Title: Grand Haven Township Citizen Survey
1Grand Haven Township Citizen Survey
- Ben OConnor
- Stephen Carlson
- Malinda Van Sledright
GVSU geography and planning dept GPY 495 capstone
- Purpose of study
- Administer a survey to measure Grand Haven
Township residents knowledge and satisfaction of
township services and township issues - Background
- Worked with GHT board members to create a
citizen survey - What is a citizen survey?
3Citizen Survey
- Telephone citizen survey can be efficient way to
gain insight on governmental issues. - Better response rate than mail surveys
- More feasible than door to door survey
- Aid in policy making decisions
- Provides statistical evidence to base decisions
4Study Area
- Grand Haven Township
- Total area of 35.7 square miles
- 13,278 people
- 3,811 families
- 4,609 housing units
5Methods and Materials
- Survey Instrument
- Modeled after The national citizen survey found
on the internet - With help from board members we took most
relevant questions and used them for our survey - Added two policy questions that GHT board members
6Methods and Materials
1. Please rate the following quality of life
issues with a response of Excellent, Good, Poor,
or Dont Know.
7Methods and Materials
- Policy Question
- The next to questions are about Grand Haven
Township property tax and millage for roads and
policing. - 13a. Grand Haven Township supplements monies form
the Ottawa County Road Commission to help
maintain the roads. Do you support the policy
of using township tax dollars to help maintain
the streets and roads? -
- a.__Yes
- b.__No
- If answer is yes for 13a then go to question
13b. - 13b. Would you be willing to spend an additional
15 per year for a person with a 100,000 home
to continue or expand the road maintenance
program? - a.__Yes
- b.__No
8Methods and Materials
- Sample Frame
- Random sample
- Bressers Criss Cross
- Narrowed list down to just GHT residents using
zip codes. (49417, 49460) - 6759 listed residents
- 368 respondents needed (5 margin of error)
9Methods and Materials
- Survey administration
- 10-15 minute telephone survey
- Used GVSU professors offices ASH
- Called between 6pm and 9pm weeknights
- Over 3 week time period
10Methods and Materials
- Data Entry
- Each completed survey instrument was given a
unique number - Each response for each question was given a code
number - Entered by hand in Microsoft Excel
- 80 responses for each of 247 surveys
- 20,000 entries
11Methods and Materials
Code numbers
Any missing response was given a code number of
12Methods and Materials
13Methods and Materials
- Data manipulation
- Microsoft Excel database transferred to SPSS
(statistical database) - Various statistical tests ran in SPSS
14Preliminary Results
15GHT as a Place To Live
16Population Growth
17Retail Growth
18Jobs Growth
19Support of Current Road Commission Policy
20Willingness to Spend More Tax Dollars to Continue
or Expand Road Maintenance Program
21Support of Law Enforcement Policy
22Willingness to Spend More Tax Dollars to Continue
or Expand Law Enforcement Coverage
No significance difference between number of
years lived in GHT and view on population
growth P value.341 P value needs to be less
than 0.05 to be considered significant
- 94.7 believed GHT is an excellent or good place
to live - 50.8 believed GHT population growth is too fast
- 42.3 believed retail growth is too slow and
37.4 believed it to be the right amount - 56.9 believed job growth is too slow
- 57.7 would support a tax increase to continue or
expand road maintenance program. - 61.8 would support a tax increase to maintain or
improve police protection services.
- Low response rate
- Caller ID
- Proximity to presidential elections
- Length of survey
- Sample
- Nature of data set
- Took more than one sample
- 450, 200, 300, 400
- Age of respondents
- Time
- SS 300 students
- GPY 495 capstone students
- Roy Cole
- Grand Haven Township
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