Title: Java Foundation Classes
1Java Foundation Classes
2Java Foundation Classes (JFC)
- GUI classes
- Extends original AWT
- Completely portable
- Delivered with base JDK
- Performance improvements
- Provide selectable look and feel
- Written as JavaBeans
3Abstract Windows Toolkit (AWT)
- Each Java component creates a native component
- layered toolkit approach
- peer model
- caused cross platform problems (inconsistent
behavior) - restrictive in rendering and event handling
- difficult to override or extend aspects of the
4The Players...
- Internet Foundation Classes -- Netscape
- One standard (JFC) developed by
- Sun
- Netscape
5JFC Features
- Swing components
- Pluggable Look and Feel
- Accessibility Features
- 2D API
- Drag and Drop
6Swing Components
- Lightweight - can be overlaid one on another
- No more native code used
- Include new versions of Button, Scrollbar,
TextField, Combo box, Checkbox, List, Menu,
MenuBar, ScrollPane - Include new components such as ProgressBar,
PainSplitter, MessageBox, Styled Text, etc.
7Swing Components -- Delegation Event Model
- Complex if..then..else code was needed to
determine what triggered an evet - Same event handling model as JavaBeans
- Listeners register with the object (event source)
- When an event occurs, the Listeners are notified
8Swing Components -- Printing
- Used to have to use native code for printing text
and graphics - Uses
- java.awt.PrintGraphics interface to get a
Graphics context - call to getPrintJob in the java.awt.PrintJob
class to get a print dialogue box
PrintJob pjob getToolkit().getPrin
tJob( this,"Tester",null)
Graphics pg pjob.getGraphics()
pg.dispose() pjob.end()
10Using Swing Components
- Locate and complete the tutorial on Swing
provided by Sun (http//java.sun.com/docs/books/tu
torial/ui/swing/index.html) - Differences between using in an Application and
using in an Applet - Application -- basically use as any other
component -- drag, drop, add interaction - Applet -- need to make some modifications to
Visual Cafés generated code (see next slides)
and use Panels
import java.awt. import java.applet. import
com.sun.java.swing.JButton import
com.sun.java.swing.JTextField import
com.sun.java.swing.JPanel import
public class Swing4 extends JApplet
_ public void init()
_ // Take out
this line if you don't use symantec.itools.net.Rel
_ symantec.itools.lang.Context.set
Applet(this) _
_ // This code is
automatically generated by Visual Cafe when yo_
// components to the visual
environment. It instantiates and i_
// the components. To modify the code, only use
code syntax th_ // what Visual
Cafe can generate, or Visual Cafe may be unable_
// parse your Java file into its
visual environment. _
getContentPane().setLayout(null) setSize(472,338)
jPanel1 new com.sun.java.swing.JPanel() jPane
l1.setLayout(null) jPanel1.setBounds(12,24,425,27
3) jPanel1.setFont(new Font("Dialog",
Font.PLAIN, 12)) jPanel1.setForeground(new
Color(0)) jPanel1.setBackground(new
Color(-3355444)) getContentPane().add(jPanel1)
jTextField1 new com.sun.java.swing.JTextField()
jTextField1.setMargin(new java.awt.Insets(0,0,0,0
)) jTextField1.setBounds(132,96,168,24) jTextFie
ld1.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN,
12)) jTextField1.setForeground(new
Color(0)) jTextField1.setBackground(new
Color(16777215)) jPanel1.add(jTextField1) jButto
n1 new com.sun.java.swing.JButton() jButton1.se
tBounds(180,144,72,24) jButton1.setFont(new
Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 12)) jButton1.setForegr
ound(new Color(0)) jButton1.setBackground(new
Color(-3355444)) jPanel1.add(jButton1) //
lSymAction new SymAction()
com.sun.java.swing.JPanel jPanel1
com.sun.java.swing.JTextField jTextField1
com.sun.java.swing.JButton jButton1 //
class SymAction implements java.awt.event.ActionLi
stener public void actionPerformed(java.
awt.event.ActionEvent event)
Object object event.getSource()
if (object jButton1)
void jButton1_actionPerformed(java.awt.event.Acti
onEvent event) // to
do code goes here.
//CONNECTION // setText...
jTextField1.setText("Button Pushed")
//CONNECTION // Set the
Background Color... The color blue
18Swing4 Output
19Pluggable Look and Feel (LAF)
- Can specify LAF for Windows, Motif, MacOs, and
Metal (Java LAF) - Primarily for Network Computers
- Can switch from one LAF to another without
reloading the application - Can run a motif LAF on a Windows system
- Determined and specified when JAR files are built
20Accessibility Features
- Screen Reader -- creates and off screen
representation of the GUI component -- e.g.,
text, Braille, speech - Screen Magnifier -- adjust magnification from 1
to 16 times, text smoothing and highlighting,
event tracking, etc.
212D API(JDK 1.2)
- Extends the java.awt.image library
- Subclass of the AWT Graphics class, Graphics2D
- Text treated as graphics
- Mixed fonts, mixed languages, bidirectional text
- Control of rendering of images -- e.g. stroke
width, joint types, color and texture fills, etc.
22Drag and Drop(JDK 1.2)
- Drag and drop between Java applications and other
applications - Generic and platform-independent -- same code for
Unix to Motif as for Java on Windows
23Other JFC Features
- Data Transfer/Clipboard -- transferable objects
with data flavors - Desktop Colors -- java.awt.SystemColor
- Graphics and Image Enhancements -- clipping area,
new drawImage methods for scaling and flipping,
MemoryImageSource class, ColorModel - Mouseless Operation -- MenuShortcut class
- Popup Menu -- PopupMenu component
- ScrollPane Container -- new class
24JFC and Swing Assignment
- Use Visual Café and produce an Application
- Use at least four different Swing components
- Make them interact in some way
- Add some custom interaction to the methods
generated through Visual Café - Add the ability to print the frame
- Turn in one week from today