A Classifier-based Deterministic Parser for Chinese - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Classifier-based Deterministic Parser for Chinese


Constituency parsing is one of the most fundamental tasks in NLP. ... Honours thesis, National University of Singapore. Zhang Le, 2004. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A Classifier-based Deterministic Parser for Chinese

A Classifier-based Deterministic Parser for
  • -- Mengqiu Wang
  • Advisor Prof. Teruko Mitamura
  • Joint work with Kenji Sagae

Outline of the talk
  • Background
  • Deterministic parsing model
  • Classifier and feature selection
  • POS tagging
  • Experiment and results
  • Discussion and future work
  • Conclusion

  • Constituency parsing is one of the most
    fundamental tasks in NLP.
  • State-of-the-art accuracy in Chinese constituency
    parsing achieves precision and recall in the
    lower 80 using automatically generated POS.
  • Most literature in parsing only reports accuracy,
    efficiency is typically ignored
  • But in reality, parsers are deemed too slow for
    many NLP applications (e.g. IR)

Deterministic Parsing Model
  • Originally developed in Sagae and Lavie 2005
  • Input
  • Convention in deterministic parsing assumes input
    sentences (Chinese in our case) are already
    segmented and POS tagged1.
  • Main Data Structure
  • A queue, to store input word-POS pairs
  • A stack, holds partial parse trees
  • Trees are lexicalized. We used the same
    head-finding rules as Bikel 2004
  • The Parser performs binary Shift-Reduce actions
    based on classifier decisions.
  • Example

1. We perform our own POS tagging based on SVM
Deterministic Parsing Model Cont.
  • Input sentence
  • ??/NR (Brown/Proper Noun) ??/VV (Visits/Verb)
  • ??/NR (Shanghai/Proper Noun)
  • Initial parser state
  • Stack T
  • Queue

Deterministic Parsing Model Cont.
  • Action 1 Shift
  • Parser State
  • Stack
  • Queue

Deterministic Parsing Model Cont.
  • Action 2 Reduce the first item on stack to a NP
    node, with node (NR ??) as the head
  • Parser State
  • Stack
  • Queue

Deterministic Parsing Model Cont.
  • Action 3 Shift
  • Parser State
  • Stack
  • Queue

Deterministic Parsing Model Cont.
  • Action 4 Shift
  • Parser State
  • Stack
  • Queue T

Deterministic Parsing Model Cont.
  • Action 5 Reduce the first item on stack to a NP
    node, with node (NR ??) as the head
  • Parser State
  • Stack
  • Queue T

Deterministic Parsing Model Cont.
  • Action 6 Reduce the first two items on stack to
    a VP node, with node (VV ??) as the head
  • Parser State
  • Stack
  • Queue T

VP (VV ??)
NP (NR ??)
Deterministic Parsing Model Cont.
  • Action 7 Reduce the first two items on stack to
    an IP node, take the head node of the VP subtree
    as the head -- (VV ??).
  • Parser State
  • Stack
  • Queue T

VP (VV ??)
VP (VV ??)
NP (NR ??)
Deterministic Parsing Model Cont.
  • Parsing terminates when queue is empty and stack
    only contains one item
  • Final parse tree

VP (VV ??)
VP (VV ??)
NP (NR ??)
  • Classification is the most important part of
    deterministic parsing.
  • We experimented with four different classifiers
  • SVM classifier
  • finds a hyper-plane that gives the maximum soft
    margin that minimizes the expected risk.
  • Maximum Entropy Classifier
  • estimates a set of parameters that would
    maximize the entropy over distributions that
    satisfy certain constraints which force the model
    to best account for the training data.
  • Decision Tree Classifier
  • We used C4.5
  • Memory-based Learning
  • kNN classifier, Lazy learner, short training
    time, ideal for prototyping.

  • The features we used are distributionally derived
    or linguistically motivated.
  • Each feature carries information about the
    context of a particular parse state.
  • We denote the top item on the stack as S(1), and
    second item (from the top) on the stack as S(2),
    and so on. Similarly, we denote the first item on
    the queue as Q(1), the second as Q(2), and so on.

  • A Boolean feature indicates if a closing
    punctuation is expected or not.
  • A Boolean value indicates if the queue is empty
    or not.
  • A Boolean feature indicates whether there is a
    comma separating S(1) and S(2) or not.
  • Last action given by the classifier, and number
    of words in S(1) and S(2).
  • Headword and its POS of S(1), S(2), S(3) and
    S(4), and word and POS of Q(1), Q(2), Q(3) and
  • Nonterminal label of the root of S(1) and S(2),
    and number of punctuations in S(1) and S(2).
  • Rhythmic features and the linear distance between
    the head-words of the S(1) and S(2).
  • Number of words found so far to be dependents of
    the head-words of S(1) and S(2).
  • Nonterminal label, POS and headword of the
    immediate left and right child of the root of
    S(1) and S(2).
  • Most recently found word and POS pair that is to
    the left of the head-word of S(1) and S(2).
  • Most recently found word and POS pair that is to
    the right of the head-word of S(1) and S(2).

POS tagging
  • In our model, POS tagging is treated as a
    separate problem and is done prior to parsing.
  • But we care about the performance of the parser
    in realistic situations with automatically
    generated POS tags.
  • We implemented a simple 2-pass POS tagging model
    based on SVM, achieved 92.5 accuracy.

  • Standard data collection
  • Training set section 1-270 of the Penn Chinese
    Treebank (3484 sentences, 84873 words).
  • Development set section 301-326
  • Testing set section 271-300
  • Total 99629 words, about 1/10 of the size of
    English Penn Treebank.
  • Standard corpus preparation
  • Empty nodes were removed
  • Functional label of nonterminal nodes removed.
  • Eg. NP-Subj -gt NP
  • For scoring we used the evalb1 program. Labeled
    recall, labeled precision and F1 (harmonic mean)
    measures are reported.

1. http//nlp.cs.nyu.edu/evalb
  • Comparison of classifiers on development set
    using gold-standard POS

classification Parsing Accuracy Parsing Accuracy Parsing Accuracy Parsing Accuracy Parsing Accuracy
Model Accuracy LR LP F1 Fail Time
SVM 94.3 86.9 87.9 87.4 0 3m 19s
Maxent 92.6 84.1 85.2 84.6 5 0m 21s
DTree1 92.0 78.8 80.3 79.5 42 0m 12s
DTree2 N/A 81.6 83.6 82.6 30 0m 18s
MBL 90.6 74.3 75.2 74.7 2 16m 11s
Classifier Ensemble
  • Using stacked-classifier techniques, we improved
    the performance on the dev set to 90.3 LR and LP
    of 90.5, which is a 3.4 improvement in LR and a
    2.6 improvement in LP over the SVM model.

Comparison with related work
Results on test set using automatically generated
Comparison with related work cont.
  • Comparison of parsing speed

Model Runtime
Bikel 54m 6s
Levy Manning 8m 12s
DTree 0m 14s
Maxent 0m 24s
SVM 3m 50s
Discussion and future work
  • Among the classifiers, SVM has high accuracy but
    low speed DTree has lower accuracy but great
    speed Maxent sits in between these two in terms
    of accuracy and speed.
  • It is desirable to bring the two ends of the
    spectrum closer, ie. increase the accuracy of
    DTree classifier, lower the computational cost of
    SVM classification.
  • Action items
  • Apply boosting techniques (Adaboost, random
    forest, bagging, etc.) to DTree. (Preliminary
    attempt didnt yield better performance, calls
    for further investigation).
  • Feature selection (especially on lexical items)
    to reduce computational cost of classification
  • Re-implement the parser in C (avoid invoking
    external processes and expensive I/O

  • Implemented a classifier based deterministic
    constituency parser for Chinese
  • We achieved comparable results to the
    state-of-the-art in Chinese parsing
  • Very fast parsing is made possible for
    applications that are speed-critical with some
    tradeoff in accuracy.
  • Advances in machine learning techniques can be
    directly applied to parsing problem, opens up
    lots of opportunities for further improvement

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  • Daniel M. Bikel. 2004. On the Parameter Space of
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    Models. Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania.
  • David Chiang and Daniel M. Bikel. 2002.
    Recovering latent information in treebanks. In
    Proceedings of the 19th International Conference
    on Computational Linguistics.
  • Michael John Collins. 1999. Head-driven
    Statistical Models for Natural Langauge Parsing.
    Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania.
  • Walter Daelemans, Jakub Zavrel, Ko van der Sloot,
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    Benfeng Chen. 2004. A maximum-entropy Chinese
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    learning. ACM Transactions on Asian Language
    Information Processing, 3(2)159168.
  • Mary Hearne and Andy Way. 2004. Data-oriented
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  • Zhengping Jiang. 2004. Statistical Chinese
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  • Zhang Le, 2004. Maximum Entropy Modeling Toolkit
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  • Roger Levy and Christopher D. Manning. 2003. Is
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  • Xiaoqiang Luo. 2003. A maximum entropy Chinese
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  • David M. Magerman. 1994. Natural Language Parsing
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  • Kenji Sagae and Alon Lavie. 2005. A
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