Title: Ganz einfach: Die neuen PowerPointFolien fr Bosch
1The Machine
The Man,
and Whats in Between
- Motivation
- Introduction
- A Model for Human Computer Interface
- HCI and Cognitive Science
- Design Principles Deduced
- Design Prototypes
- Conclusion
- What a good interface can do for you.
- What a BAD interface can do for you.
- Ultimately, all the user sees is the interface.
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), is the study
of how people design, implement and use
interactive computer systems and how computers
affect individuals, organizations and society.
5A Model of the the Human-Computer Interface
Kent.L.Norman s Control Model for HCI.
6HCI and Cognitive Science
A User-Centered View
Cognitive Science
- Understanding Human Behavior?
Universal Psychological Facts.
7Cognitive Science
Human Memory
Short-Term Memory
Human Thinking
Human Senses
Long-Term Memory
Sensory Memory
8Cognitive Sciencecontinued.
- Conscious and Unconscious Thought Processes
- Characteristics of the Locus of Attention
9Design Principles and Practices
- History Enriched Digital Objects
- Spatial Faculties and Zoomable Interfaces
- Hierarchies in Visual Layouts and Menus
10Design Principles and Practices
11Design Principles and Practices
12Design Principles and Practices
13Design Principles and Practices
See a knob turn it! Stimmt?
14 Prototype13D Forest of Hierarchies
- Salient Features
- Attempt to exploit the 3D spatial resource
- Visibility
- Modelessness
- Critique
- Icons
- Where are you going? factor.
15Prototype2 Spherical Stack
- Salient Features
- Modellessness
- Context Retention
- Pinning Effect
- Obvious Navigation
- Critique
- No Visibility
- No Direct Manipulation
- Importance of HCI
- HCI and Cognitive Science
- Current Practices and Future Direction of the
17Thank You.