Title: Engineering Psychology PSY 378F
1Engineering PsychologyPSY 378F
- University of Toronto
- Spring 2004
- L6 Absolute Judgment
- Absolute Judgment
- Limited Capacity
- Getting around the limit Using multiple
dimensions - Orthogonal vs. correlated dimensions
- Integral vs. separable dimensions
- Model for absolute judgment/classification
- Design Implications
3Absolute Judgment
- Imagine a task where youre assigning stimuli to
categories/levels - Stimuli range along continuum
- Might be line lengths, tone pitches, light
intensity, texture roughness. - Stimuli presented individually to subject in
random order - Vary the number of lengths, pitches
- This is called an absolute judgment task
4Absolute Judgment
- Start with 2 pitches (hi, lo) perfect
performance - Go to 4, people start making errors
- Can compute HT as before
- Maximum channel capacity 2.6 bits (Miller 7 plus
or minus 2)
5Limited Channel Capacity
2.6 bits
6Limit Not Sensory
- Level of asymptote does not reflect sensory
limitation - Rather working memory (STM) limitation
- Evidence
- i) discrimination of levels of dimension is
keen--1800 different tone pitches - ii) limits are little affected by spacing of
stimuli on dimension
- Absolute judgment results useful for task in
which worker has to sort stimuli into levels
along some physical continuum - e.g., fruit inspection fruit size, color
- Asking a novice to sort into 8 levels and
expecting them to be perfect--wont work - Also useful when considering how to code objects
- e.g., socket wrenches coded by color
- But be careful
- Appropriate assignment of conceptual continua
with perceptual continua important - Threat level and size of a ship should be coded
by color and size of symbol, respectively, not
the reverse
MIL-STD 2525
9Uni- vs Multi-DimensionalAbsolute Judgment
- Unidimensional judgments
- Stimuli vary along one dimension only
- Observer places stimuli into 2 or more categories
- Multidimensional judgments
- Stimuli vary along more than one dimensions
(e.g., size and colour) - Observer places stimuli into 2 or more categories
spread across multiple dimensions - Information theory can assess the consistency of
match between the stimulus and its categorization
10Orthogonal vs. Correlated Dimensions
- Most real-world stimuli are multidimensional
- When you consider a set of stimuli they can vary
in different ways - Orthogonal (Independent)
- Change along one dimension does not affect other
dimension - Correlated (Dependent)
- Change along one dimension accompanied by change
along other dimension
11Some Examples
- With orthogonal dimensions, levels of one
dimension have no bearing on the other - e.g., sex and eye color
- With correlated dimensions, level of one covaries
with (tends to constrain) the other - e.g., height and weight, sex and weight
12Multidimensional Judgment
- Can increase capacity by adding dimensions
- But improvement does not represent the perfect
addition of channel capacity along two dimensions
- Egeth Pachella (1969)
- unidimensional capacity 3.4 bits (10 levels)
- multidimensional capacity 5.8 bits (57 levels)
- dimensions do not sum perfectly, some information
is lost
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
13Diminishing Returns
- Each additional independent dimensions increase
HT but with a cost - Diminishing returns in bits per dimension
5.8 bits
14Correlated Dimensions
- Position color of traffic lights are redundant
or correlated dimensions - (Also size sometimes)
- One can be perfectly predicted from the other
- Therefore, total HSHS for any dimension
15Correlated Dimensions
- HT gets bigger as the number of dimensions
increases - Since HS remains constant, HS-HT (Hloss) gets
less as number of dimensions increases - More reliable information
16Summary Orthog vs. Corr
- So orthogonal dimensions maximize HT, the
efficiency of the channel - Can get more stuff through, but less reliably
- Correlated dimensions maximize security of
channel - Have a ceiling, but information reliable
17Separable vs. Integral Dimensions
- With orthogonal and correlated dimensions, we are
referring to the properties of the information in
a stimulus - How that stimulus is related to other stimuli
- Not the perceived form of the stimulus
- Separable vs. integral dimensions refers to the
way that the dimensions of a multidimensional
stimulus interact
18Separable vs. Integral Dimensions
- Separable each dimension perceived as
independent of other dimension(s) - Example color and
- fill texture of object,
- perpendicular vectors
- Integral one dimension of the stimulus affects
perception of other dimension - dimensions are dependent
- Examples color and
- brightness of an object,
- rectangle height width
19Garners Method
- How can we tell if dimensions are integral or
separable? - Garners sorting task
- Observers sort two-dimensional (or
multi-dimensional) stimuli into categories of a
single dimension - Three conditions
- Control
- Orthogonal
- Correlated (redundant)
20Garners Sorting Task Conditions
- Control sort along each dimension while ignoring
other dimension, which is constant - dimensions uncorrelated
- e.g., judging height of rectangles of constant
width or width of rectangles of constant height - Orthogonal sort along each dimension while
ignoring the other dimension, which varies - dimensions uncorrelated
- e.g., judging height of rectangles while width
varies and width of rectangles while height
varies - Correlatedsort along either of two dimensions
- dimensions perfectly correlated
- e.g., judging the width or height of rectangles
of constant aspect ratio (r 1.0) or area (r
21Diagnostic Results
- Results from Garners sorting task
- With integral dimensions
- best correlated sort redundancy gain
- middle control
- worst orthogonal sort filtering cost,
interference - With separable dimensions
- Corr ctrl orthog
22Examples of Integral/Separable Pairs
23GRT A Model for Classification/Absolute Judgment
- General Recognition Theory (GRT) (Maddox
Ashby, 1996) - Models classification as a signal detection
problem - Like SDT, GRT assumes that repeated presentations
of same stimulus leads to different amounts of
neural activity
24GRT A Model for Classification/Absolute Judgment
Separable Dimensions
Integral Dimensions
Correlated Sort
25Asymmetric Relations between Dimensions
- More on integral dimensions
- Nature of pairing sometimes makes a difference
- Some pairings produce emergent features a
unidimensional stimulus property that results
from combining 2 or more dimensions - redundancy gain or orthogonal cost can depend on
sign of correlation - referred to as configural dimensions
- gain/cost depends on saliency of emergent feature
- e.g., rectangles height and width correlation,
rHW -1.0, emergent feature shape
rHW 1.0
26Design Implications
- Industrial Sorting Tasks
- Quality of sort worse if worker has to judge one
dimension and ignore the other, which is varying
independently - if dimensions are integral
- e.g., if worker in textile factory has to judge
fabric hue (color), but brightness also varies - But sort will be facilitated if dimensions are
correlated - e.g., textile worker has to judge hue and
brightness co-varies - so brown and grey wools may vary in their
brightness (reflectance)--this will help
27Design Implications
- Industrial Sorting Tasks
- Shepard--orientation and circle diameter
- Your inspector used to check the orientation of a
slotted screw on a product - Screws were always the same size
- Your inspector now has to check the orientation
of the screw with different size screws - Should there be any interference?
28Design Implications (contd)
- Symbolic categorization sorting of information
from displays - Operator shown artificial symbol, which
represents levels on two or more information
dimensions. - e.g., meteorologist viewing symbol on display,
which might represent temperature, humidity,
altitude, etc. - Total control over stimulus (part of the design!)
- Correlated dimensions represented by integral
displays can produce emergent features, aiding
categorization, e.g, temp. pressure in a boiler - Unidimensional judgment impaired by integral
displays of uncorrelated dimensions - Is there underlying correlation between variables
being coded? (altitude temperature) integral
dimensions will help
29Dimensionality and Displays Summary
- WM limitation for unidimensional stimuli
(capacity limitation) - When operator classifies along multiple
dimensions - More information can be transmitted (than with
unidimensional)maximizes efficiency (HT) - Bits per dimension is less (loss increased)
- HS provides limit for correlated
dimensionsmaximizes reliability - When operator classifies along one dimension (but
more than one varies) - Integral dimensions produce a redundancy gain
when dimensions are correlated - And interference when dimensions are orthogonal
- Emergent features can also arise depending on
pairing of dimensionscan be very useful display