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A Report To The Globe and Mail and CTV


The Strategic Counsel is pleased to present findings of a parallel bi-national ... interesting findings: Canadians admire Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton more ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A Report To The Globe and Mail and CTV

A Report ToThe Globe and Mail and CTV
  • A Tale of Two Nations
  • State of Canadian/American Public Opinion

June 2008
Introduction and Methodology
  • The Strategic Counsel is pleased to present
    findings of a parallel bi-national survey of
    1,000 Canadians and 1,000 Americans.
  • Results are based on random national samples of
    Canadians and Americans 18 years of age or older,
    and were weighted by age and region to be
    proportionate to the population as a whole.
  • Interviews were conducted between June 12th to
    22nd, 2008.
  • A proportionate random national sample has a
    margin of error of ?3.1 nineteen times out of
    twenty. The margin of error will he higher for
    regional and demographic sub-samples .
  • Note Proportions may not sum to 100 due to

Overall Summary
  • Americans are in a markedly more pessimistic mood
    than Canadians. They are much more inclined to
    think their country is on the wrong track and
    more pessimistic about the safety of their nation
    and world in general.
  • Americans generally view Canadians more benignly
    than we view Americans. However, Canadians are
    less insistent upon our fundamental difference
    than they were in the more polarizing period
    after 9/11 and around the invasion of Iraq.
  • That said, almost half of Canadians have a more
    negative view of the US than they did a few years
    ago. And Canadians are twice as likely to think
    the relationship between the two countries has
  • Canadians are as divided on free trade as
    Americans. This is a major finding. Given the
    prominence of the issue in the US in recent years
    and especially in the presidential primaries,
    its not surprising that opposition is high in
    that country. In Canada, with broad, cross-party
    support for free trade and almost universal buy
    in from our media, government and business
    elites, the high level of opposition will
    surprise many. This is a sleeper issue among
  • When it comes to envying ones neighbour, weve
    come up with interesting findings Canadians
    admire Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton more than
    we do most of our own political leaders perhaps
    thats why were more pessimistic about our next
    election than they are about theirs. But
    Americans think Canada made the right decision
    staying out of the Iraq War, and they are more
    likely to think that the Canadian health care
    system is better than their own.
  • Canadians tend to see themselves as more liberal
    and Americans see themselves as more conservative
    and this is reflected in their views on issues
    from the US role in the world (right vs. might),
    church attendance, health care and support for
    gay marriage. Interestingly, on most of these
    issues, Americans seem more EVENLY divided than

Canada/U.S. Relations
Americans are a lot more focused on economic
issues compared to Canadians
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
  • In your opinion, what is the most important issue
    facing Canada the U.S. today, that is, the
    one that you are most concerned about?
  • Base All respondents

Gas Prices is Now Tied with Economy as 1 Issue
What Canadians Think
  • In your opinion, what is the most important issue
    facing Canada the U.S. today, that is, the
    one that you are most concerned about?
  • Base All respondents

Americans see their country on the wrong track,
while Canadians continue to be more positive, but
this is softening.
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
Right Track
Wrong Track
Income 100k 59 Conservative Minded 56 Age
18-34 53
Income lt50k 43 Liberal Minded 47 Age 50 44
Income lt50k 77 Liberal Minded 86 Age 50 75
Income 50k-99k 67 Conservative Minded 63 Age
35-49 67
  • Right now, do you think that overall the country
    is on the right track or the wrong track?
  • Base All respondents

Canadians are modestly less likely to think that
they are different from Americans compared to
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
  • Would you describe Canadians and Americans as
    essentially different, mainly different but with
    some small similarities, mainly the same but with
    some small differences, or essentially the same?
  • Base All respondents

Both Americans and Canadians agree that relations
with each other are friendly, but not close
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
Best of Friends
Best of Friends
Cordial but Distant
Cordial but Distant
Age 50 23 Border states 20 Men 20
Age 18-34 29 West 25 Women 23
Men 18 Income 100k 16
Quebec 37
  • How would you describe our relations with the
    United States Canada? Are we . like family
    to each other, the best of friends, friends but
    not especially close, cordial but distant with
    each other, or openly hostile and unfriendly?
  • Base All respondents

Americans are more inclined to choose Canadian
citizenship while the reverse option is less
appealing to Canadians
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
Q. If you were given the opportunity to become a
citizen of the U.S. Canada and live and work
there, would you? Base All respondents
However, a much higher percentage of Canadians
say they will travel to the USA than vice versa
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
Yes, Plan to Visit the US
Yes, Plan to Visit Canada
Income 100k 74 Graduated col./univ. 54 Ontario
Income lt50k 32 High school or
less 36 Quebec 40
Income 100k 26 Graduated col./univ. 22 Border
states 33
Income 50k-99k 15 High school or
less 14 Non-border states 14
Q. Do you plan to visit the U.S. Canada in
the next 12 months? Base All respondents
Canadians perceptions of the U.S. have become
more negative
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
More Positive of U.S.
More positive of Canada
More Negative of U.S
More Negative of Canada
Income lt50k 12 Conservative Minded 11
Income 100k 50 Liberal Minded 54 Quebec 53
Men 21 Liberal Minded 20
Northeast 10 Age 50 7
  • In the last few years, would you say your
    attitudes toward the U.S. Canada have become
    a lot more positive, somewhat more positive, have
    remained unchanged, have become somewhat more
    negative, or become a lot more negative?
  • Base All respondents

Canadians are more likely to think that relations
with the U.S. have eroded
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
Men 19 Conservative Minded 19 West 19 Right
track 19
Women 33 Liberal Minded 34 Atlantic 46 Wrong
Track 39
Age 50 13 Conservative Minded 12 South 14 Rig
ht track 13
Age 50 16 Liberal Minded 19 Border
states 17 Wrong track 17
Q. Do you think relations between Canada and
the U.S. have improved, worsened, or stayed the
same in recent years? Base All respondents
Free Trade
Canadians are more likely than Americans to think
that free trade has been a bad thing for their
respective countries.
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
Bad thing for Canada
Good thing for Canada
Good thing for America
Bad thing for America
Right track 60 Age 18-34 53 Graduated
col./univ. 51 West 53
Wrong track 43 Age 50 44 High school or
less 41 Northeast 43
Right track 56 Age 18-34 48 Graduated
col./univ. 49 Income 100k 55
Wrong track 57 Age 50 50 High school or less
47 Income lt50k 52
  • Would you say the Free Trade Agreement has been a
    good thing or a bad thing for Canada America?
  • Base All respondents

Plus, Canadians are more likely than Americans to
think that free trade has been a bad thing for
themselves personally
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
Bad thing for me
Good thing for me
Good thing for me
Bad thing for me
Right track 57 Age 18-34 54 Graduated
col./univ. 50 Income 100k 54
Wrong track 37 Age 50 40 High school or
less 41 Income lt50 34
Right track 56 Age 18-34 49 Men 50 Income
100k 57
Wrong track 50 Age 50 41 Women 41 Income
lt50k 46
Q. For you personally, would you say the Free
Trade Agreement has been a good thing or bad
thing? Base All respondents
Canadians think that the US has benefited more
from free trade
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
U.S. has benefited more
Canada has benefited more
Women 64 Quebec 67 Age 35-49 64
Men 56 Ontario 56 Age 18-34 54
Men 29 High school or less 28 Midwest 26
Women 18 Graduated col./univ. 21 West 19
Q. Do you feel that Canada has benefited more
than the United States from the Free Trade
Agreement, that it has had the same effect on
both sides of the border, or that the United
States has benefited more than Canada? Base All
Both Canadians and Americans do not want open
borders for unrestricted access to resources
What Americans Think
What Canadians Think
Should be limits
Should be limits
Income 100k 77 Graduated col./univ. 75 Northea
st 74
Income lt50k 63 High school or less 60 South 61
Graduated col./univ. 92 Some post-sec. 91 High
school or less 79
West 91 Ontario 87 Quebec 88
Q. Some people feel that Canada that true free
trade between Canada and the U.S. would include
unrestricted access to fresh water, oil and gas
on both sides of the border. Others say that some
limits should be placed on access to fresh water,
oil and gas because these are critical national
resources. Which point of view most closely
reflects your own? Base All respondents
Both Canadians and Americans believe their
countries have lost jobs because of free trade
What Americans Think
What Canadians Think
Total Agree
Total Agree
Age 50 72 Men 71 Midwest 71
Age 18-34 63 Women 65 West 63
Ontario 64 Liberal Minded 63 Some post-sec. 66
West 55 Conservative Minded 58 High school or
less 57
Q. Please tell me if you strongly agree,
somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly
disagree with the following statements My
country has lost jobs because of Free
Trade Base All respondents
Higher proportion of Canadians than Americans
believe that free trade has led to new prosperity
and opportunity in their country
What Americans Think
What Canadians Think
Total Agree
Total Agree
Income 100k 46 Age 18-34 45 West 43
Income lt50k 36 Age 50 33 Midwest 37
Age 18-34 56 Income 100k 54 Men 54
Age 50 40 Income lt50k 42 Women 40
Q. Please tell me if you strongly agree,
somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly
disagree with the following statements Free
Trade has created new prosperity and opportunity
in my country Base All respondents
Americans are more likely to say that products
are more affordable because of free trade
What Americans Think
What Canadians Think
Total Agree
Total Agree
Income 100k 70 Age 35-49 59 Graduated
col./univ. 58
Income lt50k 46 Age 18-34 49 High school or
less 42
Income 100k 56 Age 18-34 55 Men 53
Income lt50k 42 Age 35-49 40 Women 41
Q. Please tell me if you strongly agree,
somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly
disagree with the following statements Free
Trade has made goods more affordable Base All
Both reject the notion that their middle classes
have benefited from free trade
What Americans Think
What Canadians Think
Total Agree
Total Agree
Income 100k 52 Income 50k-99k 35 Income
lt50k 43
Graduated col./univ. 44 Some post-sec. 47 High
school or less 32
Income 100k 53 Income 50k-99k 44 Income
lt50k 40
Men 48 Women 38 High school or less 35
Q. Please tell me if you strongly agree,
somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly
disagree with the following statements Free
Trade has benefited the middle class Base All
U.S. and Global Security
Canadians want the security levels to be less
strict, while Americans want tighter restrictions
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
Current level of security is too restrictive
Current level of security is not strict enough
Men 33 West 31 Income 100 30
Women 21 Quebec 23 Income lt50k 25
High school or less 39 Some post-sec. 30 Graduat
ed col./univ. 27
Conservative Minded 36 Liberal
Minded 25 South 36
Q. Thinking about border security between
Canada and the U.S., would you say that the
current level of security is too restrictive and
prohibits the easy movement of goods and people
between countries, that the level of security is
about right, or that the current level of
security is not strict enough ad should be
tightened up? Base All respondents
Americans are more likely to believe that the
world is safer since 9/11
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
The world is not as safe
The world is not as safe
Age 18-34 36 Age 35-49 44 Age 50 55
Income lt50 54 Income 50k-99k 46 Income
100k 37
Age 50 58 Liberal Minded 53 Wrong track 56
Age 18-34 37 Conservative Minded 44 Right
track 26
Q. Do you think the world is safer, not as
safe, or about as safe today as it was before
9/11 2001? Base All respondents
The majority of Canadians believe their country
is as safe as before 9/11. Americans are more
inclined to say the U.S. is not as safe, but
twice as many Americans as Canadians believe
their country is safer
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
Canada is not as safe
The U.S. is not as safe
Age 18-34 27 Age 35-49 33 Age 50 43
Income lt50k 43 Income 50k-99k 33 Income
100k 31
Age 50 53 Liberal Minded 54 Wrong track 52
Age 18-34 34 Conservative Minded 37 Right
track 22
Q. Do you think Canada the U.S. is safer,
not as safe, or about as safe today as it was
before 9/11 2001? Base All respondents
Not surprisingly, Canadians are more much more
likely to think that the Iraq War was the wrong
What Americans Think
What Canadians Think
Wrong Decision
Right Decision
Right Decision
Wrong Decision
Right track 71 Conservative Minded 58 South 47
Men 46
Wrong track 65 Liberal Minded 79 Midwest 61 Wo
men 58
Liberal Minded 88 Quebec 91
Conservative Minded 20 West 15 Income
100k 15 Men 14
Q. Do you believe the U.S. Government made the
right or wrong decision to become involved in the
Iraq War? Base All respondents
But Americans acknowledge that Canadas refusal
to participate in the Iraq war was a good
What Americans Think
What Canadians Think
Total Poor Decision
Total Good Decision
Total Good Decision
Total Poor Decision
Liberal Minded 77 Wrong track 66 Age 18-34 66
Conservative Minded 42 Right track 48 Age 50
Liberal Minded 92
Conservative Minded 20
Q. In 2002, the government of Canada refused
to join the US in the Iraq War. Do you think the
Canadian decision was a very good, a good, a poor
decision or a very poor decision? Base All
Both Canadians and Americans believe that the US
has less influence in the world compared to 10
years ago.
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
Less Influence
More Influence
More influence
Less Influence
Age 18-34 24 Income lt50k 22
Age 50 68 Income 100k 72
Age 18-35 21 Conservative Minded 15 Right
track 15
Age 50 77 Liberal Minded 80 Wrong track 73
Q. Do you think the United States has more
influence, less influence or about the same
amount of influence around the world today as it
did ten years ago? Base All respondents
Canadians are more concerned about US prestige in
the world, Americans are focused more on
protecting US interests
What Americans Think
What Canadians Think
Breeds Terrorism
Look After Own Interests
Look After Own Interests
Breeds Terrorism
High school or less 68 Conservative
Minded 67 Right track 71
Graduated col./univ. 48 Liberal
Minded 61 Wrong track 46
High school or less 49 Conservative
Minded 46 Income lt50k 45
Graduated col./univ. 62 Liberal
Minded 64 Income 100k 67
Q. Some people say that the standing of the
United States is low around the world, and that
this kind of opportunity is bad for America, and
it even breeds anti-American terrorism abroad.
Other people say that whether or not America is
popular abroad doesnt really matter, and the
only thing that matters is that America has to
look after its own interests and aggressively
defend itself against international terrorism.
Which view is closer to your own? Base All
U.S. Election
Both Canadians and Americans see Obama as a game
changer regarding Americas image in the world
What Americans Think
What Canadians Think
Total Improve
Total Improve
Total Worsen
Liberal Minded 70 Conservative Minded 61
Liberal Minded 73 Age 18-34 59 Income
100 56 Graduated col./univ. 55
Conservative Minded 34 Age 50 26 Income
lt50 28 High school or less 31
Q. If Barack Obama, the likely Democratic
candidate in the upcoming presidential election,
were to become the next President of the United
States, do you think that Americas image abroad
would improve significantly, improve somewhat,
stay about the same, worsen somewhat or worsen
significantly? Base All respondents
Canadians and Americans see McCain as the status
quo 'Bushs third term'
What Americans Think
What Canadians Think
Total Improve
Total Improve
Total Worsen
Total Worsen
Conservative Minded 26 Religious 28
Liberal Minded 24 Not religious 23
Right track 38 Conservative Minded 29 Men 30 A
ge 50 26
Wrong track 29 Liberal Minded 39 Women 26 Age
18-34 31
Q. If John McCain, the likely Republican
candidate in the upcoming presidential election,
were to become the next President of the United
States, do you think that Americas image abroad
would improve significantly, improve somewhat,
stay about the same, worsen somewhat or worsen
significantly? Base All respondents
Compared to past elections Canadians are more
interested in this year's U.S. election
Americans are even more interested
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
More interested
More interested
Liberal Minded 43 Graduated col./univ. 40 Incom
e 100k 41
Conservative Minded 33 High school or
less 29 Income lt50k 34
Age 18-34 61 Age 35-49 38 Age 50 44
High school or less 52 Some post-sec. 51 Graduat
ed col./univ. 44
Q. How would you describe your level of
interest in the upcoming presidential election?
Would you say you are more interested than you
have been compared to past elections, about as
interested as you have always been, or less
interested that you have been compared to past
elections? Base All respondents
Canadians see the US election as being about the
candidates, while Americans perceive the
election as being about the issues
What Americans Think
What Canadians Think
The Issues
The Candidates
Income 50k-99k 71 Graduated col./univ. 69 Men
Income 100k 59 High school or
less 63 Women 63
Women 64 Age 18-34 63 Ontario 63
Men 52 Age 50 55 Quebec 50
Q. Would you say your increased level of
interest has more to do with the issues facing
America or more to do with the candidates
themselves? Base Those who say they are more
interested (Canada n358 U.S. n472)
Americans perceive the top priority for the new
President to be the economy. Canadians place
priority on a trio of issues the economy,
Iraq, and the environment
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
Q. What do you think the top priority should
be for the next American President? Read list,
accept only one response Base All respondents
Obamas appeal is equally high among liberal and
conservative-minded Canadians
What Canadians Think
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Stephen Harper
Stephane Dion
Men 23 Women 28 Conservative Minded 24 Liberal
Minded 28
Men 25 Women 18 Conservative Minded 39 Liberal
Minded 9
Men 11 Women 21 Conservative Minded 13 Liberal
Minded 19
Men 5 Women 5 Conservative Minded 2 Liberal
Minded 8
Q. Which politician do you admire most? Read
list, accept only one response Base All
A higher percentage of Americans believe that the
Canadian system of government is better than
their own
What Americans Think
What Canadians Think
United States
Liberal Minded 25 West 24 Wrong track 21
Conservative Minded 13 South 12 Right track 8
Ontario 15 Men 13 Conservative Minded 14
West 9 Women 11 Liberal Minded 11
Q. Which country would you say has the best
system of government Canada or the United
States? Base All respondents
But, Americans are more likely to think that
elections matter than Canadians
What Americans Think
What Canadians Think
Total Agree
Total Agree
Income lt50k 52 High school or less 50 Age
18-34 46
Income 100k 26 Graduated col./univ. 35 Age
35-49 35
High school or less 64 Some post-sec. 57 Graduat
ed col./univ. 51
Income lt50k 62 Income 50k-99k 57 Income
100k 43
Q. Please state whether you strongly agree,
somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly
disagree with the following statement No matter
how I vote in the next election, its not going
to make any difference in how our government is
run. Base All respondents
Health Care, Gay Marriage, Religiosity Political
About 4-in-10 Americans see the Canadian
healthcare system as better than their own
What Americans Think
What Canadians Think
United States
Liberal Minded 69 Wrong track 52 Border
states 52
Conservative Minded 30 Right track 26 Non-borde
r states 43
Age 18-34 12 High school or less 11 Quebec 11
Age 50 4 Graduated col./univ. 5 Ontario 5
Q. Which country do you think has the best
health care system Canada or the United
States? Base All respondents
Americans recognize that more government
involvement in the health care system is needed
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
Combination of both
Private Sector
Liberal Minded 50 Age 50 45 Income
lt50k 45 Wrong track 47
Conservative Minded 65 Age 18-49 59 Income
100k 63 Right track 62
Conservative Minded 5 Liberal Minded 19
Conservative Minded 22 Liberal
Minded 3 Income 100k 22 Men 18
Q. In your view, should health services to
citizens be provided by government, the private
sector, or a combination of the two (government
and the private sector)? Base All respondents
While almost 7-in-10 Canadians support gay
marriage, 44 of Americans support this idea
What Americans Think
What Canadians Think
Not religious 79 Liberal Minded 77 Income
100k 76 Quebec 75
Religious 51 Conservative Minded 37 Income
lt50k 36 West 33
Liberal Minded 70 Not religious 66 Income
100k 54 Age 18-34 52
Religious 70 Conservative Minded 68 Men 60 Hig
h school or less 60
Q. Do you believe gay couples should have the
right to marry? Base All respondents
Americans are much more likely to say that they
attend weekly religious services
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
Every/almost every week
Every/almost every week
Never or hardly ever
Never or hardly ever
Age 50 28 Conservative Minded 27 Atlantic 29
Quebec 16
Age 18-34 44 Liberal Minded 44 Men 45 West 45
Conservative Minded 57 Age 50 52 Female 51 Mi
dwest South 49
Liberal Minded 41 Income 100k 35 Men 30 West
Q. How often do you attend religious
services? Base All respondents
Canada is clearly much more liberal, while the US
is much more conservative
What Canadians Think
What Americans Think
41 Conservative
51 Liberal
57 Conservative
37 Liberal
South 62 High school or less 61 Male 60 Age
50 60
West 42 Income 100k 42 Women 41 Age 18-34 41
West 49 Men 46 Age 50 45
Atlantic 60 Women 55 Age 18-34 53
Q. Regardless of how you actually vote, would
you describe your political views as very
conservative, conservative, liberal or very
liberal? Base All respondents
A Report ToThe Globe and Mail and CTV
  • A Tale of Two Nations
  • State of Canadian/American Public Opinion

June 2008
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