Title: The Solar System and Planets
1The Solar System and Planets
2Solar System
- Our solar system consists of an average star we
call the Sun, the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and
- The Sun is a normal G2 star, one of more than 100
billion stars in our galaxy. - diameter 1,390,000
- km. mass 1.989e30 kg temperature 5800 K
(surface) 15,600,000 K (core) - It contains more than 99.8 of the total mass of
the Solar System
This image was acquired from NASA's Skylab space
station on December 19, 1973. It shows one of the
most spectacular solar flares ever recorded,
propelled by magnetic forces, lifting off from
the Sun. It spans more than 588,000 kilometers of
the solar surface.
Mercury is the closest planet to the
Sun Hermes, the messenger of the Gods
The bluish hue of Venus is an effect of the
colorization technique used to enhance subtle
contrasts in cloud patterns and indicates that
this image was taken through a violet filter.
Greek Aphrodite Babylonian Ishtar is the
goddess of love and beauty.
There are (at present) eight major plates North
American Plate - North America, western North
Atlantic and Greenland South American Plate -
South America and western South Atlantic
Antarctic Plate - Antarctica and the "Southern
Ocean" Eurasian Plate - eastern North Atlantic,
Europe and Asia except for India African Plate -
Africa, eastern South Atlantic and western Indian
Ocean Indian-Australian Plate - India,
Australia, New Zealand and most of Indian Ocean
Nazca Plate - eastern Pacific Ocean adjacent to
South America Pacific Plate - most of the
Pacific Ocean (and the southern coast of
the goddess of the Earth was Tellus - the fertile
soil Greek Gaia- terra mater - Mother Earth
- Jupiter's diameter is 11 times Earth's diameter
and 20 larger than Saturn's, making it the
largest planet in the solar system. Gas giant are
also very much larger than terrestrial planets.
Greek Zeus was the King of the Gods, the ruler of
Olympus and the patron of the Roman state
Early observations of Saturn were complicated by
the fact that the Earth passes through the plane
of Saturn's rings every few years as Saturn moves
in its orbit.
Cronus Saturn is the god of agriculture.
The planet probably got this name due to its red
color Mars is sometimes referred to as the Red
Greek Ares is the god of War.
ancient Greek deity of the Heavens, the earliest
supreme god.
More than two centuries earlier, in 1613, Galileo
observed Neptune when it happened to be very near
Jupiter, but he thought it was just a star. On
two successive nights he actually noticed that it
moved slightly with respect to another nearby
star. But on the subsequent nights it was out of
his field of view. Had he seen it on the previous
few nights Neptune's motion would have been
obvious to him. But, alas, cloudy skies prevented
obsevations on those few critical days
Greek Poseidon was the god of the Sea.
Hades is the god of the underworld
Pluto was discovered in 1930 by a fortunate
accident. After the discovery of Pluto, it was
quickly determined that Pluto was too small to
account for the discrepancies in the orbits of
the other planets
- Can You Name the Planets In Order
15Here is a phrase to help you remember the planets
in order!
16A Quiz
- Planets Information Chart
- .How many planets are there in our solar system?
- List the planets in order from the sun.
- What is the largest planet in the solar system?
- What is the smallest planet in the solar system?
- Which planet has rings around it?
- Which planet is referred also called the Red
Planet? - Which planet has the most moons?
- Which planet is closest to the sun?
- Which planet is furthest from the sun?
- Which planet has a big red spot?
- List the planets from smallest to largest.
- What are the Greek and Roman names of the
planets? - Resource Link
- http//www.solarviews.com/eng/solarsys.htm
- http//pds.jpl.nasa.gov/planets/captions
- http//www.uvm.edu/vbharath/planetorder.html
- http//nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/planetfact.ht
ml - http//www.allposters.com/gallery.asp?aid616059i