Title: Building CONTENTdm Projects using the Web Interface
1Building CONTENTdm Projects using the Web
rev. GW 10/05
2Important Caveats
- The web interface doesnt yet
- -- allow you to batch load objects
- -- allow you to view your object while you are
describing it - -- allow you to band your objects
- -- autogenerate thumbnails for JP2 files
- -- allow you to use the template creator
- -- allow you to build a compound object
3Opening A Project
- In your web browser
- -- key in the URL for the project you wish to
work on - (see next page for complete list)
4Current URLs for UNR Projects
- Anthropology Teaching Collection
- http//contentdm.library.unr.edu/cgi-bin/admin/add
.exe?CISODB/anthro - Art and Architecture Image Resources Collection
- http//contentdm.library.unr.edu/cgi-bin/admin/add
.exe?CISODB/artarch - Architectural Drawings Collection
- http//contentdm.library.unr.edu/cgi-bin/admin/add
.exe?CISODB/archdraw - La Baskonia
- http//contentdm.library.unr.edu/cgi-bin/admin/add
.exe?CISODB/baskonia - Basque Posters
- http//contentdm.library.unr.edu/cgi-bin/admin/add
.exe?CISODB/basqpost - Basque Tree Carvings
- http//contentdm.library.unr.edu/cgi-bin/admin/
add.exe?CISODB/basqcarv - Campus Photos
- http//contentdm.library.unr.edu/cgi-bin/admin/add
.exe?CISODB/campphotos - Historic Maps
- http//contentdm.library.unr.edu/cgi-bin/admin/add
.exe?CISODB/hmaps - Images of Lake Tahoe
- http//contentdm.library.unr.edu/cgi-bin/admin/add
.exe?CISODB/tahoe - Lincoln Highway
5Describing an Object, Step 1
- In your favorite
- image viewer
- -- browse to the object you will be
describing, - and open it for viewing
6Describing An Object, Step 2
- In the Add an item box
- -- browse to the file path for the individual
object you wish to add to the project - Continue to enter metadata
- in the blanks in the Add
- metadata section of the form
- -- click on add at the bottom of the form when
you are finished adding metadata
Note this training document does not cover the
specifics of entering metadata
7Approving Objects, Step 1
- On the Item administration screen in the
CONTENTdm Administration Items tab work area - -- click on Approve
8Approving Objects, Step 2
- In the Controlled Vocabulary area, if there are
items to be approved, either edit them or click
on the approve all link - If not, then in the Review pending item(s)
area, either edit them or click on the approve
all link - In the File names area, leave the
- Generate unique file name radio box checked
9Approving Objects, Step 3
- You will see a screen telling
- you that the approval process
- has been Completed
- -- click on index on the top blue bar of
10Approving Objects, Step 4
- You will see a screen telling
- you that the approval process
- has been Completed
- -- click on index on the top blue bar of
11Building the Index
- On the Index screen
- -- click on start index
12Adding Objects, Last Step
- You will see a screen
- telling you that the
- index process has been
- Completed
- -- click on View collection on the top blue bar
of selections to view the object via the
CONTENTdm displays.
13Revising the Metadata, Step 1
On the Item administration screen in the
CONTENTdm Administration Items tab work
area -- click on Edit
14Revising Metadata/Deleting Objects, step 2
- Enter a term from the
- metadata for the object for
- which you wish to revise the
- metadata or that you need to
- delete, then
- -- click on search
15Revising Metadata/Deleting Objects, step 3
- -- Click on metadata if you wish to revise the
metadata - -- click on delete if you wish to delete the
16Revising Metadata/Deleting Objects, step 4
- -- click on view this item to verify that you
are editing the metadata for the correct object,
then - -- revise the metadata, as necessary, then
- -- click on the save changes button
17Please Dont Forget to Re-Index after any
Metadata Revision or any Object Deletion !!!
- You will see this screen
- telling you that the item has
- been updated and ...
- reminding you to Index the
- collection to activate the changes.
- -- click on index on the top blue bar of
18Building the Index
- On the Index screen
- -- click on start index
19And Round and Round We Go ...