Multimedia Data Processing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Multimedia Data Processing


Since few years multimedia has transformed from a static page to a dynamic mix ... The X BitMap image format is an ASCII representation of a monochrome image ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Multimedia Data Processing

Multimedia Data Processing
  • MIDI and audio processing
  • Compression encodings
  • Generation and transmission of media stream
  • Multimedia file formats

Introduction to Multimedia
  • It means two or more continuous media
  • media that have to be played during some
    well-defined time interval, usually with some
    user interaction
  • The media can be
  • text
  • still image
  • audio
  • video

Embedding Audio into Multimedia Programs
  • Introduction
  • Since few years multimedia has transformed from a
    static page to a dynamic mix of sound, graphic,
    animation, video and text
  • A full multimedia system includes all media , of
    which sound and voice are 2 of the important
    factors that should be researched and developed on

Type of sound files
  • Midi files
  • Digital audio files

Music Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)
  • A MIDI message conveys one musically significant
  • Typical events are
  • a key being pressed
  • foot pedal being released, etc.
  • The status byte indicates the event, and the data
    bytes give parameters, such as
  • which key was depressed and
  • whit what velocity it was moved
  • Shorthand representation of music stored in
    numeric form.
  • Code of components (for instruments and
    electronic sound)
  • Every instrument has a MIDI code assigned to it
  • E.g. a grand piano is 0, a violin is 40

MIDI (Cont.)
  • The heart of every MIDI system is a syntheser (or
    a computer) that
  • accepts messages
  • generates music from them
  • The syntheser understands all 127 instruments
  • The advantage of transmitting music using MIDI
    compared to sending a digitized waveform is the
    enormous reduction in bandwidth, often by a
    factor of 1000
  • The disadvantage is that the receiver needs a
    MIDI syntheser to reconstruct the music again,
    and different ones may give slightly different
  • MIDI encoded files .midi, .mid, .rmi extensions

Types of sound files
  • MIDI
  • Advantages
  • Much more compact than digital audio files.
  • Length of this kind of file can be changed
    without degrading the audio quality.
  • MIDI can be manipulated in ways that are
    impossible with digital audio.
  • Disadvantages
  • Not digitized sound
  • Not HIFI at all
  • MIDI sound can not describe properly a real sound

Types of sound files
  • Digital audio
  • Describe the actual representation of a sound
  • Digital data Instantaneous amplitude of a sound
    at discrete slices of time
  • A digitized sound is a sampled sound
  • The more often sample is taken, the more data are
    stored about this sample
  • Large data storage files required

Types of sound files
  • Digital audio
  • Examples
  • The highest sampling rate is 44.1 KHz, it is the
    CD quality recording, the recognized standard of
    audio quality
  • The lowest sampling rate is 5.5 KHz, it is like a
    bad telephone connection

Setting and recording level
  • A distorted recorded sounds terrible.
  • A signal too  large  unpleasant result.
  • To avoid distortion dont cross over the limit
    of the sound card.
  • If its happens low the volume.

Editing digital recording
  • Basic sound editing operations
  • Trimming
  • Involves removing  dead air  and any
    unnecessary extra time of a recording.
  • Splicing and Assembly
  • Remove the extraneous noises that are added into
    a recording (cutting and pasting operations)
  • Volume adjustments
  • With different recordings, different level of
  • To assemble them, it must exist a constant
  • It is necessary to select all the data in the
    file, and raise or lower the overall volume

Hardware required for recording voice
  • Microphone sends impulses
  • Sound card permits to sample this impulses

Software for audio editing
  • Professional sound editing software, can be
    combined with sound card s to create, record and
    edit audio files.
  • Tools and effects
  • Program setting for voice recording.
  • Volume.

Software for audio editing
  • Program setting for voice recording
  • Noise gate
  • DC offset
  • Equalizer

Software for audio editing
  • Noise gate
  • Removes signals below a set threshold (threshold
  • Used to remove noise from silent break in a sound

Software for audio editing
  • DC offset
  • Used to change the base line of a sound.
  • A recorded wave that is not centered around the
    zero baseline in the waveform display is said to
    have a DC offset.
  • To correct these offsets, a constant value is
    added to each sample.

Software for audio editing
  • DC offset
  • DC offsets are usually caused by electrical
    mismatches between the sound card and microphone
  • Example If a DC offset of 100 exists, then a
    -100 DC offset should be applied to cancel out
    the existing offset

Software for audio editing
  • Equalizer
  • An equalizer is needed to correct the input
  • Even when recording in low noise environment,
    noise from equipment will cause a distortion in
    the recording.
  • It needs to remove the noise from the computer
    and electrical supply.

Software for audio editing
  • Equalizer
  • 2 types of Equalizer
  • Graphic EQ.
  • Parametric Equalizer.

Software for audio editing
  • Equalizer
  • Graphic EQ It divides all the possible
    frequencies into 10 bands
  • It is also used to provide a clearer and cleaner
    voice after recording

Software for audio editing
  • Equalizer
  • Parametric Equalizer
  • It uses filter, a filter removes some
  • Four basic types of parametric filter styles
    high-pass, low-pass, band-pass and band-reject.
  • The more subtly a signal been filtered, the more
    natural it sounds.

Speech Processing
  • Human speech frequency range 40 Hz ... 10 kHz
  • In case of poorer quality requirements the range
    40 Hz ... 4 kHz is enough
  • E.g. traditional plain telephone network

Speech Transmission
  • Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) - the simplest
  • Linear Prediction Coding (LPC)
  • based on speech synthesis
  • the bit stream is a command sequence to the
    speech syntheser
  • optimized for human speech not general voice
  • The length of a human sound is 30...50 ms, since
    generally the packets are 20 ms long, so loss of
    one packet does not mean the loss of a whole
    speech sound

  • The human eye has the property that when an image
    is flashed on the retina, it is retained for some
    number of milliseconds before decaying
  • If a sequence of images is flashed at 50 or more
    images/sec, the eye does not notice that it is
    looking at discrete images
  • All movie/video systems exploit this principle to
    produce moving pictures

Analogue Video Formats
  • NTSC
  • America, Japan
  • Resolution
  • 525 line/frame
  • 30 frames/sec
  • PAL
  • Europe, Australia
  • Resolution
  • 625 line/frame
  • 25 frames/sec
  • France, Italy
  • It is not used for video conferencing

Flicker and Interlacing
  • While 25 frames/sec is enough to capture smooth
    motion, at that frame rate many people,
    especially older ones, will perceive the image to
  • Since the old image has faded off the retina
    before the new one appears
  • Increasing the frame rate would require using
    more bandwidth
  • The solution of the flicker problem instead of
    displaying the scan lines in order, first all the
    odd scan lines are displayed, then the even ones
    are displayed
  • Each of these half frames is called a field
  • Experiments show that although people notice
    flicker at 25 frames/sec, they do not notice at
    50 fields/sec
  • This technique is called interlacing
  • noninterlaced television or video is said to be

Lossless Compression Encodings
  • Run Length Encoding (RLE)
  • In many kinds of data, strings of repeated
    symbols are common
  • This can be replaced by a special marker not
    otherwise allowed in the data, followed by the
    symbol comprising the run, followed by how many
    times it occurred
  • If the special marker occurs in the data, it is
  • Variable length encodings, e.g. statistical
  • A short code represents common symbols and longer
    ones for infrequent ones
  • E.g., Huffman coding, Zip-Lempel algorithm
  • Its applications
  • Graphic Interchange Format (GIF)
  • Portable Network Graphic (PNG)

Lossy Compression Encodings
  • Audio compression
  • Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), G.711
  • Sub-Band Coding (SBC)
  • Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)
  • Video compression
  • JPEG, Moving JPEG
  • H.261, H.263
  • MPEG
  • Properties
  • Differential encoding
  • Motion compensation
  • The next types are widely used in the Internet
  • MPEG-1 Audio Layer III (MP3)
  • MPEG-1 Video

  • The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) was first
    developed for image transfer among users of the
    CompuServe online service
  • I serves two purposes
  • its encoding is cross-platform
  • it uses special compression technology that can
    significantly reduce the size of the image file
    for faster transfer over a network
  • GIF compression is lossless, too none of an
    image's original data is altered or deleted, so
    the uncompressed and decoded image exactly
    matches its original

The Two Versions of the GIF
  • Even though GIF image files invariably have the
    .gif (or .GIF) filename suffix, there actually
    are two GIF versions
  • the original GIF87 and
  • an expanded GIF89a
  • it supports several new features including
    transparent backgrounds
  • The browsers support both GIF versions, which use
    the same encoding scheme that maps 8-bit pixel
    values to a color table, for a maximum of 256
    colors per image
  • Most GIF images have even fewer colors and there
    are special tools to simplify the colors in more
    elaborate graphics
  • By simplifying the GIF images, you create a
    smaller color map and enhance pixel redundancy
    for better file compression and consequent faster

Limitations of the GIF
  • Because of the limited number of colors, a
    GIF-encoded image is not always appropriate,
    particularly for photorealistic pictures
  • Rather, GIFs make excellent icons, reduced color
    images, and drawings
  • Because the graphical browsers support the GIF
    format, it is currently the most widely accepted
    image-encoding format on the Web
  • It is acceptable for both inline images and
    externally linked ones
  • When in doubt as to which image format to use,
    choose GIF
  • It will work in almost any situation

Interlacing I
  • GIF images can be made to perform two special
    tricks interlacing and transparency
  • Normally, a GIF encoded image is a sequence of
    pixel data, in order row-by-row, from top to
    bottom of the image
  • While the common GIF image renders onscreen like
    pulling down a window shade, interlaced GIFs open
    like a Venetian blind
  • With interlacing, a GIF image seemingly
    materializes on the display, rather than
    progressively flow onto it from top to bottom
  • That's because interlacing sequences every fourth
    row of the image

Interlacing II
  • That way, users get to see a full image--top to
    bottom, albeit fuzzy--in a quarter of the time it
    takes to download and display the remainder of
    the image
  • The resulting quarter-done image usually is clear
    enough so that users with slow network
    connections can evaluate whether or not to take
    the time to download the remainder of the image
  • Interlaced GIFs appear first with poor resolution
    and then improve in resolution until the entire
    image has arrived, as opposed to arriving
    linearly from the top row to the bottom row
  • This is great to get a quick idea of what the
    entire image will look like while waiting for the

Interlacing III
  • Not all graphical browsers, although able to
    display an interlaced GIF, are actually able to
    display the materializing effects of interlacing
  • With those that do, users still can defeat the
    effect by choosing to delay image display until
    after download and decoding
  • NCSA Mosaic, on the other hand, always downloads
    and decodes images before display, so it doesn't
    support the effect at all

Transparency I
  • The other popular effect available with GIF
    images--GIF89a formatted images actually--is the
    ability to make a portion of them transparent so
    that what's underneath--usually the browser
    window's background--shows through
  • Transparent GIFs are useful because they appear
    to blend in smoothly with the user's display
  • They do this by assigning one color to be
  • The transparent GIF image has one color in its
    color map designated as the background color
  • The browser simply ignores any pixel in the image
    that uses that background color, thereby letting
    the display window's background show through

Transparency II
  • By carefully cropping its dimensions and by using
    a solid, contiguous background color, a
    transparent image can be made to seamlessly meld
    into a page's surrounding content or float above
  • Transparent GIF images are great for any graphic
    you want to meld into the document and not stand
    out as a rectangular block
  • Transparent GIF logos are very popular, as are
    transparent icons and dingbats--any graphic that
    should appear to have an arbitrary, natural shape
  • You may also insert a transparent image inline
    with conventional text to act as a special
    character glyph within conventional text

Disadvantages of the Transparency
  • The downside to transparency is that the GIF
    image will look lousy if you don't remove its
    border when included in a hyperlink anchor (ltagt
    tag), or is otherwise specially framed
  • And, too, content flow happens around the image's
    rectangular dimensions, not adjacent to its
    apparent shape
  • That can lead to unnecessarily isolated images or
    odd-looking sections in your HTML pages
  • Either and both GIF tricks--interlacing and
    transparency--don't just happen you need special
    software to prepare the GIF file.

Making Transparent and Interlaced GIFs
  • Transparent and interlaced GIFs can be made
    through the web without running any utility
    software on your own system through the
    Visioneering image manipulation page
    ltURLhttp//, which will
    access your image through the web and produce an
    enhanced version for you to save
  • A unique approach to the problem is offered by
    Imagizer (URL is ltURLhttp//
    magizer.htmlgt), which transforms your images on
    the fly when sending them to the user, supporting
    thumbnails and TIFF-GIF conversion as well as
  • Of course, there is a tradeoff between storage
    space and CPU usage
  • There are a lot of other utility for generating
    such GIFs

  • The Joint Photographic Experts Group is a
    standards body that developed what is now known
    as the JPEG image-encoding format
  • Like GIFs, JPEG images are platform independent
    and specially compressed for high-speed transfer
    via digital communication technologies
  • Unlike GIF, JPEG supports tens of thousands of
    colors for more detailed, photorealistic digital
  • JPEG uses special algorithms that yield much
    higher data-compression ratios. It is not
    uncommon, for example, for a 200 kilobyte GIF
    image (which uses lossless compression) to be
    reduced to a 30kilobyte JPEG image

  • To achieve that amazing compression, JPEG does
    lose some image data
  • However, you can adjust the degree of
    lossiness'' with special JPEG tools, so that
    although the uncompressed image may not exactly
    match the original, it will be close enough that
    most people cannot tell the difference
  • The JPEG format is nearly universally understood
    by today's graphical browsers. Some, most notably
    Netscape, have a built-in JPEG decoder
  • Others, like Mosaic, invoke an external viewing
    tool (helper application) for decoding and
    displaying JPEG files, which invariably are
    stored with a .jpg (or .JPG) filename suffix

Comparison of JPEG and GIF
  • JPEG is for photographic images
  • GIF is for line-art images, such as icons, graphs
    and line-art logos
  • JPEG produces smudgy line art and GIF produces
    large and washed-out photographs
  • However, never convert GIF to JPEG if you can
    possibly help it
  • Once your photograph has been reduced to the mere
    256 colors supported by GIF, it's too late
  • Since JPEG is an approximate representation of
    the image, you shouldn't save things as JPEG and
    then edit them further later and save them again

Comparison of JPEG and GIF (Cont.)
  • You can expect progressive loss of quality each
    time you do that, especially with different JPEG
    quality settings
  • If you must edit a photographic image, work with
    it in TIFF or PNG format until it is ready for
    publication, then convert it to JPEG for the web
  • Go straight from a lossless 24-bit format
    supported by your scanner, such as TIFF or PNG,
    to JPEG
  • If a given image cannot tolerate being reduced to
    8 bits for GIF or losing precise accuracy for
    JPEG, TIFF and PNG are the best options

The Progressive JPEG
  • Progressive JPEG is a new variation on the JPEG
    image format
  • It is like interlaced GIF in that it fade in
    gradually instead of being drawn from top to
  • This enables the viewer to understand what the
    image is about very quickly
  • Progressive JPEG is much smoother than
    progressive GIF

  • The X BitMap image format is an ASCII
    representation of a monochrome image
  • It is designed to capture small, black-and-white
    icons in a form that can be directly included in
    C and C programs
  • XBM format offers no compression features or
    support for color images
  • It makes little sense to use XBM for any other
    type of image the resulting XBM file would be
    far larger than the equivalent GIF version of the
    same image

Basic Steps of the Packet Audio/Video Manipulation
  • Digitalization of analogue signal to a serial bit
  • Fragmenting the digitized bit stream into packets
  • Transmission of packets through the network to
    one or more receivers
  • Reconstruction of the packets at each receiver
    for obtaining the original bit stream
  • Delivery of bits to the output audio/video codec
    of the receiver

Creation and Transmission of theMedia Stream
  • Steps of Creation
  • Sampling
  • Quantitization
  • Packetization
  • Controlled transmission methods of the media
  • server-based
  • server-less

History of the Integrated Multimedia
  • Embedding images (NCSA -Mosaic)
  • Virtual reality applications (VRML)
  • Applets on web page (in the browser Sun - Java)

Embedding New Media
  • Audio and video files - long wait
  • Live videos - essentially without any wait, e.g.
  • MS Windows Media technology
  • Netscape - plug-in technology
  • Vosaic
  • Internet-based telephoning

Services Provided by the Internet
  • Best effort (from historical reasons)
  • every data packet is handled by the same manner
    in the network
  • The Internet itself does not guarantee any
    quality of service
  • certain regions of the Internet are congested
  • the success of the transmission depends on the
    network conditions
  • poor transmission quality in certain places
  • excellent service in other places
  • no guaranty for delivery
  • relative delays of each packet can vary

The Main Parameters ofthe Quality of Service
  • Delay
  • Jitter
  • Bandwidth
  • Reliability

Human-Recognizable Effect of the Delay Occurring
in Real-Time Applications
Receiving Audio and Video by Using HTTP
(Serverless Streaming)
  • HTTP is essentially a file retrieval protocol
  • Due to the TCP (used by the HTTP) the whole media
    file must be downloaded
  • A hyperlink is in a web page, which refers to a
    remote audio file
  • Reading the file by a browser, the the audio file
    is transferred by HTTP or FTP
  • In such a way the browser can download it
  • These kind of systems have neither bandwidth
    adaptation nor flow control

The HTTP-Based Throughput
Server-Based Streaming
  • The A/V applications use special transport
    protocols instead of TCP
  • In such a way the network problems processed by
    the TCP must be solved in the applications
  • Instead of HTTP UDP-based protocols are used
  • Streaming protocols start playing back real-time
    (with a small delay)
  • These use strong compressions
  • Requirements of streaming protocols
  • Accepting packet loss - no retransmission
  • Delay control (jitter - buffering)
  • Dynamic throughput adaptation

Server-Based Streaming
Cooperation of Streaming Protocols with HTTP
  • The transmission starts with HTTP connection set
  • The player directly connects to the A/V server by
    using the stream protocol
  • Playing out is integrated (in user application
    level) into the web
  • The HTTP server and the stream server are not
    necessarily in the same hardware, since there are
    two individual processes, the http serving and
    the stream serving

Cooperation of the a HTTP and Streaming Media
Traditional Media File Formats and Their
File Size and Download Time
  • Originally the file formats were designed for
    local access
  • large file sizes
  • during download these are not able to played back
  • SDB
  • S - the file size
  • D - recording time
  • B - bit speed, number of bit to be stored for 1
    mp A/V data
  • Response time (Download time ) S / T
  • T - network throughput capability bit/sec
  • In case of modem connection T 56 Kbit/s modem

Multimedia File Formats
  • Older ones
  • Vosaic
  • StreamWorks
  • Internet Wave
  • VDOLive
  • QuickTime
  • RealMedia
  • Windows Media
  • Shockwave and Flash
  • SHOUTCast

Some Streaming Media File Extensions
The RealAudio Streaming
  • Connection setup (TCP)
  • A client asks for a stream from the server
  • negotiating the parameters
  • Sending data (UDP)
  • The server continuously send the encoded data
  • The client decodes and play back the A/V signal
  • Verification (TCP)
  • Monitoring and evaluating the experienced

RealAudio Encoding Standards
  • RealAudio 2.0 - 14.4
  • 14.4 Kbps, to 4.0 kHz
  • RealAudio 3.0 - 28.8 Stereo
  • 28.8 Kbps, to 4.0 kHz
  • RealAudio 3.0 - ISDN Mono
  • In ISDN line, to 11 kHz
  • RealAudio 3.0 - Dual ISDN Stereo
  • in two ISDN B channels, 16.0 kHz

Delay Control of the RealAudio
  • Buffering 4-5 sec
  • In case of on-line phoning applications setting
    the proper playout delay is more difficult task
    than in case of video-on-demand, since in the
    first case the possible buffer is smaller
  • unrecognizable delay less, than 150 ms
  • acceptable delay 150 ms - 400 ms
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