Title: European Union Parliament and the Direct Democracy Strasbourg, 11062008
1European Union Parliament and the Direct
2MS Turnout rates at EP elections in 2004(2007
elections for BG and RO)
3Turnout trends at European elections
4My voice counts in the EU, EB Standard
5My countrys voice counts in the EU, EB Standard
68, Autumn 2007
6MEPs sit in the EP according to EB Special 288,
Autumn. 2007
Their political affinities (33)
their nationality (44) DK
7The members of the EU Parliament are directly
elected by the citizens of the EU EB Special
288, Autumn. 2007
8MS Turnout rates at EP elections in 2004(2007
elections for BG and RO)
9Turnout and awareness of MEP being directly
10Satisfaction with the way democracy works at
national levelEB 62, Autumn 2004
11Decisions are adopted above all?
12Level of information about European Parliament
13Turnout rates in 2003 Referenda and 2004 EP
14Things that are important to people
EB Special 273, European Social Reality Autumn
15What do you think are the two most important
issues facing (our country) at the moment? -
EUEB 66 Aut.2006 EB 67 Sp. 2007 EB 68 Aut.
Unempl. Prices Crime Healthcare
Economic Immigration Pensions Terrorism
Electoral Taxation Housing
situation system
16Policies to be given priority
17Issues which strengthen the EU
QA25 In your opinion, which aspects should be
emphasized by the European institutions in the
coming years, to strengthen the European Union in
the future? (MAXIMUM 3 ANSWERS)
Top 5 answers
18Satisfaction about the way democracy works in
EUEB Standard 62, Autumn 2004
- All reports available at
- http//ec.europa.eu/public_opinion
- Thank you for your attention
- Contact aurora.tranescu_at_ec.europa.eu
20What happens to Eurobarometer results?
- All reports and data are placed in the public
domain no more than 2 years after the completion
of the fieldwork - 4 types of Eurobarometer surveys available
- Standard Eurobarometer
- Special Eurobarometer
- Flash Eurobarometer
- Qualitative Eurobarometer
- Data are available from archives at
- the Commission website Europa at the URL
http//europa.eu. /public_opinion/