Dosimetry by PulseMode Detectors I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dosimetry by PulseMode Detectors I


... presence of a low-amplitude 'tail' on the pulse-height distribution (see inset) ... of pulse heights, as indicated by the dashed curve in the inset of the diagram ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dosimetry by PulseMode Detectors I

Dosimetry by Pulse-Mode Detectors I
  • Geiger-Müller and Proportional Counters

  • This chapter deals with dosimetry by means of gas
    proportional counters, Geiger-Müller counters,
    scintillators, and semiconductor detectors
  • The objective of the present chapter is to
    discuss the characteristics of these devices that
    make them useful for dosimetry, and how their
    output signals can be interpreted in relation to
    absorbed dose
  • Principles of operation will be introduced only
    to the extent necessary to achieve that goal

Gas Multiplication
  • Any ionization chamber with sufficiently good
    electrical insulation can in principle be
    operated at an applied potential great enough to
    cause gas multiplication, also called gas
    amplification or gas gain
  • This is a condition in which free electrons from
    ionizing events can derive enough kinetic energy
    from the applied electric field, within a
    distance equal to the electrons mean free path
    ?e to ionize other gas molecules with which they

Gas Multiplication (cont.)
  • Thus a single electron can give rise to an
    avalanche, as the number of free electrons
    doubles repeatedly in their flight toward the
  • At atmospheric pressure the minimum field
    strength required for the onset of gas
    multiplication is 103 V/mm

Gas Multiplication (cont.)
  • Cylindrical counter geometry, with a thin axial
    wire serving as the anode and a cylindrical shell
    as the cathode, is often employed
  • This provides a sheathlike gas volume immediately
    surrounding the wire, in which the electric field
    strength ? is much larger than the average value
    obtained by dividing the applied potential P by
    the cathode-anode separation

Gas Multiplication (cont.)
  • The electrical field strength ?(r) at radius r
    from the cylindrical axis is given by ?(r) P/r
    ln (a/b), where b is the radius of the wire anode
    and a that of the coaxial cylindrical cathode
  • Thus the maximum electric field, ?(r)max, occurs
    at the surface of the wire, where it reaches a
    value of ?(r) P/b ln (a/b)
  • ?(b) is approximately proportional to the
    reciprocal of the wire radius for constant a and P

Gas Multiplication (cont.)
  • The gain factor G for cylindrical geometry is
    given approximately by
  • where G is the number of electrons that
    arrive at the wire anode per electron released by
    ionizing radiation in the gas volume outside of
    the gas-multiplication sheath surrounding the

Gas Multiplication (cont.)
  • ?V is the average potential difference (eV)
    through which an electron moves between
    successive ionizing events, which is greater than
    the ionization potential Vi because of energy
    wasted in atomic excitations
  • K is the minimum value of the electric field
    strength per atmosphere of gas pressure, below
    which multiplication cannot occur in a given gas
  • p is the gas pressure in atmospheres
  • P, a, and b are defined as before

Gas Multiplication (cont.)
  • Some typical values of K and ?V in gases that are
    often employed to achieve useful gas
    multiplication in proportional counters are given
    in the following table
  • For example, a cylindrical proportional counter
    with a 1 cm, b 10-3 cm, P 1000 V, and
    containing P-10 gas at 1 atm would have a gain
    factor of about 100, while reducing the gas
    pressure to 0.5 atm would increase G to ?2000

Characteristics of typical proportional-counting
Gas Multiplication (cont.)
  • Although the equation predicts that very large
    gas gain factors are attainable for some
    combinations of parameters, the upper G limit for
    proportional gas multiplication is 104
  • Above that value, space-charge effects cause G to
    be less for large groups of initiating electrons
    traveling together than for the few initial
    electrons that might result from the passage of a
    low-LET particle

Gas Multiplication (cont.)
  • It is important in proportional counters that the
    gain factor be the same for all sizes of primary
    ionizing events, so that the gas-amplified pulse
    size will properly represent the relative
    contributions of such events to the absorbed dose
    in the gas

Gas Multiplication (cont.)
  • To obtain useful levels of gas gain, a
    nonelectronegative gas or gas mixture must be
    used, so that the free electrons do not become
    attached to atoms
  • A few percent of a polyatomic gas such as methane
    or isobutane is added to the noble gases for
    proportional counting to absorb secondary UV
    photons that are emitted from excited gas atoms
  • The energy of such photons is thus dissipated in
    vibrational and rotational motion, instead of
    causing new ionizing events

Gas Multiplication (cont.)
  • In G-M counters the gaseous UV absorber is
    omitted because these photons are essential to
    the process of propagating the discharge
    throughout the tube
  • Certain quenching gases (the halogens Cl or Br,
    or organics like ethyl alcohol) are added (5 10
    ) to the filling gas instead, to prevent
    repeated or continuous gas discharge from

Gas Multiplication (cont.)
  • When a positive gas ion arrives at the cathode,
    it is neutralized by an electron taken from that
  • If the ionization potential of the gas is more
    than twice the surface work function, there is a
    chance that two electrons instead of one may be
  • Since the second electron is then free, it will
    be drawn to the anode and hence will trigger
    another G-M discharge
  • A quenching-gas molecule has a small enough
    ionization potential that it can serve as the
    positive charge charge carrier without releasing
    more than the one electron needed to neutralize
    its own charge

Gas Multiplication (cont.)
  • It should be obvious that the central wire must
    serve as the anode, since otherwise the free
    electrons produced by radiation in the counter
    filling gas would travel outward, away from the
    high-field sheath around the wire where the gas
    multiplication occurs
  • This sheath is very thin, as can be seen from the
    following considerations

Gas Multiplication (cont.)
  • At a pressure p (atm) the field strength ?(r)
    must equal or exceed pK for gas multiplication to
  • Hence the radius rs of the outer boundary of the
    amplifying sheath region is

Gas Multiplication (cont.)
  • For example in a cylindrical counter containing
    P-10 gas at 1 atm, with b 10-3 cm, a 1 cm,
    and P 1000 V, one has rs 3 ? 10-3 cm
  • The sheath thickness is therefore equal to 2 ?
    10-3 cm or 20 ?m, occupying only about 0.001 of
    the chambers gas volume
  • The probability that the radiation field will
    produce primary ion pairs within the sheath
    volume, thus giving rise to electron avalanches
    of lesser gain, is nil

Proportional Counters Operation
  • A proportional counter is just an amplifying ion
    chamber with its output measured in terms of
    numbers and amplitudes of individual pulses,
    instead of the charge collected
  • The electrometer circuit is usually replaced by a
    preamplifier, a linear amplifier, and a
    pulse-height analyzer, although specific
    requirements of an experiment may also call for
    coincidence circuits, pulse-shape discriminators,
    and other pulse-processing electronics

Operation (cont.)
  • An ionizing event in the present context
    includes all of the ionization that is produced
    in the counter gas by the passage of a single
    charged particle and its ?-rays
  • All of the resulting free electrons reach the
    anode wire within 1 ?s
  • The measured electrical pulse, however, is
    primarily due to the motion of positive ions away
    from the wire, since they move greater distances
    within the amplifying sheath than the electrons
    do, on average

Operation (cont.)
  • Although the positive ions are much slower than
    the electrons, they virtually all originate
    simultaneously within the amplifying sheath and
    move outward in unison
  • Since the electric field near the wire is so
    strong, the positive-ion motion there gives rise
    to a sharply defined fast-rising electrical pulse
    that can be clipped electronically to eliminate
    the later slow component contributed as the ions
    progress outward toward the cathode

Operation (cont.)
  • The cloud of positive ions is small in volume,
    and does not interfere with the ions resulting
    from other ionizing events taking place elsewhere
    in the counter
  • The amount of positive charge in a given ion
    cloud is proportional to the number of electrons
    in the associated avalanche, which in turn is
    proportional to the number of ion pairs created
    in the original ionizing event
  • Thus the size (i.e., height) of the electrical
    pulse generated by the positive ions is
    proportional to the energy imparted to the gas in
    the initial event, provided that W/e is constant

Operation (cont.)
  • Proportional counters can operate with pulse
    resolving times of about a microsecond where only
    gross pulse counting is required
  • If pulse heights are to be measured also, the
    average interval between pulses should be
    greater, approaching the transit times for the
    positive ions (100 ?s) for greatest accuracy
  • Reducing the gas gain by lowering the applied
    voltage and replacing that gain by an adjustment
    of the linear amplifier can provide a check on
    whether the pulse-height spectrum is being
    distorted by the proportional counter

Operation (cont.)
  • The following diagram shows how the pulse height
    from a proportional counter (or the charge output
    from an ion chamber) increases as the applied
    potential P is raised
  • Two curves are shown, representing initial
    ionizing events releasing 10 and 103 electrons
  • Both curves rise steeply at low voltages to reach
    the ion-chamber region, in which the voltage is
    great enough to closely approach complete
    collection of charge without causing gas

Pulse height from a proportional counter as a
function of applied potential
Operation (cont.)
  • At still higher voltages the gas-multiplication
    threshold is passed and the proportional-counting
    region begins
  • The factor-of-100 difference between the two
    curves in the ion-chamber region extends
    throughout the proportional-counting region as
    well, while G rises from 1 to 104

Operation (cont.)
  • Further increase in the applied potential results
    in gain factors that are so large that
    space-charge effects limit the growth of the
    larger pulses, and strict proportionality of
    pulse height with the number of original
    electrons no longer holds
  • This is the region of limited proportionality

Operation (cont.)
  • Finally, at still higher voltages the two curves
    merge, indicating that initiating events of
    different sizes produce equal output pulses
  • This is the G-M region
  • Increasing the voltage beyond the G-M region
    results in spontaneously repeated or continuous
    electrical discharge in the gas

Proportional Counters Use with Pulse-Height
  • If the amplified output from a proportional
    counter is connected to a multichannel analyzer,
    the number of pulses of each height (i.e., in
    each channel) can be counted to obtain a
    differential distribution of counts per channel
    vs. channel number, as shown in the following

(No Transcript)
Pulse-Height Analysis (cont.)
  • To facilitate the calibration of the pulse height
    h in terms of absorbed dose to the counter gas,
    some proportional counters are equipped with a
    small ?-particle source with a gravity-controlled
  • This source can send a narrow beam of ?-particles
    through the counter along a known chord length ?x

Pulse-Height Analysis (cont.)
  • The expectation value of the dose contributed to
    the gas by each ?-particle can be written as
  • where dT/?dx mass collision stopping power
    of the gas for
  • ? gas density in the
  • ?x chord length, and
  • m mass of the gas

Pulse-Height Analysis (cont.)
  • This value of dose is to be associated with the
    pulse height h? at which the ?-particle peak
  • Since the h-scale is linear vs. event size, the
    dose contributions by a pulse of any size is
    thereby known, assuming W/e to the the same for
    all event sizes

Pulse-Height Analysis (cont.)
  • The total dose Dg in the gas, represented by the
    distribution in the figure, can then be obtained
    by summing over all the counts, each weighted by
    its pulse height h expressed as dose
  • where N(h) is the distribution of counts per
    channel vs. channel number h

Pulse-Height Analysis (cont.)
  • Evidently such a proportional counter can be used
    as an absolute dosimeter, by virtue of the
    built-in ?-source
  • Dg can of course be related to the dose in the
    counter wall by cavity theory
  • The most important example of proportional
    counters that are used with pulse-height
    analyzers in dosimetry applications is the Rossi
    counter, a commercial model of which is
    illustrated in the following diagram

13-mm-I.D. tissue-equivalent proportional counter
Pulse-Height Analysis (cont.)
  • These counters are usually made with spherical
    walls of A-150 tissue-equivalent plastic, and are
    operated while flowing a tissue-equivalent
    counting gas through at reduced pressure,
    typically 10-2 atm
  • Proper adjustment of the gas pressure allows
    simulation of biological target objects such as
    individual cells, in terms of the energy lost by
    a charged particle in crossing it
  • This is the primary experimental instrument used
    in microdosimetry

Proportional Counters Applications without Pulse
Height Analysis
  • Proportional counters of various designs are also
    used for many applications in which pulse-height
    analysis is not used
  • The main advantages of proportional counters over
    G-M counters in this connection are
  • their short pulse length (1 ?s) with practically
    no additional dead time, accommodating high count
    rates, and
  • the capability of discriminating by simple means
    against counting small pulses that might result,
    for example, from background noise, or ?-ray
    interactions in a mixed ? neutron field

Geiger-Müller Counters Operation
  • The gas-amplified pulses in a G-M counter come
    out approximately the same, regardless of the
    size of the initiating event
  • If the resulting pulse size is larger than the
    counter-circuit threshold ht, then the pulses
    will be counted if they are too small, they will
  • As a result, since the pulse size gradually
    increases as a function of applied potential, one
    would expect to see a step function in the
    count-rate-vs.-voltage curve where the pulse
    height begins to exceed ht

Operation (cont.)
  • The step is actually S-shaped, due to the
    Gaussian distribution of pulse sizes produced in
    the counter even under ideal G-M conditions
  • At the applied potential P1 no counts are
  • At P2 the pulses in the ideal G-M counter are all
    larger than ht, as shown by the solid curve inset
    in the following figure
  • In that case a flat plateau would be observed, as
    indicated by the solid curve in the graph of
    count rate vs. P

The counting plateau in a G-M tube. The solid
curve is an ideal G-M plateau that would be
seen for a narrow distribution of pulse heights.
The dashed curve has a residual slope within the
G-M region because of the presence of a
low-amplitude tail on the pulse-height
distribution (see inset).
Operation (cont.)
  • In actual G-M tubes there is a residual slope in
    the plateau region, as shown by the dashed curve
    in the diagram
  • This is caused by a small-pulse tail on the
    Gaussian distribution of pulse heights, as
    indicated by the dashed curve in the inset of the
  • These small pulses are mostly produced by the
    ionizing events that occur during the period
    before the G-M tube has fully recovered from the
    preceding discharge

Geiger-Müller CountersDead Time
  • Immediately after a discharge the positive space
    charge so weakens the electric field near the
    wire that gas multiplication cannot occur
  • Thus the tube does not respond to radiation at
    all until the positive-ion cloud starts arriving
    at the cathode and the electric field strength
    gradually builds up again
  • As that takes place, the tube becomes capable of
    responding to an ionizing event with a discharge
    of less than full size

Dead Time (cont.)
  • The true dead time is the time from the start of
    the preceding pulse until the tube recovers to
    the point where a minimum-sized pulse can be
  • The recovery time is the time until a full-sized
    pulse is again possible, as shown in the
    following diagram
  • The threshold peak size ht necessary for counting
    by a G-M counter circuit is considerably less
    than the average pulse size that would be
    generated by a fully recovered G-M tube when it
    is being normally operated at a potential in the
    middle of the G-M plateau

Dead time and recovery time of a G-M tube
Dead Time (cont.)
  • The minimum time between detectable pulses will
    be less than the recovery time
  • This is the pulse resolving time, but is more
    commonly referred to as the dead time in place
    of the narrower definition above

Dead Time (cont.)
  • If an ionizing event occurs during the true dead
    time, it causes no electron avalanche and hence
    has no effect on the tube
  • This is called nonparalyzable dead-time behavior
  • If an ionizing event occurs after the end of the
    true dead time, but before the resulting pulse is
    large enough to be counted (i.e., gt ht), not only
    will that event go uncounted but a new dead-time
    period will begin
  • This is called paralyzable dead-time behavior

Dead Time (cont.)
  • Obviously, a G-M counter exhibits dead-time
    behavior that is intermediate, being a mixture of
    the paralyzable and nonparalyzable cases
  • Reducing the detectable pulse-height threshold ht
    tends to decrease the paralyzable component

Dead Time (cont.)
  • If m is the observed count rate, n is the true
    count rate, and ? is the pulse resolving time,
    then for the nonparalyzable case the correction
    for dead-time counting losses is
  • and for the paralyzable case
  • which must be solved for n iteratively
  • In the limiting case of small dead-time counting
    losses, (n ltlt 1/?), both types reduce to

Dead Time (cont.)
  • At high values of the true count rate n, the
    value of m approaches 1/? asymptotically in a
    nonparalyzable counter
  • However, in the paralyzable case m reaches a flat
    maximum at n 1/?, then gradually decreases with
    further increases in n because of overlapping
    chains of dead-time periods
  • Thus a low reading of a G-M counter may result
    from a strong radiation field if the dead-time
    behavior is predominantly paralyzable

Geiger-Müller Counters Applications
  • Since G-M counters are only triggered by ionizing
    events, producing discharge pulses of more or
    less the same size regardless of the initiating
    event, the observed output conveys little
    information about the dose to the counter gas
  • Nevertheless G-M counters are used in some
    dosimetry applications because they offer several

Applications (cont.)
  • They require little if any further amplification,
    since pulses of 1 10 V can be obtained directly
  • They are also inexpensive and versatile in their
    construction and geometry
  • Thus they are often used in radiation survey
    meters to measure x- and ?-ray fields in
    radiation protection applications
  • When equipped with a thin ( 1 mg/cm2) window
    they can also be used to detect ?-rays

Applications (cont.)
  • Scale calibrations of G-M counters, if given in
    terms other than the count rate, should always be
    suspect because of the lack of dose response
  • Because most G-M tubes are constructed of
    materials that are higher in atomic number than
    tissue or air, they exhibit strong
    photoelectric-effect response below 100 keV
  • Enclosing the G-M tube in a suitable high-Z
    filter tends to flatten the overresponse at low

Typical energy-dependence curves of the response
relative to tissue dose for survey meters
containing G-M tubes of the following types (a)
uncompensated, and (b) compensated with metallic
filters to produce flatter response.
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