Title: Lets Get Real About System Change
1Lets Get RealAbout System Change
2- Time Dollars
- The Core Economy
- in the Context of Market and System
3Time Dollars as a Complementary Currency and Its
Potential for System Change
- Claim TDs biggest weakness, the Rejection of
price and interest, is its most important
strength for opening up a new economic space of
possibilities in a world increasingly driven by
systems - Elements of argument
- Time Dollars is located within 3 different kinds
of economy and, even more importantly, is
located at the boundaries between those economies - Each of the three has its own characteristic
feedback loop - Nature of the feedback loop with TDs is key to
creating new possibilities for interface between
the three economies, that is, fundamental change - Change must occur subsystem by subsystem
4Three Kinds of Economy
- Core Economy
- Home, Neighborhood, Community organic, not
systematized - Production based on interdependence
- Distribution principle need, family status
- Market Economy
- Market, for-profit organizations, banks highly
systematized - Production principle specialization
- Distribution principle price
- Public Purpose Economy
- Government, non-profits increasingly
systematized - Production principle specialization
- Distribution principles public interest
5Characteristics of Market
- Positive feed-back loops
- Interest
- Price rewards whats scarce specialization
- Impact of information age
- Money as fuel and engine for market
- Information technology high octane additives
- What price and information both drive formation
of systems that increase effectiveness of
feedback loops - Ultimately feedback loop is about MORE
6Characteristics of The Public Purpose Economy
- Fuel for this economy
- Votes
- Money
- Feedback loop is complex both ve and -ve
- Votes the stop/go of politics
- Money buys votes
- Access political influence related to money
- Systems confirmatory data/outcomes
- Ultimately, feedback loop is about
- Political Interests
- More (as related to money)
7Characteristics of The Core Economy
- Fuel for this economy
- Relationships
- Some money
- Feedback loops depend on
- Psychological rewards/punishment
- Some money
- Systems which are small/restricted/organic
- Ultimately, functional feedback loop is about
- Stability
- Security
- Happiness
8Markets Creeping ColonizationOf the Core Economy
9How to Push Back Against The Markets
Colonization of the Core Economy?
- The Three Es of Market Dysfunctionality
- Externalities
- Environmental
- Social rich and poor alike
- Isolation
- Inequality
- Exclusions
- Elderly
- Fragile
- Unskilled
- Excess
- 400,000 Americans every year dying from obesity
10Public Purpose EconomyPushing Back? Or
11Time Dollars at Intersection of Core, Market, and
Public Purpose Economies
12Can Time Dollars Help Strengthen the Core Economy?
- Characteristics of Time Dollars
- 1 hour contribution 1 Time Dollar
- No price or interest
- Feedback loop Psychological reward of the
gift - Ultimately feedback loop is about
- Relationship
- Self-Esteem
- Heart Space
13Time Dollars Four Core Values
- Assets/ Equality
- Everyone has something to
- contribute
- Redefinition of Work
- Building home, family and
- community is real work
- Reciprocity
- Two-way giving is more powerful
- than one-way giving
- Social Capital
- No person is an island we are
- Each members of community
14Creating a Typology of Time Dollar Exchanges
Step One Types of Transations
- Generalized Transactions
- Anyone can earn
- Anyone who earns can spend
- Neighbor-to-Neighbor
- Specialized Transactions
- Targeted populations/groups
- Earning and Spending for Specific
Purpose/Outcome - Peer Tutoring, Youth Court
15Creating a Typology of Time Dollar
ExchangesStep 2 Economic Domains and
- Economic Domains Where Time Dollars Operate
- Core Economy
- Public Purpose Economy
- Two main Types of Time Dollar transactions
- Generalized
- Targeted/Specialized
16Typology of Time Dollar ExchangesStep 3 A Time
Dollar Matrix By Economic Domains and Types of
17Time Dollar ExchangesNeighbor-to-Neighbor vs
18Neighbor-to-Neighbor (Organic)in Relation to
Specialized (Structured)
19- Claim
- Organic and Structured Time Dollars Working
Together and located at the intersections of
the Market and Public Purpose Economies create
new possibilities for systems change
20Organic Time Dollars System Change
- Anyone can join and earn anyone who earns can
spend - Individuals in the community
- Non-profits agencies
- Businesses
- Examples
- Community Exchange
- Portland Maine
- Potential Four core values expressed
organically - Challenge How to secure support for brokering
21Structured Time Dollars for System Change
- Members of specific groups can earn
- Contribute to mission
- Time Dollars are cashed in for rewards
- services
- goods
- possibilities
- Resources provided by Public Purpose and Market
Economies - Examples Youth Court, Cross Age
- Potential Principles Expressed by Design
- Challenge Going against the systems as they
now exist - Danger Can be used in manipulative/coercive way
22Time Dollars in Relation to Market Reinforcing
The Core Economy through organic/structured
23What System Change Means with Time Dollars
- A change in
- Producers
- Product
- Process
- Cost
- Time Dollars have opened up opportunity space
- Neighbor to Neighbor plus Specialized together
have forged a new kind of linking of the core,
market, public purpose economies - How come?
- Positioned at the boundaries between economic
domains - Nature of feedback loop substantive
- Limitations of the currency force
innovative/creative approach to structure/systems
to reinforce the Core Economy and allow for
pushing back against the systems of the Market
and Public Purpose Economies in creative and
constructive ways