Title: Chapter 6 Functions
1Chapter 6 Functions
26.1 Focus on Software Engineering Breaking Up
Your Programs
- Programs may be broken up into many manageable
36.2 Defining and Calling Functions
- A function call is a statement that causes a
function to execute. A function definition
contains the statements that make up the
function. - The line in the definition that reads int main()
is called the function header.
4Figure 6-1
5Calling a Function
- Function Header
- void displayMessage()
- Function Call
- displayMessage()
6Program 6-1
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- // Definition of function displayMessage.
- // This function displays a greeting.
- void displayMessage()
- cout ltlt "Hello from the function
displayMessage.\n" -
- Â
- int main()
- cout ltlt "Hello from main.\n"
- displayMessage()
- cout ltlt "Back in function main again.\n"
- return 0
7Program Output
- Hello from main.
- Hello from the function displayMessage.
- Back in function main again.
8Figure 6-2
void displayMessage() cout ltlt Hello from the
function displayMessage.\n
int main() cout ltlt Hello from
main.\n displayMessage() cout ltlt Back in
function main again.\n return 0
9Program 6-2
- //The function displayMessage is repeatedly
called from a loop - include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- Â
- void displayMessage()
- cout ltlt "Hello from the function
displayMessage.\n" -
- Â
- int main()
- cout ltlt "Hello from main.\n"
- for (int count 0 count lt 5 count)
- displayMessage() // Call displayMessage
- cout ltlt "Back in function main again.\n"
- return 0
10Program Output
- Hello from main.
- Hello from the function displayMessage.
- Hello from the function displayMessage.
- Hello from the function displayMessage.
- Hello from the function displayMessage.
- Hello from the function displayMessage.
- Back in function main again.
11Program 6-3
- // This program has three functions main, first,
and second. - include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- // Definition of function first.
- // This function displays a message.
- Â
- void first()
- cout ltlt "I am now inside the function first.\n"
12Â Program continues
- // Definition of function second. This function
displays a message. - void second()
- cout ltlt "I am now inside the function
second.\n" -
- Â
- int main()
- cout ltlt "I am starting in function main.\n"
- first() // Call function first
- second() // Call function second
- cout ltlt "Back in function main again.\n"return
13Program Output
- I am starting in function main.
- I am now inside the function first.
- I am now inside the function second.
- Back in function main again.
14Figure 6-3
void first() cout ltlt I am now inside
function first.\n
void second() cout ltlt I am now inside
function second.\n
int main() cout ltlt I am starting in
function main.\n first() second()
cout ltlt Back in function main again.\n
return 0
15Program 6-4
- // This program has three functions main, deep,
and deeper - Â
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- // Definition of function deeper.
- // This function displays a message.
- Â
- void deeper()
- cout ltlt "I am now inside the function
16Â Program continues
- // Definition of function deep.
- // This function calls the function deeper.
- Â void deep()
- cout ltlt "I am now inside the function deep.\n"
- deeper() // Call function deeper
- cout ltlt "Now I am back in deep.\n"
- Â int main()
- cout ltlt "I am starting in function main.\n"
- deep() // Call function deep
- cout ltlt "Back in function main again.\n"
- return 0
17Program Output
- I am starting in function main.
- I am now inside the function deep.
- I am now inside the function deeper.
- Now I am back in deep.
- Back in function main again.
18Figure 6-4
void deep() cout ltlt I am now inside
function deep.\n deeper() cout ltlt Now I
am back in deep.\n
void deeper() cout ltlt I am now inside
function deeper.\n
int main() cout ltlt I am starting in
function main.\n deep() cout ltlt Back in
function main again.\n return 0
196.3 Sending Information Into a Function
- When a function is called, the program may send
values into the function.
20Program 6-5
- Â include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- // Definition of function displayValue.
- // It uses an integer parameter whose value is
displayed. - void displayValue(int num)
- cout ltlt "The value is " ltlt num ltlt endl
- Â
- int main()
- cout ltlt "I am passing 5 to displayValue.\n"
- displayValue(5) // Call displayValue with
argument 5 - cout ltlt "Now I am back in main.\n"
- return 0
21Program Output
- I am passing 5 to displayValue.
- The value is 5
- Now I am back in main.
22Figure 6-5
void displayValue(int num) cout ltlt The
value is ltlt num ltlt endl
23Program 6-6
- // This program demonstrates a function with a
parameter. - include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- Â
- // Definition of function displayValue.
- // It uses an integer parameter whose value is
displayed. - void displayValue(int num)
- cout ltlt "The value is " ltlt num ltlt endl
24Program continues
- int main()
- cout ltlt "I am passing several values to
displayValue.\n" - displayValue(5) // Call displayValue with
argument 5 - displayValue(10) // Call displayValue with
argument 10 - displayValue(2) // Call displayValue with
argument 2 - displayValue(16) // Call displayValue with
argument 16 - cout ltlt "Now I am back in main.\n"
- return 0
25Program Output
- I am passing several values to displayValue.
- The value is 5
- The value is 10
- The value is 2
- The value is 16
- Now I am back in main.
26Program 6-7
- // This program demonstrates a function with
three parameters. - Â
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- // Definition of function showSum.
- // It uses three integer parameters. Their sum is
displayed. - void showSum(int num1, int num2, int num3)
- cout ltlt (num1 num2 num3) ltlt endl
27Â Program continues
- int main()
- int value1, value2, value3
- Â cout ltlt "Enter three integers and I will
display " - cout ltlt "their sum "
- cin gtgt value1 gtgt value2 gtgt value3
- showSum(value1, value2, value3) // Call showSum
with // 3
arguments - return 0
28Program Output with Example Input
- Enter three integers and I will display their
sum 4 8 7 Enter - 19
29Figure 6-6
showSum(value1, value2, value3)
void showSum(int num1, int num2, int num3)
cout ltlt num1 num2 num3 ltlt endl
306.4 Changing the value of a Parameter
- When an argument is passed into a parameter, only
a copy of the arguments value is passed.
Changes to the parameter do not affect the
original argument. This is called passed by
31Program 6-8
- // This program demonstrates that changes to a
function parameter - // have no effect on the original argument.
- Â include ltiostreamgt
- Â using namespace std
- // Definition of function changeThem.
- // It uses i, an int parameter, and f, a float.
The values of - // i and f are changed and then displayed.
- Â
- void changeThem(int i, float f)
- i 100
- f 27.5
- cout ltlt "In changeThem the value of i is changed
to " - cout ltlt i ltlt endl
- cout ltlt "and the value of f is changed to " ltlt f
ltlt endl
32Â Â Program continues
- int main()
- int whole 12
- float real 3.5
- Â cout ltlt "In main the value of whole is " ltlt
whole ltlt endl - cout ltlt "and the value of real is " ltlt real ltlt
endl - changeThem(whole, real) // Call changeThem with
2 arguments - cout ltlt "Now back in main again, the value of "
- cout ltlt "whole is " ltlt whole ltlt endl
- cout ltlt "and the value of real is " ltlt real ltlt
endl - return 0
33Program Output
- In main the value of whole is 12
- and the value of real is 3.5
- In changeThem the value of i is changed to 100
- and the value of f is changed to 27.5
- Now back in main again, the value of whole is 12
- and the value of real is 3.5
34Figure 6-7
356.5 Function Prototypes
- A function prototype eliminates the need to place
a function definition before all calls to the
function. - You may optionally list the parameter variable
names in a function prototype, although the
compiler only needs the types. - You must place either the function definition or
function prototype ahead of all calls to the
function. Otherwise the program will not compile.
36Program 6-9
- // This program uses a function prototype for
showSum - Â
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- void showSum(int, int, int) // Function
prototype - Â
- int main()
- int value1, value2, value3
- cout ltlt "Enter three integers and I will display
" - cout ltlt "their sum "
- cin gtgt value1 gtgt value2 gtgt value3
- showSum(value1, value2, value3)
- return 0
37Â Program continues
- // Definition of function showSum.
- // It uses three integer parameters. Their sum is
- // displayed.
- Â
- void showSum(int num1, int num2, int num3)
- cout ltlt num1 num2 num3 ltlt endl
- Â
38Program 6-10
- // This program has three functions main, first,
and second. - Â
- include ltiostreamgt
- Â using namespace std
- // Function prototypes
- void first()
- void second()
- Â
- int main()
- cout ltlt "I am starting in function main.\n"
- first()
- second()
- cout ltlt "Back in function main again.\n"
- return 0
39Program continues
- // Definition of function first
- void first()
- cout ltlt "I am now inside the function first.\n"
- Â
- // Definition of function second
- void second()
- cout ltlt "I am now inside the function
406.6 Focus on Software Engineering Using
Functions in a Menu-Driven Program
- Functions are ideal for use in menu-driven
programs. When the user selects an item from a
menu, the program can call the appropriate
41Program 6-11
- // This is a menu-driven program that makes a
function call - // for each selection the user makes.
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- // Function Prototypes
- void adult(int)
- void child(int)
- void senior(int)
- Â
- int main()
- int months, choice
42Â Program continues
- cout.setf(iosfixed iosshowpoint)
- cout.precision(2)
- Â do
- cout ltlt "\n\t\tHealth Club Membership
Menu\n\n" - cout ltlt "1. Standard adult Membership\n"
- cout ltlt "2. child Membership\n"
- cout ltlt "3. senior Citizen Membership\n"
- cout ltlt "4. Quit the Program\n\n"
- cout ltlt "Enter your choice "
- cin gtgt choice
43Program continues
- if (choice ! 4)
- cout ltlt "For how many months? "
- cin gtgt months
- switch (choice)
- case 1 adult(months)
- break
- case 2 child(months)
- break
- case 3 senior(months)
- break
- case 4 cout ltlt "Thanks for using this "
- cout ltlt "program.\n"
- break
44Program continues
- default cout ltlt "The valid choices are 1-4. "
- cout ltlt "Try again.\n"
- while (choice ! 4)
- return 0
- Â
- // Definition of function adult. Uses an integer
parameter, mon. - // mon holds the number of months the membership
should be - // calculated for. The cost of an adult
membership for that many - // months is displayed.
- void adult(int mon)
- cout ltlt "The total charges are "
- cout ltlt (mon 40.0) ltlt endl
45Â Program continues
- // Definition of function child. Uses an integer
parameter, mon. - // mon holds the number of months the membership
should be - // calculated for. The cost of a child membership
for that many - // months is displayed.
- Â
- void child(int mon)
- cout ltlt "The total charges are "
- cout ltlt (mon 20.0) ltlt endl
46Â Program continues
- // Definition of function senior. Uses an integer
parameter, mon. - // mon holds the number of months the membership
should be - // calculated for. The cost of a senior citizen
membership for - // that many months is displayed.
- Â
- void senior(int mon)
- cout ltlt "The total charges are "
- cout ltlt (mon 30.0) ltlt endl
47Program Output with Example Input
- Health Club Membership Menu
- Â
- 1. Standard adult Membership
- 2. child Membership
- 3. senior Citizen Membership
- 4. Quit the Program
- Enter your choice 1
- Â
- For how many months 12
- The total charges are 480.00
- Â
- Health Club Membership Menu
- Â
- 1. Standard adult Membership
- 2. child Membership
- 3. senior Citizen Membership
- 4. Quit the Program
- Enter your choice 4
- Thanks for using this program.
486.7 Local and Global Variables
- A local variable is declared inside a function,
and is not accessible outside the function. - A global variable is declared outside all
functions and is accessible in its scope.
49Program 6-12
- // This program shows that variables declared in
a function - // are hidden from other functions.
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- void func() // Function prototype
- Â
- int main()
- int num 1
- cout ltlt "In main, num is " ltlt num ltlt endl
- func()
- cout ltlt "Back in main, num is still " ltlt num ltlt
endl - return 0
50Â Program continues
- // Definition of function func.
- // It has a local variable, num, whose initial
value, 20, - // is displayed.
- Â
- void func()
- int num 20
- Â cout ltlt "In func, num is " ltlt num ltlt endl
- Â
51Program Output
- In main, num is 1
- In func, num is 20
- Back in main, num is still 1
52Figure 6-8
Function main num 1
This num variable is only visible in function
Function func num 20
This num variable is only visible in function
53Program 6-13
- // This program shows that a global variable is
visible - // to all the functions that appear in a program
after - // the variable's declaration.
- Â
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- void func() // Function prototype
- int num 2 // Global variable
- Â
- int main()
- cout ltlt "In main, num is " ltlt num ltlt endl
- func()
- cout ltlt "Back in main, num is " ltlt num ltlt endl
- return 0
54Â Program continues
- // Definition of function func.
- // func changes the value of the global variable
num. - void func()
- cout ltlt "In func, num is " ltlt num ltlt endl
- num 50
- cout ltlt "But, it is now changed to " ltlt num ltlt
endl -
- Â
55Program Output
- In main, num is 2
- In func, num is 2
- But, it is now changed to 50
- Back in main, num is 50
56Program 6-14
- // This program shows that a global variable is
visible - // to all the functions that appear in a program
after - // the variable's declaration.
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace stdÂ
- void func() // Function prototype
- Â
- int main()
- cout ltlt "In main, num is not visible!\n"
- func()
- cout ltlt "Back in main, num still isn't
visible!\n" - return 0
57Â Program continues
- int num 2 // Global variable
- // Definition of function func
- // func changes the value of the global variable
num. - void func()
- cout ltlt "In func, num is " ltlt num ltlt endl
- num 50
- cout ltlt "But, it is now changed to " ltlt num ltlt
58Program Output
- In main, num is not visible!
- In func, num is 2
- But, it is now changed to 50
- Back in main, num still isn't visible!
59Program 6-15
- // This program has an uninitialized global
variable. - include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- int globalNum // Global variable. Automatically
set to zero. - Â
- int main()
- cout ltlt "globalNum is " ltlt globalNum ltlt endl
- return 0
60Program Output
61Local and Global Variables with the Same Name
- If a function has a local variable with the same
name as a global variable, only the local
variable can be seen by the function.
62Program 6-16
- // This program shows that when a local variable
has the - // same name as a global variable, the function
only sees - // the local variable.
- Â
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- // Function prototypes
- void texas()
- void arkansas()
- Â
- int cows 10
63Â Program continues
- int main()
- cout ltlt "There are " ltlt cows ltlt " cows in
main.\n" - texas()
- arkansas()
- cout ltlt "Back in main, there are " ltlt cows ltlt "
cows.\n" - return 0
- Â
- // Definition of function texas.
- // The local variable cows is set to 100.
- Â void texas()
- int cows 100
- Â
- cout ltlt "There are " ltlt cows ltlt " cows in
64Â Program continues
- // Definition of function arkansas.
- // The local variable cows is set to 50.
- Â
- void arkansas()
- int cows 50
- Â cout ltlt "There are " ltlt cows ltlt " cows in
arkansas.\n" -
- Â
65Program Output
- There are 10 cows in main.
- There are 100 cows in texas.
- There are 50 cows in arkansas.
- Back in main, there are 10 cows.
- Â
66Program 6-17
- // This program has local and global variables.
In the function - // ringUpSale, there is a local variable named
tax. There is - // also a global variable with the same name.
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace stdÂ
- void ringUpSale() // Function prototype
- Â
- // Global Variables
- const float taxRate 0.06
- float tax, sale, total
- Â
- int main()
- char again
67Â Program continues
- cout.precision(2)
- cout.setf(iosfixed iosshowpoint)
- do
- ringUpSale()
- cout ltlt "Is there another item to be purchased?
" - cin gtgt again
- while (again 'y' again 'Y')
- tax sale taxRate
- total sale tax
- cout ltlt "The tax for this sale is " ltlt tax ltlt
endl - cout ltlt "The total is " ltlt total ltlt endl
- return 0
68Â Program continues
- // Definition of function ringUpSale.
- // This function asks for the quantity and unit
price of an item. - // It then calculates and displays the sales tax
and subtotal - // for those items.
- Â
- void ringUpSale()
- int qty
- float unitPrice, tax, thisSale, subTotal
- Â
- cout ltlt "Quantity "
- cin gtgt qty
- cout ltlt "Unit price "
- cin gtgt unitPrice
- thisSale qty unitPrice // Get the total
unit price
69Program continues
- sale thisSale // Update global
variable sale - tax thisSale taxRate // Get sales tax for
these items - subTotal thisSale tax // Get subtotal for
these items - cout ltlt "Price for these items " ltlt thisSale ltlt
endl - cout ltlt "tax for these items " ltlt tax ltlt endl
- cout ltlt "subTotal for these items " ltlt subTotal
ltlt endl
70Program Output with Example Input
- Quantity 2 Enter
- Unit Price 20.00 Enter
- Price for these items 40.00
- tax for these items 2.40
- subTotal for these items 42.40
- Is there another item to be purchased? y Enter
- Quantity 3 Enter
- Unit Price 12.00 Enter
- Price for these items 36.00
- tax for these items 2.16
- subTotal for these items 38.16
- Is there another item to be purchased? n Enter
- The tax for this sale is 4.56
- The total is 80.56
71Be Careful With Global Variables
- It is tempting to make all your variables global.
But dont do it! - Using global variables can cause problems.
- It is harder to debug a program that uses global
726.8 Static Local Variables
- If a function is called more than once in a
program, the values stored in the functions
local variables do not persist between function
calls. - To get a variable to keep its value even after
the function ends, you must create static
73Program 6-18
- // This program shows that local variables do not
retain - // their values between function calls.
- Â
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- // Function prototype
- void showLocal()
- Â
- int main()
- showLocal()
- showLocal()
- return 0
74Program continues
- // Definition of function showLocal.
- // The initial value of localNum, which is 5, is
displayed. - // The value of localNum is then changed to 99
before the - // function returns.
- Â
- void showLocal()
- int localNum 5 // Local variable
- Â
- cout ltlt "localNum is " ltlt localNum ltlt endl
- localNum 99
75Program Output
- localNum is 5
- localNum is 5
76Program 6-19
- //This program uses a static local variable.
- include ltiostreamgt
- void showStatic() // Function prototype
- int main()
- for (int count 0 count lt 5 count)
- showStatic()
- return 0
- // Definition of function showStatic.
- void showStatic()
- static int statNum
- cout ltlt "statNum is " ltlt statNum ltlt endl
- statNum
77Program Output
- statNum is 0
- statNum is 1
- statNum is 2
- statNum is 3
- statNum is 4
78Program 6-20
- // This program shows that a static local
variable is only - // initialized once.
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- void showStatic() // Function prototype
- int main()
- for (int count 0 count lt 5 count)
- showStatic()return 0
79Â Program continues
- // Definition of function showStatic.
- // statNum is a static local variable. Its value
is displayed - // and then incremented just before the function
returns. - Â
- void showStatic()
- static int statNum 5
- Â
- cout ltlt "statNum is " ltlt statNum ltlt endl
- statNum
80Program Output
- statNum is 5
- statNum is 6
- statNum is 7
- statNum is 8
- statNum is 9
816.9 Default Arguments
- Default arguments are passed to parameters
automatically if no argument is provided in the
function call. - A functions default arguments should be assigned
in the earliest occurrence of the function name.
This will usually mean the function prototype.
82Program 6-21
- // This program demonstrates default function
arguments. - include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- // Function prototype with default arguments
- void displayStars(int 10, int 1)
- Â
- int main()
- displayStars()
- cout ltlt endl
- displayStars(5)
- cout ltlt endl
- displayStars(7, 3)
- return 0
83Â Program continues
- // Definition of function displayStars.
- // The default argument for cols is 10 and for
rows is 1. - // This function displays a rectangle made of
asterisks. - void displayStars(int cols, int rows)
- // Nested loop. The outer loop controls the rows
- // and the inner loop controls the columns.
- for (int down 0 down lt rows down)
- for (int across 0 across lt cols across)
- cout ltlt ""
- cout ltlt endl
- Â
84Program Output
85Default Argument Summary
- The value of a default argument must be a
constant (either a literal value of a named
constant). - When an argument is left out of a function call
(because it has a default value), all the
arguments that come after it must be left out
too. - When a function has a mixture of parameters both
with and without default arguments, the
parameters with default arguments must be
declared last.
866.10 Using Reference Variables as Parameters
- When used as parameters, reference variables
allow a function to access the parameters
original argument, changes to the parameter are
also made to the argument.
- void doubleNum(int refVar)
- refVar 2
- // The variable refVar is called
- // a reference to an int
88Program 6-22
- // This program uses a reference variable as a
function - // parameter.
- include ltiostreamgt
- // Function prototype. The parameter is a
reference variable. - void doubleNum(int )
- Â
- int main()
- int value 4
- Â cout ltlt "In main, value is " ltlt value ltlt endl
- cout ltlt "Now calling doubleNum..." ltlt endl
- doubleNum(value)
- cout ltlt "Now back in main. value is " ltlt value
ltlt endl - return 0
89Â Program continues
- // Definition of doubleNum.
- // The parameter refVar is a reference variable.
The value - // in refVar is doubled.
- Â
- void doubleNum (int refVar)
- refVar 2
- Â
90Program Output
- In main, value is 4
- Now calling doubleNum...
- Now back in main. value is 8
91Program 6-23
- // This program uses reference variables as
function - // parameters.
- include ltiostreamgt
- // Function prototypes. Both functions use
reference variables - // as parameters
- void doubleNum(int )
- void getNum(int )
- Â
- int main()
- int value
- getNum(value)
- doubleNum(value)
- cout ltlt "That value doubled is " ltlt value ltlt
endl - return 0
92Â Program continues
- // Definition of getNum.
- // The parameter userNum is a reference variable.
The user is - // asked to enter a number, which is stored in
userNum. - Â
- void getNum(int userNum)
- cout ltlt "Enter a number "
- cin gtgt userNum
93Â Program continues
- // Definition of doubleNum.
- // The parameter refVar is a reference variable.
The value - // in refVar is doubled.
- Â
- void doubleNum (int refVar)
- refVar 2
94Program Output with Example Input
- Enter a number 12 Enter
- That value doubled is 24
- Â
95Reference Argument Warning
- Dont get carried away with using reference
variables as function parameters. Any time you
allow a function to alter a variable thats
outside the function, you are creating potential
debugging problems. Reference variables should
only be used as parameters when the situation
demands them.
966.11 The return Statement
- The return statement causes a function to end.
97Program 6-24
- // This program demonstrates a function with a
return statement. - include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace stdÂ
- // Function prototype
- void halfway()
- Â
- int main()
- cout ltlt "In main, calling halfway...\n"
- halfway()
- cout ltlt "Now back in main.\n"
- return 0
98Â Program continues
- // Definition of function halfway.
- // This function has a return statement that
forces it to - // terminate before the last statement is
executed. - Â
- void halfway()
- cout ltlt "In halfway now.\n"
- return
- cout ltlt"Will you ever see this message?\n"
99Program Output
- In main, calling halfway...
- In halfway now.
- Now back in main.
100Program 6-25
- // This program uses a function to perform
division. If division - // by zero is detected, the function returns.
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- // Function prototype.
- void divide(float, float)
- Â
- int main()
- float num1, num2
- Â
- cout ltlt "Enter two numbers and I will divide the
first\n" - cout ltlt "number by the second number "
- cin gtgt num1 gtgt num2
- divide(num1, num2)
- return 0
101Â Program continues
- // Definition of function divide.
- // Uses two parameters arg1 and arg2. The
function divides arg1 - // by arg2 and shows the result. If arg2 is zero,
however, the - // function returns.
- Â
- void divide(float arg1, float arg2)
- if (arg2 0.0)
- cout ltlt "Sorry, I cannot divide by zero.\n"
- return
- cout ltlt "The quotient is " ltlt (arg1 / arg2) ltlt
102Program Output with Example Input
- Enter two numbers and I will divide the first
- number by the second number 12 0 Enter
- Sorry, I cannot divide by zero.
1036.12 Returning a value From a Function
- A function may send a value back to the part of
the program that called the function.
104Figure 6-10
105Program 6-26
- // This program uses a function that returns a
value. - include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace stdÂ
- //Function prototype
- int square(int)
- int main()
- int value, result
- cout ltlt "Enter a number and I will square it "
- cin gtgt value
- result square(value)
- cout ltlt value ltlt " squared is " ltlt result ltlt
endl - return 0
106Â Program continues
- // Definition of function square.
- // This function accepts an int argument and
returns - // the square of the argument as an int.
- Â
- int square(int number)
- return number number
107Program Output with Example Input
- Enter a number and I will square it 20 Enter
- 20 squared is 400
108Figure 6-11
result square(value)
int square(int number) return number
1096.13 Returning Boolean Values
- Function may return true or false values.
110Program 6-28
- // This program uses a function that returns true
or false. - include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- // Function prototype
- bool isEven(int)
- int main()
- int val
- Â
- cout ltlt "Enter an integer and I will tell you "
- cout ltlt "if it is even or odd "
- cin gtgt val
- if (isEven(val))
- cout ltlt val ltlt " is even.\n"
- else
- cout ltlt val ltlt " is odd.\n"
- return 0
111Â Program continues
- // Definition of function isEven. This function
accepts an - // integer argument and tests it to be even or
odd. The function - // returns true if the argument is even or false
if the argument is odd. - // The return value is bool.
- Â
- bool isEven(int number)
- if (number 2)
- return false // The number is odd if there's a
remainder. - else
- return true // Otherwise, the number is even.
112Program Output
- Enter an integer and I will tell you if it is
even or odd 5 Enter - 5 is odd.
- Â
1136.14 Overloaded Functions
- Two or more functions may have the same name as
long as their parameter lists are different.
114Program 6-29
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- // Function prototypes
- int square(int)
- float square(float)
- int main()
- int userInt
- float userFloat
- Â
- cout.precision(2)
- cout ltlt "Enter an integer and a floating-point
value " - cin gtgt userInt gtgt userFloat
- cout ltlt "Here are their squares "
- cout ltlt square(userInt) ltlt " and " ltlt
square(userFloat) - return 0
115Program continuesÂ
- // Definition of overloaded function square.
- // This function uses an int parameter, number.
It returns the - // square of number as an int.
- int square(int number)
- return number number
- // Definition of overloaded function square.
- // This function uses a float parameter, number.
It returns the - // square of number as a float.
- float square(float number)
- return number number
116Program Output with Example Input
- Enter an integer and floating-point value 12 4.2
Enter - Here are their squares 144 and 17.64
1176.15 The exit() Function
- The exit() function causes a program to
terminate, regardless of which function or
control mechanism is executing.
118Program 6-31
- // This program shows how the exit function
causes a program - // to stop executing.
- Â
- include ltiostreamgt
- include ltcstdlibgt // For exit
- using namespace std
- void function() // Function prototype
- Â
- int main()
- function()
- return 0
119Â Program continues
- // This function simply demonstrates that exit
can be used - // to terminate a program from a function other
than main. - void function()
- cout ltlt "This program terminates with the exit
function.\n" - cout ltlt "Bye!\n"
- exit(0)
- cout ltlt "This message will never be
displayed\n" - cout ltlt "because the program has already
120Program Output
- This program terminates with the exit function.
- Bye!
121Program 6-32
- // This program demonstrates the exit function.
- include ltiostreamgt
- include ltcstdlibgt // For exit
- include ltcctypegt // For toupper
- using namespace stdÂ
- int main()
- char response
- Â
- cout ltlt "This program terminates with the exit
function.\n" - cout ltlt "Enter S to terminate with the
EXIT_SUCCESS code\n" - cout ltlt "or f to terminate with the EXIT_FAILURE
code " - cin gtgt response
122Â Program continues
- if (toupper(response) 'S')
- cout ltlt "Exiting with EXIT_SUCCESS.\n"
- else
- cout ltlt "Exiting with EXIT_FAILURE.\n"
- return 0
123Program Output with Example Input
- This program terminates with the exit function.
- Enter S to terminate with the EXIT_SUCCESS code
- or f to terminate with the EXIT_FAILURE code s
Enter - Exiting with EXIT_SUCCESS.
- Program Output With Other Example Input
- This program terminates with the exit function.
- Enter S to terminate with the EXIT_SUCCESS code
- or f to terminate with the EXIT_FAILURE code f
Enter - Exiting with EXIT_FAILURE.
1246.16 Focus on Software Engineering Multi-File
- Large programs may be broken into several files.
The files are compiled separately and linked into
one executable.
125Strategy for Creating a Multi-File Program
- Group all specialized functions that perform
similar tasks into the same files. For example,
a file might be created for functions that
perform mathematical operations. Another file
might contain functions for user input and
output. - Group function main and all functions that play a
primary role into one file. - Create a separate header file for each file that
contains function definitions. The header files
contain prototypes for each function.
126Figure 6-12
File 1 bank.cpp
File 3 loans.cpp
Contains main and all primary functions.
Contains all functions for processing loans.
File 2 bank.h
File 4 loans.h
Contains prototypes for functions in bank.cpp
Contains prototypes for functions in loans.cpp
File 5 savings.cpp
File 7 checking.cpp
Contains all functions for processing savings
Contains all functions for processing checking
File 6 savings.h
File 8 checking.h
Contains prototypes for functions in savings.cpp
Contains prototypes for functions in checking.cpp
1276.17 Stubs and Drivers
- Stubs and drivers are very helpful tools for
testing and debugging programs that use
functions. - A stub is a dummy function that is called instead
of the actual function it represents. - A driver is a program that tests a function by
simply calling it.
128- // Stub for the adult function.
- void adult(int months)
- cout ltlt "The function adult was called with " ltlt
months - cout ltlt " as its argument.\n"
- // Stub for the child function.
- void child(int months)
- cout ltlt "The function child was called with " ltlt
months - cout ltlt " as its argument.\n"
- // Stub for the senior function.
- void senior(int months)
- cout ltlt "The function senior was called with "
ltlt months - cout ltlt " as its argument.\n"