Title: High Resolution Satellite Imagery
1High Resolution Satellite Imagery
Phil Poole Matt Egan SKM
WALIS, 2005
- Welcome
- Overview - SKM DigitalGlobe
- QuickBird
- What's Next?
- Tomorrow is here today
3Sinclair Knight Merz
- Spatial Services Business valued at A20m
- Local office in Perth
- DG Team (Melbourne) - DigitalGlobe Distributor
for Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific
Islands. E-Cognition Reseller - Representatives in Perth, Hobart, Brisbane,
Sydney, Darwin and New Zealand - Find out More
- www.skmconsulting.com
- www.digitalglobe.com.au (coming soon)
- DigitalGlobe formerly EarthWatch
- DigitalGlobe is an Imaging and Information
Company - Delivering information products worldwide
- Providing solutions for your information needs
- Business Strategy
- Serve the worldwide GIS data market
- Sub-meter resolution QuickBird satellites
- www.digitalglobe.com web-enabled database
- Global partnerships for sales and marketing
- QuickBird Satellite Imagery
- Worlds highest resolution commercial imaging
satellite. - Find out more
- www.digitalglobe.com
5The Beginning
- QuickBird launched on Oct. 18, 2001
- Placed in 98 degree inclination, polar, sun
synchronous, low earth orbit at 450 km altitude - Based on a new 0.5 meter US Government operating
license received December 2000 - Satellite is in optimal health and has commenced
imaging upon completion of a verification and
calibration period as of 1 February 2002.
6QuickBird Spacecraft Specifications
- 61-centimetre panchromatic Resolution
- 2.44-metre Multispectral Resolution
- 11 bit dynamic range
- 10.7 Meter RMSE Relative Accuracy
- 57 scenes per orbit
- 0 25 off-nadir
- 4 seconds to per Scene
- 16.5 km swath
- Push broom sensor
- 98 sun-sync orbit
- 1 - 6 day revisit
- 14 orbits/day
- 57 Scenes Per Orbit
7Standard Popular Products
- Panchromatic - Black and White
- Multispectral Used for Analysis
- Pan-sharpened
- Natural color (R,G,B) - Similar to Aerial
Photography - Color infrared (NIR,R,G) False Colour
- Multispectral 4 Band - Higher Resolution MS
Riverside, California
8High Resolution Satellites Superiority
Better Resolution and Faster Delivery
NOAA Weather Satellites
OrbView-3 / 4 Space Imaging
Digital Globe
NASA Environmental Satellites
SPOT Image
Collection Time
Aerial Photography
Russian Satellite
Indian Satellite
4 Weeks
0.5 m
Source C.E. Unterberg, Towbin 1999
9Quickbird Imagery Largest Footprint
- Widest Scene
- More targets per scene
- Builds archive faster
- Easier Mosaicking
- Fewer GCPs
- Faster large area collections
10Latest News
- 2 New Satellites in Build Launch dates in 2006
46cm Resolution - CitySphere to be Launched Perth Included
- EPP Launch of Energy Partner Program BHP,
Apache Marathon on board - Worldview Ground systems in place and stabilized
- Archive growing
- Google vs Microsoft Geo Search engine war
- Orthorectifed imagery now available as an
official product - SKM sign Reseller Agreement with Definiens as
eCognition Reseller July 1st 2005 -
11Expanding DigitalGlobe Infrastructure
Three remote ground terminals (Alaska, Norway,Pa)
North Pole, Alaska
12Imagery for Parcel Mapping Code Enforcement
One of the most important uses for QuickBird
imagery is for property tax revenue (parcel
mapping) and building code enforcement purposes.
Nale Report, 2002
13Computed Impervious Surfaces per parcel
14Storm Water Runoff
Individual parcels taxed according to amount of
impervious surfaces
15Vegetation Index
17th Ave.
16Update GIS Databases
Automatic Land Cover feature extraction based on
multispectral imagery
17eCognition Automated Feature Extraction
Raster to Vector Conversion and Semi-Automated
Clean Up
Raster Roads
18Tomorrow is Here Today
19Imagery / GIS meets Joe Soap
20Imagery / GIS meets Joe Soap
21Imagery / GIS meets Joe Soap
22Imagery / GIS meets Joe Soap
23Imagery / GIS meets Joe Soap
24Imagery / GIS meets Joe Soap
25QuickBird Imagery is Cost Effective
- Many municipalities update 0.25-0.5m imagery
every 3-4 years - Municipalities cannot afford to acquire 0.25
imagery annually - For many purposes, higher resolution aerial
photography is not necessary - Satellite imagery is a cost-effective solution
for current land base updates in interim years - Find the change with satellite orthoimagery on an
annual basis, focus on the change with higher
resolution aerial orthophotos - Satellite imagery provides current and accurate
data needed for planning and management decisions - Important for an enterprise GIS to link timely
image information with other current city-wide
databases, especially for fast growing areas - A whole State Coverage Approach will bring cost
savings to every organisation involved as well as
reducing the overall spend on imagery from
Government each year. - Once used additional benefits will be found for
the imagery such as those demostrated today
26Websites of interest
be.com http//www.definiens-imaging.com
www.gim.act.gov.au www.earthetc.comhttp//ea
lglobe.com.au (Coming soon) www.thelist.gov.ta