Title: Evidence-Based Management Practice and Leadership
1Evidence-Based Management Practice and Leadership
- L. Michele Issel, PhD, RN
- MCH Leadership Conf
- April 2002
2Objectives of Session
- Appreciate the breadth and depth of scientific
knowledge applicable to management practice - Be able to list three theories that can be used
in management practice - List at least two sources of obtaining current
management knowledge - Make a commitment to own growth in the area of
practicing science-based management and leadership
- Science and theory for practice of leadership and
management - Practice needs to be based on science
- Can integrate management and organizational
science and theory into practice - All applicable to MCH
- Tomorrow will not be like today or yesterday
4Evidence Based Practice
- Management is a practice, and research identifies
most effective actions under what conditions
5No need to fly (only) by the seat of your pants
- Use the available technology and instruments
6What is Evidence Based?
- Consistent and judicious use of the best evidence
when making decisions regarding delivery of
treatment or interventions. - In management, intentional actions are
7Isnt Evidence Evident? Well
- Latest research reports
- May or may not be sound, rigorous research
- May or may not have results consistent with past
studies - Own practice experiences
- Human recall is notoriously biased
- Unknown if same results can happen with other
practitioners - Existing practice guidelines
- May be based on outdated data and on habits
8Evidence Quadrants
Many Studies
Ideal, strongest evidence
Ambiguous evidence
High Quality (Rigor)
Low Quality
Barely of interest
Strongly suggestive
Single Study
9Quality Continuum
Randomized, double blind clinical trial with
large sample size
Quasi-experimental, small sample
Quasi-experimental, large sample
Descriptive anecdotal
Quality of Study (Rigor)
10References on Assessing Study Quality
- Brown, S. (1991). Nursing Research, 40352-355.
- Easy to use tool to assess the quality of a
study. - Moher, D. et al (1995). Controlled Clinical
Trials, 16 62-73. - Review of 25 tools to assess study quality.
11Steps to Establish the Evidence for a Practice
- Evidence Review
- I. Define Problem
- II. Locate Studies
- III. Evaluate Studies
- IV. Determine Strength of Evidence
- Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
- V. Develop Guidelines
- VI. Change Practice
12Evidence in Organizational Science
- Look for meta-analyses and literature synthesis
- ABI INFORM as the library database
- Look for body of work by one scholar
- Accumulation across several studies
- Look for work done in variety of organizations
- Accumulation of knowledge across settings
13First, Aim for Leadership
- Flexibility and responsiveness
- Innovation of approaches and solutions
- Trail blaze into new risky territory
- Embrace change
- See opportunities, the full half
14Leadership how?
- Self-awareness
- With passion, enthusiasm
- With intelligence
- With knowledge
- With confidence
- With intent
15Leadership Management
- Strategy focused
- Set mission
- Context awareness
- Encouragement
- Operations focus
- Follow mission
- Content awareness
- Control
16Managing What ?
- People
- Ideas
- Processes
- Images and Perceptions
- Communication
- Time
17Managing People
- Motivation
- Conflict
- Ethics
- Legal parameters
- Professionalism
18The 3 As
- Autonomy
- Authority
- Accountability
- Responsibility
19Theory for Managing People
- Motivation theories
- Whistle blowing theories
- Mentoring theories
- Role theory
20Motivation Theory and Science (from Mitchells
- Efficacy, expectancy goals
- Self-regulation, control, switching, habits
- Emotions, affect, mood
- Needs (hygiene factors), dispositional
- Task design
- Justice, rewards, reinforcement
- Influence, culture
21Evidence for People Management
- High motivation work environments have these
characteristics (Jeff Pfeffer) - Employment stability
- Participation in decision making
- Performance reward
- Train employees
- Open book management
22Evidence-Based People Management
- To have a high motivation work environment
- Keep employees
- Involve staff in decision making
- Reward performance
- Invest in training employees
- Give feedback to employees
23Managing Ideas
- Innovations
- Knowledge
- Ideologies
- Learning
- Creativity
24Theory for Managing Ideas
- Diffusion of innovation theory
- Organizational learning theory
- Theories of creativity
- Knowledge-based vs. knowledge-generating
25Evidence for Idea Management
- Management of Innovation.
- Approximately 50 of innovators come from middle
management or front-line staff - Innovators used comprehensive planning as a mode
of analysis leading to innovation - Brinis (2001) Am Review Pub Admin.
26Evidence-Based Idea Management
- Managing Innovation.
- Listen to and seek ideas from middle management
or front-line staff - Use comprehensive planning as starting point
leading to innovation
27Managing Processes
- Decision making
- Change
- Career advancement
- Group work and interactions
- Tasks (use of interventions, job performance)
- Attention
28Theory for Managing Processes
- Participation in decision making theories
- Theories of organizational change
- Work group perspectives
- Autonomous
- Work group effectiveness
- Career advancement
- Mentoring
- Organizational constraints (glass ceiling)
29Evidence for Process Management
- Decision making.
- Participation of staff in decision making about
strategy, operations, and marketing is related to
more effective organizations - Participation of staff in decision making is
better patient outcomes - Anderson Issel
30Evidence-Based Process Management
- Managing decision processes
- Involve staff in identifying the issues, seeking
solutions and choosing solutions - Involve staff in decision making that affects the
organization, not just their job
31Managing Images and Perception
- Symbols and rituals
- Marketing principles
- Sense making and meaning making
- Personal culture
- Organizational culture
32Theory for Managing Perceptions
- Organizational climate and culture
- Typologies
- Diversity in meanings
- Organizational cognition theories
- Learning organizations
- Sense-making
- Weicks social organizing
33Evidence for Perception Management
- Weicks work on attention and interpretations in
high velocity environments - When things are happening fast, people miss
information and make assumptions - People in organizations retrospectively make
sense of the past events - People in organizations create the future they
are planning for
34Evidence-Based Perception Management
- Managing perceptions
- Seek lots of diverse information to understand
what is going on - Defer to expertise that exists across/up-down the
organization - Look for information that disconfirms your ideas
35Managing Communication
- Interpersonal dialogues
- Modes and medium of communication
- Mass communications
- Interorganizational communication and networks
36Theory for Managing Communication
- Interpersonal communication theory
- Theory of language
- Mass communication theory
- Speech pathology theories
- Network theory and science
- Individual level
- Organizational level
37Communication and Networks
- Boundary Spanning
- Density and Homophily
- Network Characteristics and Effects
- Boundary spanners gather information
- Strength of weak ties
38Communication Mode
- Daft and Engles Media Richness
- Medial richness is the degree to which a cues are
given that can be used to interpret the message - Media richness increases understanding
- Face to face communication is richest media
39Evidence for Communication Management
- Baltes et al. (2002) did a meta-analysis of 22
studies about computer mediated communication
versus face to face communication. - Computer use is associated with
- more negative work outcomes
- decrease group effectiveness
- increased time to decision
- decreased satisfaction
40Evidence-Based Communication Management
- Managing communication
- Be selective about when use computer versus
in-person communication - Match the mode of communication with the need for
rich information - Use the weak links in interpersonal and
professional networks to gain new information
41Managing Time
- Personal time
- Project time
- Work time
42Theory for Managing Time
- Cue theory
- Negotiation theory
- Attention management
- Multi-tasking
43Evidence for Time Management
- Stuhlmacher (1998) meta-analysis of effect of
time pressure on negotiation in 23 studies - Greater time pressure was related to greater
cooperative strategy being used, especially in
single issue negotiations, when there is large
incentive for cooperation, and parties can be
flexible in meeting demands
44Evidence-Based Time Management
- Managing time
- Anticipate effect of time frame on own actions
and emotions and those of others - Anticipate the interaction of time frame with
perceptions and responses
45From Science to Practice
- Changing ones own behavior requires
- intention,
- attention, and
- skill
46Learning Opportunities
- Conferences
- University courses and programs
- Hired consultants
- Mentors
- Bookstores
- Journal club
- Listserves
47Collaborate with Researchers
- Stories with a lesson Share them to begin the
search for explanations - Organization or program as a laboratory for
testing management and leadership approaches
48Where to get the latest management science
- Journals
- Harvard Business Review
- MITs Sloan Management Review
- J of Public Health Management and Practice
- Healthcare Management Review
- J of Nursing Administration
49Who to read? Almost anyone
- Managing Processes
- Warren Bennis
- Managing Perceptions
- Karl Weick
- Managing Communications
- Fishers Getting to Yes
50NY Times Business Best SellerFrom March 17 list
- Leading Quietly by Badaracco
- 4 yr study showing that great leadership is
generally conducted in careful, thoughtful, small
and practical efforts.
51NY Times Business Best SellersFrom April 14 List
- Primal Leadership by Coleman , Boyatzis McKee
- putting emotional intelligence to work
- Who moved my cheese? By Johnson
- techniques for dealing with workplace change
52Your turn to participate
- What aspects of my work are managerial and what
aspects are leadership? - What questions do I have about management and
leadership? (curiosity) - Where can I look for answers to those questions?
53Your turn to participate
- Take a moment and write
- Two things you intend to do based on this
presentation - Two things you learned that you dont want to
54Make a commitment
- By next year, I will have a science based answer
to at least one of my management practice
55Sound Bytes
- Remember small is big small changes have big
effects - Managing happens, regardless of being planned
- Fads of science become fads in practice change
is perpetual
56Thank You