Title: CableTelco Internet Monopolies, Walled Gardens and the "Seenoevil" FCC
1Cable-Telco Internet Monopolies, Walled Gardens
and the "See-no-evil" FCC
October 29, 2003 San Francisco, CA
- Current Developments
- Future Prospects
3Current Events
4S. 150/Triennial Review/Cable Modem NPRM -- What
Public Interest?
- Free Corporate Use of Public Resources
- No regulatory requirements for pricing
- No obligation to serve local community interests
- No public interest set-asides
- Walled gardens
5Kennard/Powell FCC--the providers have rights,
not the speakers
- no resale obligation
- no open access obligation
- cable modem/DSL is interstate information
service - i.e. no local or state or federal regulation
- Commr Copps speaks out
6Brand X 9th Circuit
- FCC wrong
- Cable modem telecommunications service
information service - Information and conduit are separable
- Remand to FCC?
7Summary of the Problem
- only the money economy has status
- classic monopoly pricing policy
- resource available to highest payer,
- price unrelated to cost of resource
- dollar value of information controls content
- consumer locked into a Walled Garden
8Whats a Walled Garden?
- Telco or Cable Op chooses
- the user
- the content available
- the nature of the use
- DoCoMo/Fujitsu
9Whats at Stake?
- Remember 2003 and Howard Deans flash in the
pan? - right to interconnect at what price?
- Carrier chooses the service provider
- right to nondiscrimination and privacy
- Comcast spy-ware
- right to reuse without constraint
10The Problem Illustrated
- History of mass media--some speakers have more
access than others - 1 1 vote. i.e. Economic value of product
rather than social value of product - Political Campaign Costs Driven by TV Ads
- No Access to Broadband Distribution for
Independent Producers - Only economically powerful represented/heard
11Bandwidth should be a public good--a basic utility
- cable/telcos want to restrain bandwidth to
protect pricing structure - no voice for the voiceless today
- low incremental cost of bandwidth should be
available for community issues
12The Forums for Advocacy
- UNE-P Implementation
- Cal PUC
- Cable Renewals
- Oakland
- San Jose
- Sacramento
- San Francisco
13Future Needs
- Empower local and state officials to speak to
community interests - Demonstrate the Need for community set-asides
- e.g. U of W in King County, WN
14Contact Information
Nicholas Miller nmiller_at_millervaneaton.com Miller
Van Eaton, P.L.L.C. 1155 Connecticut Avenue,
N.W. Suite 1000 Washington, D.C.
20036-4301 phone 202-785-0600 fax 202-785-1234 www