Title: Collection
1 Collection Redistribution of Aphthona spp. for
biological control of Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia
R.D. Richard H.W. Ziolkowski, USDA-APHIS Lana
Aphthona spp. were approved for release into the
U.S. as Biological Control Agents against Leafy
Spurge Euphorbia esula in the late 1980s. Since
that time USDA has imported insects from Canada
and Europe and released, and established field
populations in 20 U.S. states. Utilization of
Aphthona spp. as Biological Control Agents
against Leafy Spurge is now common in spurge
infested lands. This technology is
environmentally sensitive, self sustaining, low
cost and can be used as part of Integrated Pest
Management (IPM) approach, along with chemical or
cultural practices. The series of photos below
demonstrate the field collection of Aphthona spp.
from established field locations, and the process
of redistribution used by USDA to new field
release sites.
Aphthona cleaning process