Title: Recruiting Volunteers
1Recruiting Volunteers
September 10th, 2008
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nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com AIM DFA
Night School
Paid for by Democracy for America,
www.democracyforamerica.com, and not authorized
by any candidate or candidates committee.
2Welcome to DFA Night School!
- Streaming live at
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Questions? Email nightschool_at_democracyforamerica
.com AIM Instant Message DFA Night
School Live blog www.blogforamerica.com
2 Questions? nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com
3Tonights Trainers
Susan Smith, Tampa DFA
Matt Blizek Night School Host Democracy for
Bryan Hageny Deputy Training Director Democracy
for America
Sandra Verthein, Northside DFA
3 Questions? nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com
4Why We Need Volunteers
- People powered campaigns
- Volunteers are the soul of a campaign
- Volunteers build long term progressive
Never question the value of volunteers. Noahs
Ark was built by volunteers, the Titanic was
build by professionals --Unknown
4 Questions? nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com
5You Have to Ask!
- You will never get what you do not ask for
- Not asking for favors, but giving opportunities
- Embrace the No!
5 Questions? nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com
6Whats My Motivation?
- Announcements dont recruit volunteers
- What is a potential volunteers relationship to
the campaign?
If you arent sure why someone is volunteering,
then ask!
6 Questions? nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com
7Who to Ask Relational
- Higher response rates all around
- Details about the campaign arent as important
- Make it about you
- Make it fun
- Network, Network, Network Build a snowball!
7 Questions? nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com
8Who to Ask Usual Suspects
- Campaign Lists
- Voter File
- Allied issue advocacy organizations
- Labor Unions
- High Schools Colleges
- Community Organizations and Faith Communities
- Everywhere!
Remember, busy people are more likely to say
yes! Why do you think theyre so busy?
8 Questions? nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com
9How to Ask Basic Tactics
High Response rates
High Time Commitment
Low Time Commitment
Low Response rates
- The more personal and interactive the ask the
better the response
9 Questions? nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com
- Email nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com
- Instant Message
- DFA Night School
10 Questions? nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com
11Stories from the Field
- Northside DFA Issue Forums
- http//my.barackobama.com
- Networking Make business cards
- Be visible aware
- Dont be ashamed to talk politics with people!
11 Questions? nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com
12How to Ask The Five Cs
- Connect Establish rapport and trust
- Context Explain how they are helping us win
- Commit Get a solid commitment to volunteer
- Catapult Get them invested
- Confirm Remind them of their commitment
12 Questions? nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com
13Crunching the Numbers
Question How many volunteers would be needed to
reach 500 voters with a weekend phone bank?
Step 1 Calculate the number of hours needed
500 voters / 12 (contacts per hour) 41.67
hours Step 2 Calculate the number of volunteers
per shift to recruit 42 hours / 2 shifts / 3
hours per shift 7 volunteers per shift
Answer You will need to recruit 7 volunteers
willing to work a 3 hour shift each day
13 Questions? nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com
- Email
- nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com
- Instant Message
- DFA Night School
14 Questions? nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com
- Make a List of 15 possible volunteers from your
social network and ask them - Sign up together for the Million Doors for
Peace campaign next weekend! - www.milliondoorsforpeace.org
15 Questions? nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com
16Next Week on Night School
- Canvassing Phonebanking
- September 17th, 2008
- www.democracyforamerica.com/canvass
Request a DFA Campaign Training in 2009!
16 Questions? nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com
17Thank you for joining us!
Need to catch up on earlier Night School
presentations? Order previous semesters on
DVD https//democracyforamerica.com/contribute/ni
Join the DFA Trust www.democracyforamerica.com/tru
17 Questions? nightschool_at_democracyforamerica.com