Towards Aspect Oriented Middleware - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Towards Aspect Oriented Middleware


to abstract and compose them to produce the overall system ... two properties being programmed must compose differently and yet be coordinated, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Towards Aspect Oriented Middleware

Towards Aspect Oriented Middleware
  • Charles Zhang and Hans-Arno Jacobsen
  • Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Department of Computer Science
  • University of Toronto

  • Crosscutting concerns and aspect oriented
    programming (AOP).
  • Applying AOP to the architecture of middleware
  • Aspect orientation in middleware.
  • Aspect mining.
  • Aspect oriented re-factoring of middleware

Part One
  • Why is there aspect oriented programming? I
    thought Object oriented programming could solve
    all my problems.
  • What are aspect oriented programming languages?

Aspect Oriented Programming
  • Definition To support the programmer in
    cleanly separating components and aspects from
    each other to abstract and compose them to
    produce the overall system
  • Used when we have design goals conventional
    programming languages cannot capture.
  • Capable of modularize pervasive properties of the
  • Complements conventional programming languages.

Crosscutting Problems The loop fusion example1
  • Consider designing a specialized filter for an
    image processing system to produce a new image
    given two images.
  • Decompose the complex filter into a set of
    primitive filters, such as AND, OR, XOR, etc.

Loop Fusion. A primitive filter
  • Implementation of an OR filter
  • Image OR ( Image image1, Image image2)
  • Image result new Image(width,height)
  • for(int i0iltwidthi)
  • for(int j0jltheightj)
  • resultij
  • image1ij.OR(image2ij)
  • return result

Takes two images
Create an temp image
Loop through both dimensions
Invoke OR operator on each pixel
Special filter design 1 easy to read, reason,
maintain and extend
  • Image SpecialFilter(Image image1, Image image2)
  • return AND(OR(image1, image2),
    XOR(OR(image1, image2),
  • AND(image1,image2))

Problem With This Design
  • Not memory efficient. 4 Intermediate images.
  • Computationally expensive. 5 double loops.

Special Filter design two Efficiency
  • We can fuse the loops together
  • Image AlphaFilter(Image image1, Image image2)
  • Image result new Image(width, height)
  • for(int i0iltwidthi)
  • for(int j0jltheightj)
  • resultij
  • (image1ij.OR(image2ij))
  • .AND(((image1ij.OR(image2ij).
  • XOR (image1ij.AND(image2ij)))))
  • return result

Problem with this design
  • Good in both memory management and reducing
    computational complexity
  • 1 double loop, one image
  • Bad in everything else
  • Hard to read, reason and maintain. Error prone.

Special filter design threeTry to be modular
and efficient
  • Let us fuse the XOR operation
  • Image AlphaFilter(Image image1, Image image2)
  • Image result new Image(width, height)
  • for(int i0iltwidthi)
  • for(int j0jltheightj)
  • resultij
  • (image1ij.OR(image2ij)).XOR
  • (image1ij.AND(image2ij)))
  • return AND(OR(image1,image2),result)

Problem with this design
  • Improved reuse of existing modules. Improved
    memory management and computational efficiency by
    reducing number of intermediate steps.
  • Logic is tangled.
  • Neither as easy to manipulated as the 1st case,
    nor as efficient as the 2nd case. Both modularity
    and efficiency come into the design concern.

The design dilemma
  • Design goal one Modularity
  • Easy to reason, manipulate , reuse and maintain.
  • Hiding information behind interface sometimes
    obstructs optimization.
  • Design goal two Efficiency
  • Reduce computational complexity. Direct control
    of resource.
  • Hard to understand, change. Not modular.
  • Concern crosscutting
  • In general, whenever two properties being
    programmed must compose differently and yet be
    coordinated, we say that they cross-cut each
    other. 1

Goal of Aspect Oriented Programming
  • Provide new methods and language features to
    address and to modularize both design concerns
  • AOP exploits three artifacts
  • A component language.
  • An aspect language
  • An aspect weaver

AOP solution to loop fusion problem
  • Use primitive filters and write the special
    filter as in design one (Component program)
  • Image SpecialFilter(Image image1, Image image2)
  • return AND(OR(image1, image2),
    XOR(OR(image1, image2),AND(image1,image2))
  • Use facilities provide by aspect oriented
    languages to intervene its execution. (Aspect
  • FuseLoop(Image image1, Image image2)
  • before SpecialFilter ()
  • if(cflow(XOR) cflow(AND))
  • //fuse the loops in OR and XOR
  • //return result image
  • Transformation of the component program
  • byte code engineering, binary transformation,
    or runtime instrumentation.

Crosscutting problem Figure Editor, An AspectJ
example 2.
More crosscutting about display.
  • Collection of figure elements
  • that move periodically
  • must refresh the display as needed
  • complex collection
  • asynchronous events
  • Other examples
  • session liveness
  • value caching

we will initially assume just a single display
Design Dilemma
  • Design alternative one Place the display
    updating code inside the corresponding methods.
  • Pro. Direct control of updating behaviour.
  • Cons. Updating code scatters. Hard to add or
    modify a functionality.
  • Design alternative two Visitors and observers.
  • Pro. Less code bloating. Cleaner modularization.
  • Cons. Requires binding of types. Still not

a simple figure editor
class Line implements FigureElement private
Point p1, p2 Point getP1() return p1
Point getP2() return p2 void setP1(Point
p1) this.p1 p1 void setP2(Point p2)
this.p2 p2 void moveBy(int dx, int dy)
... class Point implements FigureElement
private int x 0, y 0 int getX() return
x int getY() return y void setX(int
x) this.x x void setY(int y) this.y
y void moveBy(int dx, int dy) ...
Solution in AspectJ
Construct represent a collection of points in the
execution of the base program
  • aspect DisplayUpdating
  • pointcut move()
  • call(void FigureElement.moveBy(int, int))
  • call(void Line.setP1(Point))
  • call(void Line.setP2(Point))
  • call(void Point.setX(int))
  • call(void Point.setY(int))
  • after() returning move()
  • Display.update()
  • before()move()
  • Original modules are left intact.
  • We add any new functionality as we desire.
  • Dramatic coding reduction.

After all the functions return
Before all the functions execute
  • Definition 1
  • Aspects tend not to be units of the systems
    functional decomposition, but rather to be
    properties that affect the performance or
    semantics of the components in systemic ways
  • What could be an aspect?
  • synchronization, scheduling, resource
    allocation, performance optimizations, failure
    handling, persistence, communication,
    replication, coordination,memory management, and
    real-time constraints

Visualizing Aspects
  • Dynamic request handling in ORBacus
  • red shows lines of code that handle dynamic
  • not in just one place
  • not even in a small number of places

Overview of AOP
  • Initially incepted by Gregor Kiczales,et al in 96
    and formally described in the ECOOP 97 paper.
  • Current research focuses on the language and tool
  • AspectJ3 Hyper/J4 Demeter/J 5 ,
    JAC6, and many others.
  • Eclipse AJDT7, IBM Eclipse concern management
    environment (CME)
  • Prism aspect analysis environment.
  • Industry adoption
  • Early adoption at Verizon wireless, Boeing.

Part Two
  • Why is AOP attractive to the architecture of
  • How to apply AOP to improve the design of

Middleware Platforms
  • Middleware A set of services that facilitate
    developing distributed applications in a
    heterogeneous computing environment.
  • Examples of Middleware
  • CORBA, DCOM, Web Services, .NET, J2EE.

Driving Forces of Middleware Complexity
Evolution of Middleware

Core functionality
DSI Ref. Resolution GIOP
IDL DII C Mapping
BOA Object Model
Security IDL Ext.
Portable Interceptor
POA Java Mapping
Extrinsic functionality
Common Security (2.6)
Transaction Inter-Op OLE DCOM (2.0)
Messaging Minimum CORBA Real-time CORBA (2.5)
High performance Enabler(RFP)
  • Other Platforms

Java platform J2SE / J2EE / J2ME /
RTJS .NET platform Standard Edition /
Embedded Edition
Concern crosscuttingA CORBA story
  • A good decomposition of core functionality of

Application works with any CORBA with same
language with no change
Portable Skeleton / Stub
Normal method invocations
ORB specific Skeleton / Stub
Normal method invocations /Requests
Generic Request Message
Messaging Layer
Send and receive octet streams
Application works with any standard peer ORB
Transport Layer
Pluggable protocol. Transparently support IP,
ATM, TCAP, or any proprietary protocol
OS Network Layer
What is not well modularized?
Portable Skeleton / Stub
Dynamic Interface
Normal method invocations
Asynch call
ORB specific Skeleton / Stub
Local Invocation
Generic Request Message
Messaging Layer
Send and receive octet streams
Transport Layer
OS Network Layer
Why modularize them?
  • Modularity is the key to high configurability.
  • Reduce feature redundancy improves performance.
  • Separation of concerns. Easy to maintain, easy to

Our Approach to aspect oriented middleware (AOM)
  • Aspect Orientation Aspects of middleware are
    design concerns that are orthogonal to the core
    functionality of middleware.
  • Aspect Mining Discover and quantify aspects in
    legacy middleware systems using a combination of
    types, lexical patterns, and language patterns.
    (On going Prism project.)
  • Aspect Re-factoring Re-implement orthogonal
    design concerns in middleware core using AOP.

Aspect OrientationMiddleware Aspect Taxonomy
Aspect taxonomy helps to identify aspect concerns
of middleware design
Aspect Mining
  • Aspects are non-localized and hence not easy to
    discover without algorithms and tools.
  • Aspect mining aims at discovering and locating,
    in source code, the crosscutting properties in
    very large systems.
  • Aspect can be quantified by degree of scattering.
    Percentage of classes make references to a set of
    signatures represent an aspect.
  • Tools
  • AMTEX. First tool performs aspect analysis on
    very large systems.
  • Prism aspect mining environment for Eclipse. On
    going project, due October.

Aspect Mining CORBA Case Study
  • Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
    is a mature middleware platform.
  • Open standard, convenient to analyze.
  • Large code base.
  • Availability of many implementations allows for
    cross comparison of mining results.
  • Mining performed on three open source CORBA
    implementations in Java. All comply with CORBA
    2.0 and up.
  • Size of the implementations

Aspect Mining Dynamic Programming Interface
  • Definition Allow programs to dynamically compose
    or handle invocation request without prior
    knowledge of the interfaces.
  • Fingerprints A set of java classes support this
    feature, including Any, Request, ServerRequest,
    DynamicImplementation, etc.
  • Results
  • Fingerprints are located across multiple layers
    of CORBA
  • Degree of scattering
  • JacOrb 23,
  • ORBacus 26.56,
  • OpenORB 23

Mining Results.
Analysis of Mining Results
  • Discovered some internal ORB features such as
    DII, DSI and Interceptors cause considerable code
    scattering and logic crosscutting.
  • The modularity of middleware is also hindered by
    common aspects such as logging, tracing,
    synchronization and pre/post condition checking
  • In general, legacy middleware architectures
    inherently suffer from concern crosscutting.
    Aspect mining shows 50 of classes in all three
    implementations coordinate with a certain aspect.

AOP Based Re-factoring
Aspect Oriented Re-factoring
  • Rationale Separation of aspects from middleware
    should preserve core functionality.
  • Goal Quantify the benefit of using AOP in
    middleware architecture.
  • Target Re-factoring performed on ORBacus, an
    open source CORBA platform from IONA.

Evaluation Metrics
  • Standard measures to reflect architectural
  • Structural metrics
  • Cyclomatic complexity
  • Size
  • Weight of class
  • Coupling
  • Behavioural metrics
  • Response Time (Client/Server side
  • Numbers collected on PIII 1GHz Linux workstation

Overall Assessment
  • The following table reflects the change of
    structural metrics over about 30 classes on four
    CORBA features.
  • The following table shows the runtime performance
    (in ms)

Analysis of Re-factoring Results
  • Re-factorization transparently support features
    composed in aspect programs.
  • The performance of the core functionality is at
    least equivalent to the original implementation.
  • Using AOP, middleware supports its core
    functionality with less complexity, lower
    coupling, smaller code size and simpler control
  • The architecture is more flexible and
    configurable as aspectized features can be
    configured in and out freely.

Future Work
  • Prism project
  • Provide matching capability of types, textual
    patterns, and language patterns.
  • Designed for a unified language analysis
    platform. Enable aspect mining of other types of
    middleware systems in different languages.
  • Aspect library implementations. Enable portable
    aspect functionality.
  • Continue aspect re-factoring on other middleware
    systems, such J2EE, database, and more.
  • Long term research goal Re-design middleware
    architecture using aspects.

  • 1 Adapted from example in Aspect oriented
    programming, G. Kiczales, ACM Computing Surveys,
  • 2 Borrowed from PARC aspectj presentations.
  • 3 AspectJ,
  • 4 HyperJ,
  • 5 Demeter/J,
  • 6 JAC,
  • 7 AJDT,

Thank You
Aspect Re-factoring Dynamic Invocation Interface
  • Aspect Implementation Implementation classes are
    semantically separated from the original code.
  • Some of the crosscutting points.
  • Introduce dynamic request creation into ORB
  • Introduce dynamic invocation mechanism into the
    request sending process.
  • Results

Mining Methodology
  • What is aspect mining?
  • In a stream of tokens, discover data and control
    flows that incur logic tangling.
  • Currently, we characterize aspects by sets of
    types or textual patterns and denote them as
    characterization sets.
  • We measure the percentage of classes that is
    crosscut by the characterization set.
  • We call this the degree of scattering.
  • Mining approaches
  • Currently automatic discovery is not possible
    mining involves user intervention.
  • Map well known aspects such as logging and
    synchronization to the types and expressions of
    target platform
  • Discover orthogonal concerns of middleware.
    Define the characterization sets. And verify by
    computing the degree of scattering.
  • Rank the scattering degree of all types to locate
    possible aspects.

Research Thesis
  • Middleware systems implemented in traditional
    methods inherently suffer from concern
  • The modularity of legacy middleware systems can
    be improved tremendously using AOP.
  • It is time to re-think the architecture of
    middleware and incorporate AOP from ground-up.

More concerns cut across modules
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