Title: Interaktion i Virtual Reality Jesper Kjeldskov CVMT
1Interaktion i Virtual Reality Jesper
- Samarbejde mellem Staging og VRCN
- 6 måneders fokus på interaktion i VR med
udgangspunkt i VRCNs faciliteter - Skabelse af fundament for arbejde med interaktion
i VR ved VRCN - Fokus på både teknologi og anvendelse
3Dagens fokus
- Introduktion til interaktion i VR
- Problemstillinger ift. interaktion i VR
- Alternative løsninger
- Fordele
- Ulemper
- Mulighederne for at lave interaktive VR
applikationer ved VRCN i dag
4Myths of interaction i VR
- There exist one optimal interaction technique
for virtual reality - Different displaytypes should always use the
same interaction technique
A good interaction technique depends on the
relations between
- Inputdevices
- Display type
- Application context
- Type of application
- Users skills
- Etc.
Electromagnetic (Polhemus, Assension osv.)
9Combined devices
Wanda, TrackMan
CyberGlove, 5dt glove
11Interactiondevices of tomorrow?
12Display types
13Categorizing display types
- Full immersive displays
- 6-sided CAVEs
- Head mounted displays (HMDs)
- BOOMs (HMD mounted on stand)
- 2) Partial immersive displays
- 3-5 sides CAVEs
- Panorama, Powerwalls
- Monitors
14Creating interaction for VR
- Based on a 6-month project during 2000
- Dividing the concept of interaction
- Orientation
- Navigation
- Manipulation
- selection/picking
- systemcontrol
15Orientation in VR
- being able to look around in a virtuel
environment developing a sense of presence
- Available field of view
- Full immersive displays
- Display concepts has build-in support for
orientation - Partial immersive displays
- Display concepts has build-in limits for
161) Joystick/trackball
- The user rotates in the virtual world by moving
the joystick/trackball from side to side
- Advantages easy to use gets the job done
- Disdvantages having to use an extra device
- Joystick best for fast/continuous movements
- Trackball best for precise/absolute movements
- Trackball greater feeling of control
172) Headtracking (hypersensitive)
- The users rotation is enhanced, making it
possible to view 360º within rotation of 160º
- Advantages
- No extra device, easy to use, makes it posible to
do very fast movements (useful in eg. Quake) - Disadvantages
- Hard to gain a feeling of pressence, easy to
loose ones orientation in the virtuel world ?
183) Headtracking (with zones)
- When the user looks towards the edge of the
screen the virtual world rotates in that direction
- Advantages
- No extra device, easy to use, preserves ones
feeling of orientation - Disadvantages
- Limits the freedom of movement creates a
conflict between orientation in the physical and
the virtual world
19Navigation i VR
- being able to move/find ones way through a
virtual world
- To a large extend a question of app. context
- Virtuel worlds vs. virtuel objects
- Visualizations/simulations vs. eg. art, games,
201) Joystick with 6DOF tracking
- The user flyes in the direction he moves the
- Advantages
- Easy to learn, easy to use. Large freedom of
movement - Disadvantages
- The joystick is not suited for both fast and
precise movements has a need of more gears - the joystick is best suited for continuous
212) Trackball with 6DOF tracking
- The user flyes in the direction he moves the
- Advantages
- Easy to learn, easy to use. Large freedom of
movement - Small movements greater feeling of control
- Disadvantages
- The trackball is not suited for flying long
distances - the trackball is best suited for absolute
223) Navigation zones
- The user is surrounded by a number of virtual
zones. By pointing with his hand the user
activates different navigation modes
- Advantages
- No extra devices, no need for buttonpresses
- Easy to combine with manipulation
- Disadvantages
- Limits freedom of movement
- Can be difficult to understand
23Manipulation i VR
- Two primary approaches
- Simple virtual hand
- Ray-casting (virtuel laserbeam)
24The virtual hand approach
- The users hand is represented in VR using
- Advantages
- Very natural and easy to learn
- Easy to rotate and position objects
- Disadvantages
- Limited area of manipulation
25The ray casting approach
- The user interacts using a virtual laserbeam
pointing from the inputdevice or physical hand
- Advantages
- Objects at a distance can be selected/picked
- (also) very natural and easy to learn
- Disadvantages
- Ineffective for selecting small objects at a long
distance - Not good for rotating and positioning objects
26An in between solution?
- The go-go hand (Poupyrev et al.) The virtual
hand is not liniar, but lets user stretch his
virtual arm for selection/manipulation of objects
far away
- Advantages
- Allows manipulation in a large range of distances
- Disadvantages
- Range is still limited, interaction is not natural
271) Picking by touching
- The user selects objects for manipulation by
touching them
- Advantages
- No need for buttons (works with eg.
computervision) - Disadvantages
- Question how to drop selected objects?
- Constrained objects (handles, levers etc.)
- Not constrained objects (torches, tools etc.)
282) Picking using buttonpresses
- The user selects objects for manipulation by
touching them AND pressing a button
- Advantages
- Clear indication of intended interaction
- Easy to use (also for the ray casting approach)
- Disadvantages
- None but having to use a physical device
293) Using gloves
- The user selects objects for manipulation using
gestures (eg. touching closing hand)
- Advantages
- Perhaps more natural ? (but is that always
better?) - Gloves are (can be) comfortable and easy to use
- Disadvantages
- No clear distinction between interacting in
physical or virtual world
30Combining interaction modes
- Optimize combinations
- Devices, display, context
- Implementation of devices
- Orientation
- Navitagion
- Manipulation
- There is NOT one optimal way to design
interaction for virtual reality - Optimal interaction techniques is dependant of
the type of display used - Solution not trivial
- Hard work
- Creativity
- Usability tests
32Mulighederne for at udvikle interaktive VR
applikationer ved VRCN i dag...
33Udvikling af VR-apps. ved VRCN
- VR området udgør stadig a new frontier
- Standarder er stort set ikke-eksisterende
- Mangel på tradition og konventioner i design
- Mangel på gode udviklingsværktøjer
- Hovedregel VR kræver programmering!
- Skal man lave noget fedt, må man have fingrene
ned i skidtet! - Men er dette reelt anderledes end ift. mm og
34Udvikling af VR-apps. ved VRCN
- Division vs. CaveLib
- Division (grafisk interface)
- Relativt let at gå til
- Begrænset ift. programmeringsmuligheder
- CaveLib (/C bibliotek)
- Store muligheder for programmering af det fede...
- Svært at bruge for ikke-programmører
35Interaktion i Division
- Baseret på en virtuel krop - metafor
- Brugeren repræsenteres ved en række relaterede
kropsdele som torso, head, eyes, leftHand,
rightHand osv. - Den virtuelle krop kan konfigureres i en .bod
tekstfil (tekst) - Inputdevices sættes op og tilknyttes den
virtuelle krop i en registry tekstfil - En række standard body/registry filer kan
anvendes og/eller tilpasses
36Divisions tilgang til interaktion
- Fordele
- Let forståelig/overskuelig metafor
- Overskuelig at konfigurere/anvende
- Ulemper
- Begrænser hurtigt mulighederne for at få det som
man vil have det - Er begrænset ift. anvendelsen af andre typer
devices end positionstrackere og joysticks
(f.eks. handsker)
37Understøttede devices
- Polhemus fastrak/isotrak (stylus, 3Ball, plain)
- Computervision i CAVE
- Wanda/TrackMan
- Spacemouse
- 2D mus/keyboard
- Handsker (som 5x knapper comming soon)
- Meget konfigurerbare nye drivere!!!
- p.t. ca. 45 forskellige registry kombinationer af
disse devices til CAVE, Panorama og desktop
38Videre arbejde med VR
- Kombinationer af orientering, navigation og
manipulation i konkrete anvendelseskontekster - Interaktion på tværs af arenaer (Orakel and
beyond) - Flerbruger interaktion
- Trådløs interaktion i CAVE fortsat fokus på
usability, anvendelsesområder og forbedring af
teknologi - Anvendelse af spildevices til interaktion i VR
- Force-feedback v. interaktion i VR