Title: Definitions
Final Quiz Review - 12/03
21. Renaissance
32. Neo-Platonism
St. Peters Peita - 1499Neo-Platonic
IdeasPhysical beauty is a manifestation of the
43. Oil Paint
54. Chiaroscuro
Caravaggios David and Goliath
65. Composition
76. Renaissance Man
87. Perspective
98. Impasto
109. Glaze
1110. Sfumato
1211. Genre Painting
The Card Players - 1890-92
1312. History painting
Gericaults The Raft of the Medusa - 1818-19
1413. Avant Garde
Mont. Sainte-Victoire, 1898-1902
1514. Baroque
The Blinding of Sampson - 1636
1615. Neo-Classicism
David - The Death of Socrates - 1787
1716. Romanticism
Delacroix - Liberty Leading the People - 1830
1817. The Salon / Academy
1918. Realism
Courbet - Burial at Ornans - 1849-50
2019. Representationalism
Sunflowers - 1888
2120. Impressionism
Field of Poppies - 1873
2221. Post-Impressionism
Self-portrait - 1889 (note ear)
2322. Abstraction
Jackson Pollack - Lavender Mist One - 1950
2423. Art for Arts Sake
Edouard Manet - Luncheon on the Grass - 1863