Title: A New Nation 17811850
1A New Nation1781-1850
2Preparing a New Government
- Since the 1770s, the colonies began working
together to fight their common enemy - Now they had to work together to plan a
government that would meet the needs of colonies
that differed economically, socially and
3Preparing a New Government
- Representatives from the 13 new states faced an
incredible challenge - Unite into a country without giving up any state
powers States Rights - Devise a plan that meets the needs of very
different needs
4Preparing a New Government
- The representatives agreed on one thing
- Most people were too ignorant to give too much
power - A republic, rather than a democracy, would fix
that problem
5Preparing a New Government
- In a republic, citizens select representatives to
rule for them. - Much of their ideas come from Adam Smith.
6Adam Smith
- Smith, a Scotsman, wrote the Wealth of Nations
and is known today as the father of modern
7Congressional Congress
- How would representatives be chosen? How many?
- How would power be divided?
- Who gets the western lands?
- How will the western lands be sold and governed?
8Land Ordinances
- The Congress established the Land Ordinance of
1785 - It established a plan to survey and record their
9(No Transcript)
10Land Ordinances
11Land Ordinances
- The Northwest Land Ordinance, 1787, established
for - dividing the land into territories
- Electing an assembly
- Admission of new states
12Land Ordinances
- Sections of land were reserved for churches, with
some sold for a ministers salary - Sect. 16 was set aside for schools
- 2-3 were set aside to sell for revenue
- Land with water was more valuable
13Problems under the Articles
- Each state, regardless of size, had 1 vote
- All 13 states were needed to approve amendments
- America owed 190 million with no ability to pay
14Problems under the Articles
- States who had not paid off their pre-war debt
wanted high taxes from all states to pay off the
national debt - Some states had paid their debts and did not want
to be financially responsible for other states
15Problems under the Articles
- Britain did not leave their forts in the west, as
per the Treaty of Paris - Spain closed the port of New Orleans to all
American shipping - Paper money was useful but lost value
- Congress had no authority to deal with foreign
16(No Transcript)
17Drafting a Constitution
18Weaknesses of Articles
- Recognizing the weaknesses, a meeting was called
in Annapolis in the spring of 1787 - Five states sent delegates.
- Clearly, weaknesses were better than losing state
19Shays Rebellion
- Daniel Shays led a farmer rebellion over high
taxation and that taxes had to be paid in gold - They rioted to keep courts closed so their farms
could not be foreclosed on
20Shays Rebellion
- The rioting continued for months
- The MA militia was helpless
21Constitutional Convention
- Another call went out for a Constitutional
Convention - This time all 13 states sent delegates
- The meeting was held in Philadelphia, from May
September 1787
22Constitutional Convention
- The men wore wool suits
- To stop the bugs and noise from entering, and
their conversations from being overheard, they
closed the windows - Debates were loud and heated
23Constitutional Convention
- The framers of the Constitution were mostly in
their 30s and 40s - They were highly educated, white men
- They had vast experience in their state
governments and business
24Constitutional Convention
- They came from large and small states
- They came from populated and sparsely populated
states - They came from agricultural and manufacturing
states - They came from slave and free states
25Virginia Plan
- Patrick Henry brought a plan to the convention
that gave additional power to large states - It asked for representatives to be assigned by
state population
26Virginia Plan
- Smaller states objected
- With the Virginia Plan, just NY, PA, and VA could
outnumber the other 10 states
27New Jersey Plan
- William Pattersons plan wanted all states to
have the same votes, regardless of size or
population. - Large states opposed this
- MA had 10x the population of GA
28Great Compromise
- Roger Sherman of CT suggested a 2 house
legislature, using both plans
29Great Compromise
- The upper house, Senate, all states receive the
same number of votes (2), regardless of size or
population - The lower house, House of Representatives,
receives delegates based on population
30What to do about Slaves?
- Southern states, some with up to 43 of their
population made up of slaves, wanted to count
each toward representation in the House - The northern/free states opposed.
313/5 Compromise
- A compromise on this issue was reached for 2
reasons - The framers did not want to alienate the southern
states even before the government was written - Slavery was dying out
- (they had no way of knowing that Whitney would
invent the gin)
323/5 Compromise
- The compromise allowed slave states to count 3/5s
of their slaves toward population - It allowed the next 20 years to import slaves
33How much power?
- Proponents of states rights, did not want to
give too much power to a strong federal
government - After Shays Rebellion, they realized they would
have to give authority to a central government
for their own protection
34Separation of Powers
- Fearful of giving one person or a small group too
much power, the framers decided to divide the
powers among 3 branches of government. - Each branch has their own duties and
35Separation of Powers
- Legislative make laws
- Executive enact laws
- Judicial check constitutionality of legislation
36Checks and Balances
- Each branch checks on the power of the other
branches and has the responsibility to balance
the power
37Checks and Balances
Legislative Branch Can override Presidential
vetoes Confirms appointments Declares war
Executive Branch Can veto Appoints members to
Supreme Court Moves troops
Judicial Branch Declares laws unconstitutional Jud
icial Review
- The framers also divided power between the
federal government and the state governments - The federal government can coin money and declare
war - The state governments can make marriage laws
- The federal and state governments share some
powers - Both can tax residents
- Both can build roads
- Both can borrow money
40Electoral College
- Many of the framers felt that the average
American did not have the skills necessary to
elect a president - They established a safety net to make sure a
competent person held the office, regardless of
how the public voted
41Electoral College
- Voters do not vote for president, we vote for
electors. - Today they are representatives of the political
42Electoral College
- Each state gets electoral votes, based on their
population - Number of representatives number of senators
votes - Large states get more
- Small states get a minimum of 3
43Electoral College
- Florida gets 27 (25 rep2 sen)
- A candidate needs 270 to win the election
- If no one gets that number, the House decides, 1
vote per state. - If there is a tie, the president of the Senate
(VP) chooses
44Shaping a New Nation
- Ratifying the Constitution
- Chapter 5
- Section 3
45Federalists and Anti-Federalists
- Although there were political parties in Britain,
no one in America thought that they would evolve
here - Differences of opinion would divide the country
into two factions.
- Some states, like VA and NY, refused to ratify
the Constitution without a Bill of Rights. - They were afraid that the new government would
take away some rights if they were not included
47Federal or States Rights?
- State constitutions limited the amount of power
given to their governors because they were afraid
of giving too much power to one individual - Now some states feared giving too much power to a
central government
48Federal or States Rights
- People, such as Washington, Adams, and Hamilton,
favored giving the federal government as much
power as it needed. - They were called Federalists
49Federal or States Rights
- People such as Jefferson, Henry, and Madison,
wanted the central government to only take the
powers expressly written in the Constitution. - They became anti-Federalist (Democratic-Republican
50Bill of Rights
- Anti-federalists demanded a bill of rights, like
the ones in England - To assure ratification by all states, the
Federalists agreed
51Bill of Rights
- Most of the rights forbid conduct which was
prevalent under the monarchy - Americans fear of a powerful government is clear
in the rights
52Bill of Rights
- 1. Freedom of speech, press, assembly, petition
and religion - 2. Right to bear arms
- 3. No quartering of soldiers
- 4. No unreasonable search
- 5. No self incrimination
- 6. Speedy trial
- 7. Right to trial by jury
53Bill of Rights
- 8. No excessive bail or punishment
- 9. Rights of people
- 10. Rights of states
- All ratified in 1791