Generic Programming and Boost - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Generic Programming and Boost


Great utility to programmers in C , especially when combined with multiple ... a way of pre-evaluating some of the code at compile-time rather than run-time ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Generic Programming and Boost

Generic Programming and Boost
  • Haifeng Gong

  • Templates
  • Generic Programming
  • Boost C Library
  • Boost CVPR
  • Coding Advices

  • Template class
  • Template function
  • Template class instantiation
  • Template class specialization
  • Template function overloading

Templates in C
  • Great utility to programmers in C, especially
    when combined with multiple inheritance and
    operator overloading.
  • The C Standard Template Library (STL) provides
    many useful functions within a framework of
    connected templates.
  • Very expressive they may be used for things other
    than generic programming.
  • Template metaprogramming, a way of pre-evaluating
    some of the code at compile-time rather than

Template class - Specialization
convert_floatltTgttype convert_floatltchargttype c
template lttypename Tgt struct convert_float
typedef float type template ltgt struct
convert_floatltdoublegt typedef double
type template ltgt struct convert_floatltlonggt
typedef double type template ltgt struct
convert_floatltlong doublegt typedef long
double type
Specialization for double
Specialization for long
Specialization for long double
Template class Partial Specialization
CubicArrayltfloat, 3gt a CubicArrayltint, 2gt
b CubicArrayltstring, 2gt s
template lttypename T, size_t NumDimsgt struct
CubicArray CubicArrayltT, NumDims-1gt
elem16 CubicArrayltT, NumDims-1gt
operator(int i) return elemi
template lttypename Tgt struct CubicArrayltT,
1gt T elem16 T operator(int i)
return elemi
template ltgt struct CubicArrayltstring, 1gt
template ltsize_t NumDimsgt struct
CubicArrayltstring, NumDimsgt CubicArrayltT,
NumDims-1gt elem16 CubicArrayltT, NumDims-1gt
operator(int i) return elemi void
Template function
templateltclass T, int Ngt T max(T t, N n) int
intArray -1,0,3,2,1 char charArray
'a', 'Z', 'n', 'c' int m max(intArray, 5)
//call template int max(int a, int b)
//Overloading int w max(5, 4)
//call max(a, b) char c
max(charArray, 4) //call
template templatelt templateltclassgt class T,
int Ngt Tltintgt max(Tltintgt t, N n)
Generic Programming
Generic Programming
  • Introduction
  • Concept
  • Traits / Type Generators
  • Policy Classes / Tag Dispatching
  • Adaptors

  • Generic programming is a datatype-independent way
    of computer programming.
  • The same source code will be used regardless of
    the datatype the code will be instantiated with
    or passed as parameters.

Generic programming
  • Generic programming is about generalizing
    software components so that they can be easily
    reused in a wide variety of situations.
  • In C, class and function templates are
    particularly effective mechanisms for generic
    programming because they make the generalization
    possible without sacrificing efficiency.

  • Generic programming is "programming with
  • Concept is defined as a family of abstractions
    that are all related by a common set of

concept ForwardIteratorlttypename Itergt
typename value_type Iter operator(Iter
x) value_type operator(Iter) bool
operator(Iter, Iter) bool operator!(Iter,
Iter) //Not a valid syntax in C now
Policy / Tag
  • Policy classes are small self-contained
    implementations for specific behaviors.
  • Many of them are interchangeable which allows
    users to choose exactly which policies they wish.
  • Tag is empty classes used as options for class or

Policy / Tag
  • Policy example Allocator
  • templateltclass _Ty, class _Ax allocatorlt_Tygt gt
  • class list
  • Tag example, fast compact, property tag
  • struct fast_t //Tag
  • struct compact_t //Tag
  • void nearest_neighbor(..., fast_t opt)
  • void nearest_neighbor(..., compact_t opt)

  • Related types wrapper
  • listltgtiterator,
  • listltgtreference,
  • listltgtvalue_type,
  • unrefltgttype
  • convert_floatltgttype
  • graph_traitsltgtvertex_descriptor
  • graph_traitsltgtedge_descriptor
  • Hold relations between templated types

  • Wrapper existed data structure to satisfy given
  • For example, we can wrap CImage to satisfy
    boostMultiArray concept such as we can use
    boostMultiArray algorithms on CImage directly.

A real example
Template template parameter, the template type of
the input image
Template of the kernel
template lt templatelttypename, size_tgt class
MultiArray1, templatelttypename, size_tgt class
MultiArrayKer, templatelttypename, size_tgt class
MultiArray2, typename T1, typename TK, typename
T2 gt void filt( const MultiArray1ltT1, 2gt in,
const MultiArrayKerltTK, 2gt f,
MultiArray2ltT2, 2gt out, T1 (pad_pixel)(
const MultiArray1ltT1, 2gt, int,int) )
Template of the output image
Input image
Output image
Policy for how to padding pixels out of boundaries
Example contd
Type Traits
typedef typename convert_floatltT2gttype
TF2 int cy (f.shape()0-1)/2 int cx
(f.shape()1-1)/2 for(size_t yy0 yylt
in.shape()0 yy) for(size_t xx0
xxltin.shape()1 xx) TF2 t0
for(size_t dy0 dylt f.shape()0 dy)
for(size_t dx0 dxlt f.shape()1 dx)
t pad_pixel(in, yydy-cy,
outyyxx static_castltT2gt(t)
MultiArray Concept has requirements
  • Boost (http// is a collection of
    free peer-reviewed portable C source libraries,
    which includes many useful algorithms and data
  • String and text processing/Input/Output
  • Generic Programming/Template Metaprogramming
  • Containers/Iterators/Algorithms
  • Function Objects and higher-order programming
  • Concurrent Programming
  • Math and numerics
  • Correctness and testing
  • Data structures/Memory
  • Parsing

  • The aim of boost is to become part of C
    standard in the future. Ten Boost libraries are
    already included in the C Standards Committee's
    Library Technical Report (TR1) as a step toward
    becoming part of a future C Standard. More
    Boost libraries are proposed for the upcoming
  • By taking advantages of the templates and generic
    programming, they are all very flexible and
    configurable. My favorite libraries include
    boostmulti_array, boostgraph , boostlambda,
  • A good choice is to represent images and matrices
    in boostmulti_array, which will provide many
    useful features such as views and subarrays. So,
    if we want to reconstruct our codes, the first
    step is to modify the matrix algorithms to using
    boostmulti_array, and wrapper the image loader
    to produce a boostmulti_arrayltT,3gt image.

  • Boost Multidimensional Array Library
  • Boost Graph Library
  • Boost Lamda Library

Boost multi_array Library
  • Introduction
  • Short Example
  • Creating Views
  • Facilities for CVPR

Boost multi_array Library
  • The Boost MultiArray library provides a class
    template specifying an interface for
    N-dimensional containers.
  • It includes a general array class template and
    array adaptors.
  • The MultiArray class supports idiomatic array
    operations and interoperate with C Standard
    Library containers and algorithms.

Short Example
Instantiate the template
include ltboost/multi_array.hppgt using namespace
boost int main() typedef multi_arrayltfloat,3gt
 MultiArray typedef MultiArrayindex
 index  MultiArray   A(extents343) int v
alues    0 for(index  i    0 i  lt  3 i )
for(index  j  0 j  lt  4 j ) for(index 
k    0 k  lt  3 k ) Aijk   
values return 0
A signed integral type used for indexing into A
Create a 3D array that is 3 x 4 x 3
Access elements
Creating Views
  • The sub-view supports the similar interface as
    the original array.
  • It can retain the same number of dimensions as
    the original.
  • It can have less dimensions than the original.

typedef  MultiArrayarray_viewlt3gt type 
view3D typedef  MultiArrayarray_viewlt2gt
type  view2D typedef  MultiArrayindex_range 
r   view3D aView3  A indicesr(0,2)r(0,4,
2)r()  view2D aView2  A indices0r()r()
The view type with Dims dimension template
array_viewltDimsgt type
This type specifies a range of indices over some
dimension of a MultiArray.
from beginning to end
base, stride, bound) 0,2,4) 0, 2
base,bound) 0,2) 0, 1
Facilities for CV
  • The MultiArray container perfectly suits
    3D-graphics and digital image.
  • For 3D-grahpics, slices are gained effortlessly
    with the tool of creating views.
  • For digital images, we can easily choose one
    color channel similarly.

Facilities for CV
  • By creating a view type of the same dimensions of
    the original, we can easily sample on a multigrid

e.g. use MultiArray to contain a color image
(256256) MultiArray   A(extents2562563
) create such a view view3D sample   A 
indicesr(0,256,4)r(0,256,4)r( ) 
Facilities for CV
  • MultiArray provides a flexible process on the
    numbers of dimension.

e.g. (reshape in matlab) If we have a group of
images for training, Xi, with the size of m x
n. The MultiArray of 3 dimensions can be
created to contain this group. It is
convenient to train all these images (2D
(mn)xK), as well as to show the result of just
one image (3D mxnxK).
Boost Graph Library
  • Generic Data Structures
  • Generic Graph Algorithms

Generic Data Structures
  • adjacency_list
  • adjacency_matrix
  • edge_list
  • Suit directed, undirected, or bidirected graph
    when specially parameterized
  • Provide containers for both node and edge

Generic Graph Algorithms
  • Breadth First Search
  • Depth First Search
  • Uniform Cost Search
  • Build blocks for constructing graph algorithms,
    currently including 13 in the BGL, such as
    connected components.

Boost Lambda Library
  • Whats lambda
  • Unnamed inplace function
  • Lisp Programming Language
  • If C has lambda

sort(v.begin(), v.end(), _1.timegt_2.time) transf
orm(v.begin(), v.end(), v2.begin(), sin(_1))
Boost Lambda Library
  • Unnamed functions can be created easily with an
    intuitive syntax.
  • e.g.
  • for_each( a.begin(), a.end(), cout ltlt (1
  • Most of the restrictions in argument binding are
    removed, arbitrary arguments of practically any
    C function can be bound.
  • Separate function composition operations are not
    needed, as function composition is supported

_1 Placeholder for parameters
Lambda Examples
  • For_each transform
  • Sort by class member
  • Pointers of each element

listltfloatgt v for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), _1
bind((float()(float))sin, _1))
struct Event //... int time vectorltEvent
gt v //... sort(v.begin(), v.end(),
bind(Eventtime, _1) gt bind(Eventtime, _2))
listltintgt v(10) vectorltintgt vp(10)
transform(v.begin(), v.end(), vp.begin(), _1)
Boost String
  • Case-insensitive compare
  • Lexical cast between string and number

equal(s1.begin(), s1.end(), s2.begin(),
boostlexical_castltstdstringgt(2006) 2006
boostlexical_castltshortgt(2006) 2006
Boost CVPR
 Boost CVPR
  • Boostcvpr uses boostmulti_arrayltgt to contain
    images and matrices, boostgraph ltgt to represent
  • The key feature that distinguished Boost CVPR
    from other related libraries like OpenCV is that
    it is a pure C library and takes full
    advantages of C templates and Boost generic

multi_arrayltfloat,2gt gauKernel(extents55)
float sigma  1.5 gaussian(gauKernel,sigma)
coutltlt"gauKernel  "ltltendlltltgauKernelltlt""ltltendl
multi_arrayltfloat, 3gt in multi_arrayltfloat, 
3gt out load_image(in, "in.bmp")     
for(index cc  0 cc lt in.shape()2 cc)
    view2D filt_in  in indicesr()r()cc 
    view2D filt_out  out indicesr()r()cc
Stream operator overloading
Load image
View a color channel
Filter a color channel
Save image
Color Space Transformation
  • Function templates to transform RGB to LUV color
    space and in the reverse direction.

rgb2luv(rgbImageArray, luvImageArray) luv2rgb(luv
ImageArray, rgbImageArray)
Color Transformation
  • This head file provides several components for
    color amendments.

nbin is the number of the color scales, and maxv
is the maximal value after process.
  • Five useful functions
  • saturate (in, lb, ub)
  • histogram (in, hist, bin)
  • histeq (in, out, nbin, maxv)
  • level (in, out, bin, curv)
  • autolevel (in, out, lb, ub)

p lt lb, let p lb p gt ub, let p ub.
curv bin are 1D multiarray of the same size,
guiding the leveling process.
hist bin are 1D multiarray of the same size.
histi store the statics data of the pixals
being the color of bini.
out can be omitted.
Array Visitor
  • Wrapper of multi-folded loops for multiarray
  • multi_for_each(_at)
  • multi_copy(_at)
  • multi_arith(_at)

eg.multi_arrayltfloat, 3gt  a(extents1001003)
multi_arrayltfloat, 3gt  b(extents1001003
) multi_arrayltfloat, 3gt  c(extents100100
3) multi_for_each(a, _12) //a 2
multi_copy(a, b, _22_1) //b 2a
multi_arith(a, b, c, _32_1_2)//c 2ba
IO Stream
  • By overloading the operator ltlt, the objects of
    multi_array, array_view, and sub_array types can
    be output at one time.
  • Using the sentences just like (both file and std.
  • coutltlt A cingtgt A
  • foutltlt A fingtgt A

Advices on Coding
Code Separation
  • There are 5 parts of algorithms and data
    structures in our program,
  • (1) interface libraries such as MFC, dotNet, Qt,
    VCL, Xtreme, wxWindows
  • (2) interface code of our own code
  • (3) core algorithms and data structure oriented
    to our specified task
  • (4) special CV and math algorithm libraries such
    as OpenCV, VisSDK, ImageMagick, gsl
  • (5) the standard library
  • We should make our core part as independent as
    possible. So there are 3 categories of calls or
    reference s between these parts, allowed,
    forbidden, and limitedly permitted.

Call Diagram
Code Separation
  • The only directed call from the core is call the
    standard library.
  • We often need to use some other CV algorithms,
    these algorithms should wrapper under our data
    structure before using, and we call the wrapper
    layer instead of the original library.
  • Our core algorithms and data structures must be
    designed without the assumption that the
    interface be MFC, image loader be FreeImage,
    Canny algorithm be from OpenCV.

Forbidden Calls and References
  • To make the code more separable, the following
    calls and references are forbidden
  • (1) the core calls the interface or interface
    library algorithms directly, such as updating the
    progress bar directly during the iterations in
    the core
  • (2) core refers the interface or interface
    library data structure, such as accessing
    MainFrame from the core directly, or using CRect
    and CString in the core data structure
    definition, or letting a core class inherited
    from MFC class.

Forbidden Calls and References
Callback Example
In MainFrame.h (VC/MFC)
  • An example on iteration and progress

Or in MainFormUnit.h (CBuilder/VCL)
More Separation
  • To make our work more reusable, another
    separation in the core is encouraged. We often
    implement generic algorithms in our projects,
    such as connected components, histogram
    equalization these codes should be independent
    from other task specified algorithms.

  • Thanks
  • Welcome to visit
  • Video/Motion Group Reference Documents section _at_
    our SharePoint
  • Some Materials are from Yiyi Weis seminar report

Research Platform
  • Separation of Annotation Software and Research

Issues in ImageParser
  • class static namespace
  • Its better to define an object of class, just
    like App and MainFrame in MFC, though they just
    have one object, they do not use namespace
  • Keep header files in order, using forward
  • If too many similar codes, abstraction is needed
    to make it neat and revisable

  • 4 level of interfacing
  • File exchange text, image, xml
  • Executable file call
  • Dll call
  • Source code in one Executable file
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