Title: Patricia Rozema and City Artists
1Patricia Rozema and City Artists
- Rozema General Intro.
- In the Various Restaurants
- Rozema general introduction
- Rozema on Places and City
- Artists on the margins of society
- The multiple spaces of female artists
- ?? social control and invasion
- Feminist ways of liberation from, participation
in and critique of society. - In the Various Restaurants
3Patricia Rozema
- Born to a Dutch immigrant family in southern
Ontario - B.A. with double major in philosophy English
Patricia Rozema on the set of Desperanto source
(image source)
4Rozema Filmography
- Mansfield Park (1999)
- "Yo-Yo Ma Inspired by Bach" (1997) Bach Cello
Suite 6 Six Gestures (1997) - When Night Is Falling (1995)
- Montréal vu par... (1991) (segment "Desperanto")
- White Room (1990)
- I've Heard the Mermaids Singing (1987) Prix de la
Jeunesse from Cannes 17 awards - Passion A Letter in 16mm (1985)
5Rozema on Places and City (1
- The Royal Bank Plaza. A modern cathedral, a
marvel of sculpted form. It's windows have been
coated with a small amount of gold leaf, it's
different from every angle and yet it is unified.
I'm sure lots of what goes on in there is less
than holy but the structure can claim, I
believe, a little bit of the divine.
6Rozema on Places and City (2)
- As much as I try to give importance to "place" in
this article, it is the deeds that make a temple
sacred or not. The halls, the streets, the
condos and the palaces will always be filled with
women, men, and children and their miseries,
rebirths, half-dreams and dreams,shared love,
wasted love, echoes and footsteps of the dead and
half-dead, and sometimes brief, unbearably sweet
smiles. It is all our pathetic little attempts
at generosity, heroism and holiness that define
us. In our fictions, as in our lives, it is the
concrete steps towards or away from our ideals
that say who and what we are.
. . . tiny hovel almost lost in the industrial
section of Toronto (before it got groovy) under
the enchanting shadow of a giant Kentucky Fried
Chicken barrel with the CN tower in the BG
- Zelda in White Room
- Bach in Six Gestures
- Anna in Passion
- Petras in When Night is Falling
9???????????? (1)
10???????????? ?? social institutions (2)
- Rozema on Pollys hovel in Mermaid
- And the heart of this place is her little red
private developing room, her bathroom no less,
where she slips into her reveries. - She goes to work at an art gallery pretentiously
aspiring to the authority of spirituality (like
this article perhaps?) with the name of The
Church Gallery. (source http//www.patriciaroze
ma.com/a_place_in_the_sun.htm )
11Rozema??????? ?????????
Pinhole cameras everywhere
- ???Rozema ?????
- Desperanto(??????)
16Rozema???)???????????--??????(Six Gestures )
- The six suite was the first work thats ever
written for the cello. - Ya, but you know theres no record of this cello
suites ever having been performed.
- Some artists complete an era some artists begin
the next
18Rozema?????(1)????? (White Room)
19Rozema?????(2) ?????(1) Passion
- 1. Flight?????Power and Grace
- 2. Anna as a filmmaker ???? ??(?????)???
20Rozema?????(2)????????--Six Gesture ????????
- (Bach in Cöthen,
- serving his patron,
- Prince Leopold)
- ???????
- (????,????)
21Rozema?????????2)?Six Gesture ??
- ????? (Bach and Prince Leopod -- our little
polite and dutiful dances)
24Rozema ?????????
25In the Various Restaurants
- Starting questions
- How do we characterize Nicola, the narrator and
their relationship? (What does it mean to be
friends, but never close? 153) - How are the other artists presented?
- Why are the restaurants important to the
narrator? - Does the fact that the author, Daniel Jones,
later commit suicide influence your reading of
the novel?
26Nicola and the narrator, 1983 1992 Not a Love
- The narrator needs some clarification 145
- Similarities wary of long-term commitment
- Aspiring writers switching from poetry to
narratives. - Nicola on her marriage 151
- The Narrator The thought of close friends
frightens me. (152) - Do not speak when meeting on the street, no kiss
or touch when leaving each other, no photos, no
talk on the phone, etc.
27The narrator
- The narrator about to publish in 1983,
- Alcoholic, suicidal
- keep careful records of the past, repeated
actions (always 143) - Self-obsessed, but also Self-critical of his
attraction to Nicola. - Feel distant from her at the moment of her
confession (149) - Does not know what he wants 151
28Nicola a self-protective artist
- her voice 141
- in love with a man, or with the idea of writing
poems to him - Her story of nervous breakdown 147-48
29The narrators view of Toronto
- The two meet Always for lunch, in various
restaurants. - Only knows restaurants 152
- There are so many things to talk about, . . . 153
30Life and Art
- The narrators wanting to write a story about
Nicola. 150. - Collection of short stories by Daniel Jones
Obsessions A Novel in Parts.