Title: Pennsylvania
1(No Transcript)
Pennsylvania State Treasury
Some of our tools methodologies have been in
place since the 1950s
Pennsylvania State Treasury
Pennsylvania State Treasury
5Integrating Technologies
- The Impact of Content Management within PA
Pennsylvania State Treasury
6You dont need a weatherman to know which way
the wind blows Bob Dylan
- Our systems were unable to work together
- All our work was segmented
- The information needed to do the job was spread
all over - the place and in all kinds of formats
- Many functions were repeated by others in the
work chain - Everyone kept (filed, stored, maintained) their
own set of work -
Pennsylvania State Treasury
7What kinds of information do we use?
Pennsylvania State Treasury
8What can we do with this stuff?
Philosophical note A step out of the mud is a
step closer to the sun.
Pennsylvania State Treasury
9Content Management
Pennsylvania State Treasury
10The Information we use
- Structured Information
- Data processing applications mainframe or
client server - Payroll
- Accounting systems
- Human resource systems
- Other data management applications
- Represents approximately 20 of our information
Enterprise Applications
Pennsylvania State Treasury
11The Information we use
- Unstructured Information
- Everything else
- Represents approximately 80 of our information
Pennsylvania State Treasury
12All of this is CONTENT
But wait theres more!
Now we need to identify the technologies, tools,
and methods to capture, manage, store, preserve,
and deliver content across the enterprise and
Pennsylvania State Treasury
13The scholarly view
Pennsylvania State Treasury
14The Techie view
Web Client
Mobile Forms
App Enabler
Explorer Ext.
3rd Party Apps
(ActiveX HTML)
Retrieval EDM Workflow
Processing Modules
Microsoft IIS
API Code
Thick Client
Core Services
Core Services / COM API
SQL Database Service
Storage Mgmt (HSM)/Disk Groups
Pennsylvania State Treasury
15The simple view
Pennsylvania State Treasury
16The simple view
Web Server
Pennsylvania State Treasury
17Through Content Management we have been able to
integrate Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania State Treasury
18SSP 5-Year Financial Impact
- Save 175,000,000 over 5 years
- Opportunity to RESTORE 74,250,000 in benefits
to recipients and still save 100,750,000 over 5
Pennsylvania State Treasury
19Pre-requisites for Success
- Teamwork Inter-Agency cooperation
- Governors Office
- Treasury
- Department of Public Welfare
- Minimum operational impact
- Proven technology and Proven success
Pennsylvania is a state that can implement
quickly, cut costs and deliver better services
Pennsylvania State Treasury
20Additional Revenue Generating Initiatives
Department of Public Welfare Supplemental
Social Security Issuance (SSI) Department of
Labor and Industry Unemployment
Compensation Direct Deposit System Combined
Check System Department of Labor and
Industry State Workers Insurance Fund
(SWIF) Legal Bills Verification Commonwealt
h of Pennsylvania Central Repository for
Vendor Transactions
Savings 35M per Year
Savings 2.4M per Year
Savings 3.9M per Year
Savings 2M per Year
Pennsylvania State Treasury
Savings Unlimited
21Additional Revenue Generating Initiatives
Treasury Department Investment
Income Unclaimed Property Dormancy Amnesty
Demutualization Liquidation of
Securities eBay Auction Unemployment
Compensation State Workers Insurance Fund
(SWIF) Total
Savings 600 Million
189 Million
29 Million
200 Million
81 Million
1 Million
35 Million
65 Million
Savings 1.2 Billion
Pennsylvania State Treasury
22The PATH that leads from the State of
Confusion to the State of Utopia runs
Pennsylvania State Treasury
23Philosophical note
You can eat an elephant, but you have to do it
one bite at a time
Pennsylvania State Treasury
Pennsylvania State Treasury