Title: Hot
1Hot Cold Wars (Foreign Domestic)
2Transfer of Power, 1952
Dwight Eisenhower Ike
Harry Truman
- U.S. / Soviet Union
- Each has bomb
- Stalin dead, 1953
- Extension of cultural exchanges to build peaceful
relations - BUT
- Soviets test ICBM
Nikita Kruschev
4October 4, 1957
5Sputnik I
- The world's first artificial satellite
- Size of Basketball
- Weight 183 pounds
- Time 98 minutes to orbit the Earth
- Ushered in
- new political / military / technological /
scientific developments. - Start of Space Age
- U.S.-Soviet Space Race.
National Aeronautics Space Administration,
6Subversive Films
- Conformity ruled the day
- White, middle Class suburbanites
- All women stay-at-home Mom
- June Cleaver
- Children Junior Members of Society
- Myth Stay-at-Home Moms
- Reality
- Women at Work to supplement income
- Keeping Up with the Jones
- Wives Holding Paid Jobs
- 1940 15
- 1950 21
- 1960 30
9Youth Rebellion
- Rock n Roll
- New Dating Customs
- Drive-In Theaters
- Teen Magazines
- Seventeen
- Social Order of Gangs
- Clothing / Hairstyles
- Car Culture
10Youth Culture
- 1954-1955
- Rock n Roll
- Juvenile Delinquency
- Teenager
11- Blackboard Jungle1955
- Dismissal of Authority
- Teenage Angst
- African-American teenage leader
12Rebel Without a Cause, (1955)
13The Beats
- Literary Group
- Writers / Poets
- 1st to Protest blandness of conformity
- Rejection of middle class affluence
On the Road, 1957
Howl, 1956
14Southern Christian Leadership Council, 1957
- Built upon momentum of Montgomery movement
- Organization of 100 Black ministers
- Elected Martin Luther King, Jr. as president
- Dedicated to continued non-violent direct action
15Civil Rights Act of 1957
- Negotiated Bill through Congress
- Produced moderate civil rights bill
- Critics watered down version
- First Civil Rights Act since the end of
Lyndon Baines Johnson
16with all deliberate speed.
17Little Rock, 1957
- Withdrew protection of Arkansas National Guard
- Test of Federal Power
- Drawing International Attention
- President Eisenhower
- Federalizes Arkansas National Guard
- Orders in the 101st Airborne Division
- Faubus cancels 1958-1959 school year
Gov. Orval Faubus
18Elizabeth Eckford
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21Strategies of Resistance
- Local Grassroots Movements
- Directives not coming from larger national
organizations but locally organized groups - Non-Violent Direct Action Campaigns
- Boycotts
- Picketing
- Sit-ins
22Greensboro, NC (1960)
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24Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (1960)
- Inspired by energy of sit-ins / boycotts
- Organization wanted fresh leadership
- Independent from of adult control
- Replace NAACPs emphasis on litigation for
- Direct confrontation
- Mass Action
- Civil Disobedience
- Expressed distain for
- Middle-class conventional half-way efforts to
deal with radical social evil
25Freedom Rides (1961)
- Morgan v. Virginia (1946)
- Supreme Court ruled that segregation on
interstate buses undue burden on interstate
commerce - Washington, D.C. to AL MS
- Anniston, AL
- Mob firebombed bus
- Beat passengers
- Police made no arrests / FBI took notes
- Justice Dept arranged flight to New Orleans
- SNCC organized additional Freedom Rides
- Met similar treatment in Montgomery
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27Direction of Civil Rights
28A Cold War Peaceful Coexistence
- Soviets / U.S.A. - Each has bomb
- Stalin dead, 1953
- Extension of cultural exchanges to build peaceful
relations - BUT
- Soviets test ICBM
- Sputnik, 1957
- Fidel Castro, 1958
29Cuban Revolution, 1958
- Against Batista dictatorial Presidency
- Anti-American nationalism
- End American business interests
- Rebel sentiment gains attention of CIA (The
Agency) - Trade Treaty with Soviet Union, 1960 )
- President Eisenhower plans secret attack ---
30John F. Kennedys 1000 Days
- Narrowly beat Nixon in 1960 election
- Domestic Policies
- Poverty in America
- Civil Rights
- Race for the Moon
- Foreign Policies
- Fierce Cold Warrior
- Occupied most of agenda
- Nation Building among former colonial countries
31Peace Corps, 1961
- Young Americans winning Hearts Minds
- Educational Projects
- Public Works Projects
- American Model
32Bay of Pigs
- Eisenhower secret plan --- remove Castro
- Counter-Insurgency
- CIA trained Anti-Castro Cuban Exile
- To lead attack
- Met resistance from Castro loyalists (soldiers /
citizens) - Castro convinced of continued attacks
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34Cuban Missile Crisis
- Active Support from Soviet Union
- Repeated U.S. efforts to oust Castro failed
- Soviets deploy missile convoy to Cuba
- U.S. Naval blockade around Cuba
- 2 week standoff between Soviets / U.S.
- Brinksmanship
- Point of possible no return
- Immediacy of total annihilation
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- Post WWII struggle for independence
- Vietminh Front
- Headed by Indochinese Communist Party
- Anti-Colonial Struggle to Cold War entanglement
- French expelled, 1954
- Battle at Diem Bin Phu
- Geneva Agreement
- North Communist (Democratic Republic of Vietnam)
Vietminh - South non-Communist (Republic of Vietnam)
- To Hold Democratic Elections
Ho Chi Minh
37Vietnam U.S.
- President Diem (U.S. Backed)
- Educated in U.S.
- Catholic
- BAD choice
- Extremely corrupt
- Viet Cong (NLF)
- Rebel fighters in the South
- Against Diem Regime
- Armed by northern Vietminh
- Civil War (North South)
- FALL 1963 Diem Assassinated
38November 22, 1963
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40Vietnam 1964
- Marine Special Forces
- 1954 700 U.S. military advisors
- South Vietnam Army
- Trained by advisors
- Gulf of Tonkin
- unprovoked attack on U.S.S. Maddox
- LBJ gains War Powers Act
41Not Your Fathers War
- Massive Bombing Campaign in North
- 8 million tons of bombs (1965 1973)
- 3x amount of bombs dropped WWII
- Approx. 300 tons for every man / woman / child
- Search and Destroy Missions
- Village by village
- Establish whether friendly / unfriendly
- Unseen Enemy psychological toll
- Defoliants Used Agent Orange
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43Tet Offensive, 1968
- Vietnamese New Year --- cease fire
- Organized coordinated attacks all over South
Vietnam - Overran Saigon (Capital)
- Attacked U.S. Embassy
- PR Disaster for U.S.
- Prior to Tet ---- U.S. being told clear victory
in sight - Offensive turned public opinion against war
44Student Protest
- Fueled by CRM
- Seen as threat to authority
- FBI investigations
- Free Speech Movement
- Mario Savio at UC Berkeley
45Radicalization of CRM
- New views on how to get things done
- Popular belief CRM over after legislation
- Malcolm X
- Stands as symbol for defiance for Afro-Americans
- Stokely Carmichael, 1966
- SNCC no longer interracial
- Need to empower!
- Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
- Undermines liberal consensus
- The Draft
- Suspended in 1948
- Gears back up in 1965 (Vietnam)
- Counterculture
- Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out
47Anti-War Movement
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49Richard Nixon
- LBJ turns down 1968 bid
- Nixons Secret Plan appeal
- Vietnamization
- Train South Vietnamese forces to take over
- Pull out U.S. Troops
- Does reduce troop levels
- Secret War in Cambodia
51November 15, 1969
52Kent State, 1970
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55China U.S. 1972
- China Supported liberation efforts in Vietnam
- Assured D.C. would not directly enter war
- Refusal to cooperate with Soviets
- U.S. Strategic Relationship
- Improved relations with China undercut Chinese
support for North Vietnam
- Henry Kissinger, Sec. of State
- Between North U.S.
- South Vietnam rejects
- Christmas Bombings
- 11 day campaign in North
- Worldwide condemnation
- U.S. no longer holding onto moral sensibilities
57American Embassy in SaigonApril 30, 1975
58American EmbassyApril 30, 1975