Title: The tic UCE Research Student LifeCycle Keith A' Osman
1The tic / UCE Research Student Life-CycleKeith
A. Osman
- What is a Research Degree?
- The tic / UCE Research Committee structure
- End to End view of the Research Student
Life-Cycle at UCE - Questions?
3- What is a Research Degree?
- The tic / UCE Research Committee structure
- End to End view of the Research Student
Life-Cycle at UCE - Questions?
4What is a Research Degree?
- A Post-graduate qualification by personal
research - Main output is a contribution to knowledge
- May contain some taught elements
- Examined by thesis and viva-voce (oral)
examination - MPhil and PhD can be undertaken by part-time,
full-time or Distance Learning modes of study - Masters Level - MPhil
- typ. 2 years f/t, 3 yrs p/t study, honours
degree entry - NOT a failed PhD but a qualification in its own
right - All MPhil candidates have the possibility to
transfer to PhD - Doctoral Level PhD
- Internationally recognised research qualification
- Typ. 3 years f/t, 5 years p/t study, Masters for
direct entry
5Why do a Research Degree?
- Primary driver - to undertake individual research
in an area that is of great personal interest - Demonstrates capability and tenacity to undertake
an extended piece of investigative work - Develops important transferable Life Skills
- Will a Research degree land me a better paid job?
- It may, but highly sector / subject dependent, in
some areas / subjects a PhD is a pre-requisite! - Highly specialised technical disciplines may
require a research degree - In many areas, a graduate with 3 years experience
may be as valuable / more valuable than a PhD - You must really WANT to do a research degree
- Tends to be a lonely existence with much
soul-searching - Long-term time and financial commitment esp. by
p/t study - LEAs will not normally fund Research Degrees
6Differences from Taught Courses
- Programmes of study are individually defined and
approved for each student - no defined syllabus
or course book - All prospective entrants are interviewed
- Students can enrol at any time of the year once
they have been offered and have accepted a place - Students are individually supervised by a
Director of Studies and a second / third
supervisor - Students define the details of their programme of
study with the supervisory team post enrolment - Students are individually examined by thesis and
viva at which they defend their thesis
7- What is a Research Degree?
- The tic / UCE Research Committee structure
- End to End view of the Research Student
Life-Cycle at UCE - Questions?
8Research Committee Structure
- Each Faculty has a Faculty Research Degrees
Committee (FRDC) - UCE has a Research Degrees Committee (URDC) with
representatives from all Faculties chaired by
Phil Walkling, PVC Academic - URDC meets nominally every six-weeks
- FRDC carries out initial interviews, definition
and preliminary approval of research programmes,
etc - URDC is the UCE final approval body for all
Research Degree Registrations and related matters - UCE has a Research Funding Committee (DHT) but no
Research (Strategy) Committee
9- What is a Research Degree?
- The tic / UCE Research Committee structure
- End to End view of the Research Student
Life-Cycle at UCE - Questions?
10Research Degree Process Map
11Step 1 Initial Contact
- Initial contacts from many sources esp.
bulk-emails - Many O/S graduate students are looking for
research bursaries and UK study visas - Many MSc students seeking a PhD
- Academic and technical staff and TCAs may also
wish to undertake MPhil / PhD - Initial response via explanatory leaflet
- Seek initial views on likely area of study,
source of funding, qualifications, experience,
etc - Many prospective applications fall by the
12Step 2 Interview at the tic
- ALL potential research degree candidates must be
interviewed by a sub-panel of FRDC - Assesses qualifications, experience, likely area
of study, supervision implications, resource
requirements, funding, motivation, etc - FRDC panel completes Initial Interview Form UCE9i
and sends to AQS at Perry Barr - Request that student is made an offer to study
OR - Record reasons for rejection OR
- May refer to a different Faculty Research
13Step 3 Offer to Study Made
- AQS, Perry Barr (not the tic) makes the student
an Offer to Study when requested by FRDC,
including - Likely area of study
- Level and mode of study
- Anticipated Director of Studies
- Applicable Research Degree enrolment fees
- FRDC receives a copy of the Offer Letter
- Fees are fixed by UCE but some Faculty
discretion in the assessment of fees - e.g. fee waiver for p/t (not f/t) unemployed
14Step 4 Offer Accepted
- Student accepts offer by signing offer letter and
returning to AQS, Perry Barr - Student indicates likely start date
- Student can enrol at any time of the year (fees
are pro-rata on monthly basis) - Distance Learning candidates must have a minimum
of 6 weeks contact with UCE, typically by
studying in the UK during the summer periods, but
other mechanisms are possible.
15Step 5 Student Enrolls
- Student enrols as a Research Student of UCE
(either MPhil or PhD) by visiting AQS, Perry Barr - Faculties CANNOT enrol research students directly
- Student has all normal entitlements to
facilities, etc plus Faculties normally have a
specific Research Student Entitlement policy - Normal expectation that Full-Time Research
Students have dedicated research room / desk /
PC, etc and some staff privileges - Faculties need a formal Induction Process and
Research Methods training for Research Students
16Step 6 Develop Research Proposal
- Enrolling does not mean research program is
approved - Enrolling intention to develop a research
proposal. - REGISTRATION occurs typically 3-6 months after
enrolling, depending on mode of study - Student and Supervisory Team develop the research
ideas and complete a Research Degree Registration
Form UCE9R - Aims and objectives
- Context and background to the research
- Detailed work plan including experimental
programmes / results analysis and potential
contributions to knowledge - Details of Supervision Team and any collaboration
- Ethical considerations
- The completed UCE9R must then be submitted to
FRDC for preliminary approval may require
17Step 7 Approval of UCE9R
- Once approved by FRDC, UCE9R is passed to AQS to
be added to URDC agenda for next scheduled
meeting - UCE9R Supervisors CVs letters of
collaboration ethical approval form (new
requirement) - Director of Studies (but not the student)
defends the research proposal at the meeting of
URDC - URDC less concerned with technical aspects, more
with the generic research elements / process
that make the proposal worthy of MPhil / PhD - UCE9R approved research has started
- Rejected proposals returned to Faculty with
guidance to assist student and supervisors with
remediation - Minor modifications can be approved by Chairs
Action - Significant modifications will require
18Step 8 Doing the Research
- The hardest part its now down to you!
- Maintain regular contact with supervisory team to
discuss progress results and plan next
activities - Maintain a log of meetings with Supervisors and
agree deliverables for the next meeting (
deliver them) - Considerable self-discipline is required beware
busy but meaningless work and displacement
activities - Keep up to date with developments in / around
your field - Faculties produce an annual report to UCE on the
progress of each research student and can ask
student to withdraw if sufficient progress is not
19Step 8A-D Transfer of Registration
- MPhil students have the possibility to transfer
to PhD if - The student has demonstrated appropriate ability
progress - The research topic has potential for extension to
PhD - Typically 12-24 months into MPhil programme
- Student produces a transfer report of 3K-6K words
- Progress against MPhil objectives
- Potential for expansion / extension of research
topic to PhD - Student undergoes transfer Viva with FRDC
sub-panel with Director of Studies in attendance - FRDC completes transfer viva report form UCE9T
sends to AQS - If transfer is approved, student and Supervisory
team complete a new UCE9R for the PhD programme - First approved by FRDC, subsequently approved by
URDC - NOTE URDC considers the UCE9T and UCE9R forms
together but does not see the transfer report so
UCE9R form must stand-alone
20Step 9 Preparation of Thesis
- A demanding process probably the largest single
piece of written work you will undertake - Background to the research literature search
- Your hypothesis, experimental programme and
results obtained - Discussion, conclusions, contribution to
knowledge - Will require significant input from supervisory
team - Successful PhD theses are placed in the public
domain - The thesis is YOUR unique contribution to
21Step 10 Examination Approval
- Supervisors and FRDC will agree and approve an
appropriate examination team for your thesis /
viva - One External examiner (two if candidate is a
member of staff) - One Independent Internal Examiner (not associated
with the research) - An Internal Examiner generally DoS or Second
Supervisor - Requires CVs and previous examination experience
for each - FRDC completes Examination Team Approval Form
UCE9exm2003 and submits to URDC for approval - Final title of thesis
- Likely date of examination
- URDC approves UCE9exm and AQS writes to each
examiner confirming their appointment
22Step 11 Submission of Thesis
- Candidate submits thesis to AQS when complete
- Supervisor approval not required (but sensible)
- Candidate must complete Declaration Form UCE10dec
- Can submit thesis soft bound for examination
- Three copies required for examination
- AQS mails copies of thesis to all examiners with
a Report Form - must be returned prior to viva
date - Examiners return report form with preliminary
verdict - Proceed with oral examination
- Thesis unsatisfactory do not proceed to viva
- All Examiner reports sent to Examination Panel
23Step 12 Oral Examination (Viva)
- Many horror stories about vivas but ignore
them! - The examiners are generally as supportive as
possible and want you to pass not the Spanish
Inquisition! - Your chance to defend your thesis and convince
the examiners you are worth of the award of MPhil
/ PhD - You can have a supervisor who is not an examiner
in attendance as an observer (but must keep
quiet!) - Vivas are generally of 2-3 hours duration but
- At the end you will be asked to withdraw while
the examiners consider their verdict - You will then be recalled to receive the good
24Step 12A Examination Verdicts
- Several options are available to the examiners
- You have fully satisfied all requirements very
rare - You have passed the viva and award will be
approved subject to minor modifications to the
thesis most common - Thesis needs signification modification - must be
resubmitted for re-examination with / without new
viva - uncommon - You have failed to satisfy the examiners for
PhD you could be offered an MPhil without further
examination very rare - Absolute Failures are very rare if it has got
to this stage something has gone badly wrong! - Examiners report their finding to chair of URDC
- A single report if they agree, separate reports
25Steps 13/14 Revision / Re-Submission
- You will be given detailed written feedback on
amendments to the thesis that are required - Six months allowed for Minor Changes, Twelve
months for Major - Significant supervisor support will be required
for Major Changes - Revised thesis must be re-submitted to AQS for
examination and forwarding to examiners - If a new viva is not required, examination panel
is not normally re-convened but each examiner
checks thesis and reports back - The examiners re-examine only the elements
identified as deficient in the original thesis
and which required modification
26Step 15 Approval of Award
- Examiners recommend the award of MPhil or PhD to
University RDC - PVC Academic confers the award with immediate
effect on behalf of UCE - You receive a congratulatory letter confirming
the award you can now use your new title - You will be invited to attend next Degree
Congregation to receive the award (and wear a
very odd hat!) - Now sit back and bask in the warm glow of success!
27Other Processes (1)
- Change to Mode of Study
- If you need to change from f/t to p/t or p/t to
f/t, supervisors and Faculty must approve this
change using form UCE9ms then URDC approves
request - this will have an impact on fees payable
- Suspension of Registration
- If you will be unable to continue your research
for a defined period e.g. illness, pressure of
work, etc you may request a period of suspension
of registration. - Supervisors and Faculty must approve this request
using form UCE9susp then URDC approves request - Normally 12 months suspension granted, more than
one request is unusual and not normally granted
28Other Processes (2)
- Extension of Registration Period
- The Registration Clock starts ticking when
UCE9R approved - No minimum period of Registration but there is a
Maximum - MPhil 3 years F/T, 4 years P/T
- PhD 5 years F/T, 6 years P/T
- If demonstrable progress is being made,
Supervisors and Faculty can request an extension
using form UCE9ext - Normally not more than two consecutive extension
requests will be approved by URDC - Withdrawal of Registration
- If you find yourself unable to continue your
research, you should firstly seek advice from
your Supervisory Team - If you conclude that the research programme is no
longer viable or possible, formally withdraw
using form UCE9w
29thank you for watching