Title: Marks And Spencer Advertising UK
1Evening Times Online
227,000 visitors a month, 1,800,000 page views
2Evening Times Online
The Online Teams Each website has a full time
editorial staff As much as 70 of newspaper
content is published online daily Bespoke
content is produced periodically, e.g. Election
Coverage Each website has a large Expat
audience There are 80 websites in the Newsquest
Portfolio offering national coverage
3Evening Times Online
The Online Audience (and what we know) We
know All demographics age, income, employment
status etc Location of visitors by country and
by region of Scotland Internet Behaviour what
the audience buys online and how often Popular
areas of our sites news, business, sport,
politics, crossword How many people live in
Strathclyde, who are between 25-54, have a
household income over 30,000 and buy online
every month?
4Evening Times Online
5Evening Times Online
15 - 24 12 25 - 34 29 35 - 44 28 45 -
54 16 55 - 64 12 65 3
Base All respondents 721
6Evening Times Online
Employment Status
Full time employed 71 Retired 8 Student
7 Part Time 4 Self employed 4 House
Person 4 Unemployed 2
Base All respondents 721
7Evening Times Online
Under 10,000 8 10,000 - 14,999 9 15,000 -
19,999 12 20,000 - 29,999 18 30,000 -
39,000 17 40,000 - 59,999 23 60,000 -
79,999 9 80,000 - 99,000 2 Over 100,000 3
Household Income
54 of visitors have a household income above
Base All respondents 721
8Evening Times Online
Board Director 1 Senior Management 5 Middle
Management 16 Professional Executive 34 Secretar
ial 12 Skilled Tradesperson 9 Freelance
Consultant 2
Job Title
57 of visitors are employed at Professional /
Executive level or above
Base All Employed 570 (number do not sum to 100
due to non response)
9Evening Times Online
Breakdown of Scottish Visitors
West 94.3 East 5.4
Base All Scotland 490 (number do not sum to 100
due to non response)
10Evening Times Online
How often do you purchase goods over the Internet
Once a week or more 7 2-3 times a
month 20 Once a month 18 Once every 2-3
months 20 Between 2-3 times a year 15 Less
often 10 Never 10
65 of visitors buy online once every 2-3 months
or more regularly
Base All respondents 721
11Evening Times Online
Advertising rates are calculated on a cost per
1,000 views of the advert - known as CPM (Cost
Per Thousand)
There are 3 types of advert available to the
advertiser all with a different CPM rate...
The advertiser must select 1. One of the four
types of advert 2. Number of views the ad should
receive 3. Duration of campaign
12Skyscraper Advert 120 x 600 pixels
Banner Advert 468 x 60 pixels
MiniBanner Advert 120 X 90 pixels
13Evening Times Online
How to calculate campaign costs The Banner
advert 14 for 1,000 views (14 CPM) The Mini
Banner 7 for 1,000 views (7 CPM) The
Skyscraper 15 for 1,000 views (15 CPM) Thus
if a banner ad campaign runs for 50,000 views it
will cost 50 x 14 700 Campaign Duration -
absolutely flexible! The Advertiser may choose
how long the campaign lasts. For example if the
campaign is to last 50 days and deliver 50,000
views then our system will ensure the advert is
viewed 1,000 times a day
14Evening Times Online
How to target a specific audience Advertisers may
wish to target segments of the web audience. The
audience can be segmented against the following 4
criteria 1. Time of day 2. Day of week 3.
Browser version 4. Operating system So for
example an advertiser may wish to target only
visitors whom log in during lunchtime - Targeted
15Evening Times Online
Each advertiser receives the following
service Expert campaign advice Monthly
campaign reports detailing success of campaign
and click-through rates The option to change
creative of the campaign at any point A discount
based on volume of ad views booked Regular
updates regarding advertising options and
opportunities All advertisers will be invoiced
16Evening Times Online
In Summary The audience is... Large and
diverse High income Prepared to spend
online Categorised by region of Scotland Large
Expat audience Professional
The Information stated in this presentation was
researched in February 2005 via a an extensive
user survey in the form of an online
questionnaire across the three newspaper
websites Newsquest (Herald Times) Ltd also
monitors visitor statistics using a log file
analyser application - robotic data, spiders and
non human traffic is not reported in any
statistics published by the company Some
statistics percentages do not add to 100 as not
all non responses have been included in the
presentation Due care and attention has been
applied to the reporting stats employing standard
measurement criteria For more information on our
stats or if you have any queries please contact
our Research Team - 0141 302 7000