Title: Recent Experiments at PITZ
1Recent Experiments at PITZ
Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY Zeuthen
J. H. Han for the PITZ collaboration
ICFA Future Light Sources Sub-Panel Mini Workshop
on Start-to-End Simulations of X-RAY FELs August
18-22, 2003 at DESY-Zeuthen, GERMANY
- Goal of PITZ, Experimental setup
- RF results
- RF conditioning
- Dark current
- Photocathode Laser
- Beam measurements
- Phase scan (beam charge measurement)
- Beam momentum measurement
- Bunch length measurement
- Transverse emittance measurement
- Summary and Outlook
- Test facility for FELs TTF2-FEL, TESLA-XFEL,
BESSY-FEL - ? very small transverse emittance (1 ? mm mrad _at_
1 nC) - ? stable production of short bunches with small
energy spread - Extensive RD on photoinjectors in parallel to
TTF operation - Comparing detailed experimental results with
simulations - ? benchmark theoretical understanding of
photoinjectors - Test and optimization of rf gun cavities for
subsequent operation at TTF2-FEL and TESLA-XFEL - Test of new developments (laser, cathodes, beam
diagnostics) - In future for TESLA flat beams, polarized
electrons - ? Current goal full characterization of the
photoinjector rf gun
4Current Layout
BESSY, Berlin DESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen INFN
Milano INR Troitsk INRNE Sofia Max-Born-Institute,
Berlin TU Darmstadt, department TEMF YERPHI
5RF Commissioning Results
- Max. rf pulse length 900 µs
- Max. repetition rate 10 Hz
- Max. accelerating field
- gt 40 MV/m at the cathode ( 3 MW)
- duty factor 0.9 ,
- average rf power 27 kW
Fulfills TTF2 rf parameter requirements
6Dark Current Study
Maximum dark current vs.accelerating field
DC (Cs2Te) vs. Imain and Ibuck
7Old Laser System (until June 2003)
UV 262 nm Pulse train up to 800 ?sec Repetition
rate 1 5 Hz
Transverse laser profile Measured at virtual
cathode ?x0.50 0.02 mm ?y0.67 0.01 mm
Laser pulse length measurement with Streak
camera FWHM 71 psec
8New laser system Longitudinal Profiles
9Characteristic Laser Beam Profile
Trnasverse at virtual cathode ?x 0.47 0.02
mm ?y 0.54 0.02 mm
Longitudinal (Green) FWHM 24 ps rise/fall time
7 ps
10Phase Scan for Short Gaussian Laser(old system)
- Gradient 40 MV/m
- Solenoid max. at z 280 mm !
- max. Charge 0.5 nC
- Short and small laser beam
- High space charge force
ASTRA Simulation
11Phase Scan with new Laser System
Gradient 40 MV/m Solenoid max. at z
280mm max. Charge 1.6 nC
Laser parameters have a significant influence on
charge production
Simulations ongoing
12Momentum Measurements as a Function of Phase
Mean momentum
RMS momentum spread
measurement ASTRA simulation
Solenoid current 280 A beam charge 1 nC (fixed)
13Bunch Length Measurement Setup
- Radiators
- Aerogel (BINP, n1.03)
- in a separate box
- Quartz
- OTR, metal plate tilted
- with 45 degrees
vacuum tube
electron trajectory
vacuum window
Streak camera
Optical transmission line about 26 m long
Bandpass filter
14Bunch Length Measurement
Bunch length as a function of number of
micro-pulses (Aerogel) (10 measurements for one
One example of the bunch length measurement
- 100 distributions taken for 1 bunch,
- standard deviation of mean time
- 1.0 ps (streak camera resolution 1.7 ps)
15Longitudinal Beam Distribution for 1 nC Bunch
90 RMS bunch length as a function of SP phase
Single distribution at phase with highest
Measurement ASTRA simulation
Bandpass filter used to prevent dispersion 12
nm bandwidth
-z, mm
(Smearing which can be done due to a resolution
is not applied in this simulation)
16Transverse Emittance
Scanning three beamlets at each measurement
17Simulated Transverse Emittance for Transverse
Laser rms size of 0.50 mm (radial)
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20Taking Laser Beam Profile for Simulation
50,000 macro-particles which satisfy the
actual laser beam profile were taken for
transverse longitudinal directions and combined
21Comparison between Measurement and ASTRA
Simulation with Actual Laser Profile
22Summary / Outlook
- PITZ has been brought into operation within an
international collaboration - RF specifications for TTF2 have been reached
- Laser system with longitudinal pulse shaping for
pulse trains up to 800 µs is in operation - Characterization of electron source is ongoing
- Mean momentum ( 4.7 MeV/c) momentum
spread - ( 30 keV/c)
- Bunch length ( 2.5 mm rms)
- Transverse Emittance (3 ? mm mrad _at_ 1 nC)
- are measured
- Cavity will be installed at TTF2 in autumn 2003
- Upgrade of the facility (e.g. booster cavity) is
foreseen, further collaboration is welcome