Title: Resources for GOVT 387, Fall 2006
1Resources for GOVT 387, Fall 2006
- Dr. Tony Fonseca
- Serials Librarian
- tony.fonseca_at_nicholls.edu
2Library Main Page
You will see the Power Search link below the main
search box
3The iLink Power Search
Here we have put in our search term, and limited
ourselves to books (under Type), which will weed
out government documents
This search was not helpful, but note the
sub-classifications on the right. One of them,
Political Institutions and Public Administration,
may be just the ticket. It is a link, so you can
click on it.
5Our new results list
Granted, this limited us to 11 hits, but we know
the relevancy is high. By clicking on Details, we
can see the Item Record for any of these books.
6Details (Item Record)
If we click on the tab that says Catalog Record
we can actually find out the correct Subject
Terms to use to do this search effectively, in
this case, policy sciences.
7Follow the Subject Links
Ilink has rerun the search as a Subject Heading
search policy sciences. It found 42 titles.
8A more relevant results list
9But Ellender isnt the only library in the world.
Go to Electronic Research Databases, and click on
10What if you could search EVERY catalog in the
Guess what. WorldCat does that.
11What might you find?
You can limit those results by simply clicking on
the icon that says Limit (top left, below
Detailed Record)
12Here we limit by Subject Headings
13A total of 41,000 books to choose from, which can
be further limited to post 2000 titles
Again, use the Limit icon and choose Year.
14And they are all available through Interlibrary
Loan (ILLiad) if Ellender does not have them
15You can also find articles on political topics,
like public policy
Once again go to our Electronic Research Databases
16Notice they are arranged by subject (the third
17Here are your Government databases
You can click on and search any one, for example
Military and Government Collection
18We can try the search term public policy, AND
limit our results to full-text articles
19We get 2055 Hits, all Full-Text
Notice the pdf full-text version of the 9th
20Basically, you get a photocopy delivered to your
21You can also limit your searches to titles
22This returns 191 hits. You may see some html
These are also legitimate forms of full-text.
They are just a little more difficult to cite.
Lets look at one (the 2nd article).
23When you cite these, you have to cite the
database. ?
24And remember.
- If we do not have an article as full-text, we may
have it in print, and you can photocopy it. Ask a
librarian how to determine this. - If we do not have an article in full-text nor in
print, we can always Interlibrary Loan it for
you. Again, a librarian can tell you how to do
25- If you dont happen to be in the library by the
way, all you have to do is call the Reference
Desk, at 448-4625. The librarian on duty can talk
you through the process of determining if we have
something in print. - Just make sure you have opened an Interlibrary
Loan account with Nicholls. - Start at the Library Mainpage.
26Under Services, click on Interlibrary Loan
27Go to the ILLiad link in the first paragraph
28Click on First Time Users, follow the directions,
and voila, you are done
29And it gets even easier.
- We now pay for a service called WebFeat, which is
a federated search engine. What this means is
that you can now search all our databases, or
just databases in a certain subject area,
simultaneously! And yes, WebFeat retrieves
Full-Text articles, so you may not even have to
30Click on WebFeat
31Put in your search terms and limiters
Notice the limiters for full-text and Social
Sciences are checked
32And patiently wait while WebFeat searches
33You can scroll to see your hits
Here are the hits from International Political
Science Abstracts. They seem relevant, but you
may notice articles dealing with Europe, Russia,
34- Keep in mind that WebFeat is just a computerized
product, and it cannot think critically. You may
have to go back and refine your search, by adding
keywords like United States and government.
35(No Transcript)
36Here is our new group of hits from the database
International Political Science Abstracts
37And here are hits from the database called
Academic Search Premier. Number 6 may be near
and dear to our hearts.
38(No Transcript)
39- So you see, thanks to WebFeat, other database
interfaces, WorldCat, and the ability to perform
Power Searches, articles are literally at your
fingertips, and almost any book in the world
could be in your hands in no time