Title: XFEL 2004 at SLACm. ferianis
1Synchronization and phase monitoring recent
results at ELETTRA
- Synchronization experiment using light sources
currently available at Elettra - Streak camera measurements
- CW Phase measurements
- Status of the light-to-light jitter monitor
- Single event phase measurement
Mario Ferianis, Miltcho Danailov SINCROTRONE
2Radiation sources currently available at Elettra
- Sources presently available at ELETTRA
- Bending Magnet S12.2 (diagnostic beam line)
- tFWHM30ps tREP ? 1MHz
- Storage Ring - FEL
- tFWHM8ps tREP ? 4MHz,
- Table top fs-lasers TiSa and CrLiSaf
- tFWHM?110fs tREP ? 100MHz
- The SR-FEL is naturally synchronized to ELETTRA
- The table-top lasers may be locked to an external
3Synchronization experiment of a fs Laser to
Elettra Sources
Power Splitter
fREF 83.2756MHz
Phase Detector
Power Splitter
Reference IN
Laser IN
Laser Timing Stabilizer
LP filter
Piezo driver
Laser cavity
Piezo actuator
4View of the Profile Monitor laboratory with the
CrLiSAF laser and the Streak Camera
5Streak Camera acquisitionMulti Bunch (2ns
spacing) beamlaser _at_99.93MHz
fREP1fRF?5 99.9308MHz
64 Bunch beam (216ns/bunch) laser_at_83.275MHz
fREP2 fRF?6 83.2756MHz
75 accumulated acquisitions
Elettra 4 bunch beam
Laser phase oscillations due to external kick
8All three sources
9Phase Detector AD8302 (0?2.7GHz) Analog Devices?
Vector analyser on a chip
10Vphase vs. frequency _at_100MHzDFtot100kHz ?
DFtot0.135deg DFstep13.5mdeg
1deg_at_100MHz 27.7ps DTmin0.187ps (DTstep
/2) 1deg_at_3GHz 0.926ps DTmin6.25fs
11Comparison of two phase measurements
RS generator
Spectrum Analyzer HP3589
AD 8302 Phase Detector
Digital Oscilloscope TEK 7104
Power Splitter
Reference IN
Laser IN
Ceramic Band Pass LC filter
Laser Timing Stabilizer
Power Splitter
2) Phase OUT
Photo diode
Laser cavity
Piezo driver
Piezo actuator
12Spectra of phase noise of the laser locked _at_
AD8302 Vphase
CLX 1100 Phase OUTPUT
13Locked laser damping timeto an external kick
AD8302 Vphase 100mV/div
CLX phase OUT 20mV/div
14Experiment set-up in the SRPM hutch
Power Splitter
fREF 83.2756MHz
Phase Detector
Power Splitter
Reference IN
Laser IN
Laser Timing Stabilizer
LP filter
Piezo driver
Laser cavity
Piezo actuator
15Bandpass filter response to 4 Bunch
beam,f083.275MHz, BW 6.5MHz.
16AD8302 phase measurement 6.5MHz filter output
vs. reference (83.275MHz)
DV330mV ? 33deg
17Narrowband (BW2.5MHz)bandpass filter
18FERMI Phase Measurements
- The term Phase measurement generally refers to
measuring the phase of a signal w.r.t. a
reference. - Rigorously, we can speak about phase when dealing
with sinusoidal signals, eventually sinusoidal
bursts. - For FERMI applications, two different phase
measurements are needed - sinusoidal to reference (CW/CW burst measurement)
- pulse to reference (single event measurement)
- For pulsed signals, the phase difference can be
defined as the time interval bewteen pulse
arrival and next zero crossing of the reference
signal. - The most critical measurement is the second one
due to - required (sub-) ps resolution
- ultra short pulses of limited amplitude (low
energy signals) - low repetition rate (1 to 100Hz)
APL - Dip. Elettronica ed Informatica, Trieste
University and AllTEK Innovation s.r.l.
19Proposed scheme for single event phase measurement
APL - Dip. Elettronica ed Informatica, Trieste
University and AllTEK Innovation
0 Xing detector (low jitter)
Beam pulse signal
Pulse stretcher
Hold off
Time interpolator (SiGe logic)
Reference signal
0 Xing detector (low jitter)
Pulse stretcher
Hold off
20Zero X-ing detector prototypetests with Pulse
GeneratortPULSE300ps APULSE PK-PK90mV
21Zero X-ing detector prototype tests _at_
fREP10Hzfs laser Pockels Cell 25GHz
22Future work
- To complete direct light-to-light phase
measurements in 4B mode - Bending Magnet to external fs laser
- Bending Magnet to SR-FEL
- SR-FEL phase during Q-switch w.r.t. a non
modulated RF (?) - To complete jitter reduction work in the Profile
Monitor hutch - To implement phase measurement at low rep rate
- 10Hz i.e. FERMI
- To characterise laser jitter in fiber optic
transmission - To study the feasibiltiy of an in-house improved
version of phase locking system (timing