From Here to Construction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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From Here to Construction


... resolution requirements, demonstrating 20-30 photo e-/MeV (as compared with CMS' 5 pe/MeV) ... continue in this role as we gear up for construction, so this ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: From Here to Construction

From Here to Construction
  • Michael Hebert
  • UC Irvine
  • March 9, 2004
  • NSF RSVP Review

  • The Importance of, Status of, and Plans for the
    Magnet Acquisition
  • A Review of each Level 2 WBS task examining
    readiness, resource needs, and schedule to get
    from here to construction
  • Summary of the proposal budget, schedule of
    events that carries us to a construction start

Opening Comments
  • We are proposing to continue the design phase of
    the magnet system in this grant period, including
    funding four months of the estimated one year
    magnet engineering design. We dont believe we
    can wait for MRE-FC funding for the engineering
    design effort. This allows us to maintain the
    momentum on the critical path system. The
    alternative could mean more than a years delay
    in completing the project.
  • We have not requested support for every task that
    we could start now due to the limited
    availability of funding
  • We will make major progress on every subsystem,
    in addition to the magnets in particular we will
    greatly increase the engineering effort going
    into MECO

MECO Collaboration
  • Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow
  • V. M. Lobashev, V. Matushka,
  • New York University
  • R. M. Djilkibaev, A. Mincer,
    P. Nemethy, J. Sculli, A.N. Toropin
  • Osaka University
  • M. Aoki, Y. Kuno, A. Sato
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • W. Wales
  • Syracuse University
  • R. Holmes, P. Souder
  • College of William and Mary
  • M. Eckhause, J. Kane, R. Welsh
  • Boston University
  • J. Miller, B. L. Roberts
  • Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • K. Brown, M. Brennan, G. Greene,
  • L. Jia, W. Marciano, W. Morse,
    Y. Semertzidis, P. Yamin
  • University of California, Irvine
  • M. Hebert, T. J. Liu, W. Molzon, J.
    Popp, V. Tumakov
  • University of Houston
  • Y. Cui, E. V. Hungerford,
    N. Klantarians, K. A. Lan
  • University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • K. Kumar

Features of MECO
  • 1000fold increase in m beam intensity over
    existing facilities
  • High Z target for improved pion production
  • Axially-graded 5 T solenoidal field to maximize
    pion capture

Superconducting Solenoids
Muon Beam
1 T
1 T
2 T
Straw Tracker
Stopping Target Foils
Proton Beam
  • Curved transport selects low momentum m-
  • Muon stopping target in a 2 T axially-graded
    field to improve
    conversion e- acceptance
  • High rate capability e- detectors in a constant 1
    T field

2.5 T
5 T
Pion Production Target
MECO MREFC Critical Path
The magnets directly determine when we finish
construction (stop spending MRE money) and start
full-scale data taking
Magnet Progress
  • As a reminder
  • Conceptual Design completed on FY01 funds, very
    favorably reviewed
  • Commercial procurement endorsed by Magnet
    Acquisition Panel
  • Three Industrialization Studies completed using
    FY02 funds
  • Insulation system for the coils and joints
    recommended epoxy and other material choices for
    radiation hard fabrication
  • Winding, impregnation logistics, fabrication cost
    and schedule concluded that the magnets can be
    built commercially within the nominal 41 month
    schedule for a price consistent with our
  • Refrigerator/liquefier refurbish or buy new
  • Procurement activities (more details in a moment)
  • Magnet Acquisition Plan drafted
  • Magnet Statement of Work and Technical
    Specification-incorporating BNL and LLNL comments
  • RFP being drafted
  • First meeting with potential vendors held at MT18
    Conference in October

Magnet Progress
  • Field error analyses and other studies also
    supported by FY03 funds
  • Updated structural models of PS, TS and DS
    magnets from CDR to evaluate effects of modulus
    and coefficient of thermal contraction variations
    and deadweight effects.
  • New PS iron return yoke and pole piece
  • Revised PS coil builds
  • DS includes new iron pole piece
  • TS Stiffer and wider cryostat pedestals
  • Relocated horizontal support in downstream TS to
    accommodate DS pole
  • TS Cryostat shell modeling

Magnet Progress
  • Created mandrel and mandrel assembly drawings
    with tolerances and verified manufacturability
    with commercial fabrication shops
  • Preliminary conclusions
  • Field errors due to manufacturing tolerances and
    material property variations appear manageable in
    PS and DS TS analysis underway
  • DS field errors are driven by the mandrel and
    assembly tolerances. Field analysis is underway
    by UCI.
  • PS field errors are driven by the mandrel and
    assembly tolerances but the field spec in the PS
    region is forgiving.
  • TS structural model is most complicated. Awaiting
    updated results.
  • Final results will be reflected in the final RFP

Draft Magnet Acquisition Plan
  • Draft exists and will be submitted for NSF
    approval shortly
  • Establishes roles of all major players
  • MIT Subsystem Manager and COTR, chairs bid
    review panel
  • LLNL provides Contracting Officer backed by the
    experience of the whole NIF contracting team
  • UCI provides source selection official, funds
    vendor contract
  • NYU provides MREFC funds to UCI for all MECO
    effort concurs with UCI source selection
  • BNL provide site access and interface
    information, operational requirements via MDMG,
    participates in bid review panel
  • Summarizes estimated design, construction, and
    life cycle costs
  • Discusses commercial, technical, manufacturing,
    and ESH risks
  • Lays out the procurement plan (next slide)

Magnet Procurement Plan
  • Assumes the final design, fabrication,
    installation and acceptance testing will be
    performed by a commercial vendor or a team of
  • Identifies method as Best Value Source Selection
  • Identifies firms have required capabilities or
    known to have an interest
  • Alahlam Ltd.
  • Ansaldo Superc
  • Babcock Noell Nuclear GmbH
  • Cryogenic Ltd.
  • General Atomics
  • Hitachi
  • Establishes a fixed price, contract as the
    preferred option allows for industry feedback
    at draft RFP stage
  • Discusses possibility of splitting out high cost
    risk interface items and/or installation
  • Establishes management information requirements
    reporting, QA, etc.
  • Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
  • Oxford Instruments
  • Sigmaphi
  • Space Cryomagnetics
  • Toshiba
  • Wang NMR Inc.

Draft Magnet Acquisition Schedule
  • This list assumes an uninterrupted flow of funds,
    i.e. an FY05 MREFC start or continuing RD
    support for the engineering design in 05

Baseline Information Today
  • MECO WBS exists, but needs extensive revision.
    This is job one.
  • Reference Design Documents listing design and
    interface parameters exist for some systems.
    Will need initial versions for the remaining
    major systems as part of completing 1 above.
  • WBS Dictionary again exists, but must be
    revised in conjunction with 1.
  • Cost Database system, including risk assessment
    handling, is loaded with the preceding info as of
    Jan 2003. As 1 3 above evolve, we will
    incorporate the changes.
  • Cost Book exists, but is sparsely populated
    with solid backup material.
  • Subsystem schedules exist in detail for the
    magnets and for the proton beamline work.
    Schedules for all other subsystems exist, but in
    coarser grain.
  • Technical Design Report exists only in draft
    form, but has not been updated since June 2001.
    Details needed for engineering efforts have
    instead been captured in the Reference Design
    Documents mentioned above
  • Project Management Plan exists but will require

Near Term Milestones
  • Preparation for a baseline review in July

Note that new hires under this proposal are not
going to be on board soon enough to contribute
much to the baselining effort
Reviewing Each L2 WBS
  • The following slides review each MECO level 2 WBS
  • Current status and recent development progress
  • Specific needs for baselining
  • Preparation for construction
  • Near term schedule of activities
  • Costs listed are those included in the pending

WBS 1.4 Solenoids
  • Resources Needed to Baseline - 558k
  • Support for MIT PSFC to continue in their
    oversight role and update cost information for
    the baseline. This number includes the SSM and
    additional FTEs to support the engineering design
    effort for the four months covered under this
    grant (this actually extends beyond establishing
    the baseline)
  • Starting the Engineering Design - 1545k
  • Four months of design effort by an estimated team
    of 22 engineers, designers, and managers working
    for the magnet construction vendor
  • Cost risk reduction studies at MIT and component
    fabrication vendors
  • Contracting Officer support at LLNL
  • Part-time support for magnet and cryogenics
    experts at BNL to participate in Magnet Design
    Management Group, providing facilities interface
    and safety information to magnet contracting team

WBS 1.4 Solenoids
Draft RFP Released This Month
Final RFP Rel. Sept. 04
Engineering Design Commences in March 05
WBS 1.1 AGS Modifications, Studies
  • Current Status
  • No beam studies since 1998 nor hardware design
  • Hardware consists of a new AC dipole similar to
    an existing magnet and new pulser and power
    supply for the existing stripline kicker,
    requirements based on existing studies info
  • New concerns about ALARA limits, available
    running time, and aperture limits
  • Resources Needed to Baseline - 0
  • Extensive beam studies will be required to
    achieve MECO running conditions. Nonetheless we
    have omitted this from the proposal to direct
    funds elsewhere. Our plan is conduct these
    studies with MREFC funds.
  • AGS RF experts are needed to spec the hardware,
    although their time is often saturated solving
    RHIC problems

WBS 1.1 AGS Modifications, Studies
  • Preparation for efficient use of MREFC funds -
  • Design of AC dipole, new pulsers for AGS Kicker
    allow for construction and installation in 06
    allowing for extinction measurement in 06/7 run

This is a Final Design Review, i.e. we are ready
to cut metal on the AC Dipole and procure of
pulsers and power supplies for the Kicker in
October 04
WBS 1.2 Proton Beamline
  • Current Status
  • Some off-project effort by C-AD physicists
    developing beamline optics to establish aperture
    limits and hardware requirements
  • Preliminary shielding design and AGS floor layout
    in A line by C-AD engineers
  • RF Modulated Magnet (RFMM) stripline and cavity
    geometry studies at UCI
  • Resources required to baseline this effort - 37k
  • Beamline Optical Design a prerequisite for all
    other activity in the beamline, establishes which
    magnets and instrumentation are needed note
    this was previously assumed to be an off-project
    research effort, now at our expense
  • Support for AGS Liaison Engineer is covered in
    WBS 1.11
  • Preparation for efficient use of MREFC funds -
  • Shielding Design Start this long lead time task
    now to begin labor (and ) intensive beamline
    refurbishment in 05
  • Instrumentation Controls design Allows for
    procurement of instrumentation needed for beam
    tests in 06/7
  • RF Modulated Magnet conceptual design Allows
    for prototype construction in 05, installation
    in 06 shutdown, testing in 06/7

WBS 1.2 Proton Beamline
Extracted beam parameters determined in August
RFMM design complete in January, prototype awaits
MREFC funds
WBS 1.3 Target Heat Shield
  • Current Status
  • Initial version of Reference Design exists
  • Extensive simulation, design, and testing of
    water-cooled prototypes at UCI
  • Heat Shield conceptual design effort begun at
    C-AD with FY03 funds
  • Resources required to baseline this effort - 57k
  • Identify a long term subsystem manager talking
    to a candidate now
  • Extend Heat Shield design work to full conceptual
  • Develop conceptual design of target cooling

    and handling and storage systems
  • Preparation for efficient use of

    MREFC funds - 35k
  • Extend target mockup tests to

    realistic heat loads
  • Fabricate a test setup for later beam


WBS 1.3 Target Shield
Heat Shield and Target Remote Handling and
Storage System Designs complete in July
Production target design review follows prototype
beam testing on MREFC funds complete Jan 06
WBS 1.5 Muon Beamline
  • Current Status
  • Vacuum, Collimator, m Beam Stop, n Absorber
    Reference Designs exist
  • Vacuum window conceptual design completed on FY02
  • Vacuum, m Beam Stop, and Absorber engineering
    efforts ongoing at BNL
  • Vacuum studies, Beam Stop and Absorber
    optimization at UCI
  • Resources required to baseline - 71k RD
  • Complete BNL design work to provide detailed
    magnet interface information and cost information
  • Preparation for efficient use of MREFC funds
  • The primary motive to push these designs is to
    develop the magnet interface info. With that in
    hand we do not need greater detail before MREFC

WBS 1.5 Muon Beamline
WBS 1.6 Tracker
  • Current Status
  • Two tracker geometry options remain under
  • Longitudinal geometry with 3000 3m long straws
    oriented nearly coaxial with the DS and 23000
    capacitively coupled cathode strips for axial
    coordinate measurement
  • Transverse geometry with 13000 1m straws,
    oriented transverse to the axis of the DS,
    readout at both ends
  • Two readout options under consideration as well
  • Digitizing inside the DS cryostat or passing
    analog signals out and digitizing remotely

Longitudinal Tracker
Tracker RD
  • Studies provide input to select geometry and
    readout architecture
  • Full-length longitudinal vane prototype remains a
    work in progress at Houston as mechanical
    stability and straw bonding issues are resolved
  • Electronics design and prototype work at Houston
    has progressed to testing prototype preamplifier,
    digitizer, and controller boards as a system
    using the current (outdated) version of BaBars
    Elefant chip with very promising results
  • Simulations of both the longitudinal and
    transverse geometries continue, indications are
    that either geometry might work from a physics

WBS 1.6 Tracker
  • Resources required to baseline this effort - 0
  • We know enough about the tracker options to
    reliably cost them without significantly more
  • Preparation for efficient use of MREFC funds -
  • Mechanical and signal tests with full length vane
  • Revise the BaBar Elefant chip (from 0.8 mm to
    0.25 mm technology) for MECO use a joint
    venture between Houston and LBNL estimated to be
    a one year design task, we are proposing to fund
    six months of it under this grant
  • Full-time mechanical engineering support funded
    under WBS 1.11
  • Design and prototype a low mass manifold

WBS 1.6 Tracker
Geometry Decision in November
WBS 1.7 Calorimeter
  • Current Status
  • Bench tests of PbWO4 crystals cooled to 23 C
    and large area avalanche photodiodes continue at
    NYU using electronics designed and built in house
  • Indications are that this material will meet MECO
    resolution requirements, demonstrating 20-30
    photo e-/MeV (as compared with CMS 5 pe/MeV)
  • We need to verify the system performance via beam
    tests of an 8?8 crystal array
  • If true we can sharply reduce the contingency on
    the Calorimeter that covered the possibility of
    using BGO crystals
  • Further it appears that we can make use of fewer
    (larger) crystals allowing reductions in APD, and
    associated HV and readout channel counts (1152
    crystals vs. 2000 originally)

WBS 1.7 Calorimeter
  • Resources required to baseline this effort - 0
  • We know enough to baseline this system now
  • Preparation for efficient use of MREFC funds -
  • Funds for construction of an 8 x 8 prototype
    crystal array including photodetectors, cooling,
    calibration, readout electronics, vacuum system
    and test vessel
  • Funds for beam testing
  • Contribution of the Chief Electrical Engineer
    (funded in WBS 1.11) to the design of readout and
    trigger electronics
  • In addition to verifying the primary approach
    with an appropriate scale prototype, this
    advances the design effort and should allow for
    an early start to anticipated lengthy crystal and
    APD procurement phases

WBS 1.7 Calorimeter
Crystal Material Selected
Calorimeter Conceptual Design Review in June 05
WBS 1.8 Cosmic Ray Shield
  • Current Status
  • Extensive testing at William Mary have
    established a combination of scintillator,
    wavelength shifter, and multi-anode PMT that will
    meet MECOs 99.9 cosmic ray veto efficiency
  • Extrusion of 100 4m slats this summer at Itasca
    following MINOS lead
  • Test slats will be assembled into a prototype
    module this Fall
  • Resources required to baseline this effort - 53k
  • Mechanical engineering support for William
    Mary, either locally, or at BNL to assist in
    developing a conceptual design for the counters
    and particularly their installation beneath the
    detector solenoid
  • Preparation for efficient use of MREFC funds -
  • Materials and shop time to produce prototype
    module components
  • Student labor for bonding WLS fibers into slats,
    module assembly and testing at William Mary

WBS 1.8 Cosmic Ray Shield
Veto Counter Conceptual Design Review in Sept 04
WBS 1.9 Trigger DAQ
  • Current Status
  • No engineering has gone into the Trigger or DAQ
    to date, although this has the potential to be a
    long lead time item
  • Resources required to baseline this effort - 42k
  • A fraction of the support for BUs Electronics
    Design Facility (EDF) will be necessary to
    develop at least a sketch level design for the
    system and cost it out
  • Preparation for efficient use of MREFC funds -
  • Support for the completion of EDFs design effort
  • Components, prototype boards, test equipment
  • Allows for testing of trigger hardware as part of
    the Calorimeter and Tracker test beam studies

WBS 1.9 Trigger DAQ
Trigger and DAQ Hardware Conceptual Design
Review in July 05
WBS 1.10 Infrastructure
  • Reminder that Infrastructure for MECO presently
    refers to the counting house, electronics hut,
    and compressor building for the refrigerator /
  • Current Status
  • Existing structures have been identified to serve
    as counting house and compressor building,
    although they will require some clean out and may
    require refurbishment of power and other services
  • Electronics enclosure must be constructed, but is
    small and simple
  • Resources required to baseline this effort - 0
  • The construction cost and schedule estimation
    effort on the part of the AGS liaison engineer is
    supported under WBS 1.11
  • Required design input information is funded under
    WBS 1.4 1.7
  • Preparation for efficient use of MREFC funds - 0
  • This task is not on the critical path, nor are
    detailed designs required to make efficient use
    of MREFC funding in the first year, thus once we
    have the information required for baselining, we
    will be set until the project starts.

WBS 1.11 Management
  • Current Status
  • Full time PM on board
  • No other project office personnel
  • Project documentation described earlier
  • Resources required to baseline this effort -
  • Ongoing PM support
  • Support for AGS Liaison staff
  • Preparation for efficient use of MREFC funds -
  • Chief Mechanical Engineer This hire is needed
    for integration as we approach construction and
    to contribute to the pool of engineering talent
    designing MECO
  • Chief Electrical Engineer the same statement
    applies here
  • Cost and Schedule Manager The PM cannot
    continue in this role as we gear up for
    construction, so this individual should be on
    board well before the start of MREFC funding to
    setup shop and establish procedures

WBS 1.10 1.11 Schedules
Updating the information needed for baselining is
straightforward. Detailed designs await MREFC
funds as this is not a place that we need to
spend money early.
These time estimates could prove optimistic
Proposal MECO Budget 1
Proposal MECO Budget 2
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