Sustainable Procurement and Commissioning - overview - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sustainable Procurement and Commissioning - overview


High quality stationary and recycled paper [Improved mental health] Council stationary ... Designs and prints stationary. Recycles paper ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sustainable Procurement and Commissioning - overview

Sustainable Procurement and Commissioning -
  • Elizabeth Cox Josh Ryan-Collins
  • Whole Life Costing Working Group
  • 7th October 2008

Plan for the day
  • 11.00 Introductions
  • 11.10 Overview of nef sustainable procurement
    work (Josh)
  • 12.10 CAA response (Liz)
  • 12.45 Lunch
  • 1.30 Valuing SROI (Eilis)
  • 2.00 Discussion/Summary

Defining VfM
  • Value for money is defined as the optimum
    combination of whole-of-life costs and quality
    (or fitness for purpose) of the good or service
    to meet the users requirement. Value for money
    is not the choice of goods and services based on
    the lowest cost bid.
  • HM Treasury (2006) Value for money guidance,
    p.7. 13 August 2008
  • In principle, any appraisal should take account
    of all benefits to the UK. This means that, as
    well as taking into account the direct effects of
    interventions, the wider effects on other areas
    of the economy should also be considered.
  • HM Treasury (2003) Green Book, p.2. 25 August
  • Wider social and environmental costs and benefits
    for which there is no market price also need to
    be brought into any assessment. They will often
    be more difficult to assess but are often
    important and should not be ignored simply
    because they cannot easily be costed.
  • Ibid p.19.

Challenges for procurement officers
  • Narrow interpretation of Gershon VfM
  • Cashable v non-cashable
  • Price gt whole life costing
  • Silos - Information on budgets and budget holders
  • Aggregation
  • But remember you are free to determine what you
    are buying you can contract for the
    construction of a sports hall or you can
    contract for the construction of a community
    centre and the regeneration of the community

Value for Money narrow and real versions
Activities, outputs and outcomes
  • Activities
  • The intervention provided. E.g. a training
  • Outputs
  • Direct and tangible products from the activity
    for example the number of people trained, or the
    number of computers recycled.
  • Outcomes
  • Changes that occur for stakeholders as a result
    of the activity for example, a new job, improved
    quality of life or increased community cohesion.
  • Both hard and soft outcomes can, and should,
    be valued

How to procure locally1. Sustainable
Commissioning model
1. Activity 2. Output 3. Service level outcomes 4. Camden Community outcomes social economic environment 5. Value Quantitative Qualitative Monetizeable Where value accrues To Service Camden wide central government

Two ways of seeing value St James House
social firm
Activity Output Service level outcome Camden Community outcome Value
Designs and prints stationary Recycles paper Provides training, supported employment, therapeutic support and paid work to people recovering from mental health problems in Camden Council stationary No. hours of training, supported employment, therapeutic support paid work High quality stationary and recycled paper Improved mental health Local jobs created Reduced Waste Reduced worklessness economic inactivity Increasing no. of people with mental problems into work staying in work More vulnerable adults living independently No. local jobs (supply chain monitoring) Landfill Savings Preventative savings Costs of tenancy failure 2,000 Council staffed hostel 484 per week local authority group home 202 Complex need placements - 1,200 per week Incapacity benefit 4,379 per claimant per year.
Tracking outcomes Outcomes Star
Relating savings to outcomes star
Camden Community Strategy
  • increase local business activity
  • increasing no. of disabled people people with
    mental problems into work staying in work
  • sustain local economic services such as
  • Reduce energy usage

Islington Community Strategy
  • Explore new ways of engaging with local
    businesses (p30)
  • Develop initiatives to tackle and adapt to the
    impact of climate change and raise awareness of
    the issues (p30)
  • Reduce energy usage, reduce waste and promote
    walking and cycling (p30)

National Indicators
  • NI 152 Working age people on out of work benefits
  • NI 166 Average earnings of employees in the area
  • NI 171 VAT registration rate
  • NI 172 VAT registered businesses in the area
    showing growth

The local multiplier (LM3) effect
  • Construction Norfolk district council
  • 1 Local firm 2 Non-local firm
  • Round 1 72,000 120,000
  • Round 2 57,600 20,400
  • Round 3 24,980 6,760
  • Total 154,580 147,160
  • LM3 2.15 1.23

What is co-production
  • Produce means - to make something or bring
    something into existence
  • Co means - together with
  • in relation to services
  • active relationship between staff and service
    users as co-workers
  • in relation to communities
  • engaging the assets that exist within communities
    to grow the core economy

What is co-production
  • Investing in strategies that develop the
    emotional intelligence and capacity of local
  • Devolving real responsibility, leadership and
    authority to users, and encouraging
    self-organisation rather than direction from
  • Offering participants a range of incentives which
    help to embed the key elements of reciprocity and

What isnt co-production
Service users involvement in assessing services
Service user involvement in service design
Representation on service boards and panels
Service user consultation
Informing people who use services
What is co-production
Professional designed
Traditional services
Expert Patient Programme
Professional delivered
Service user delivered
User self-help group
Service user designed
Reviewing Roles
Professionals as sole service planner Service users/ community professionals as co-planners No professional input into service planning
Professionals as sole service delivers Traditional professional service provision Professional service provision - users and communities involved in planning and design
Professionals/ users/ communities as co-deliverers User co-delivery of professionally designed services Full user/ professional/ community co-production User/ community delivery of services with little formal/ professional planning or design
Users/ communities as sole deliverers User/ community delivery of professionally planned services User/ community delivery of co-planned or co-designed services Self-organised community provision
What is co-production
  • Reducing or blurring the distinction between
    those who deliver and those who receive services,
    by reconfiguring the ways in which services are
    developed and delivered services can be most
    effective when people get to act in both roles
    as givers as well as receivers
  • Allowing public service agencies to become
    catalysts and facilitators rather than simply

Getting impact in to the procurement process
Ask the right questions
  • What role would you envisage for service users
    in the development and delivery of your service?
  • How does your service identify and mobilise
    service users strengths?
  • How would the contribution of service users,
    carers, family, peer group, neighbours and the
    wider community be measured or rewarded?

Guiding principles
  • Recognising people as assets
  • Valuing work differently
  • Promoting reciprocity
  • Building social networks

How to do it Community Benefit Clauses
  • "You can say in a contract that x of jobs must
    go to the long-term unemployed, or new entrants
    to the labour market, or people needing
    vocational training. But you can't say that jobs
    must go to local people. That is the key In
    reality, most - if not all - the jobs will go to
    local people or those from the surrounding area.
  • Mark Cook, Anthony Collins Solicitors

Raploch Urban Regeneration Company
  • Renewing deprived outer-city estate in Stirling
  • Demolishing 450 houses and building 900 new
    homes, new roads public squares
  • 10 of jobs to go to local people, with a target
    of 225 jobs
  • Contractors legally-bound to provide 5
    apprenticeships, 10 jobs for semi-skilled
    operatives 10 training places per year

Sustainable Communities Act
  • Local authorities are charged under the
    Sustainable Communities Act to find new ways to
    support local enterprises to develop their
    capacity to provide sub-regional economic growth
    in respect to
  • Local jobs and production within a 30 mile area
  • More local and organic food
  • Green energy within a 50 mile regional radius
  • Provision of local services (eg. health, housing,
    banking, public eating places, etc.)
  • Measures to increase mutual aid and community
  • Measures to increase community health and

Further information
  • Fools Gold How the 2012 Olympics is selling East
    London short, and a 10 point plan for a more
    positive local legacy
  • Unintended Consequences How the efficiency
    agenda erodes public services and a new public
    benefit model to restore them
  • Public Spending for Public Benefit
  • Plugging the Leaks The Money Trail
  • A Better Return Setting the foundations for
    intelligent commissioning to achieve value for
    money IDeA OTS Third Sector Commissioning
  • Coproduction Manifesto
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