Green Chemistry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Green Chemistry


Green chemistry- the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or ... For example, chemical engineers are well known for designing chemical plants to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Green Chemistry

Green Chemistry
  • Dr. Thomas Wiese
  • Associate Professor of Chemistry
  • Fort Hays State University

What is Green Chemistry?
  • Not easily definable
  • environmentally benign chemistry
  • chemistry for sustainable growth
  • A way of thinking
  • Green chemistry- the design of chemical products
    and processes that reduce or eliminate the use
    and generation of hazardous substances.

The Good Chemistry Has Done
  • Life expectancy in 1900 was 47
  • In 2000, life expectancy is 75 (and should be
    more than that)
  • Antibiotics, e.g.,
  • Better nutrition (pesticides, insecticides, and

Has Not Been Without Cost
  • Cuyahoga river, OH caught on fire in 1969
  • DDT

Problems cannot be solved by the same level of
thinking that created them. Albert Einstein
Green Chemistry is Not New
  • The terminology is relatively new, and very
    important refinements have been made, but the
    concepts are not new.
  • For example, chemical engineers are well known
    for designing chemical plants to use the energy
    generated in one part of the plant for one
    purpose, elsewhere in the plant for another use.

Green Chemistry is Gaining Much Wider Attention
  • Exon-Mobile ad (recycling steam)
  • ?bp environment vs. car ad
  • Craig Venter starting a company with the goal of
    generating an entirely manmade organism to
    generate hydrogen as a fuel source
  • Presidential Green Chemistry Award instituted by
    the Clinton Administration
  • A growing willingness to pay more for
    environment-friendly goods

Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry1
  • 1. It is better to prevent waste than to treat or
    clean up waste after it is formed.
  • Note the correlation with the principles of
  • Example of clock reactions

1 Green Chemistry Theory and Practice Oxford
University Press New York 1998
Clock Reactions
  • So named because a sudden, sharp color change
    occurs when a reaction is complete.
  • Numerous chemistries many use mercury or
    formaldehyde, e.g.
  • IO3(aq) 3 HSO3 (aq) ? I (aq) 3 SO42?(aq)
    3 H (aq)
  • Hg2(aq) 2I?(aq) ? HgI2(s)
  • IO3(aq) 8 I (aq) 6 H(aq) ? 3 I3?(aq) 3

Alternative Clock Reaction
  • Alternative vitamin C, iodine, and hydrogen
    peroxide (starch indicator)
  • 2H(aq) 2I?(aq) H2O2(aq) ? I2(aq) 2H2O(l)
  • I2(aq) C6H8O6(aq) ? 2H(aq) 2I?(aq)
  • One of the mercury-based clock reactions uses
    approximately 150 mL of 0.01 M HgCl2 solution per
    experiment for each lab group (two students per
    group). As an example, assume that all of the
    approximately two million introductory chemistry
    students in the nation did the safer experiment
    described above rather than the mercury-based
    experiment how much mercury waste would be

Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry1
  • 2. Synthetic methods should be designed to
    maximize the incorporation of all materials used
    in the process into the final product.
  • Termed atom economy

1Green Chemistry Theory and Practice Oxford
University Press New York 1998
Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry1
  • The principle is simple, but what if you dont
    know all of the products?
  • Use percent atom economy instead

1Green Chemistry Theory and Practice Oxford
University Press New York 1998
Ibuprofen Synthesis Example
New Ibuprofen Synthesis Scheme
Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry1
  • 3. Wherever practicable, synthetic methodologies
    should be designed to use and generate substances
    that possess little or no toxicity to human
    health and the environment.
  • Clothes washing example
  • Soap and water
  • Dry cleaning
  • Perc

vs scCO2
1 Green Chemistry Theory and Practice Oxford
University Press New York 1998
Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry1
  • 4. Chemical products should be designed to
    preserve efficacy of function while reducing
  • Marine antifouling example

1 Green Chemistry Theory and Practice Oxford
University Press New York 1998
Tributyltin Oxide (TBTO)
  • Leaches from hull plating to prevent fouling
  • T½ 5 months in seawater
  • T½ 6-9 months in sediment
  • Bioaccumulation in marine animals
  • Now banned for vessels shorter than 82 feet

4,5-dichloro-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (DCOI)
  • Like TBTO, leaches from hull plating to prevent
  • In presence of microorganisms
  • T½ lt24 h in seawater
  • T½ lt1 h in sediment
  • Binds tightly to sediment
  • No bioaccumulation
  • Must be recoated every three years (TBTO lasts
    five years)

Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry1
  • 5. The use of auxiliary substances (e.g.
    solvents, separation agents, etc.) should be made
    unnecessary whenever possible and, innocuous
    when used.
  • Oxygenation of gasoline required when CO gt 2.7
  • MTBE- methyl t-butyl ether
  • Got ethanol?

1 Green Chemistry Theory and Practice Oxford
University Press New York 1998
Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry1
  • 6. Energy requirements should be recognized for
    their environmental and economic impacts and
    should be minimized.  Synthetic methods should be
    conducted at ambient temperature and pressure.
  • Compare the reaction time to conduct a reaction
    at room temperature (25C) vs. 100C, assuming it
    follows the Q10 rule.

1 Green Chemistry Theory and Practice Oxford
University Press New York 1998
Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry1
  • 7. A raw material feedstock should be renewable
    rather than depleting whenever technically and
    economically practical.
  • Plastic (polyethylene et al.) made from petroleum
  • Newer plastic (polylactate) made from glucose

1 Green Chemistry Theory and Practice Oxford
University Press New York 1998
Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry1
  • 8. Unnecessary derivatization (blocking group,
    protection/deprotection, temporary modification
    of physical/chemical processes) should be avoided
    whenever possible.
  • This beyond where I think you are at.

1 Green Chemistry Theory and Practice Oxford
University Press New York 1998
Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry1
  • 9. Catalytic reagents (as selective as possible)
    are superior to stoichiometric reagents.
  • Stoichiometric reactant driven
  • Catalyst- speeds a reaction without taking part
    by lowering the activation energy (Eact)

Activation Energy
Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry1
  • 10. Chemical products should be designed so that
    at the end of their function they do not persist
    in the environment and break down into innocuous
    degradation products.
  • Packing peanuts example.

1 Green Chemistry Theory and Practice Oxford
University Press New York 1998
Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry1
  • 11. Analytical methodologies need to be further
    developed to allow for real-time in-process
    monitoring and control prior to the formation of
    hazardous substances.
  • Excellent principle but beyond what we have time

1 Green Chemistry Theory and Practice Oxford
University Press New York 1998
Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry1
  • 12. Substances and the form of a substance used
    in a chemical process should chosen so as to
    minimize the potential for chemical accidents,
    including releases, explosions, and fires.
  • Example from my research lab

Hexanes has a flash point of -21C
Cyclohexane has a flash point of -18C
Why Use Green Chemistry in Teaching?
  • Requires the use of interdisciplinary skills
  • Students relate well to environmental aspects
  • Potential for having multiple classes work
  • Green chemistry emphasizes critical thinking

Six Concepts From Twelve Principles
  • 1. Safer Starting Materials
  • 2. Renewable Resources
  • 3. Safer Solvents
  • 4. Avoiding Waste
  • 5. Conserving Energy
  • 6. Greener Waste

Safer Starting Materials
  • Hands-on clock reaction and effect of
    temperature and concentration
  • Materials
  • dH2O
  • 250-mL containers
  • 1000 mg vitamin C tablets
  • tincture of iodine (2)
  • hydrogen peroxide (3)
  • liquid laundry starch
  • alcohol thermometer
  • ice cubes
  • warm water bath
  • Procedure
  • 1. Make a vitamin C solution by crushing a 1000
    mg vitamin C tablet and dissolving it in 60 mL of
    distilled water. Label as vitamin C stock
  • 2. Combine 5 mL of the vitamin C stock solution
    with 5 mL of iodine and 60 mL of water. Label
    this solution A.
  • 3. Prepare solution B by adding 60 mL of water
    to 15 mL of hydrogen peroxide and 2 mL of liquid
    starch solution.

Safer Starting Materials Continued
  • 4. Pour solution A into solution B, and pour the
    resulting solution back into the empty cup to mix
    them thoroughly. Begin timing as soon as they
    first mix and continue until there is a color
    change. Record the time it takes for the color
    to change.
  • 5. Repeat the experiment, but this time use
    either 30 or 90 (instead of 60) mL of water when
    preparing solutions A and B. Time the reaction
    and record the results.
  • 6. Using your data and the data of other
    students, prepare a graph of concentration (on
    the x axis) versus time (on the y axis). Is the
    relationship linear?
  • 7. Repeat the original experiment using 60 mL of
    water to prepare solutions A and B, but cool the
    solutions before mixing by placing the containers
    in an ice bath. Mix as before, timing the
    reaction and recording the result.
  • 8. Repeat again, this time using a warm water
    bath to heat the solutions. Mix as before, timing
    the reaction and recording the result.

Renewable Resources
  • Make and characterize biodiesel
  • Procedure
  • 1. Measure 100 mL of vegetable oil.
  • 2. Carefully add 15 mL of methanol.
  • 3. Slowly add 1 mL of 9 M KOH.
  • 4. Stir or swirl the mixture for 10 minutes.
  • 5. Allow the mixture to sit and separate.
  • 6. Carefully remove the top layer using a Beral
  • 7. Wash the product using 10 mL of distilled
    water. Mix.
  • 8. Allow the mixture to sit and separate.
  • 9. Carefully remove the top layer using a Beral
  • 10. Measure the amount of biodiesel you have
    collected and compare it to the amount of
    vegetable oil you started with.

Renewable Resources Continued
Safer Solvents
  • scCO2 example

Avoiding Waste
  • Silver-containing solutions can be treated with
    chloride-containing solutions by the following
  • Ag (aq) Cl- (aq) ? AgCl (ppt)
  • Any chloride can be used, but apply the
    principles of green chemistry to select the best
    choice of HCl, NaCl, or CaCl2.

Conserving Energy
  • In this module, the most efficient heating method
    (Bunsen burner, hotplate or microwave) is
  • For the Bunsen burner, the essential steps are
  • Using the balanced equation, calculate the ?Hr
    for the combustion of CH4 by looking up ??fs
  • Determine how much natural gas is delivered over
  • Set up a beaker containing a carefully measured
    amount of water and measure the initial
  • Timing how long it takes, heat the water until
    the temperature rises by 3050C and measure the
    final temperature to the nearest 0.1C.
  • Calculate the amount of heat absorbed by the
    water, the amount of heat released by combustion,
    and the percent efficiency of the heating
    process. Equations are provided.
  • For the hot plate and microwave, power
    consumption (specified on equipment is used).

Conserving Energy continued
  • Typical results
  • Bunsen burner efficiency typically 1020.
  • Hot plate significantly higher, ca. 50
  • Microwave typically 80.

Greener Waste
  • Packing peanuts (styrofoam and starch) vs paper
    and bubblewrap
  • Suggested activity would be to have students
    design a procedure to show time of degradation
    under various conditions
  • Also, how are each of these materials made?

Plastics and Recycling
Plastics and Their Recycle Numbers
  • Recycle code name
  • 1 PET(E) poly(ethylene terephthalate)
  • 2 HDPE high density polyethylene
  • 3 V vinyl, polyvinyl chloride
  • 4 LDPE low density polyethylene
  • 5 PP polypropylene
  • 6 PS polystyrene
  • 7 Other
  • The lower the number, the easier it is to recycle.

Uses of Virgin and Recycled Plastics
  • Plastic Use Recycle Use
  • 1 PET(E) pop bottles pop bottles
  • 2 HDPE milk jugs molded containers
  • 3 V pipes plastic floor mats
  • 4 LDPE plastic wrap trash bags
  • 5 PP toys mix
  • 6 PS coffee cups molded things (VCR tapes,
  • 7 various plastic lumber

Properties of Plastics
  • Different shapes (subsequent slide)
  • Molecular weight
  • Domains either crystalline or amorphous
  • Tm
  • Amorphous dont scatter light (glassy)
  • Amorphous weaker
  • Ex PET crystallinity 0-55 depending on rate of

Properties of Plastics
Properties of PE As a Function of Crystallinity
Types of Plastic
  • Thermoplastic- polymers that can be melted to
    become sufficiently fluid that they can be molded
    into shapes that are retained when they are
  • Thermoset plastics- can be molded when first
    prepared, but harden irreversibly when cool.

Nylon Synthesis
  • Step growth or condensation reaction

Hexanedioic Acid Production (Traditional and
  • In the study of amino acid metabolism, an
    organism was (genetically engineered) discovered
    to convert glucose to adipic acid

Addition Polymerization
  • Polythylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, and
    polyvinyl chloride synthesized in this way.
  • They have in common double bond as part of their

Polylactic Acid Production
  • I have drawn this reaction incompletely- what
    else has gone on?

Recycling Process (PET)
  • Most common is hand sorting on conveyor belt
  • Shred into small chips
  • Air cyclone to separate light paper
  • Detergent wash (adhesive)
  • Dry
  • Aluminum caps removed electrostatically
  • 99.9 pure, worth 50 of virgin

  • Depolymerization yields the most effective means
    of recycling
  • Best case is PET (30 of bottles are recycled)

Recycling of Other Plastics
  • Often just heat-molded into plastic lumber, e.g.
  • McDonalds is making shingles for new franchises
    from used PS burger boxes

Other Recycling
  • Glass is being recycled by grinding and used to
    replace Florida beaches washed away by last years
  • Steel and aluminum melted, use 10 of energy to
    recycle than mine originally

The Fourth R
  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Recycle
  • Respond
  • Educate others on source reduction and recycling
  • Make your preference known to manufacturers,
    merchants, and community leaders
  • Be creativefind new ways to reduce waste
    quantity and toxicity

  • American Chemical Society Green Chemistry
  • http//
  • They also have a listserve that might be of value
  • U.S. Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge
  • http//
  • J.Chem.Ed. Feature column Topics in Green
  • http//
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