Title: Making Connections: Data from the Community Perspective
1Making ConnectionsData from the Community
- Social Indicators Case Studies
- Driving Change Getting Results Conference
- September 14, 2005
- Meydenbauer Center
- Bellevue, WA
2The Making Connections Initiative
- Started in 1999, Making Connections (MC) is a
ten-year investment by the Annie E. Casey
Foundation to improve the outcomes for families
and children in tough or isolated neighborhoods. - MC Sites
- Denver
- Des Moines
- Hartford
- Indianapolis
- Louisville
- Milwaukee
- Oakland
- Providence
- San Antonio
- Seattle/WC-BP
3Making Connections Core Results
- Children succeed when their families are strong,
and families are stronger when they live in
neighborhoods connected to the community,
economic opportunity, and needed services.
- Families have increased earnings and income
- Families have increased levels of assets
- Families, youth and neighborhoods increase their
civic participation - Families and neighborhoods have strong informal
supports and networks - Families have access to quality services and
supports that work for them - Children are healthy and ready to succeed in
4White Center Boulevard Park
King County
5Making Connections in White Center Boulevard
- The White Center/Boulevard Park (WC-BP) Making
Connections Initiative is partnering with
neighborhood, government, private sector, and
foundation leaders to define and measurably
improve specific child, family, and neighborhood
results. - Defining characteristics
- Community engagement
- Partnerships
6Local Learning Partnership
- Local Learning Partnerships (LLPs) are coalitions
of data users, providers, and analysts that
contribute to the overall results of the
initiative by - Developing indicators, targets, and measures tied
to strategies results - Conducting local and cross-site evaluations,
process documentation, and surveys - Building community capacity to use data for action
- WC-BP Partners
- Public Health - Seattle KC
- United Way of King County
- Non-profit Assistance Center
- Trusted Advocates/Residents
- Community Based Organizations
- Highline School District
- Puget Sound Educational Service District
- King County Housing Authority
- WA State Department of Social Health Services
- Annie E. Casey Foundation
7Profile of White Center Boulevard Park
- Population 32,163
- Community Rich in Diversity
2000 Census
8Profile of White Center Boulevard Park
- Working but struggling families
2003 AECF Cross-site Survey
9Profile of White Center Boulevard Park
- Climbing out of poverty is difficult
2000 Census 2003 AECF Cross-site Survey
10Community Priorities
- Workforce Development
- Asset Building
- School Readiness
- Services Supports
11Selecting Using Indicators
- Strategy work groups
- Co-chairs community institutional partner
- Membership staff from community based
organizations government agencies, Trusted
Advocates, residents, etc - Responsibilities
- Identify indicators
- Gather review baseline data
- Conduct Close the Gap analysis
- Select indicators
- Identify implement strategies
- Track report progress
12Workforce Development
Data Source 2003 AECF Cross-site Survey
13Asset Building
Data Source 2003 AECF Cross-site Survey
14School Readiness
Data Source 2003 AECF Cross-site Survey
15Data Challenges
- Statistical insignificance
- Relevance
- Frequency
- Geography
16For More Information
- WC-BP Making Connections Team
- Theresa Fujiwara, Local Site Liaison
- (206) 658-8343
- theresafujiwara_at_comcast.net
- Kimberlee Archie, Project Manager
- (206) 658-0121
- karchie_at_mcskc.org
- LiLi Liu, LLP Coordinator
- (206) 658-0122
- lliu_at_mcskc.org
- Judy de Barros, TARC Liaison
- Technical Assistance
- (206) 324-5850
- jdebarros_at_nacseattle.org
- Sharon Maeda, Communications Liaison
- Bob Watrus, Program Consultant
- Workforce Development
- (206) 321-3668
- bwatrus_at_seanet.com
- Mai Nguyen, Program Consultant
- Asset Building, Grants Contracts
- (206) 658-8342
- mnguyen_at_mcskc.org
- Eugene Shen, Program Consultant
- Trusted Advocates, Resident Engagement
- (206) 767-0858
- eshen_at_nacseattle.org
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