Assessing reflective writing: A case study - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Assessing reflective writing: A case study


'provides an opportunity for mature students, possessing relevant, advanced ... range and leads to an honours degree with a professional teaching qualification' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Assessing reflective writing: A case study

Assessing reflective writing A case study
  • Barry Stierer (CLT), Alison Atkinson Avril
    Loveless (School of Education)

The programme
  • An accelerated two-year u/g programme leading to
    qualified teacher status (QTS)
  • The programme
  • provides an opportunity for mature students,
    possessing relevant, advanced qualifications and
    experience, to develop the personal and
    professional qualities required to qualify as
    graduate teachers in shortage secondary subject
    areas. The course covers the 11-18 age range and
    leads to an honours degree with a professional
    teaching qualification.

The students
  • Mature learners with considerable work experience
    and a range of non-traditional educational
  • Engaged in an intensive transition to a new
    professional identity that of secondary school
    teachers in shortage subjects (Design
    Technology, IT, Maths, Science)

The module
  • An Education Studies module, taken in the first
    semester of Year 1, but described as Level 2
  • The only Education element of Year 1
    (everything else is subject-based)
  • The aim of the module is
  • to support the development of students
    professional values through an informed and
    critical awareness of current issues in learning
    to teach

The assignment
  • A reflective essay on the theme
  • How might my experiences as a learner inform my
    professional development as a teacher in the
    current context of formal education? (2000

Assessment criteria for the assignment
  • The work should provide evidence that you have
  • critically reflected on personal experience of
    learning and the relationship with theories of
  • critically discussed the identity and roles of
    the teacher in the context of formal education
  • evaluated strategies, resources and networks used
    to inform critical discussion

The problem
  • Tutors troubled by
  • the great difficulty students appeared to have in
    (a) understanding the idea of reflection and
    (b) doing reflection in their writing
  • the great difficulty tutors had in assessing the
    quality of students reflection some of which
    was highly personal/revealing

My role
  • Alison (the module tutor) approached Barry for
    advice in his role as an Academic Developer
  • Barry has a long-standing interest in the growing
    use of personal forms of student writing in
    academic contexts
  • We agreed to treat The Problem as a research

The data
  • Various course documents
  • Module Tutors feedback sheets and grades for all
    25 students assignments
  • Discussions with tutor and module designer
  • For 6 students in 2004-05 cohort (of 25)
  • Their assignments, as submitted for assessment
  • 1-hour interviews with each student (taped and

Emerging themes
  • 1. Ambiguities and inconsistencies in the design
    of the module, and in the setting of the

  • What precisely is the function of this module?
  • Is it to help in the transition fromlay
    person to teacher (overt purpose), or from
    non-student to student?

  • What precisely is the concept of reflection
    and reflective practice that underpins the
    module and the assignment?
  • Disparities between course documents, tutor
    accounts and tutor feedback on assignments

  • What precisely is the purpose of the assignment?
  • Disparities between course documents and tutor

  • Why were students expected to write
  • Was this the reflective element?
  • Or was this merely the material upon which they
    were expected to reflect?
  • High marks for personal revelation?

  • How precisely will students analyses of their
    experiences as learners prepare them to be
    reflective practitioners when they begin
    teaching in the classroom?
  • Is there an implicit assumption that writing
    about experience and analysing experience are the

Emerging themes
  • 2. Students struggles with the assignment

Students struggles with the assignment
  • The essay was their first piece of assessed
    writing on the programme.
  • Few of them had previous experience of writing in
    a personal style within academic contexts, or of
    writing about educational ideas, or in some cases
    of writing essays of any kind (most have
    Science/Technology backgrounds)

Students struggles with the assignment
  • No separate provision of induction to HE, or
    study skills support for this group of
    students, since they are deemed to be Level 2
  • No specific attention to writing within the
    module though tutor offered to comment on
  • A few students had previous experiences that
    enabled them to recognise the assignment task
    otherwise they were pretty bewildered

Students struggles with the assignment
  • Writing the assignment was variously described as
    agony, nightmare, awful, hated it
  • Writing about education a distraction from
    the job of becoming a teacher?
  • Were particularly perplexed (and often irritated)
    by the terms reflection, reflective practice
    and reflective essay.

Students struggles with the assignment
  • They offered a wide range of definitions of these
    terms often drawn from discussions with family
    members or fellow students
  • Several claimed to have no idea what the terms
    meant even after successfully completing the
    task, and despite having received high grades on
    the assignment

Students struggles with the assignment
  • Analysis of their assignments suggests that their
    writing was informed by a number of different
    models of reflection, ranging from linking
    theory and practice to personal confession
  • Found it especially difficult to make links
    between their previous learning and their future
    development as teachers

Emerging themes
  • 3. Students accounts of the actual process of
    writing their assignments

  • Students were much more inclined to seek help
    from, and show drafts to, their spouses, children
    and fellow students, than from the module tutor,
    despite the offer of feedback on drafts.
  • Few students felt that they had learned anything
    from the writing process itself.

  • The ambiguities and inconsistencies in the design
    of the module and in the setting of the
    assignment came to be experienced by students as
    personal inadequacy

Emerging themes
  • Where and how do students learn todo

From tutor feedback
  • You have a naturally reflective approach to
    learning and have used this to very good effect.
  • Your opening comments suggest that you are not a
    naturally reflective thinker and this has
    probably made this assignment a difficult one for
    you, which is reflected in the final grade.

From tutor feedback
  • Although you say you do not like discussing
    yourself (and this is fine so long as you know
    yourself) what you demonstrate within this
    assignment is the ability to reflect on your
    learning and on your school environment. You
    make some very pertinent comments about your
    learning experiences particularly in terms of
    the teaching you received. You have also
    reflected on the learning of another group of
    pupils with whom you had little in common but for
    whose schooling you clearly have some affinity.

From tutor feedback
  • You have not really made explicit use of any of
    the reflective tools we considered within the
    module such as rich picture analysis, the
    learning styles inventory etc. This would have
    helped you to more effectively address the
    assignment criteria.

From interview with student
  • speaking about experience as a volunteer on a
    youth development programme
  • The programme does it reflection as well.
    The purpose is not to provide kindergartens, it
    is to provide development for really, for the
    young people, but also for the staff that go on
    it. Thats when they take you out of your
    comfort zone. But then you talk about it
    afterwards, they do a lot of reflection and after
    every activity you had to discuss what you had
    done and how was it for you?

From interview with student
  • I went back to the first one or two diary
    entries that I had done and looked at them and
    talked to my wife about it and she went This
    isnt reflective. You are not putting down how
    you are feeling about it. You are not putting
    down what did you think about you had done. And
    I dont know if thats right. But thats what
    she seemed to think it was.
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