on a Single
Quantitative Variable
  1. Always plot your data make a graph usually a
    stem and leaf or histogram
  2. Look for overall pattern and for outliers
  3. Calculate an appropriate numerical summary to
    briefly describe center and spread
  4. Sometimes the overall pattern of a large number
    of observations is so regular that it can be
    described by a smooth curve

Introducing the Normal Distribution
  • It is customary to describe a normal distribution
    in the following way
  • Properties of the Normal Distribution
  • Symmetric, bell-shaped
  • Mean, µ and standard deviation, s
  • Area under the curve is 1

The Normal Distribution
  • Normal distributions can take on many different
    means and standard deviations. Only the general
    bell shape must remain the same.
  • Here are some examples of normal distributions

m -2
m 0
m 3
s 0.5
s 1
s 2
Distribution Properties
  • Introducing

The Standard Normal Distribution
1. _________________
2. _________________
3. _________________
Distribution Properties
  • Empirical Rule (The 68-95-99.7 Rule) If the
    distribution is normal, then
  • Approximately 68 of the data falls within one
    standard deviation of the mean
  • Approximately 95 of the data falls within two
    standard deviations of the mean
  • Approximately 99.7 of the data falls within
    three standard deviations of the mean

Distribution PropertiesEmpirical Rule
Percentiles of a Standard Normal Curve
Empirical Rule Example
  • If the grades on an exam are normally distributed
    with a mean of 68 and a variance of 16, what
    grade do you have to make to be in the top 15 of
    the class?

Distribution Properties
  • Shift Changes adding or subtracting a number
    from the each of the values.

mean c
mean - c
Distribution Properties
  • The mean, median, Q1, Q3, minimum, and maximum
    all shift when there is a shift change. The
    shift change, say c, is added or subtracted to
    each of the statistics accordingly.
  • The measures of spread (standard deviation,
    variance, IQR, and range) do not change when
    there is a shift change.

Distribution Properties
  • Scale Changes multiplying or dividing each of
    the values by a number.

Distribution Properties
  • Scale Changes multiplying or dividing each of
    the values by a number.

Distribution Properties
  • Scale Changes multiplying or dividing each of
    the values by a number.

Distribution Properties
  • The mean, median, Q1, Q3, minimum, and maximum
    all change when there is a scale change unless
    they are zero. Each is multiplied or divided by
    the scale change c.
  • The measures of spread (standard deviation,
    variance, IQR, and range) always change when
    there is a scale change. The standard deviation,
    IQR, and range are multiplied or divided by the
    scale change c. The variance is multiplied or
    divided by c2.

Shift Change Example
  • Suppose we measure the weight of everyone on a
    football team and obtain the following statistics
    for a team report
  • Mean 230 lbs. Median 240 lbs.
  • Std. Dev. 50 lbs. Q1 200 lbs., Q3 280 lbs.
  • Variance 2500 sq. lbs. IQR 80 lbs
  • Min. 170 lbs. Range 180 lbs.
  • Max. 350 lbs.

Shift Change Example
  • Now suppose we found out the scale was 10 lbs.
    under so we need to add 10 lbs. to every weight.
    What would happen to each of the following

After Shift Change
Mean 230 lbs. Mean________
Median 240 lbs. Median_________
s 50 lbs. s_______
Q1 200 lbs. Q1________
Q3 280 lbs. Q3________
Shift Change Example
  • Now suppose we found out the scale was 10 lbs.
    under so we need to add 10 lbs. to every weight.
    What would happen to each of the following

After Shift Change
Variance 2500 sq. lbs.
Variance ________
IQR 80 lbs.
IQR _________
Min 170 lbs.
Min _________
Max 350 lbs.
Max _________
Range 180 lbs.
Range _________
Shift and Scale Change Example
  • Further, suppose we found out that we are
    supposed to report the weights and statistics in
    kilograms, not lbs (Remember, 1 lb 0.6
    kilograms). What would happen to each of the
    following statistics?

After Shift Change
After Shift and Scale Change
Mean 240 lbs.
Mean ______________
Median 250 lbs.
Median ______________
s 50 lbs.
s _____________
Q1 210 lbs.
Q1 _____________
Q3 290 lbs.
Q3 _____________
Shift and Scale Change Example
  • Further, suppose we found out that we are
    supposed to report the weights and statistics in
    kilograms, not lbs (Remember, 1 lb 0.6
    kilograms). What would happen to each of the
    following statistics?

After Shift Change
After Shift and Scale Change
Variance 2500 sq. lbs.
Variance _______________
IQR 80 lbs.
IQR _______________
Min 180 lbs.
Min _______________
Max 360 lbs.
Max ________________
Range 180 lbs.
Range _________________
Linear Transformations
  • If you are given a mean, (or ?), and a
    standard deviation, s (or ?), and want to convert
    your data so you have a new mean, (or
    ?new), and new standard deviation, snew (or
    ?new), all you need is to remember what shift and
    scales changes affect.
  • In our linear transformation formula
  • a is the shift change
  • b is the scale change
  • Standard deviation are only affected by scale
    changes, but means are affected by both shift and
    scales changes.

Linear Transformation Example
  • For example 12 and s 7 but we want
    25 and 10.
  • snew scales
  • 10 scale7
  • scale 10/7
  • scale 1.43
  • substituting in shift scale
  • 25 shift 1.4312
  • shift 25 ? 1.4312
  • shift 7.84
  • So our linear transformation equation is x new
    7.84 1.43x
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