Title: A Short Introduction to
1A Short Introduction to The School of Computing
Speaker Ong Kok Hsing (1st year Computing
Undergraduate ) (ECE Computer Option Graduate )
2Courses Offered
Bachelor of Computing (Honours- 4 year course)
Computer Science
Information System
Electronic Commerce
Communication And Media
Bachelor of Computing (Non-Honours 3-year course)
Technology Focus
For details of each course,please refer to the
SoC website at http//www.comp.nus.edu.sg/underg
Business Focus
3Admission Criteria For Polytechnic Students into
SoC (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Is C.O.M. a must for entry into SoC ?
No, but the majority of poly students admitted to
SoC are C.O.M holders
- What are the groups of poly students being
accepted into SoC ?
Diploma holders from Business Studies, Computer
Studies and Electronic and Computer Engineering
- Can students from the various options apply for
the course for eg. Electronic option , ETE
students ?
4Admission Criteria For Polytechnic Students into
SoC (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Are we granted direct entry to the 2nd year of
the course ?
No. However, we are granted exemption credits
based on the results of the exemption test. The
maximum no. of credits which you can get will be
equivalent to an exemption of the first semester.
5The Exemption Test
Frequently Asked Questions
Data Structures and Algorithms Eg. Loops,
If-Else, Stacks, Queues, Sorting (Bubble Sort ,
Quick Sort ), Recursion, etc
Computing and the Society Eg. Impact of ICQ,
Principles of Management Eg. Maslow Theory of
6The Exemption Test
- What is the format of the Exemption Test ?
Section A, B and C are all MCQs.
- What if we FAIL the Exemption test ?
You will be allocated the minimum no. of credits
which is around 10 credits (For free electives)
4 credits (Project)
7The Exemption Test
- And if we pass the test, how many credits will we
get ?
You will get all the credits mentioned before and
modules exemptions namely Programming
Methodology, Principles of Management and
Computing And Society.
8The Exemption Test
- Is passing the Exemption Test a blessing or the
start of a misfortune ?
Only 3 out of 10 Engineering students passed the
test during the intake for July 2001. Upon
passing the test, you will be required to take
higher level programming modules which can be
quite a strain on those students who passed by
luck !
9Survival Tips in School of Computing NUS
- Try to form study groups Eg. SOC-PC (School of
Computing Poly Cohort)
- It is an informal study group started by Poly
- Study consistently. Last minute revision is a
- Clear all your doubts before they accumulate
10Financial Assistance
- There are numerous bursaries and scholarships
- Value of bursaries ranges from 1000-1500(No
- Scholarships usually cover tuition fees Annual
allowance around 5000. (Bond Period Around 4
Government Scholarships
- Public Service Commission (PSC Scholarships)
- Ministry of Education (MOE Scholarships)
- Singapore Armed Forces (SAF Scholarships)
- (For Officers Only)
- And more Eg. EDB, PUB, MPA .
Note Not all Govt. Scholarships accept
polytechnic students Eg. Infocomm
Development Authority of Singapore
Private Sector
Development Bank of Singapore (DBS)
Keppel Corporation
Micron Semiconductor And more .
Note Not all companies accept polytechnic
If you are intending to apply for scholarships,
do take note of the StraitTimes Supplement
Scholars Choice. It is usually published a
week before the official release of the GCE
A-Level Results.
Do NOT wait until School Reopens ! It will be TOO
14Aspire and Reach for the Stars
The End