Title: Booktalk 10 Ways
1Booktalk 10 Ways
- Extend Your Booktalks in New Ways
Presented by Donna Johns, Newton MA North High
School mamasigs126_at_yahoo.com
2Number 1
- Booktalk Basics
- The hook is the key.
- Tell enough to interestdont spoil the story.
- Intrigue, dont evaluate.
- Vary your lengthbut shorter is better!
- Use notes but dont read them.
3Heres a booktalk!
4Booktalk 2nd Way Scaffold for Different Kinds of
5Booktalk 3rd WayDifferentiate Instruction
(diversify reading levels)
6Scaffold and DiversifyThis!
8Booktalk 4th WayBlog It!
9Booktalk 5th WayPodcast It!
10Booktalk 6th WayMaster Booklists
11Booktalk 7th WayOnline Book Discussions
12Booktalk 8th WayWikis
13Booktalk 9th WayBook Trailers
14Libraries can do it, too!
15Booktalk 10th WayEnrich Your Displays
16Booktalk 11th Way
17Dont Try To Do It All Or Youll be Turned