Title: Status of NuMIMINOS
1Status of NuMI/MINOS
Mark Thomson University of Cambridge
This talk
- Overview
- NuMI Beam
- MINOS Far and Near Detectors
- Physics Capabilities
- First Data
- - cosmic muons
- - atmospheric ns
2MINOS Basic Idea
735 km
Measure ratio of neutrino energy spectrum in far
detector (oscillated) to that in the near
detector (unoscillated)
Partial cancellation of systematics
Near (unosc)
Far (oscillated)
3MINOS Physics Goals
Demonstrate oscillation behaviour
- confirm flavour oscillations describe data
- provide high statistics discrimination against
- alternative models
- decoherence, n decay, extra dimensions,
4The NuMI beam
- 120 GeV protons extracted from the MAIN
- INJECTOR in a single turn (8.7ms)
- 1.9 s cycle time
- i.e. n beam on for 8.7ms every 1.9 s
- 2.5x1013 protons/pulse
- 0.3 MW on target !
- Initial intensity
- 2.5x1020 protons/year
5Tunable beam
- Relative positions of the
- neutrino horns allow beam
- energy to be tuned. Act like a
- pair of (highly achromatic lenses)
- Start with LE beam best for __Dm20.002 eV2
Low Medium High
1600 4300 9250
(2.5x1020 protons on target/year)
6The NuMI n beam I
7The NuMI n beam II
Steep incline
Carrier tunnel
- Beam points 3.3o
- downwards
8The NuMI n beam III
- Horn pulsed with 200 kA
- Toroidal Magnetic field B I/r between
- inner and outer conducters
9The NuMI n beam IV
Shielding Installation
Before shielding
10The NuMI n beam V
675 m long decay pipe
- Need long decay pipe
- for a 5 GeV p
- gct 200 m
- Evacuated to 1.5 Torr
- Steel decay pipe installed
- and encased in 2-3 m of
- concrete to protect
- ground water
11Going underground
2070 mwe
12MINOS Far Detector
- 8m octagonal steel scintillator tracking
calorimeter - 2 sections, 15m each
- 5.4 kton total mass
- 55/?E for hadrons
- 23/?E for electrons
- Magnetized Iron (B1.5T)
- 484 planes of scintillator
One Supermodule of the Far Detector Two
Supermodules total.
13Detector Elements
- Steel-Scintillator sandwich SAMPLING
CALORIMETER - Each plane consists of a 2.54 cm steel 1 cm
scintillator - Each scintillator plane divided into 192 x 4cm
wide strips - Alternate planes have orthogonal strip
orientations (U and V)
- Scintillation light collected by
- WLS fibre glued into groove
- Readout by multi-pixel PMTs
14MINOS FarDet during installation
Electronics Racks
SM 1
SM 2
Optical Fibre Read out
15Far Detector fully operational since July 2003
Veto Shield
16Event Information
- Software combination to get 3D event
1.5 T Magnetic Field
Stopping muon Prange 3.86 GeV/c Pcurvature
4.03 GeV/c
Single Hit Resolution 2.5 ns
18MINOS Near Detector
- 1 kton total mass
- Same basic design
- steel, scintillator, etc
- Some differences, e.g
Faster electronics Partially instrumented
282 planes of steel 153 planes of
scintillator (Rear part of detector
only used to track muons ) ..
Currently being installed at Fermilab
19MINOS Beam Physics (MC)
NC Event
- typical EM
- shower
- profile
20Test Beam
Response measured in CERN test beam using a
- Provides calibration information
- Test of MC simulation of low energy hadronic
21MINOS Physics Sensitivity
- Measurement of Dm2 and sin22q
For Dm2 0.0025 eV2, sin2 2q 1.0
Large improvement in precision !
Final sensitivity depends on protons on target
- Direct measurement of L/E dependence of nm flux
- Powerful test of flavour oscillations vs.
alternative - models
22ne Appearance
Dm2 0.0025 eV2
for Dm2 0.0025 eV2
MINOS 3s Discovery Limits
- 3 s discovery potential may significantly eat
into current - allowed region exact reach depends on
protons on target
- reasonable chance of making the first
measurement of q13 !
23First beam in December 2004
BUT Already Have Data....
24Moon Shadow
HE primary cosmic rays shadowed by moon
Not to scale
- Have recorded 10 M cosmic muons
- observed shadow of moon
- Angular res. improved by selecting high momenta
(less multiple scattering)
25n induced upward m
- Expect 1 Event/6 Days
- Identified on basis of timing
Earliest hits
26n induced upward-going muons
- Look for events coming from below horizon
- Require clear up/down resolution from timing
- Good track gt 2.0 m
- gt20 planes crossed
- Calculate muon velocity from hit times b v/c
- Clear separation of
- up/down going ms !
s1/b 0.05
27Upward m Analysis Data vs. MC
- NUANCE generator
- Bartol 96 flux
- MC normalised to data
- (assuming no oscillations)
- Charge-tagging
- Tag n/n using muon charge
- Efficiency depends on
- - muon momentum
- - track length
- - orientation wrt B-field
- Clean charge ID for
- approx. 50 of events
- Understanding systematics Work in progress
28Contained Events
- MINOS Designed for ns from FNAL not
atmospherics - Gaps between planes - potentially problematic
29Contained Event Selection
- Signal/Noise (cosmics) 1/200,000
- Veto Shield helps efficiency 97
- Have achieved rejection factor of 110,000,000
! - Efficiency 75 with 98 purity
- Fiducial Volume
- little activity within 50cm of
- detector edge
- Reconstructed muon track
- track which crosses 8 planes
- Cosmic muon rejection
- remove steep events
- Veto Shield
- noin-time Veto shield hit
30Contained Event Selection
Measure cosmic m bgd. from data using events
solely rejected on basis of veto hit
MINOS Preliminary
Vetoed background agrees with MC expectation !
n MC Battistoni et al
Does not include acceptance systematic
uncertainties work in progress
31Event Distributions
- MC normalised to data
- (no oscillations)
- Cosmic background from data
- - from no. of vetoed events
32 Charge Reconstruction
Tag n/n using muon curvature
- Curvature ? Q/p
- Select on basis of (Q/p)/sQ/p
- Pure charge ID for 70
- of selected events
MINOS atmos n analysis underway ! just need
more data
NuMI beam installation progressing well !
expect first protons on target December 2004 !
MINOS Near Detector currently being installed/
commisioned at FermiLab
MINOS Far Detector taking physics quality
data since mid-2003
Atmospheric ns already being seen in the MINOS
Far Detector
First direct observation of n/n
separated atmospheric neutrinos
Eagerly awaiting first beam physics data,
expected early 2005 ! Exciting times for MINOS.
34MINOS en France